Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wordful Wednesday-Twisted Silver

*This giveaway is now closed*

A few months ago, I was introduced to Twisted Silver, a jewelry company with versatile, funky, and yes, fabulous jewelry. They were generous enough to give me a bracelet that is unlike anything I've ever seen. I have never owned a piece of jewelry that is so unique and garners so many comments. When I wear the bracelet, I get TONS of positive feedback, and you all know that makes me VERY happy. I like in person compliments as much as I like on-line ones.

So, this weeks Wordful Wednesday is the bracelet that was just publicly introduced into Twisted Silver's line.

Yes, you read that right, I got the bracelet BEFORE it was available to the public. Have I mentioned I also like exclusive? :)

If you'd like to own one too, head on over to Twisted Silver and then come back here and tell me which piece in their collection that you like the best.

My tip for the day is all about the importance of accessorizing.

It definitely makes any outfit and if you are anything like me, then it will make you feel so much better about your ensemble as a whole. Just do it. Buy a few fun pieces that "speak to you" and see what a difference they make.

Mr. Linky is below.....I can't wait to see what you are feeling wordy about today!

*Thank you for sticking with me everyone. I'm a computer moron and don't know how to fix the Mr. Linky issue on Explorer. It appears fine of Firefox, but Explorer-who knows? If you do, let me know.


Don't forget to check in with my fellow Tea Party Hostesses for other great giveaways all week long.

Mannequin at Fractured Toy

Kathleen with Katydid and Kid

CanCan with Mom Most Traveled

Naomi with Superdumb Supervillain



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Scary Mommy said...

Oh, I love that! Off to check them out.

And, very excited that I FINALLY remembered to post and entry!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Hmmm. While we can enter our name and URL there's a bunch of jibberish right above that can't be made out. It's after your post and before Mr. Linky so that's good. You just can't actually see the numbers with the names. I'm sure it'll work itself out! This necklace is pretty cool Angie. Is there writing on it? I'm trying to make it out.

tiarastantrums said...

Cool - I don't wear much jewels though besides the basics - I loved bracelets but have been carrying babies for so many years - that I don't wear them any longer. (they were always breaking from the weight of a child). And I Don't wear earrings b/c I have babies pulling and tugging at them! I wear my Tiffany necklace and each child of mine has used it as a handle to hang onto me!! Too funny!!

Simply AnonyMom said...

I LOVE the copper and brass "smart" earrings. They screamed out at me "take me home". I will tell santa about them

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, and, Live.Love.Eat, I thought it was just me!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I love the flower dome ring! And the Heist Necklance. And of course the Hope Bracelet, cause everyone needs some hope. Let's not forget the funky silver necklace. Did I mention that I love jewelery?? *sigh* This has been fun!

Susie said...

Is Mr. Linky working?

Jen said...

I love looking at the stuff at Twisted Sister. Every time you highlight them, I just end up drooling. Someday...

Jennie said...

I love the Scroll RIng or the Bongo Earrings... waht a great site...

MomItForward Jyl and Carissa said...

Love that....

FYI: I signed up, but Mr. Linky seems to be having a prob (others are noticing too it seems).

I'm jyl @ mommygossip at http://mommygossip.blogspot.com just in case :).

Happy WW!

Jay @halftime lessons said...

NEWSFLASH- someone just jackd up your Mr Linky.

I say we grab our torches and storm their blog.

Mandy said...

I'm with the others...somethin' is up with Linky.

I love that bracelet!

Rhonda said...

How does someone 'jack your Mr. Linky'??? Weird.

On my way to Twisted Silver. And then you get an EXTRA comment from me with my favorite piece.

It's your lucky day, I think! lol

Julie@My5monkeys said...

love the love bracelet..pretty items.

Honey Mommy said...

I love their chic necklace. I would SO love to win any of their stuff though... although it's probably unlikely!

