Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-THE POOL

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button (below and on the left) or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

Grab My Button
Did I tell you all that our new house has a pool? Shortly after moving in we found out that it needed to be re-plastered (the pool, that is). And then we found out that the plumbing really needed to be replaced. And, if we were going to do that, it would be prudent to get new electric wiring and more energy efficient pool equipment as well. That may not sound like much, but all of those things combined are the equivalent of a complete pool remodel.

This is what it looked like THEN.
This is what it looked like once they tore up the concrete surrounding the pool and started the plumbing. Then, they had to pull out the old plaster and remove down to the gunite. The new concrete coping and concrete around the pool had to be poured.
Next, they tiled. And plastered.

This is what we chose...."Tahoe" mini-pebble tech.

And lastly, we had to fill with water.

It doesn't sound like much, but I can't even tell you how much time it's taken, how many crews of men have worked on it. How much work it's taken. This has probably been the most stressful "adventure" (we are talking near tears, or in tears every single day for a month) I've ever embarked upon. Before I stop being wordy, I have to tell you one thing: I'm so glad it's done.
It's full of water now (and programmed and swimmable), but I'm saving those pictures until next week or the week after, so I can show you what the pool looks like with the landscaping completed, too.


T Rex Mom said...

I'm hearing that you're so glad it's done so you can relax and enjoy it!!!

Happy WW! My WW is up at T Rex Mom and Dad Tales.

tammy said...

It looks great!!!!

I now you are enjoying it NOW!!!


Muthering Heights said...

What a beautiful pool!

Nicole said...

Wow, how nice. You basically you paid to have a whole new pool installed?!!!!

I would give an arm to have a pool in our back yard.

Momisodes said...

I can only imagine what journey it's been. So glad it's over!
Hope you're all able to enjoy it this summer.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I'm jealous of course.. but not of the time, the work, the cost, the worries, the... yeah.. not jealous of that! But I do miss having a hot tub.. I'd take that back any day! :)

Unknown said...

I'll be there soon. It looks like you need a hand with that (breaking it in, of course).

Scary Mommy said...

So, when are you inviting us all over? Because I'm on my way, like it or not.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

so when can we come and enjoy too??? please? we won't leave a mess or anything!

Unknown said...

Lovely view and the pool looks like it will be such a refreshing area for many fun family memories.
Happy Twirls

Unknown said...

I can't even imagine how much work that was. But Wowza, it looks GREAT! And I am so excited for you! Very, very excited. The kids are going to have SO much fun there!

Kristina P. said...

I am so jealous! I would love a pool!

Staci said...

AWESOME! I can't wait to see the finished product! I bet it looks great and that your fammily is enjoying it!

Hoosier Homemade said...

What a beautiful pool! So worth the work! Enjoy it!
Thanks for hosting!

Allison said...

Love the features you chose. Man, I wish we could have a pool with our TX heat...maybe someday, we'll take the plunge, too (no pun intended)!

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

I can't even imagine what a nightmare that was.. not to mention keeping the kids out of there through all that!

scrappysue said...

when can i come play???

it was totally worth it, right angie!?!?!?!

Jenni said...

I can't wait to see the pictures of the completed pool! I sooo wish we had one!

Anonymous said...

Phew! Thank goodness the hard part's over.
I started to say how much fun next summer would be but ... I have a feeling that your summer's are a tad longer than here :)

Accessorizing and landscaping will be fun!

Justine said...

Noooooooooooooooooooo! Don't do that to me, Angie!!!!!!!!! All the shots leading up to the big reveal looked so good and then you took that final climax (heeheehee) away from me? Waaaaaaaaaaaaa

Justine :o )

Kiki said...

Ugh...I'm super jealous! Wish we had a pool. It will be another scorcher tomorrow. Hello hose and sprinkler. Happy WW and take care.

Kiki said...

Ugh...I'm super jealous! Wish we had a pool. It will be another scorcher tomorrow. Hello hose and sprinkler. Happy WW and take care.

Tim said...

My father in law has a pool company and I love the color on pebble tech in a pool. Nice choice. It will last fo eva!

Love and Prayers,


Melissa said...

Wow that's great you have a pool.
I dunno if I'd want a pool or not.
Maybe I'd like my Bff to have a pool and live next door, then I would be able to use it as much as I'd want but not have to look after it! LOL

Brimful Curiosities said...

