Monday, November 17, 2008

Back to my regularly scheduled posts....

Or should I say as regular as they've become? Which is to say, irregular. I know, I've become somewhat of a slacker lately. I blame the weather. There are just so many things that I CAN do now that the weather is always....perfect. I'm enjoying being outside for the better part of the's doing us all real good, and I love coming in at the end of the day and seeing that you've stopped by to see me. So thank you.

And in other news..

Whew. That tea party was something else. So much fun, but I'm tired. Thank you so much to all that participated. I'll announce the winners on Monday the 24th. Which just happens to be, by the way, a day that's different than any other Monday for me, because my babies will no longer be 2. Boo hoo. I can't wrap my mind around it.

And before I forget, head on over to Mommy Gossip GNO on Tuesday the 18th for a Virtual Food Drive and live auction....a perfect way to "give back" and celebrate all that we have to be thankful for.



Deb said...

the tea party was so much fun. and just so civilized and lady-like, as all good tea parties should be!

i'm super jealous of the weather. it really IS good for the body and spirit to be outside as much as possible. my kids subscribe to that philosophy whether there is sun, snow or rain! maybe they will grow up to work for the USPS.

happy birthday to your not so little ones! time flies, does it not?

Beth said...

Showin' some SITS love!!
Five children? I admire you!

I can *just* handle my one. :\ :p

Happy Monday!

Amy said...

Your kiddos are adorable! I have to admit, I'm a little jealous of the redheads. I always wanted a redheaded babe and somehow my red hair + my husbands dark dark brown = a blonde kid. We are the Charlie's Angels family :) I'm going to keep trying till I get a redhead. Haha. So glad I found your blog, I can't wait until iget some free time to hit the archives!


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

the tea party was wonderful, thanks for hosting it! i cannot believe you are about to celebrate 3rd birthdays, wow!

Leslee P said...

Glad you are back. I guess I can forgive you becasue you live in California... Glad you love it. Are the wildfires close to you... That makes me nervous...

AutoSysGene said...

Oh the 24th...that gives me at least a week to bribe you!! ;)

I'm glad you guys are having fun outside...color me jealous as I sit here in the snowy cold.

Tamara said...

Wow I can't believe the twins are turning 3!

Glad you are enjoying nice weather. It's been mild here so far but this week we are in for some cold weather. Actually had to pull out the coats for the kids this morning.

Jen said...

it was a fun tea party. I am jealous of you time outside. Here it looks like you can go out and play but not so much ;)

Updated by Lila Huggins (grandmother) said...

Good Monday Morning,
After reading your blog for the first time the other day I did some research on monoamniotic twins. I had never heard of this before. I was amazed. How are your twins? Have you ever posted pictures of them? I would love to see one if you had.
Thank you for offering the contest. Have you picked a winner yet?
Have a great day,
Miss Lila

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Holy Ned!!! Your babies will be 3? That went by so fast. I am so glad you are happy there in California. Enjoy it and think of me. Crying in Utah!

Mark and Kiss said...

Angie, I am happy for you to have so much outside time...with a titch of envy, ha ha. The tea party was very fun, thank you for going to all that work just for everyone else to enjoy, you are a wonderful hostess!

The twins are such big boys now! That is pretty amazing that 3 years old is just around the corner. I'll look forward to that post.

Aubrey said...

Awwww. *sniff* I don't like the sound of babies getting older! Nope. Not at all.

The tea party was so much fun! Can't wait to see the winners!

Tracy said...

if you are a slacker in blogging - I hate to think what the rest of us are . . .
I cannot imagine my girls turning 2 -much less beyond that - wow.

Mandy said...

You know on those super nice days where I spend most of the day outside and hardly on the computer...I feel so good! So I completely understand where you are coming from!

Laurie said...

Glad to have you back. I can't believe the twins are going to be 3! It some ways they seem older and in others it seems they shouldn't be that big yet. Happy Birthday to them!

girlytwins said...