I'm with Jay... I'm about to grab my torch and storm the blog of the culprit who got to your Mr. Linky!

Lorie said...

What's up with Mr. Linky? Once again, I am delighted with posting Wordful Wed. on Tuesday, since I have to work tomorrow and may forget to post. I needed a beach picture fix, so I posted one of my favorite beach pics. I understand that you are taking a break from beach pics, but just know that this mama can never get enough beach PHOTOS! LOVE THEM!

Cecily R said...

All their stuff is so pretty. All. Of. It.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

It is beautiful and I found lots of things to add to my holiday list!!!

A magical WW to you!

Lorina said...

I don't think Mr. Linky is working.. hmm.. Love the necklace though.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Ditto all the Mr Linky comments....weird...if anyone feels like checking me out (cuz I'm so hot)...


Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

I love it! I so have to check it out!

Heather said...

Love the bracelet! Thought it was just me and the Mr. Linky issue!

sassy stephanie said...

Man, more like what do I NOT love over at TS. I dig the Love bangle, whisper bangles, the charms to add to the bangles or a necklace. I could go on and on and on and on!

Sarah said...

Umm, I hit Mr. Linky and it accidently posted me at my test blog.......I'm think I'm going to want to redo this one, could you delete me please? Or I will, as soon as Mr. linky is being nice again.

Unknown said...

I love TS! Love, love, love. And I am really enjoying the tea party. Wrote a post about it on my review blog! And wore my tea party hat!

Ditto on Mr. Linky. I see nothing but will visit from comments I guess.

And the TS piece that I love is the classic bracelet.

Laura said...

I love everything too! The Chic necklace, the bracelets... all of it.

goddesstricia said...

love the bracelet, their stuff is so beautiful!
I think my favorite is actually the Hope earrings :(

Jenni said...

I love their stuff! Wow! I like the Sleek necklace!

Elyse said...

Mr. Linky will not let me post. Have no idea what is going on, so will try later!!!

Allison said...

First time on Wordful Wednesday...I hope it went through since I couldn't see some of the info (showed up as a bunch of lines)! I can't wait to check out this jewelry!

carrhop said...

I love the tangle bangle--I've never seen anything quite like it! Beautiful!!


Anonymous said...

Well, this is my kind of jewelry, I will have to check it out! I was happy for Wordful Wednesday to come around this week! Have a great WW!

Anonymous said...

"favorite" is such a hard word. I have fallen for at least three different necklaces - but love that they are all convertibles - double duty is always a bonus. And the Flower Dome Ring is beautiful as well. Lots and lots of pretties.

I've signed Mr. Linky. Hoping his glitches will work themselves out. I'll check back in the am to see. :)

Munchkins and Music said...

That is pretty cute! I'll have to check out the site. :)

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Really? A favorite? There are too many to pick from, I think Tangle Bangle is my favorite as well!!

Rhonda said...

I can't decide between tattoo and bling! I love them both!

nancy said...

Mine is wordful. I would love for anyone to come and visit..

Come and visit, sign the petition and leave a comment! ( it is for a good cause!)

and maybe I can come back and win some jewlery

Anonymous said...

hey the site is good. can you suggest some more jewelery sites like this?

Lacey in the Sky said...

Mr. Linky is sick! Ick- I feel for him, I had it last week! I will sign him anyway and see if he feels better tomorrow....

My favorite is the convertible tag necklace!(I use the word favorite very loosely, because seriously... I want it all.)

Deb said...

i like the twinkle charm because you can wear it with gold tone or silver tone jewelry AND there is just a tiny bit of sparkle ( i don't like to overdo it on the sparkle ).


today my plan is to actually sit down with a cup of tea and enjoy all the great photos of WW. not sure i will be playing, as i am feeling sorry for myself and am having a mini-crisis. i am getting GREAT advice on the post i have up, so i may just leave it to see what other pearls of wisdom i can receive.

Tracy said...

