Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wordful Wednesday-home

I was "raised" in a city known for it's Orange Groves. My house growing up had a huge lemon tree. I loved that lemon tree.

Then we moved to Massachusetts and then Oregon where Citrus trees of any kind are in short supply.

I went without (except in dire need) lemons for years because I couldn't bring myself to pay the exorbitant prices in grocery stores when I had gone my whole life getting them for free.

So, you can imagine how happy I was to move into a house with a huge, glorious lemon tree in the back yard. The lemons are HUGE.....most the size of a mini football.

That's one of the perks of living in Southern CA. And there are so many more. I'm really loving it. Things are all falling into place and the kids are finally starting to get settled.

Have I mentioned yet that we're lucky? We are safe from the wild fires, we have a great home to live in. Our needs are met, we live by family, we have plenty of food to eat, and clothing to wear. Yep, I feel blessed.

And now you know how I feel about our move. A bit sad to give up all that we loved in Oregon, but infinitely blessed to have moved to a place that "feels" like home.


*Bear with me once again...if Mr. Linky is acting up, it's totally not my fault! :) He appears and then disappears. The code is here, it's just not working off and on.


Live.Love.Eat said...

That is beautiful. Almost like a movie where those lemons are symbolic of so much more than what just grows on a tree. I am happy for you!!!!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh, where's Mr. Linky? Here's my linky just in case there's trouble.


Honey Mommy said...

Mmm.... lemons! I wish you could send me some! I can taste them already.

Rachel said...

Hmm -- those look goods; you guys are definitely blessed. I'm so glad you're safe!

tiarastantrums said...

oh I can smell the tart skin from here! Jealous again . . . my son would DIE for a lemon tree - he drinks lemon juice from the bottle!!!!!

Ash said...

Sounds like absolute Heaven.

Congratulations on making it through the move and finding your special space.

You're so correct - it is an awesome gift.


P.S. do you have room for a boarder? I'm so ready to spring from Texas!!

girlytwins said...

I am so happy that you feel at home :) You have so much to be thankful for.

Yummy lemon tree. I may have to stop by for a visit just to steal one.

So excited to have you here. I'm sure So Cal missed you :)

Jen said...

That is so cool. I would love to have a lemon tree, I can almost taste all the wonderful things that I could make with them.

BTW, I am thinking that soon you will have to change the title to Wordful Tuesday if this goes up any earlier.. hehehehe ;)

Susie said...

I love lemons!! I hope to get a lemon tree here so. It won't be quite as grand as those but, they will be mine:-)

Jocasta said...

I would love to have a lemon tree like that! Maybe in our new house!

So wonderful that it feels like home already for you. Was thinking about you and Jenny and the wild fires and hoping you were safe - glad you are!

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Home always has a lemon tree. We have a lemon, a grapefruit, a lime and a cumquat but at this time of year (late Spring) only the cumquat has ripe fruit.

kay said...

I am so glad that it's starting to feel like home! That is such a good feeling.

Allison said...

Congrats on your move...glad you feel more "at home".

Unknown said...

You are blessed, as and I and most of that read your blog, I would assume. Thanks for the reminders Angie!

My mother STILL goes on about the awesome fruit trees she had in her yard in California! : )

Rhonda said...

It is amazing to me how often American's move around their fine country. I've been in the same place FOREVER! Canadians just don't tend to relocate around the country.

But, happily, I will see more of the world on Friday! I'm getting VERY excited!!!!

Sarah said...

Oh yay! That's wonderful!

Leslee P said...

i love lemons... i could eat 5 in one sitting. The more sour they are the better. MMMM, I see lemon ade stands in your future.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you love your new home. We have moved alot and it is great that you have adapted so quickly. I wish you many blessings in your new home.

The Avid Reader said...

I'm glad things are settling down for you! And I'm a little jealous of your new warm locale! (freezing here in CT) :)

Sheri said...

Oh . . . where's Mr. Linky? Durn it. Anyway, one of my favorite parts of visiting CA was the fresh fruit on the trees . . . I'm so jealous . . . but glad you are safe! I'll check back for Mr. Linky!

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

Makes me wanna make lemonade! Glad your here in Ca too! Hope to meet you sometime soon!

jenn said...

Glad you're liking your new home.

hippos toes said...

I'm so jealous!! I have always wanted a lemon tree!! I'm glad you love your new home :)

Lorie said...