It is crazy to think your boys are turning three. It felt like they were so much older than my it just reminds me that in a few months my girls will be three too :(

girlytwins said...

And yes the weather has been amazing!! We have been taking advantage of it as well :)

Live.Love.Eat said...

Wow, 3 year old. How time flies huh. Well, you did great with the tea party but I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the outdoors. It's really good for the soul.

sassy stephanie said...

Thanks for being a tea party hostess! It was tons of fun. I can imagine that you girls are exhausted!

Susie said...

Good for you on the weather. It snowed here today:-(

Anonymous said...

Sunshine is *not* my favorite thing so I do not envy you that!
I am however, happy that you and your family are enjoying it and are settled in now.

Three does seem impossible, I am sure. So much to be thankful for along with that , hmm?

I'm looking forward to reading your regular posts once again Angie :)

Aunt Julie said...

It's difficult for me, too, to come inside when the weather is perfect. Alas, the weather here has been far from perfect. Grey, dreary skies make me long for the warm companionship of my Bloggy Friends. BTW, I'm celebrating 150 Posts with an Award and a Pop'rs Giveaway...please come visit soon!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

it's nice to see you getting back to a more normal posting you...and those of us in winterland are not pleased with your 'perfect weather' report! boo!

Jennifer said...

The tea party was a blast and I hope there will be one in the future.
My babies (identical twins) turn 14 tomorrow. Time flies by too quickly.
Enjoy the nice weather!

Anonymous said...

I would love to live somewhere that's warm all year round. The winter is horrible for us asthma sufferers, but alas my family is here and I couldn't stand being that far away from them.

Happy Birthday to your little ones.

Jessica said...

Ah turning! I am so glad you are having fun outside...I do love California! We are visiting my husbands family in cananda, and it is difficult to be inside so much. I am so spoiled..It's freezing here.

Kim Heinecke said...

Maybe, just maybe, you can see the light at the end of the diaper tunnel! Happy birthday to your munchkins!

Lacey in the Sky said...

Haven't those kids heard that growing up is SO NOT IN right now?! Pass it on!

Michelle said...

Hasn't this weather been insane? But I'm loving it. I really hate the it will get cold soon.

Happy birthday to your little twosome. My Katie's birthday is on the 25th of this month. She's going to be 10. Two double digit kids I will have.

Rhonda said...

I wanna live where you live.....

Munchkins and Music said...

That is crazy that you have such great weather in November! I have to say you are very lucky. :):) It is 15 degrees outside right it's pretty cold!

Casey's trio said...

I'm glad to hear you are all enjoying your new home! Soak up the sun baby:)

Shannon said...

Glad you're back!

Carrie and Jim said...

Welcome back! I do like the neat things that your blog offers. Variety is good it is the spice of life.

Jennifer said...

I am so happy I popped in, I would have forgotten all about the Mommy Gossip GNO virtual food drive and auction.

Cheffie-Mom said...

I'm off to check out Mommy Gossip GNO. Get some rest! (:

KatBouska said...

You're making us all jealous with your beuatiful knock it off.

And then there was 4... said...

we want house pictures!!!

And then there was 4... said...

we want house pictures!!!

Laura said...

The weather has been nicer here the last two weeks! Not Southern Ca nice but nice enough to be outside without coats! I am convinced I am not meant for cold weather at all.

Anyway, I have missed your posts about you too... but if you have to be outside playing in the sun. How can I compete with that?

Anonymous said...

The 24th is the day of my mom's mastectomy...I am sure that all will go well now because nothing bad can happen on the day those beautiful boys were born!

Mozi Esme said...

I've heard prunes help with regularity... I can relate to what you're going through - we're doing the whole packing thing right now. So if you find the secret to regularity, let us know! :)

Caroline Smart said...

I just got one of these for my birthday! I love, love, love it! Wooden cookware you can throw in the dishwasher? Great!