Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Wordful Wednesday-Lifeguards

I, for one always feel so much better when they are on duty.

Let's just hope no one else does.

In about 20 days they might be more qualified for the job seeing as though they'll be 3.

I'm hijacking my own post.

My babies are going to be 3. And then I'll blink and they'll be old enough to vote.


No more beach photos from here on out. I promise.

Next time I'll take a picture of something really interesting....like my lemon tree. :)
*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it. If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!


Live.Love.Eat said...

Please don't promise to take away beach pictures. Why would you do such a hurtful thing :) I live in FL and STILL love beach photos. I'd like to see you all on the beach with a red checkered tablecloth having a picnic. Not sure where that came from but hey.....

I'm trying to pretend I'm not first. So, I'm not going to even mention that I'm first. It's not like I was sitting her trying to be first or anything, ok..........

tiarastantrums said...

very cute - very jealous

Jenni said...

I like the beach pictures!!! Cute little lifegaurds!

Live.Love.Eat said...

And you should never misspell especially when you're first. Yikes. Sitting HERE, sitting HERE, trying to be first. I mean, NOT trying to be first........

Anonymous said...

I feel your joy/pain! When little humans have been in this world for 36 months they are almost grown!? They can feed themselves, they can almost go potty, they sleep in their own bed, they negotiate, they demand, they hug and speak and kiss. After 36 months of our gentle guidance they become boys and girls and they begin to learn so quickly! Congrats to you on this achievement!

jori-o said...

Cute babies. And it's true, they will grow up TOO fast. And I'm pretty sure none of us mind the beach pics!

Anonymous said...

But I love the beach pictures! Three is such a good age!! Happy WW!

Jen said...

I so know what you mean, you blink and then they are grown. Why does it have to happen this way.
But those are so nice lookin' lifeguards.

girlytwins said...

After (jealously) enjoying your beach pics I think I need to take advantage of the fact that we have had amazingly gorgeous weather and I live an hour from the beach too.

3!!! NO WAY. Cuz that means my girls are close behind. :(

Anonymous said...

I love all the beach pictures!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the beach...makes me want to go there!

stefanie said...

Keep the beach coming! The boys look so official up there...

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

They grow so (too) fast!

A magical WW to you!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

So cute!! Isn't it scary how fast they grow!!

Kacey said...

I am living vicariously through yoru beach pictures - so please don't take them away. Although that lemon tree sounds fab too! :o)

Susie said...

This is the first time I am playing. Hopefully, I did it right:-)

sassy stephanie said...

Everyone tells you when you are preggo how fast times flies. But you cannot truly comprehend it until you are living it. *sigh

Neil said...

I LOVE your beach pictures! So glad you're all having a good time in SoCal. Saw your E-mail and will get with the program and write back soon!

Honey Mommy said...

I knew it! You are just posting pictures of the beach so I would be jealous... sitting here in the rain which will soon be snow! *sigh*

Leslee P said...

You can still post the beach pics through out the year, i give you permission, even though I would love to see your lemon tree...

Deb said...

i love how they look so at home. do they walk up and down and up and down that ramp?

PLEASE don't let up on the beach photos, although who'd want to pass up the chance to view a lemon tree?!

they do grow up so fast... it's true. kiss those sweet, almost three y.o. big boys.

Mamarazzi said...

mmmm lemons...

i love your beach pics!!

Debra said...

The beach pictures are fine until Thursday... when we get flurries here! LOL

Lemon tree? You lucky gal!

Lorie said...

First...I'm so happy I was able to post Wordful Wednesday on Tuesday, because I have to work tomorrow; and I may have forgotten.
Second....beach pictures are my absolute favorite.
Third...If you want to see a really cute bootie, check out my Wordful Wednesday post.
Fourth...I really love beach pictures, did I already say that?

Anonymous said...


keep the beach pics coming!!!

Casey's trio said...

I know I won't get tired of beach pictures! What fun, new experiences for your kids too enjoy. They must be loving it just as much as you. So waht date is their bday?

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I don't mind the beach photos!

Cristin said...

