I am SO excited about this basket of goodness. I think the winner just might have to duke it out with me for this one.

Since this is a heavy one (and expensive to ship), this one is only open to US residents.
To enter for a chance to win, you MUST hop over to Scary Mommy's blog and compliment Jill. The more, the better. Jill deserves lots of attention because she made up this gorgeous basket for me, and I appreciate the time and energy she took out of her day for YOU.
Now, once you've told Jill she's the best thing since sliced cheese, leave me a quick comment to let me know you've followed the rules.
If you compliment my fellow tea party hostesses as well, you'll get an extra entry per hostess. How's that for fun?
Mannequin at Fractured Toy
Kathleen with Katydid and Kid
CanCan with Mom Most Traveled
Naomi with Superdumb Supervillain
Us mothers of twins... we UNITE!
I left Jill as message. She's funny!
and, went to Mannequin's site.
And, Naomi's
I already read Jill but I did leave a special comment about that basket. So pretty!
Thanks for the "tip" on Jill's site. She's HYSTERICAL! And the other ladies in your tea, too. I feel like I've just branched out to new blog areas! I'm no longer just reading about us triplet moms. Thanks!
I am so illegally here...I should be busy at work and when my work is caught up here, should be doing my courses for nursing. But, here I am. Stopped by Jill's site. GREAT blog! Will stop by the others if I have time. Great to catch up on your blog again! :) Mine's pretty boring right now!
I praised her, quite sincerely.
I went over to Jill's. Her design is super cute! I told her so, don't worry. :)
ok angie, this totally rocks my face off!!! i have a popcorn bowl, btw, that is like the toiletry bowl. how funny!
How fun, Angie! Looks like a lot of good stuff. I'll head over to her site and leave a compliment.
Thanks for your sweet comment yesterday, by the way. :)
Take care,
What a great basket!! I'm on my way to check Scary Mommy's blog. Have a super day!
I did leave her a message and was sad to hear Frogy turned into a naghty Froggy since last I read him to my twin boys!
I know it is wrong to covet something, but I *really* want the gift basin of goodness.
knittingmomof3 AT gmail (DOT) com
I left a comment regarding a really fin sounding tea party I missed out on.
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I left a comment about Kathleen's ability to felt and my lack thereof.
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I read her daily already. I told her she was awesome today though!
I commented on CanCan's fantastic St. Nicholas Traditions here: http://mommosttraveled.com/family-christmas-traditions/#comment-13511
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I left a post regarding men and pregnancy at Naomi's site: http://superdumbsupervillain.blogspot.com/2008/11/whos-your-daddy.html
knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Left a note telling her that she ROCKS! Hey, I'm a twin mom too, she really must rock to take the time to make that awesome gift basket!
I just told Jill that she's an awesome possum. That's what my son says... I think I'll run off and tell the others!
Just popped in and told Mannequin that she is prettier than her tea party location!
I just told Katydid that she is awesome too. Two down, two to go!
Just visited CanCan. She's got some cute stuff over there!
Alrighty... I just visited Naomi and posted on her blog TWICE! Now I'm off to pay attention to my kids.
Very nice site. Thanks.
This looks so luxurious!
Okay, I just told Jill how awesome she is!
Love me some girly items, esp in a house full of BOYS!
Off to tell Jill she is GREAT! : )
Oh lovely! I have something for you over at my blog! :o)
I left a comment on her blog. :D She does sound pretty awesome.
What an awesome contest! Jill is so crafty, and she'd better watch out because we're all going to want one of these.
Scary Mommy is next on my reading list. What a cute basket!
Oh and you are pretty great yourself and pretty. ;)
I left a compliment over at Jill's too. I'm already a reader there, I love her blog.
Thanks, Angie...while going to compliment Jill I found another EXCELLENT blog to read! Loved her site! Don't worry...you're still my number one :)
I'm sad to see that I missed yesterdays TWisted Silver :( I remember loving it the last giveaway. Is it too late to enter?
The basket is beautiful and I posted on the double mint twins post complimenting her. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Well, that was quite a journey. I went to Jill's Scary Mommy and told her she was awesome, but found out that she really was, so I subscribed, lol.
thanks for sharing
carolyn s
ceashark at aol dot com
I also visited Mannequin at Fractured Toy and told her she was fantastic.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
carolyn s
Hopped on over to Katydid and Kid and told her she was totally cool.
thanks for sharing
ceashark at aol dot com
carolyn s
Last, but not least, I fawned all over Naomi at Superdumb Supervillain. Tried to fawn on CAnCAn, but for some reason couldn't find the screen to comment.
thanks again
ceashark at aol dot com
carolyn s.
I ALWAYS Follow rules, LOL....well, almost always.