Let's see if a miracle happens - I never seem to win these things - I do love the:
Patchwork Convertible with Charm necklace. who knows - maybe Christmas will come early.

Jen lleras said...

I love the tattoo ring, very cool!


Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i love that site...right now i really adore the tangle bangle!

weeblet said...

I love the hope necklace :)

hippos toes said...

Love the jewelry! I love the Attitude bracelet!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Love the jewelry...!!

I can type in my name and url..however the rest can't be seen. It is in very small print or not there at all. As far as being able to comment..I just started to hit the small lines I saw on the page and got lucky..tehe!!

Hope you have a good day!!

koopermom said...

I love the Crazy Bubbles bracelet in silver. Thanks for another great giveaway!

Jenn S. said...

I really like the Flower collection ,especially the Flower bracelet.

Brenda said...

I love having pretty jewelery!

Casey's trio said...

Hope the funky small print gets worked out. Is it Mr. linky? Love this bracelet and I am a big fan of the first necklace you gave away...and how cool you are that you had the bracelet before the public!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i am so jealous that you got the exclusive...i love their goodies...so much fun!

Melissa said...

I think Mr. Linky is just "having fun" with you today!! :)

And you are right on: good accessories can definitely "make" the outfit!!

Leslee P said...

Love the jewelry... The bracelet is pretty cute... Not sure what is going on with your blog, but there is some extreemly small, waaaay small text on your page.... It is impossible to read...

Anonymous said...

I like the scroll ring. I can never find pretty copper jewelry and I love the twisty pattern etched on the face: it looks like medusa's snakes.


Brooke said...

I love the Horse Bit Belt.

Sonya Cocherell said...

I really like the beatnik bracelet. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

i like the beatnik bracelt!! it's awesome!! i don't have a lot of bracelets that i wear anymore. i changed over from yellow gold to white, i prefer it. anyway, have a good one, hope you like my wordful wednesday post (it's also my 100th!!!!!) hugs and prayers...

debi9kids said...

Great bracelet! Very pretty!

ps Bummed that Mr Linky is acting up. Someone needs to kick his butt! LOL

Anonymous said...

I've got lots of wordful things on my blog, just go look!
What I'm here for is the Twisted Silver. Did you really think that I would miss this?
My *new* favorite is the Attitude Necklace. I also heart that Go Go Convertible Belt; we have yet to delve into that category.
I'm not going to try the Mr Linky. I'd never forgive myself if I broke it.

Anonymous said...

In addition to the bracelet being given away, I also love the Tattoo Ring.

Jennifer said...

Now I know where to send DH to look for that perfect Christmas gift for me.

I adore there Funky Silver Bracelet.


Kristin said...

accesorize? is that like when you through on real shoes, instead of slippers when you leave the house? I'm confused... ;)

Kally said...

Was having some trouble finding where to post a comment. Thank God for command + it makes all tiny type BIGGER. -Your post a comment link is Super Microscopic and there was a lot of command + going on here. How is that for dedication?!

After looking at all of the beautiful stuff at Twisted Silver, I have to say my favorite from the site is the Infinity necklace. This was hard because I loved it all!!! Here's hoping for the bracelet :)

Bonnie in FL said...

I love the Shower earrings

Bonnie in FL

Angie said...

I like all the belts, the Gypsy earrings & braclet, the tatoo ring, and a bunch of the necklaces!

Now I'm off to try and figure out how to read the links for the other posters....


Cristin said...

The only accessory I can manage is a belt.. no jewelry, except my wedding ring, and I don't always wear that...

Unknown said...

I like the Chic Necklace. They have great stuff! Thanks for the chance Angie!

'Cuz I Felt Like It! said...

The Diva necklace is awesome!


kktwins said...

I like the Bubbles Necklace best. Thank you.

janeh said...

the Starfish Earrings........

Anonymous said...

Oops. I just realized I accidentally added to last week's linky. All set up right now. Haha. I was wondering why no one was stopping by!

