Friday, November 21, 2008

PSF-Celebrating 3

My brother and his wife were in town and my sister and her family are going out of town so I decided to have a little celebration for the twins a bit early.

It was good preparation for the real day. You know, the one where I expect to cry all day (unless they frustrate me into forgetting I'm mourning) because my little 33 weekers are 3. And healthy. And smart. And sassy. And trouble. And I can't bear to see them grow up.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek



Robin said...

And what a scrumptious three they are - congratulations to all three of you!

Scary Mommy said...

Awwww--- they are just so sweet!! Love those little faces. And that hair! Happy early B-day! :)

Deb said...

they have that same little knowing glint in their eyes as you do. happy birthday to the sweet little trouble makers. as the countdown to driver's permit is on around here, i am thinking 3 is a wonderful age... i ALMOST miss it!

Mandy said...

Mine turned three this year too. It flies by way too quickly.

Thanks for your kind words on steals and deals. :-)

Shannon said...

They are so adorable!!!! Happy birthday boys!!!

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Beautiful kidlets!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday big guys!

My name is Tammie said...

Awww! What a big milestone coming up! Love those little faces.

stefanie said...

Clever you! Three candles each on the cake. They're so adorable. Happy Birthday!

Shannon said...

Oh Angie, I want to be at their birthday party. Where does the time go? These babies are what brought you and I together. I can't believe 3 years have gone by. I can't believe our sickly little babies are so grown up...and naughty:) What is it about 3. The girls are gearing up to give it to me good this next year. I can feel it.

I will be back to with them a very happy 3rd birthday in a couple of days!

S Club Mama said...

look at all that beautiful red hair! you have SUCH a cute family.

Happy birthday boys!

Rhonda said...

You are all beautiful! Happy birthday boys!

Kate P. said...

Happy birthday to the little carrot tops! CUTE CUTE CUTE! Reminds me of me as a little redhead!! Cute...but FIESTY!

Elizabeth said...

Happy early birthday, boys!

Julie@My5monkeys said...

Happy early birthday boys.

jori-o said...

Look at 'em--all excited with a little sparkle of mischeif! It is easy to see why you are sooo in love with them!

Shala said...

Oh my gosh they are adorable! I love that red hair.

Shala said...
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Laura said...

I might cry too. Each time your boys get older, mine feel even older too. Remember when they were all babies?

The boys are SO cute! Happy Early Birthday!

tiarastantrums said...

I ADORE that photo with you and your boys - and I am so jealous of all that red hair!!!!!

Debbie said...

I'm right with you. And it is so nice to meet another mom who doesn't want childhood to end.

Casey's trio said...

Ahhhh. Happy early birthday to the boys. Yeah, I've always found that they *still* drive me crazy on special days so any reflective, tearful moments happen when they are asleep!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

So so sweet.

I've given you a blog award. Check it out here.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Jaysi said...

Ohhhh...3!! Unbelievable!! I am right there with you...Finn will be 1 next week! Where did a year go????? Crazy!!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, boys! awe, they are so adorable. great birthday pictures!

be sure to swing by my blog today...we're having a giveaway!

Anonymous said...
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Lorie said...

I'm glad to see your a mother after my own who is SAD at the fact their children are having another bday. I tried to explain to my girls one day, that of course I want them to grow up (if they didn't, that would mean something was wrong); but I just wish it wouldn't happen so fast....time would stand still for just a bit. Happy Mourning to you!

Jaime said...

They are seriously so cute! Where does the time go? My girls are about six months behind your boys and I keep looking at them, wondering how they are growing so fast!!

Stephanie said...

Aghhh! Happy Birthday boys! They look like birthday cake pros blowing out their candles!!!

Kristin said...

Why are you so upset? You should be having a party for yourself!!! Maybe because I have no end in sight of this stage...

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

They are so cute!!!

The Shillingburg's said...

Those sit-n-spins are classic!! How fun! So glad things are falling into place for you and your precious family!

Melissa said...

Happy birthday to the kiddies.
What did you get them?
How was the party?

Jennifer P. said...

Happy, happy birthday to the cutie pie red heads!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

Such cute boys! How fun!

Mamarazzi said...

Holy double Sweetness!! those boys are gorgeous!

weeeeeeee THREE!!!

Lala said...

Happy 3 Boys! Wow.. they grow up so fast!

(PS I don't believe I ever got your email :( )

Svr said...

Happy Birthday Boys!

Whew how time flies!!!!!!!!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

They are seriously adorable kids! Happy Third Birthday to them before the actual day. let us know if you really do cry!

I'm Jamie said...

How did you get such a FREAKING CUTE family?!!?

Promise to teach me :)

Nicole said...

Handsome boys!!!! Happy birthday and I feel your sadness. Why can't they just stay little? Or skip the 3's cuz I'm about to wring my boys neck!

KatieZ said...