We have a lemon tree in our front yard and it is one of my favorite things about this house!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you...I can only hope and pray that the changes that we have coming up in the near future will be as successful as your changes!

Lorie said...

I would love to have a lemon tree. My girls would love that. Thanks for letting me post on Tuesday again.

Clark Captions said...

This is so great Angie! I love that lemon tree and wish I had one! Dang....guess I better move to S. Cal! Kyle would never go for it! I am so glad that you have so much peace moving back! And, just in time for the holidays! I hope you truly enjoy them. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. How nice that you can grow lemons in your back yard. Enjoy being home. :)

Tiffany said...

I do love it here in CA.

So glad everyone is getting settled!!!

Kim Heinecke said...

Gurl, you gots you some big ol' lemons. (I can't say I've ever heard that spoken to me. :)

Unknown said...

Love the lemons. I am glad that you are truly home.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ It's so great that you feel like you're home again. I haven't felt that way in years... When we'd go to my grandma's in Southern California we'd always see all the lemons and avocada trees! :)

AutoSysGene said...

I can tell just from the way your posts are so laid back lately that you are really enjoying your new place in life.

I love that...it's so reaffirming. And it proves that sometimes change CAN be a good thing!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

that is so wonderful that you are finally home! glad to hear that everyone is getting all settled and things are going so well!

Lorie said...

So sorry Angie....I forgot to link back to your blog when I originally posted my WW, so I went back and added it on. OOOPS!! Also I hope 3 pics for a WW post are acceptable, because I couldn't choose just one this time. Thanks again!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I can't imagine how wonderful those fresh lemons must smell and taste!! It must feel so nice that the entire family is getting settled in.

I am also very happy to hear that you are safe, I was thinking about you when I was reading about the wildfires the other day...

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

It is so nice to get settled into 'home'!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

I forgot to wish you a magical WW!

SOOOOO .....

A magical WW to you!

Kristen Jensen said...

I would really love to come and visit you some time. :)

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

I am so glad that you are all settling in and feeling at home again. I bet your kids love lemonade! I hope to see some pictures of your house soon. I am glad you are near family as well. That makes all the difference!

debi9kids said...

Lemon Tree, Very Pretty & the Lemon smells sweet....

Very jealous of your beautiful citrus tree. So not happening here in NJ ;)

Belinda said...

Gorgeous shot of the citrus, makes me want to reach in and pluck one:)

Kristin said...

glad you're happy with the move. did the house in OR sell?

jori-o said...

Purty lemons!! I'll come back top check for the notorious Mr. Lionky too, but just in case...


Brandy said...

Glad to hear that you are safe from the wildfires and are having beautiful weather. My Favorite Soldier would LOVE to have some fruit trees in our yard he grew up surrounded by fruit trees.

Kacey said...

I'm so happy that you and your sweet family are settling in well. What a great post! And you're lemon tree is a beauty!

Mamarazzi said...

beautiful blessings...i love that you shared this.

Lindsay said...

Lemon Trees - how glorious! That would be a little slice of heaven in my backyard! I so happy for you - that you are happy about youre huge move!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

We had a peach tree in our back yard growing up. It was awesome! Now you've got me wanting to plant a fruit tree in my yard.

Jennifer P. said...

when life gives Angie lemons....she gets really excited :)!

Munchkins and Music said...

Mr. Linky's not so linky anymore is he?? I have to tell you that I visited Disneyland in high school and I did eat an orange there in Cali, and I was in heaven!! I LOVE oranges from cali, and strawberries, and pretty much all california fruit, waaayyyy better than shipped Alaskan fruit.

Laura said...

I loved reading this post! I am so glad to read that you are feeling happy and settled.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't know lemons grew that big. We can only buy little bitty ones here in Indiana.

Lacey in the Sky said...

I'm so glad that your new house is turning into home :o)

Robin said...

How wonderful when home and heart coincide.

We've got a lemon tree in a pot that's actually giving a fair amount of fruit (for a small potted tree) this year!

Deb said...

you ARE blessed... and we are blessed to "know" you.

i think it would be a dream to have a tree like that in our yard. i know my kids would love it and be constantly making lemonade (or having me make it).

K said...

We lived in CA for a while, in a place with free lemons and even avocados! It was glorious. But just as good is counting your blessings wherever you are, and making that place home. I rejoice with you!

Scary Mommy said...

Ohhhh... I just love lemon trees. So beautiful!!

Claire said...