Pretty bracelet!

Anonymous said...

Me again! just checked out twisted silver... I like the diva choker necklace, the Athena bracelet and the patchwork charm best. Great give-away!

Dixie said...

I adore the Motif earrings.
Twisted Silver is a wonderful store.


Kathleen W. said...

I love that bracelet, and I also love their Sweet Necklace. You and Mannequin need to get me in on some of this stuff!

Melissa B. said...

I like the Flower Bracelet best.

Marie said...

I love the scroll ring -- so pretty!


stormvikki said...

I love Twisted Silver jewelry - sent their link to DH for Christmas gift hint. The Athena is quite lovely.

Kacey said...

The Twisted Silver is FABULOUS! I LOVE the dangle bangle fo sho'! All of it is great though. :o)

Anonymous said...

I love that, will have to go check them out.

Anonymous said...

I love the starfish brass hoop earings.


Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

This is some gorgeous stuff. I love the bracelet with the flowers toward the bottom of the page. Nice stuff. Glad you reminded us about them!

Jessica @ Piece Of Me said...

Oh, I have eyed there stuff for a while now. I really like the Gypsy necklace.
livlifelov at yahoo dot com

mverno said...

the silver braclet is wonderful

danosor said...

The Chic necklace caught my eye.I am a subscriber.

Rachel said...

i can see Mr. Linky with IE. And if you are a computer moron, I must really need help. Your blog is beautiful!

Lorie said...

Looks like Mr. Linky likes you again...Yea! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Beatnik Bracelet in Silver.

Croasla0 said...

love the deco earrings! cute blog!


Cherie J said...

I love the Flower Earrings. Thanks for the contest!


Aubrey said...

Oh My FAB! That is one lovely lookin' bracelet!
I love the Diva Necklace and Flower Dome ring!

Heather said...

Glad Mr. Linky is up and running again!

Jessica said...

I love jewelry, and am always looking for cool gift ideas. I will have to check it out..Thanks!

ky2here said...

Bring on that Fusion Necklace.

hayley said...

I love the Lithe Long Brass earrings- thanks for the chance to win!

oreo89 [at] gmail [dot] com

Mar said...

I love the candy wrapper necklace. all those colors and so much length it will be sure to garner attention.

Annie1 said...

I love the 7 Bracelet!!

Such gorgeous pieces of jewelry!



Anna Lefler said...

LOVE that bracelet! And getting it before it was out on the market is total icing on the cake!

I'm gonna go check them out...

Hope all is well with you!

:^) Anna

Anonymous said...

I love the tangle bracelet! Very creative! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net

Anonymous said...


TheGreatBelow said...

Yeah, I'm hooked on the tangled bracelet. I'd love to have it. :)

Aisling said...

That's a great (unique) bracelet! My favorite item at Twisted Silver is the Attitude Necklace.

TheGreatBelow said...

Okay, I added the link to my blogger. :) (A.R.)

linett said...

Love the Scroll Ring

Rhea said...

I'm SO in love with Twisted Silver. Seriously in love. I need to get some of their stuff. Maybe for Christmas.

My favorite necklaces are Tre and Gypsy. I've been coveting them for a while.

Cheryl Lage said...

Purty Purty Purty! LOVE the Flower Dome ring (always a sucker for a pretty ring)

Adding your contest to Way Back too!

Anonymous said...

I really like the coil ring, it is also really unique! ginabx[at]yahoo[dot]com

Anonymous said...

That bracelette is awesome...I don't think that I've found anything I don't like on that site. I told hubby about it and hopefully he will be puchasing me something from there for Christmas! :) Thank you for your kind words on my blog...

Unknown said...

I love the bracelet Flower. It would go with almost anything.

Tabitha Blue said...

Great bracelet!! I'm sure you do get lots of comments!! I'm off to check them out! :)

Leigh and Anthony said...