I love the Beach photos!!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Ahh, I love the beach pics too! Well I love anything you put up :) I'm all linked up :)

Rhonda said...

Hey, look at you go already! I think you are going to beat last week's number!

jenn said...

I like the beach pictures. Even if I'm a bit jealous.

Rachel said...

Awww. What's wrong with the beach? It's one of the few redeeming qualities for the ridiculous cost of living!

Sarah said...

BEACH! i wanna go home! waaaaah!

Unknown said...

I could look at pictures of the beach all day so it's cool with me if you keep posting them! Just sayin...

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

wheres my post?!?

No, dont stop posting pictures of the beach!

Unknown said...

I love the beach and am living vicariously through you and your family. Lovely photo!

Jessica said...

I love that your kids will have childhood memories of the beach. They will make wonderful lifeguards.

Joyce said...

Don't worry, Angie. To us mommies, babies are ALWAYS interesting!!!

Simply AnonyMom said...

BEAUTIFUL beach pics. I know the beach looks so different in your pics then from what I see here in WA.

Anonymous said...

Here's my WordFul Wednesday.

A Novel Menagerie

Ms. Candice said...

So I guess no one was on duty, eh?

Katie @ makingthishome.com said...

I love the picture on the ramp. Beaches aren't a part of my life, so I like seeing how life for people who live near them is. Thanks for one more beach shot!

Unknown said...

They do grow to fast! For us, I don't know where the last 17 months have gone.

I couldn't be wordless today, so I knew I needed to join in over here!

Have a great day!

Mandy said...

Love it! :)

Ash said...

Late to the party as usual.

LOVE the beach pictures - please keep them coming!!


Anonymous said...

Oh...they do. They look so big. How did that happen? What are you feeding those boys?

With each age comes special treasures. That is, until they reach their teens. :)

Oh, they're treasures then alright, aren't they? Mischievous devious treasures.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

seriously angie...the beach pics are killing me!!! i need to be at the beach...now i have beach envy again!

as for the lifeguards...i agree. i just feel a little better when they are there with their eyes too...can there ever be enough peeps watching my kiddos near water? nope!

Anonymous said...

very nice photo at the beach!! hugs and prayers...

Anonymous said...

angie, could you be a luv and link to http://blog-diggidy.com instead of
blog-diggidy.blogpsot.com (this one no longer exists)...thanks so much!!!

Heather said...

I love beach pictures! You can post one everyday and I'd enjoy it!!!

Carrie and Jim said...

Happy WW! Love the beach photos makes me want to go there now.

carrhop said...

Cute, cute stuff! I'm not tired of the beach pics, so you can keep 'em coming!


Sam_I_am said...

ahhhhh, the beach... Pennsylvania has a beach.... on Lake Erie....

13 years and they can get their licenses. :-)

hippos toes said...

I love the beach photos! They grow up so fast. My little guy will be 2 in February and I still can't figure out where the time went. I wish I could bottle him and keep him this age forever. I love that I can hug, kiss and squeeze him as much as I want to. Motherhood is an amazing thing!! :)

Michelle said...

Happy birthday to your little guys! Yesterday when we voted the man at the polling place asked my oldest if she would be voting soon. She said, "Not for another 5 years."

Holy cow.....it goes by so fast!

I love the beach pics!

Anonymous said...

Cute cute. Feel free to bring those beach pictures back say Jan/Feb so that I can close my eyes tight and pretend I'm where you are. :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable shot. I can't live without adding words to the WW posts... Wordful Wednesday is a great idea.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i am okay with beach pictures...at least as long as we continue to have 7-0 degree days around here! cute picture! i hate that the years just storm by without any thought of whose heart they are trampling on...

Upward Falling Autumn said...

Personally, I love beach pics :)

Melissa said...

I just can't believe that it can be so different in weather in the same country.
I'll never get used to that.
I love the beach pic's.
Man I'd be at the beach all the time if we had one.
Love the beach.
Miss the beach.

Anonymous said...

i have feedburner?? not sure what i need to do to fix that??? do you ?? lol ...

KatieZ said...