No Mr Linky!!! :(

United Studies said...

As someone who has to pay $1/lemon I am sooo jealous of your lemon tree! I have determined that as soon as we buy a house, I am growing a lemon tree.

Mozi Esme said...

Those are some gorgeous lemons! We have 5-6 lemon trees at our house here in Mozambique, but they are the ugly variety - wrinkled and brown even though very juicy and edible inside! I just wish I could come up with ideas of things to do with them!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

That would be awesome to have a lemon tree. Around here we have apple trees, but usually not in our backyards. Some people do who live in the country, but still.

I'm glad it is all working out in Southern Cal. My husband lived there when he was a teen and hated it, but it was a bad time for him all around.

I'm also glad you are away from those wildfires! Wow! They are crazy and it is so heartbreaking for those who are losing their homes!


Anonymous said...

It would be so great to have a lemon tree! I can only dream! :)

carrhop said...

So glad that you are settling in and see lemony bits of home!


Danyele Easterhaus said...

i want me some lemons...please!!!

and, i can't post pics for some reason this morn. what is up with that? i am in bloggy depression. :(

A.V.A said...

MMM I love lemons with salt on them. I would be in heaven if I had a lemon tree.

mommiex4_2008 said...

I would like to start participating in wordful Wednesday. =)

Joy said...

How fun would it be to go out in your back yard and pick a lemon or orange off the tree.

Susie said...

I'm so happy your are home. What a beautiful backyard you must have with that giant blossoming tree in it!
Thanks for the reminder too, to get off my pity pot and start making lemonade-no matter how much they cost in my neck of the woods.

Life is precious and very sweet when you look in all the right places.

I'm so lucky to have you as a bloggy buddy--you absolutely ROCK Angie!

Kathleen W. said...

Now I'm really jealous of you! First the beach, then the sunshine, now the orange trees! When can I come visit?!

Indigo Children said...

you are lucky. that is a gorgeous lemon tree :)

I imagine there will be lots of fresh lemonade, lemon desserts...

Indigo Children said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sassy stephanie said...

I love all citrus fruits. They are so yummy!

Liza said...

What a gorgeous backyard! Can I come over and sit back there? :)

Michelle said...

After I put my name into Mr. Linky I signed off and completely forgot to comment.

I'm so glad you are enjoying being in So Cal. I couldn't imagine living any where else.

When we were kids we had many fruit trees. We would put them in our little red wagon and sell them to neighbors.

Kim said...

I always wanted a citrus tree, but they don't flourish well in PA. You lucky duck!!! Enjoy your wonderful lemon tree.

Joyce said...

I know what you mean about lovin' the warmer climate. We live in the Pacific Northwest (Washington). All of our children were born here, and I'm content here. HOWEVER, some of the children have informed us that they are moving somewhere SUNNY when they grow up!

I'll post later, when I get home from work. :)

Stephanie said...

The warmth I see in that photo is delicous! Beautiful. I'm so happy to hear you are loving your move and that you guys are SAFE.

I've always struggled with feeling like I'm "home" since I moved seven yrs. ago. My whole family is in MO...we're here alone :( It's tough. Soooo happy you're feeling rooted/grounded!

Happy WW :)

Sit A Spell said...

Well, I've been blogging for an entire 2 weeks and have so much to learn...Mister Linky, huh??? Ok...if you say so : )

Autumn said...

such a beautfiul tree!! we need some fruit trees at our house!

happy WW.

mine is up but the linky isnt working :o(

Anonymous said...

As big as mini footballs? The only we see here are hard and small; not too good for making lemonade. Lemonade...you can have a constant supply of lemonade. How nice!
I'm so glad to hear you are safe from the fires although feeling so sorry for those in the middle of it.
Thanksgiving really does make one think about all they have to be thankful for, doesn't it?

Cecily R said...

Your tree is beautiful. I am completely and totally envious.

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

How awesome! I love lemons!

Anonymous said...

bad mr. linky!! he needs a snkin'!! he's naughty!! **bends him over her knee**

Jennifer said...

I love lemons and I am quite jealous that you can walk into your backyard a pluck one anytime you need one. I imagine the tree smells wonderful.

Weeksie50 said...

I am so glad your new place feels like HOME.

Melissa said...

Oh, that's great......... I love lemons too... and I love to cook with them. Aa a matter of fact, this past weekend we made a lobster dish with lemon in it (of course I added more than called for) and I swear the lemon is what made it the taste so good

Joy said...