Bet all the stress will be worth it once everything is in order!

~Sandy~ said...

awesome! i am sure the kiddies are loving the new pool....can't wait to see next weeks pics ;) congrats!

Anonymous said...

WOW! Pools are some work, I watched one being all dugout and made on tv one time. Crazy work...and hot!

jenn said...

Can't wait to see the finished pool!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Looks like it will be amazing!!! I am coming over (as soon as I can find a free flight to the west coast!!)

Happy said...

You should have a big blog pool party and invite all your closest Wordful Wednesday participants.

Oh heck, just invite me.


It looks very inviting, to say the least! Can't wait to see the landscaping and the crystal blue water I imagined into it!

Kekibird said...

Wow that's a huge undertaking but it's coming out lovely.

Unknown said...

I cannot wait to see the photos of the completed project. The tile looks great!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the finished product. Happy WW! :O)

More Than Words said...

How awesome!! Can't wait for the pictures!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

How nice that it's all done! Now you can enjoy it :D

A Family Completed... said...

It looks great! Ironically enough we just got home from Tahoe and my WW is from the Tahoe shoreline, lol. Happy WW

Unknown said...

I would do drastic things for a lovely pool like that right now, right outside my door! I'm glad you don't have to stress over the re-do anymore! : )

Genny said...

We have pebble-tech in our pool too and absolutely love it!

I've got some pictures of the writing conference up over at my blog. :)

Hope you had a great weekend!

Kimberly said...

Wow! Its looking good now though! Right? :) All the tears and pain for such a sight...I'm sure it will be worth it now that you have it though!
Yay for it being done!

LadyBug-Kellie said...

Oh that does sound like a lot of work! I bet you are so happy its over though! That must feel great! I so wish we had a pool..they are so great in the summer! Enjoy it!

Krisha said...

Wow! I can not wait to see those photos!

Jennifer said...

Honestly, with all the fantastic pictures of your home (and now backyard!) remodel, I wanna live at your house. :-) This is my official petition to be adopted by you! LOL!

Milk and Honey Mommy said...


I think you should celebrate w/a dip in the pool.At least it was completed before the summer weather ended.

Danielle said...

Wow that is some work!

Lindsay said...

Ohhhhhhhhh...........do you just LOVE your new pool?? It looks good already.

Anonymous said...

OOH@ Get on in it!

tiarastantrums said...

man you guys have been in renovation mode for a bit hugh? you must be going crazy there!

just another mother said...


Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Ya had to go and say pool?!? As if I didn't want you to adopt me already! lol

Emilie said...

It sounds stressful so I'm very happy for you that your are finished and happy in your new home. Congrats!!!

debi9kids said...

Our new house doesn't have a pool, but our old one does and needs a lot of what you described. UGH!

Can't wait to see the finsihed product!

Happy WW!

Leland's Mama said...

I LOVE the shape of your pool. Very unique!
I am also participating in Wordless Wednesday: http://www.mamamakesmoney.net/2009/08/wordless-wednesday-swimming-with-daddy.html
As well as a new meme called Worth a Listen Wednesday on my new blog: http://www.musicmoviesmayhem.com/2009/08/worth-listen-wednesday-random.html
Also, feel free to link your giveaways here: http://www.mamamakesmoney.net/2009/08/win-it-wednesday-with-mr-linky_11.html

Kelly said...

It must be fun to have a pool for the kids to play in. We just moved too and even without all the renovations it was stressful enough. I never want to do it again

Eleana said...

I'd love to have a beautiful pool like that. Looks great :o)

Night Owl Mama said...

WOW that is a nice one Where do I sign up

Rob said...

Looks good. Pool are nice but a lot of work as I am sure you know now! Happy WW!

Run DMT said...

It looks fabulous! I am glad you get to enjoy it now! Happy WW!

Hootin Anni said...

....not to mention the expense of it all, and now the upkeep!

I bet it's now beautiful.

Come see the water in MY backyard. LOL....my Wordful is posted.

Maria Berg said...

I do come and visit you now when it is done!!!!
Great to have a pool but I can understand it was near to tears.

4 Lettre Words said...

Wow...I love it!

Courtney said...

