My kids are the absolute best when it comes to providing comedic relief.
Take this conversation for example:
(Background): The kids and I were talking about going over to my cousins house and that she has a dog.
Emma, "({cousins name}-I'd reveal her name, but making it seem mysterious and secret is more fun) has a dog?"
Garrett, "Yes. She has a dog. What kind of dog is it mom?"
John, "I know what kind of dog she has. She has a weiner dog."
Me, "her dog is not a weiner dog".
(wondering to myself when he started differentiating between dog breeds, since he is only 3).
Take this conversation for example:
(Background): The kids and I were talking about going over to my cousins house and that she has a dog.
Emma, "({cousins name}-I'd reveal her name, but making it seem mysterious and secret is more fun) has a dog?"
Garrett, "Yes. She has a dog. What kind of dog is it mom?"
John, "I know what kind of dog she has. She has a weiner dog."
Me, "her dog is not a weiner dog".
(wondering to myself when he started differentiating between dog breeds, since he is only 3).
John, "yes he is. I saw it".
Get it?
I rest my case.
Or, take this converstation we had yesterday morning:
John: "Mom! Can we go to the boy store today?"
Me: "What do you want from the "boy" store?" (What is the boy store anyway?)
John: "Coyote Boots".
Me: "Why do you want "coyote" boots?"
John: "So that I can step in Coyote Poop and it won't get on my feet".
Clearly, he is need of "coyote" boots..........I mean, it's everyday that he almost steps it IT, right?

Get it?
I rest my case.
Or, take this converstation we had yesterday morning:
John: "Mom! Can we go to the boy store today?"
Me: "What do you want from the "boy" store?" (What is the boy store anyway?)
John: "Coyote Boots".
Me: "Why do you want "coyote" boots?"
John: "So that I can step in Coyote Poop and it won't get on my feet".
Clearly, he is need of "coyote" boots..........I mean, it's everyday that he almost steps it IT, right?

lmfao. period.
I adore your boys. So stinking cute!!!
They're just so dang precocious, aren't they?
Wonder what he expected Weiner dog to look like? hhmm...
I just don't understand why you won't get the poor child Coyote Boots. It COULD happen you know. Then how ya goina feel?
Too funny!!!
Comic relief is right!!! It's all in the little things too. The other morning I was showering and Tristan was still sleeping. But all of a sudden he nonchalantly walks into the bathroom to pee and says "wassup mom?"
I love kid conversations!
I love that picture of the boys....and they sound like little characters!
I am still laughing about the weiner dog.
I have it on my list of things to do to get a composition book and write down all of the funny things that Jackson will surely say... as soon as he starts talking, that is :)
kid conversations are awesome!
My hubby needs some coyote boots because he steps in "it" all the time!
we have sooo many conversations like this at my house! i love them all and try to document as many as i can for those days when i need a good laugh. they are precious!
I love conversations with kids :)
You have some amazingly cute kiddo-s!
They are funny! and double comedians must equal more fun than most!
They are funny! and double comedians must equal more fun than most!
They are funny! and double comedians must equal more fun than most!
There is little funnier than conversations with a three year old :)
Love those Lee boys!!
I am just stopping by to let you know that,
Tag, Your It!
Come on over, you've been tagged on my Blog!
It's so true, my kids come up with stuff all the time that make me wonder where they're getting their information.
Coyote boots are totally neccessary.
ps You have the follow me buttons did you get yours?? Jill gave me the code, but I can't figure it out and I don't want to bug her. Is there an easy way?
Hilarious! They are too adorable.
I love it! I cannot wait until my little one is a little more converseful.
that's fantastic!! I love the little things that they can come up with. No one makes me laugh more than my sweet cute boys.
So funny!!
So I'm taking it that they don't have a dauchschand? (Don't know if I spelled that right but I hope you know what I mean ... a weiner dog.)
My son is in need of wiener dog ironic!
What a funny post I use to have that kind of dog. A hot dog or what ever you want to call it.
I cant get over how stinkin cute your boys are.
And where the hell do you live that there is coyote poop everywhere?
Oh man, I can't wait until the talking begins with my son. I'll have so much more material to blog about.
kids thoughts and words are very funny...
You have coyote poop 'round your neck of the woods?
I adore your kids. Not only are they gorgeous, they're hilarious. A winning combo!
What exactly IS a coyote boot? And where is this BOY store?
My God they're gorgeous!
Justine :o )
Btw... IS it a wiener dog?
Oh don't they just crack you up? I love it!
rofl @ weiner dog.. love it!
Oh, I adore those faces!
OMG, I love the weiner dog part! ::snicker::
♥ They're adorable... Never a dull moment! Love the coyote boots! :)
so cute! I need a store called "the neighbor's cat boots"--I step in their poop all the time :P
I'm so glad you added your blog to your SITScaton site. See how easy it was for me to hop over here and read this?
My son is only 2 but the funny things are starting to be said. So I am looking forward to the stories!
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