I've missed reading your blog for the last 10 days or so! Can't wait to get back to my own blogging. But for now I am just reading everyone's until I get my house in some sort of order! Cute pics love the boys they are great!

Jen said...

seeing them grow up is so bitter sweet and they sure are cute!

Amy said...

They are soooo incredibly cute. Where does the time go!?!?

Kathleen W. said...

They are sooo adorable with their red hair. I hope you all enjoy your special day, and that you don't shed too many tears!

And then there was 4... said...

great pics

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture of the three of you. Happy early birthday to them.

Live.Love.Eat said...

It keeps getting better and better though. Angie, that's a beautiful picture of the 3 of you!!!!

Jennifer said...

They are adorable. My twins were born at 30 weeks and just turned 14.

Happy Early Birthday to them!

Jenni said...

Ohhhhhh! They are TOO cute, Angie!

Anonymous said...

Aww! Happy birthday to your two dear boys!

AutoSysGene said...

Gosh, are they getting big...and they look so much like their's got to be the red hair.

J'Ollie Primitives said...

The three of you look ready for mischief in that picture. What an adorable bunch!
Happy Birthday boys!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ yay for them being stong and healthy!!! and even sassy! :)

Kally said...

What little darlin's you have. Happy Birthday Boys :)

Honey Mommy said...

They are absolutely adorable! (And you're pretty cute yourself!)

Happy Birthday to your boys!

Mozi Esme said...

They are SO cute! Hard to imagine them as 33-weekers...

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love that they are into the spidey's so far from my girls love its not even funny. if it's not pink and sparkly and dashed with a horse, we don't have it!

Michelle said...

Great pictures Angie. Even though I only have two munchkins, it's always the hardest when the babies grow up.

Tulsi said...

Total cuteness!!

sassy stephanie said...

Fun fun fun. Happy bday 33 weekers!

Susie said...

Great pictures:-)

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

I think your kids are so cute. It is so hard to watch your kids grow up. I hope you have a great day and I hope they don't frustrate you. :)

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

I think your kids are so cute. It is so hard to watch your kids grow up. I hope you have a great day and I hope they don't frustrate you. :)

Anonymous said...

Aw.....Angie, Angie, Angie.
What a beautiful picture. I went ahead and stole it off your blog. :)

They are just darlin as are you my dear.

debi9kids said...

Happy Birthday to those BEAUTIFUL boys!!!! Amazing isn't it? How far they have come! WOW!

ps I have something for you in my Saturday afternoon post...just because you are fabulous :)

Salty Incisor said...

wow what a great blessing that you nurtured them through it! They are cute and how the heck do you survive two twins that are trouble.
You are one tough cookie!
Hopefully the terrible 3's aren't harder than the 2's

ChefDruck said...

Happy birthday to the boys and congrats to you! It does fly by. I am so glad to see your thursday writer's workshop - I'll be participating next week if you have it on Thanksgiving!

Unknown said...

They are sooo adorable... & what a beautiful bunch you all are! Not sure how you do it all girl.. you need t ogive classes.

latree said...

happy birthday J&J...
don't give troubles to your mom, ok?
hugs for you both


Debra said...

3? Already? It seems like the last 2 1/2 yrs since I met you online have gone by so fast!!! Our babies are growing up way too fast.

I got your email. As soon as Michael gets home and I get a break, I will email you back. My 3 weeks of being a single mom are almost over!

Cristin said...

Awwww... Happy Birthday Big Guys!!! I can't bear to see mine grow up either....

Kimberly said...

I love the photos, particularly the last one... Great smiles :)

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun trial run. And gosh, they're cute! : )

Aubrey said...

Oh! Too sweet!
And they have one HOT mama!

Leah said...

Sweet! Love those smiles!!!!

Lacey in the Sky said...

SO CUTE!(and I mean all three of you!)

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous pic of you and the twins. They really look like their mama! Oh, and I see I'm not the first one to tell you how HAWT you are! Seriously, do you look that great every day?

Rhea said...

awww!! Happy Birthday to your adorable boys! I love the photo of you with them. Wonderful smiles, and I see where they get their good looks. :o)

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

awwwt you just love (hate) birthdays! So sweet yet heartbreaking!

Unknown said...

They are adorable! Happy Birthday!

Jenners said...

Stopping by (again) ... this time from Mission Monday. You are going on my blogroll today!

Those photos are just adorable! There is nothing like a child's face when opening up a present with a toy they really want!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Good genes Angie!! Darling like their mama!!

Mommy In Pink said... stinkin cute!

Momisodes said...

Oh they are just adorable! Hope they had a wonderful birthday :)

As an NICU nurse, it's so wonderful seeing former preemies growing up so happy :)

Threeundertwo said...

Happy happy birthday from my twin family to yours. Give them hugs from me!

hippos toes said...

I know what you mean about not being able to bear seeing them grow up. I can't believe my little guy will be 2 soon. They are precious!! Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to those adorable twin boys!!