My husband has always wanted a in ground pool but i have told him for years that it is more hassle than it is worth (since we live in WV and only get to use it 3 months out of the year). I think i will show him your post later to elaborate my point lol.

Puna said...

Hey there! Thanks for the opportunity to join your meme. It's my first time. I'm looking forward to coming back again! The pool looks great!

Maude Lynn said...

I can't wait to see it!

Kristen Andrews said...

it will be so worth it, I will be over once it is ready.

Liz Mays said...

You have everything! Looking forward to seeing it. :)

koreen (aka: winn) said...

That looks like an awesome pool! Hope you get lots of time to enjoy it. =)

Ash said...

You guys have been working so hard!!

Can't wait to see a shot of you, lounging by that gorgeous pool, with a huge umbrella drink in your hand.

Nina said...

I have heard a lot of work goes into a swimming pool. I bet it is exciting now.

Kristin said...

We have done so much work, I can totally appreciate your tears. My hubby dug the pool out himself with a backhoe! But I would rather have him doing it then the crews of scary men. I don't know about you, but our pool guys had more tatoos and piercings (yes nipple piercings- for my kids to comment on EVERY DAY) than I could count!!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

WOW, sounds stressful!! BUt I bet it was worth it. =D

Rhonda said...

Great job!

kisatrtle said...

can I come over?

Aunt Julie said...

Sometimes I wish we had a pool. Right now, though, I'm happy to be at the beach...

Kim said...

Wow soo jealous of that pool.. it is beautiful...

Unknown said...

Oh, I'll just bet you are glad! Enjoy!!

If I Could Escape . . . said...

Oooh, can't wait to see the finished remodel complete with sparkling water!

Happy WW to you!

April said...

yay for a pool! we live in ours :-)


Dee said...

It looks great!

Frugal Fritzie said...

Looks great, a pool sounds awesome right about now in this August heat :)

Ms. Latina said...

You must be so relieved to have it finished! Can't wait to see the complete pics!

Happy WW

Amy said...

Wow that pool looks wonderful..

Jennifer said...

Absolutely stunning and yes I am a wee bit envious. Enjoy! Happy WW!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I am just a sucker for a hottub built into the pool area. Did you have any idea that the house would be this much work??

Stefany said...

That seriously looks like HELL! I am glad it is done and you all can enjoy it now.

Stacy Uncorked said...

That's a cool pool - well, I'm sure now it is... ;) Thanks for the heads up - my 'wish list' for our next house has 'pool' on it, but I'll be sure to find out if it's going to need a makeover first. Sounds like the whole process was like having a new pool put in - but more work. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of the completed coolness! ;)

Happy WW! :)

Susie said...

Remodeling stinks but those results are going to be awesome!!!

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog, Angie! I DO hope you had fun looking around. I know I have fun on yours! The fact that you had monoamniotic twins is amazing! Wow! I haven't been able to find your posts about your experience, but I assume that's the case? Anyway, it's so great to meet you and I look forward to seeing you around soon!

Unknown said...

That's quite a remodel - can't wait to see the other pics of it with the landscaping!

Salty Incisor said...

AWESOME. It looks great, I like the tahoe pebble you chose!I bet you and the kids are beyond excited!! Cant wait to see the final finished product!!
Happy Swimming!

BookLady said...

I feel for you! I bet the final product is amazing!

Michelle said...

When I was a teen we had a pool put in so I know what you are speaking of!

Have fun enjoying your new and improved pool.

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Angie, I just read your monoamniotic story, and I don't know if it's my pregnancy hormones or what, I but left with quite a few tears! What a story! I'm so thrilled everything turned out so well for you. When I found out I was expecting twins, they couldn't see a membrane at first either, but were eventually able to determine that there was one! Thank goodness! Can't wait to visit you more often!

Megan said...

What a nightmare! It DOES sound like a lot of work! Thank God for you and your family that it's done! Can't wait to see it all finished and beautified. =)

Erin @ Furry Murray said...

WCan't wait to see the big reveal! :) Ahhhh...a pool sounds great right now!

Unknown said...

Wow! Great pool. Congratulations.

My photo in today's WW represents an emotional story.


Mamí♥Picture said...

I will be waiting to see more pictures...
Have a ♥lovely♥ Wed!

Mama Fish said...