Thanks for introducing Twisted Silver to me. I love the hepburn earrings. They are gorgeous and the name says it all. The stage bracelet is stunning too. It is hard to pick one piece.

Roxy said...

i love the athena bracelet.

hockiemack at hotmail.com

Stacy said...

Love the Athena bracelet.


Anonymous said...

I like the bandwidth.

jcaplus2 said...

I really, really LOVE the long 'Flower' earrings. Here's the link:

Aren't they so very beautiful?

patty said...

It's hard to pick but I'd say the alabaster necklace!

Anonymous said...

I love the Penny Candy Bling belt!

Anonymous said...

I like the Patchwork charm necklace. Thanks for the great giveaway.
spagsrags1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Belinda said...

That bracelet is just bootiful:)

Carrie and Jim said...

Awesome stuff. These giveways are really nice. Hope your enjoying your new home.

windycindy said...

I love their "Tangle Bangle!" Thanks for a delightful contest. Cindi

Superdumb Supervillain said...

the beatnik necklace is my favorite, overall. swanky!

Honey Mommy said...

I guess it's a good thing I use Firefox or Safari (no IE for me!).

I sometimes have to check my blog in IE to make sure it hasn't messed something up!

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

I like almost everything >< But if I had to pick one thing ... I'd say the Chain Maille Bracelet.

But I also like the Athena...and Hardware bracelet is cool too. Ugh. LOL

This was my 1st Wordful Wednesday, how fun!

Ascending Butterfly said...

The Athena Bracelet is my favorite! GLTA :-)

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I love the Hepburn earrings. (:

strawberry3d said...

my favorite is the classic necklace.

Joyce said...

Hi, Angie,
Twisted Silver's site is very classy. My favorite is the Athena bracelet. :)

mar said...

I like the Hope Bracelet best!

Christina said...

Christina - xristya@rock.com - I love the Medallion Necklace from Twisted Silver - very classical!

David Johnson said...

I like the scroll ring, thanks titanicluck at gmail dot com

Jean said...

The alabaster necklace is gorgeous

trishden said...

Love the Fusion earings.

Anonymous said...

I love Twisted Silver and dig their Love bracelet!

Amber said...

I love the Sleek necklace :) Please enter me and thank you for the generous giveaway!

Ash said...

I'm so excited - the blog Gods are smiling, and I can read your links!!!

Goody goody - at naptime I'll be back!


buzzd said...

I like the zen bracelet. Thanks for the contest!

Anonymous said...

I like the zen and the beatnik bracelets

Antonio said...

I like the chic necklace.

Loopy said...

Ah! You're making me choose?... then it's gotta be the Chain Maille Convertible Necklace/Bracelet for me! Thx!

jennem said...

My favorite is the Dragonfly necklace.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Rita M said...

My favorite is the Beatnik Bracelet in Silver.

Elena said...

I really like the Infinity Necklace. Thanks for the great contest!!

cdrury said...

love the dragon fly necklace!!!

Anonymous said...

love the Shower earrings

Sam_I_am said...

I like the starfish earrings. It makes me want the beach. :-)

Kacey said...

This entire line is just fabulous. The Dangle BAngle is my fave but oh how I would love anything from them! :o)

turboterp said...

The Starfish Earrings are calling my name!


vboackle said...

i like the beatnik necklace.

Anonymous said...

My Grand Daughter loves the Bongo Earrings.

mogrill said...

The Silver Beatnik necklace is my favorite!

Steph said...

My favorite is the Beatnik bracelet.

Smooshy said...

i like the beatnik bracelet!

Anonymous said...

I like the Whisper Bangle Gold.


littlelatina said...

vibe ring is nice

fancyfeet48 said...

the Bongo Earrings is my favorite count me in

Shelley K. said...

I like the Vintage Bling Necklace.

tskrush (at) cox (dot) net

Andrea Hatfield said...