I love the beach and Hubby has never been, so these pics are the only way he gets to see what it's really like. Don't take them away! Congrats on the kids turning 3. Love it while you can!

Mandy said...

Oh, I enjoy beach pics, I can live vicariously sp? through them...

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I'm okay with beach pictures too! It's 40ish degrees here and windy as ever! :)

Heather said...

yea, a lemon tree. i wish i could have either that or an orange tree. doubt either would do too well in the midwest.

Shannon said...

Yeah, I'm probably not going to enjoy those beautiful beach photos when its below zero around here:)

Great one. OUR BABIES ARE GOING TO BE 3!!! What happened? How can we make them stop??

girlytwins said...

It's only 9:30 am in Cali and you already have 90 players. How cool is that? :)

K said...

Never too many beach photos is the opinion of this landlocked Midwesterner! But I do love lemon trees... :-)

Kim said...

They do grow fast. I just came across this video of the girls around 18months old. They were so little, sometimes it's hard to remember those days! BTW I love the beach pics!

Maude Lynn said...

That's a really cool picture!

Melissa said...

You can never post too many beach pictures.... They are great!!

KATE said...

I would definitely feel more confident knowing they were watching over things! SO cute!!

Rachel Berry said...

Well I can't see anymore beach pictures, cause now your just showing off your warm weather! :):):):):) it's soooooo cold here, we already have snow on the MT, I'm not ready for winter, can I come visit you? :)

Mozi Esme said...

We will just have to wait 20 days or so before heading to the beach again - wouldn't want any underqualified lifeguards on duty, you know?! How cute!

Mozi Esme said...

And there's another award on my last post for you.

Lorie said...

What a great picture! I am going to have to join in next week! I have you added to my Google Reader so I will remember!

Cheryl Lage said...

I need to start adding myself to Wordful as I cannot even begin to NOT be wordful with my Way Backs!

Am adding you to my linky too! ;)

LifeNStuffUSA said...

I don't feel like such a mush reading I'm not the only one feeling sad that my "baby" just turned 3 on Halloween!

Mrs Anne said...

love the beach pics... keep em coming!

however, a lemon tree pic is also requested... :)

p.s. bummer you're not in WL anymore, we totally could have gotten together!

If you come back to visit.. give me a heads up! :)

debi9kids said...

It's so odd to see the sunny beach when I am freezing my butt off here :)

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

yeah, yeah, yeah!!!! Just remember me freezing my fanny off will you enjoy the beautiful SO Cal weather!

Aunt Julie said...

My kids always wanted to be lifeguards, and now that they're older, guess what? Yup, both are gainfully employed as...lifeguards!

ChefDruck said...

I like this concept of word-full wednesdays. I always feel like I'm cheating on my wordless wednesdays.... I didn't exactly let the words roll this week - but more next week!


Kristin said...

oooooh, you have a lemon tree? Jealous. Make LOTS of fresh lemonade, and if you're headed to UT anytime soon, bring me some!

Jennie said...

love them and squeeze them as much as you can... they grow up too fast these days.... great photo....

tonya said...

Love kids on the beach!

Anonymous said...

I never tire of beach photos. Keep posting them please!!

the father said...

I love beach pictures!!!

Now woman, when do we get to schedule a shoot? :D

My name is Tammie said...

Crap!!!! I was signed in as my husband! Hate it when I do that. Anyway, Adrock16 was me, not some creep looking to take pictures of your beautiful family. Sorry!

Tonya Staab said...

I'm guessing there won't be a ton of opportunities to go to the beach. I can't believe it's rained twice in the past week.

Lottie_Ellie said...

I cannot believe they are going to be three already! Wow.

Laura said...

I think your trying to kill me with all your warm weather and sunshine pics. I could live for that weather all year long. I really could.

As for turning three, its not possible! Your boys are still babies. Oh wait... going back to babies times two might be worth letting them grow up.

Rhea said...

dang, look how much this meme is taking off!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the life of a mom is filled with such bitter sweetness. Congratulations mom...and I feel your pain!

LaTonya Yvette said...

Such a beautiful picture. It's gloomy here in Upstate NY. You wanna trade places