Saturday, November 01, 2008

A late Boo...

from us to you!



Tabitha Blue said...

Aww, these kids are too darn cute!!! Looks like you had a fun Halloween!

Sandy said...

Very sweet kids! I bet they had a blast:)

Robin said...

Adorable :).

Lo said...

that's so cute! Happy late Halloween!

Casey's trio said...

Cute! And how fun that daddy got festive for Halloween too.

Heather said...

Everybody looks so awesome! And so warm..............When are you coming to visit? HAHA!

Rachel Berry said...

Oh they all look so stinking cute! And I too love that hubby got into the halloween spirit. Lloyd always goes as himself, every year. Okay so do I. I did have a witch hat though. :)

Melissa said...

What is the silver suit suppose to be on your daughter?

Queenie Jeannie said...

Five awesome, happy kids! Great job Mom!!


Are You Serious! said...

♥ Very nice! I love the race car driver! :)

Nicole said...

everyone looks great!

Salty Incisor said...

hope you had a good halloween down there in the new land of yours. The twins are cute in their matching costumes. Have they matched every year??

WheresMyAngels said...

What are the twins? I just don't know all the latest kids stuff. My four year old is still mad cause I don't know who the Jonahs brothers are and Josh and Drake!

Laura said...

They look adorable!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

fun fun fun! great costumes...big smiles!

Jenni said...

SO cute!

sassy stephanie said...

Too cute!

Erin said...

Soo cute! Looks like fun!

Tara Bennett said...

Adorable costumes!

Deb said...

very cute... ALL of you. and i am jealous that your kids look so normal. looks like you guys had a great time. now moving on to thanksgiving and before you know it, christmas.

April Kennedy said...

I love a classic witch on Halloween. The kids look great. Happy Halloween Parade!

Kacey said...

Super cool! Hope you had fun!

Shannon said...

So adorable! Happy belated halloween.

Anonymous said...

Too, too cute! Melissa

AutoSysGene said...

Too cute...I'm at a loss for the middle picture...

Rachel said...

ok, so i totally need an everyday costume that has the muscles "built in." i would never have to gym again!

Kristin said...

Scary witch!

Jen said...

Great photos, I really like seeing all your kids together and mom and dad look so scary. ;)

Lottie_Ellie said...

Those are some great costumes!

bichonpawz said...

That's one of the things I miss the most....trick or treating with my daughter every year! You guys all look great!!

Kristin said...

Love the costumes

Unknown said...

Adorable- you all look great and it looks like fun was had by all.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a great Halloween!

Crazymamaof6 said...

awesome costumes. they all look great! looked like a fun Halloween!

Anonymous said...

I think your oldest looks like you!

Laurie said...


@TiffanyRom said...

Look at those gorgeous children.

Hope you had a great CA Halloween!


Jocasta said...

I'm surprised you got your boy out of his spiderman costume.

You have such a lovely family!

Jessica said...

Happy Halloween..Looks like everyone had fun..Love your costume. I miss dressing up!

Jaime said...

Everyone looks awesome! Happy Halloween!:)

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness, love it!

Maude Lynn said...

Love it!

carrhop said...

Everybody looks so cute!! Hope a good time was had by all!!


Anonymous said...

Was anything strikingly different trick or treating in the west?

Cristin said...

Everyone looks great! I dressed up for the first time in years... we had a blast! I'm off to post pictures...

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Hi Angie,
Totally non post related question for you. I am trying to make a button (just see if I can do it), but I am a little confused with how to make the little scroll box wtih the code in it for others to copy - can you help me?

Elizabeth said...

They are all so cute! I love the expression on Garrett's face in the first picture.

Lacey in the Sky said...

Man, they are cute!

KatieZ said...

Looks like you had a great day/night! I'll be posting my crazy bunch tomorrow! Come visit!

Michelle said...

Ok, how darn cute are they?? I think that is so cute that the twins picked to be the same thing. :)

Stu Pidasso said...

Skeletor freaked me out!! But the kids are too cute!! GB!

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

very cute! looks like a great time! I finally got around to updating the blog with this weeks happenings!

BTW angie, im going to an all day crop in Orange if your interested in scrapbooking next sat!

Bonnie the Boss said...

So adorable! Did they have a good time? I can't even imagine how hot it was there. I thought I was going to die of the heat here.

S Club Mama said...

TOO CUTE! I'm sorry, too, but I'm clueless as to what a few of them are dressed as (so sorry...I really am blond).

Honey Mommy said...

What a bunch of cuties! I love little red heads almost as much as little blondies!

Kathleen W. said...

You guys look great! So coordinated in black and red.

Anonymous said...

I have given you a "I'm Lovin' Your Blog" Award...go to my blog to see it!

Anonymous said...

What a nice looking family you have. I know that had a great time at Halloween! Hope you too were able to enjoy the festivities.

Erin said...

Cute kids.

Tonya Staab said...

Absolutely. Gorgeous .. well, not so much the 2nd pic LOL, but the kids are all adorable :)

Unknown said...

That's quite a racing team you've got there!

Cool costumes, hope y'all had a gret Halloween!

Unknown said...

What great photos. It looks like a lot of fun.

Genny said...

Super cute, Angie!

Munchkins and Music said...

I like the muscles! Boys like to be buff!

Clark Captions said...

Everyone looks sooo great! I am glad you had a Happy Halloween! Are you just loving being back in CA? I

Philigry said...

they all looks so darn cute!

Kim said...

Cute costumes and I love the boys trick or treat bags!

Lorina said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

Everyone looked adorable!!

Anonymous said...

You guys all look fabulous!!!!!

Aubrey said...

Here's a late BOO to you too!!

Oh! So cute! Look at all those smiles. Let me guess...they were excited about Halloween???

girlytwins said...

Great pics! I love the muscles on the twins...LOL so funny!

latree said...

the boys are cool, the girls are beautiful, the parents...
ah! should I say?
you both are really scary!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

I've posted a link to your blog as a part of my 100th post celebrations - I hope you like it!!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

What the heck is that middle photo? Who I mean? Your husband?

Leslee P said...

Absolutely 100% adorable...

ps- do not forget to go and check out Kiki & Lele's new designes. You wanted me to remind you!

Mark and Kiss said...

Fun pictures for Halloween....the kids look great. Who is the skeleton, he looks so scary, great face paint! We had a good time out in Utah for a week.

Anna Lefler said...

Awesome photos! Looks like you had a wonderful Halloween...

:^) Anna

Tabitha Blue said...

Just stopping by to say hi and see what happening in your corner of the world!! Hope you're having a great week! :)

Stephanie said...

Looks like everyone was having a fun time!

tiarastantrums said...

Man - I LOVE the redheads!!!!!!(so jealous!!)

Jaysi said...

They all look great! I can't believe there wasn't a Spiderman in there!

Live.Love.Eat said...

So sweet Angie!!! Happy Late Boo to you too!!!!!! Who is in the middle pic?

hippos toes said...

What a lovely family you have!! Thanks for sharing :)

Mandy said...

I had a Power Ranger this year, too! Cute pictures!

Rebecca said...

Halloween was fun for us, too. Cute costumes, Angie.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Love the costumes! You look pretty scary, too!
Trick or treating in the daylight?! We always wait till dark!

Lindsay said...

So adorable!

Jennifer P. said...

Your costume was AWESOME! how can you look frightening and pretty at the same time?!

The kids' costumes were too cute too!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Awesome costumes. I love the nascar! You have a future there you know. I hope you had a great Halloween!