Please enter me, I don't have time for nonsense.
Finally catching up on my reading.
Oh La La......me likey!
I left a nice comment. It is a beautiful gift tub of goodies that your giving away. Hope I win. Thanks. Charlotte
Me also left a comment on her Froggy Post! :)
What a fun giveaway!
I've left fablous comments for each of the following:
*Jill at Scary Mommy
*Mannequin at Fractured Toy
*Kathleen with Katydid and Kid
*CanCan with Mom Most Traveled
*Naomi with Superdumb Supervillain
I think it's great to introduce others to new blogs. I love meeting new blog friends, learning about different products, and just adding to my little blogland community!
:) Thanks, you're a peanut! :)
p.s. I'm adding your {giveaway} to my blog too!
I left Jill a comment about her adorable children!
I liked Jill's proudest parenting moment on the right. I have a feeling that will be a conversation I will have one day.
if you ask me well you as real as every one else whos holding this teaparty you all rock i like every thing you guys show on your blogs and well you guys also have realy grate giveaways too.
this basket would be perfect for my new house!
I also have twins and I complimented scary mom!
I agreed with her on the Froggy books. Also loved her enamel toiletries bowl.
Love that bracelet you have too. Very unique. I want one.
I went over and told her she was 'tha bomb' because she totally is!
I'm on my daily rounds to the other lady hostesses!
I am loving the basket.. it is going to look great in my bathroom....
Wow! That is awesome! It's too bad I haven't moved in to your old house yet! That way I could have played too.... lol
Have you sold yet?
I'm usually all about breaking the rules but this time I followed them!!
I so need that basket! :)
Geez Angie. I'm wondering if I could hire you as my PR. I wondered why all of a sudden people were telling me how cute I am!
Here I was thinking today was a day of revelations.
The basket sounds lovely!! I stopped by and read about the froggy books and gave her a compliment too :o)
i read about froggy books
I left a comment on Jill's blog. She is hilarious!
How very lovely! I wish I had the eye to make something like that.
Also left a comment at Fractured Toy.
So glad to see you got your blog "issues" figured out!!
I left a comment for Jill - I love her blog - it's fun to read!
Loved Jills post! I left her a comment. Thanks so much for this giveaway. What a beautiful basket of goodies.
love this blog
I left a post at Jill's and subscribed
I left a post at Mannequins,already a subscriber there.
I left a post at Kathleen's
I left a post at CanCan at Mom Most Traveled.
I love you AND Jill... what does that get me??
I left a post at naomi's at Superdumb Supervillain I really didn't know where to leave it so I found a tea party post from 11/09
So this is where all of those flattering comments were originating from!
Angie, can you do a giveaway every week and make people tell me how creative and wonderful I am?
Thanks for making me smile!
I left a post at Scary Mommy's blog :) It's cute & she cracks me up.
Also, I visited Kathleen (Katydid and Kid) & entered one of her contests as well. I love her blog too. I wish I was as good at knitting as she is!
Love your daughtera new school picture, shes adorable!
Sassy, always a rule follower. Well, not really, but this time I did!
Thank you for directing me to Jill's site. She is great. I left her a comment.
I also visited and commented on Mannequin's hilarious bird pix.
I left her a message
The bowl by itself is fun!
I love jill! I love that she put such an awesome basket together too! Whoop!
I told Jill that she the best thing since sliced cheese and not because you told me to. It's because of the basket and she has an Evan too. lol
I commented on Jill's Site! Thanks, Cindi
Mannequin's was fun and I left an entry for her. Cindi
I love the Panda Wedgwood China on Naomi's site. Cindi
Kathleen's felting amazes me and I let her know how talented I think she is! Cindi
I commented in her blog - pretty funny!
I've commented on jill's website. Her kids are so cute!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Commented on Jill's blog!
I left a comment on Jills blog in the froggy thread. Thanks for the great contest!
Thank you so much for the wonderful contest!
I went over and definitely commented that wonderful woman, Jill. Her twins are so adorable!
I left a comment for Jill - what a sweet site.
nice products to win,thanks.
Thank you for having this. I left a comment on the Frog post. Thank you!
i left a comment. this is a great git basket
Jill's site is great
What a great site, and what a great contest! Thank you.
I am so drooling after seeing the "crockpot turkey".
I left a comment for her!
livlifelov at yahoo dot com
I just left a comment on her froggy goes to heaven and I agree!
Be nice to each other
I complimented Jill!
I left a comment on the double mint twins and told her she has some of the cutest kids. Thank you for the giveaway.
Left a comment for Jill on her blog just like you asked.
hkropog [at] yahoo [dot] com
OK, I left a comment for Jill. I'm too tired tonight to go visit all the others. Hopefully, I'll get lucky with just the one. Looks like a great prize and I am conveniently located in the US!