Ok so I just came back to check other blogs but I don't see Mr. Linky

Philigry said...

i am so glad your new place feels like home. i am jealous of that lemon tree! beautiful.

Jaime said...

Angie, I am so glad to hear you are truly at home with your move. Also that you are away from the fires, I was actually wondering about that.
And lemons? Mmmmmm....

Kameron said...

It's so funny we have lived in all of the same places, just in a different order! I was born in Oregon (and on our way there for Thanksgiving tomorrow!!), grew up in So. Cal and now I live in RI. I do miss the lemon and avocado trees we had. I get mad every time I make guacamole and have to spend so much money. Enjoy your lemons!!

Quirky said...

I'm glad to hear that you all are safe with these crazy fires!! I know my eyes and nose are killing me-- as well as my skin with the dry air-- but we are thankful to be safe.

I am in the same boat as you with the lemons. I grew up ALWAYS having a lemon tree, and now we don't have one. I refuse to buy them, so I drive over to my parents' house every week to steal their lemons :)

Now come on... we want to see your new place!! Your old home was beautiful, and I'm sure the new one is just as fab :)

Cheryl Lage said...

Think of the future lemonade! :)
What a gorgeous tree...and gorgeous attitude. Enjoy the new digs!

Ryanne said...

Glad you are happily settled in with your tree and all. That must be nice. I have always wanted to have fruit trees (of any kind) but I can't bring my self to plant one...not much of a green thumb here.

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful Wednesday!

Mrs Anne said...

i want to come and hang out at your house and eat fresh lemons.

you're one lucky duck!

:) p.s. so glad you're safe!

Anonymous said...

Lemon tree? I swear, I have never contimplated where/how lemons came to be! I am such a blonde! LOL

Jenni said...

Beautiful! I would love to live where there are citrus trees!

Rachel Berry said...

I'm your 100th comment!! You rock!!

I love lemons! Your lucky to have a tree in your backyard and they look amazing to boot!

Glad your getting settled and things are feeling like home. Although Oregon does miss you. :)

stefanie said...

So happy you are settled and all feel at home. Those lemons made me want lemonade. Now.

Finding Normal said...

I heart lemons. Give me a lime tree, too, so I can have my mojitos!
My first Wordful Wednesday! :)

Finding Normal said...

I heart lemons. Give me a lime tree, too, so I can have my mojitos!
My first Wordful Wednesday! :)

Finding Normal said...

And apparently I'm so excited I have to click twice. Whoopsies.

Jan said...

I'm glad your happy here...I'm glad to have you!

Joyce said...

Hi! I need to dash off just now, but here's my link:
I'll come back later to read other folks' posts. :)

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Wow! Lemons the size of mini footballs! So glad that you are feeling at home again!

My name is Tammie said...

Oh come on, 107 comments?! Angie how many readers do you get a day? I get maybe 107 A DAY! LOL!

I am glad you are feeling good in your new home. Its always good to be near family and the place you feel the most at home. I am just glad SoCal is it!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, so funny. I have always called my posts Wordless Wednesday - when the opposite is more the case. I think today was the least amount of words I have ever used on a post!

And I grew up in Florida. So I know what you mean about fruit growing right in your yard. Your lemon tree is just beautiful!

Casey's trio said...

Sorry I didn't play today...I was busy being a queen for the day:) It takes a SITS feature for me to get 100 comments...just a regular ole day for you--HA!

Debra said...

Oh Angie, this makes me feel so homesick (But SO happy for you!!) Growing up in South Florida, we had a lime tree in our yard. My grandma had a grapefruit and mango tree. Have you SEEN the price of Mangos? Oh my heck. It's so hard to pay for those things when you grew up getting them for free.

I am so happy everything is going well for you guys there. How is the house selling going? Any bites yet?

Rhea said...

I'm glad the move has gone so well. And a huge lemon tree in the backyard?! That's awesome! Does it smell good?

Jamie said...

Wow! I'm a bit envious of that tree! I'm glad you are loving life in CA.

Anonymous said...

Oooh he's back. I'll have to make the rounds today instead. :)

Straight to Your Hart said...

So happy for you..in every way!! Beautiful fruit..Safe from fires..and finding peace where you live.

Laura said...

115 comments -- hopefully your will still see mine. I am so glad to hear that you are all happy and loving the sun. I miss you, and yet I am so very happy for you.