I am insansely jealous of that pool! My husband had to clean the pool growing up and he detested it... so he is quite opposed to getting one. I on the other hand wish we had one during these ridiculously hot and humid summers!

I can't wait to see the finished pictures with all the landscaping! I bet it's gonna look awesome!

carrhop said...

It's looking great! I know you'll get lots of fun use out of it!


Trina said...

Hi, just discovered your blog and love the Wordful Wed feature. Just wanted to offer some feedback tho. The links show up white and are very hard to read without hovering over them (so that they turn brown). Not sure if anyone else has a problem reading the white but thought I would let you know :)

Anonymous said...

WOW, its good that the pool is done, but I definitely would not have wanted that project.

Molly said...

Looks great! Having a pool is awesome.

Jane Anne said...

Good for you for taking pictures of the work done. You are going to love looking back at those. And, you are going to have so much fun playing in the pool

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

So glad it's done, I can only imagine how stressful it must have been!

Can't wait to see the "after" fun pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a task to endeavor! Can't wait to see the "AFTER" pics :)

Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said...

CANNOT even imagine what you went through. I still would LOVE to have a pool put in. I'm working on hubby for that one! ;)

sarah @ life {sweet} life said...

Wow...I am jealous! Love it!! Enjoy. :)

Melissa said...

Wow, looks great so far!! I can't wait to see the finished product (landscaping and all)!! We are looking for a new house now.... WITH A POOL!!! (although I am a bit scared with my 4 year old, Angie)

Kacey said...

Oh my! Now go lounge by the pool and soak up all that hard work! Yo udeserve it! :D

Ryanne said...

I always thought I would love to have a pool in the back yard...but maybe not...sounds like a lot of work and our public pools here only cost $2 for adults and one for kids...I think I will stick to that! Glad it is over!

Sara Elizabeth said...

Nice! That is one heck of a pool.

ChefDruck said...

Pool work can be so overwhelming. We faced a lot of that when we moved into our old house in NJ. But, let me join everyone in telling you, it will all be worth it. Having your own pool is amazing.

Kristin said...


Sarah J. said...

Today is my 5 year anniversary! Happy August 12.

C H R I S T I said...

It seems as though it might have been a trying time but now you get to enjoy the reward of all that craziness! Enjoy!!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ It does sound like a lot of work! Looks great with out water and I can't wait to see what it looks like with water and landscaping! :)

Susan Cook said...

Sounds like a lot of work, but I'm sure it was worth it. Hope the whole family is enjoying the new pool. I'll be interested to see what it all looks like now.

annies home said...

will be a wonderful pool after all that work you will be proud

Kathleen W. said...

That really looks like it was long and stressful, and I'm sure it was hard to keep your kids out of there. The lure of dirt and mud must have been irresistible.

Virginia said...

My meager potato harvest

Jennifer P. said...

120 comments about pool plaster?! That's some pretty plaster :)!

Looks great!

AiringMyLaundry said...

The pool looks fantastic!

I want one now.

Lula! said...

This might sound selfish and indulgent and trite, but I honestly thank God for our pool. It's our vacation in the backyard...a necessary summer treat.

Love your pool, especially the finish..."Tahoe" min-pebble tech. Fabulous! Can't wait to see the finished result!

J said...

Wow, it looks awesome. I'm so jealous!

Colette S said...

Oh you will ENJOY that pool! I can't wait to see it whenever! i want to come over!

girlytwins said...

SO exciting!! Now we just an invite to come join in on some swimming fun :)

Casey's trio said...

WOW...that is alot of reconstruction....the house and the pool? Hope you are all getting nicely settled in now!

Honey Mommy said...

Can I come play in your pooL?

Halftime Lessons said...



What a HUGE job! And it looks fantastic!

Cant wait to see the finished product...


Jenners said...

Yikes! Seems like you've had to changing everything in this new house! But the pool looks fantastic. I can't wait to see it in use!!! I'm sure the kids are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Awesome!!!!!! I am such a pool person and I have always LOVED seeing before and afters with pools. Loving yours!!!! In fact, that is one thing I MUST show soon and I had already been thinking about it for a long time now. We had a lot work done around it in terms of the deck and the backyard and it just makes such a diff.

We do have to re-tile the pool so we'll paint it at the same time since it's so old and stained.