I hopped over to Scary Mommy and left her a compliment/comment:)
I complimented Mannequin:)
I left a compliment for Kathleen over at Katydid and Kid!
I left a compliment for Can Can - one of my most fave bloggers:)
I left posts at all five sites. I am a regular visitor at most of them!
the crockpot turkey was worth the trip - left a comment
She is a hoot and I told her so. I love her site, did subscribe and will visit it often.
I followed the rules and left a complimentary note for Jill.
Left a note, her kids are so cute!
i left her a compliment on her daughters school pictures post. so cute!
karissag at gmail.com
I complimented Jill. Quite well if I say so myself!! LOL
Jill's blog is Great !
I truly enjoyed reading and commenting on it.
Her humor with everyday life with her children really made me feel like I was not alone. But also cracked me up.
I will definitely be looking at some of the predicuments that my children get me into a lot differently from now on.
This basket is truly Gorgeous and I am most grateful for the giveaway.
Thank you so much for the wonderful giveaway.
i would LOVE to win !!
Thanks for the tip on the twins blog!
left a complement to jill, she is really fun, sent her sight on to my daughter.
i think it's really nice for you to advertise somebody else on your site.
keep up the good work
This site has useful information for me, and it's nice to know there are people with the same struggles you have.
Cute site, I like how she says she has bodily functions like a 12 year old,cracked me up!
Jill's site was very entertaining~I was laughing so hard!
Thanks for the giveaway~Great basket!
Scary Mommy is a hoot LOve the school pics I don't think any of my kids have ever had a good school pics thats why I have to go trapse out to a photo studio each year to finally get a good one
Love the goodie basket
Bonnie in FL
Commented on Froggie--thanks for the gift basket offer.
i left a comment for Jill on her school pictures blog.
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
thanks you
I complimented Jill at Scary Mommy's :)
:) Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! :)
Thank you for such a nice prize. Good Luck to All.
I just left a comment for Scary Mommy about her talent!
I gave some praises to katydid too!
I left a message with CanCan!
I gave a little love to Naomi as well.
and finally...I have complimented mannequin. I've done it many times. She so deserves it.
I read Jill's blog about always being early...I just don't understand early people.
Thanks for the giveaway!!!!
Early..what is early!!! Love this giveaway
Eeeek! Early people scare me...but I left Jill much love anyway. ;D trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I left her a message and I like her site also.
I love her candid stories about her kids! :)
I left her a comment commiserating about not being on the Twilight vampire train!
Hi there! I just visited Jill's blog and left her a really nice message about her incredible Not So Scary Stuffing Recipe. Have you seen it? It sounds delicious! I have not tried stuffing with apples in pecans in it so I printed it out and am going to try it this year, next week, yikes! And, thank you so much for introducing Jill's blog to us and for the opportunity to enter your luxurious giveaway! Happy Thanksgiving and Holidays!
always ready for company, at least the girls when they come home.Nice win.
Sweet niblets!
Great site! Great giveaway! Thanks! senekers@comcast.net
Ileft her a wonderful message! he deserves every word. sides, i want that present you are giving away
I commented on her site!
I left two comments.. she has a way with words :)
ty 4 the entry! nice basket! im an identical twin!:)
I think she's my twin, at least in the having to be early to everything..
Excellent blog, I really like the logo especially.
I commented on her blog. Seems like she is having an adventure with the kids. garrettsambo@aol.com
I commented over at Scary Mommy!
i left scary mommy a compliment :)
I left a comment for her ... I feel her pain -- I'm off "white stuff" (sugar, flour, etc.) as well. Thanks for another cool contest!
I went over to Jill's and read her blog. Commented on her eating stuffing article. rosans4@comcast.net
Went to Fractured toy and commented
Went to Katydid and kid. (like the name of her site) commented on how cute "kid" is
Already subscribe to mom most travelled and comment on her site regularly.
went to superdum supervillain and commented on the books she recommended.
Visited Jill and complimented her (sincerely)
Visited Mannequin at Fractured Toy. Excellent blog.
Naomi has great children's gift ideas.
Visited CanCan at MomMostTraveled but I couldn't find a spot to leave a compliment.
Visited Kathleen at Katydid and Kid. Great blog.
Nifty blog, ty
i followed the rules. i enjoyed her blog. she rocks!
Jill is a real card. I loved her posts. They made me laugh out loud.
A little love for Jill and the basket is beautiful!
I complimented Jill on the Scary Mommy blog. She has a great blog!
I commented to Jill. Great basket of goodies!!
Jill takes me back in time when I was a Mom. Empty nesting has perks. I'll keep a the gift basket for overnight guests.
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