I like the Bling earrings in silver.

Stephanie said...

I still love the patchwork convertible necklace/charm (you did give this away awhile ago if I'm remembering right)and the go go opera convertible necklace/belt. They have so many great pieces! Awesome giveaway!

Becca Ann said...

I love the Cameo Trio necklace

Colengal said...

Tangle Bangle rocks

dhunt said...


Anonymous said...

tangle bangle rocks:)


tatertot374 said...

Thank you for having this. I like the Tre necklace. Thank you!

Stanza Rae said...

I really liked the Crazy Bubbles in Silver bracelet. Thank you for the contest.

Dumaurier said...

I love the Horse Bit bracelet and the mini earrings

msrodeobrat said...

the athena bracelet is my favorite

Unknown said...

All I want for Christmas is their "Beatnik Bracelet in Silver"


OffTheMap13 said...

I'm torn between the Patchwork Convertible with Charm and the Cameo Trio. Very pretty stuff!

Anonymous said...

I love the tattoo ring,cool looking. Thanks for the chance to win

The Shillingburg's said...

I love the "Love" and "Acorn" charms! So pretty!

Tina12312 said...

I am in love with their Beatnik bracelet! Thank you!

Becca said...

I love the starfish earrings. Thanks!!!

Homemaker said...

I absolutely LOVE the "Romance" brass bangle. Gorgeous!!


Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Hope necklace.

Shauna said...

Well I want them all but if Im not being greedy the heist necklace is my favorite!


Anonymous said...

There are so many gorgeous pieces here! I think my absolute favorites are the Bling earrings :)

Happi Shopr said...

My favorite is the Hope necklace - so lovely! trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

really like the "classic" bracelet.

Anonymous said...

The vintage bling necklace is nice. cardeb2@verizon.net

mamabear said...

The Athena bracelet is simply a work of art I would love to display on my arm. Keep it going, great stuff.

joannaonthelake said...

Twisted Silver has the most incredible unique jewelry! I love to accessorize with jewelry and I do not own anything like the stunning jewelry I saw today on their website. I am in love with the Medallion Necklace. I love the fact that you can easily wear the necklaces at Twisted Silver as a necklace, or they can easily be wrapped around your wrist a few times and convert into a bracelet! This is a genius idea that makes their items even more appealing and versatile! Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter.

SeahorseLady said...

I love Twisted Silver and have them bookmarked for future use. I've also told everyone in my family that if they want to get me a present then they just need to head over to Twisted Silver. I would be thrilled with any of their beautiful pieces of jewelry.
I have my eye on the great Rope bracelet.
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway.

Sarah Z said...

I love the Edge Bracelet!
believedreamcourage (at) gmail.com

Leslie said...

Really like the key necklace.

Anonymous said...

Alabaster Necklace. Very natural and understated.

Danielle hello_danielle@inbox.com

Jinxy and Me said...

I love the Athena bracelet. Thanks for the giveaway!

ssmina said...

I still love the athena! thank you!

djolsen said...

I am famiiar with the twisted silver site and love all their things, but I really want tht crooked bubbles bracelet in gold.

Amy said...

I adore the Love bracelet. Thanks for the chance and calling my att'n to the site.

Cindy said...

My favorite is Tangle Bangle.

Unknown said...

Love the Athena bracelet!

klp1965 said...

i love the hardware necklace :)

Belinda said...

I'm torn between the Alabaster necklace and the Gypsy necklace!

Anonymous said...

I like the Infinity Necklace. garrettsambo@aol.com

Anonymous said...

My favorite piece at Twisted Silver is the Diva earrings :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!


diesel51 said...

Flower bracelet.

Jolene said...

ooh i love the tangle bangle

mojomomma said...

I love there jewelry. The Flower bracelet is my favorite.

orchidfae said...

scroll ring is cute

monky said...

My favorite is the convertible tag necklace! It's awesome!!

:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)

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