Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wordful Wednesday-dancing

Sometimes my heart just swells when I see my children enjoying each other. This was definitely one of those times. Dance on!


*NOTE: Please excuse the second Mr. Linky. I think he has a crush on me because he mysteriously sent me another one. It must be. There's no other explanation. I might just have to give him a call tomorrow. Until then, Mr. Linky.....

Just a reminder...

Tomorrow is Wordful Wednesday. Don't forget to join me. I LOVE the company.

Whitney of The Glamorous Life of a Housewife is having giveaway with all things pink in honor of her friend battling breast cancer. Stop by for a chance to win and to wish her friend well.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Favorite Shoes

Let's talk shoes.

I need to escape my life for a bit and thought this was the perfect subject. I mean, what else do I have to talk about anyway?

Sadly, I didn't even come up with this idea on my own. My brain is THAT over taxed.

The idea was Mannequins' of Fractured Toy .

I used to like shoes a lot more. Now I'm happy with a few basic pairs and I don't go much for "fun" shoes. Except for these:
These are currently my favorite shoes. First of all, they are comfortable. They look amazingly adorable on, and they are red. Well, reddish orange which is so my color. And, they look so great with jeans or this cute black and white skirt that I have. This pair falls into my "fun" category. These are as wild and crazy as my shoes get!
These are my winter time going-out-can be worn with jeans or a skirt shoes that never let me down.

Summer time shoe that fall into the same category as the above.

I lived in these last winter. Oh so comfy. I'm all about comfort. And that's why if I had to chose only one pair of shoes to own, they'd be these:

Yep, flip flops.
I live in them during the summer. Since I have a aversion to socks and lace up shoes (except for the occasional exercising), these are the perfect fit. They never squish my toes or make my back ache because there is a heel and I have terrible posture. I don't have to worry about spending too much on them or worry that they are getting undo wear. Once they die, they are easy to replace.
What are your favorite shoes?


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Weekend Links

Kathy over at Mama's Losin It is having a vacuum giveaway. It's a Hoover U5491-900 WindTunnel Anniversary-Edition Bagged Upright Vacuum Cleaner, to be exact. You don't need to do anything special to win.......just enter your name and if you want extra entries throw her a compliment or two. She's greedy that way.

Genny did my linky homework for me (well, she didn't technically do it for me, but that just sounds good) this week so for more great links, hop over to My Cup 2 Yours.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Writer's Workshop

Remember how I told you some topics always scream a particular name to me? And loudly? Todays prompt from Mama Kat involves writing a letter to someone I miss greatly.

One name always comes to mind, and always will.

Dear Mom,

It still bothers me that the interruption of our lives together was forced. I'm still a tad bitter sad that I haven't been able to talk to you face to face or feel your arms around me for 25 years.

I used to be really angry at you for going away, even though I know it wasn't your fault. I got tired of blaming JUST him, so I blamed you, too. After all, you did marry him. I was being hateful though. I just wanted the hurt to end, and in a warped way, I wanted everyone to hurt a little bit too. I just didn't think it was fair that I had to ache that way. Why me? Why not everyone else?

I consider now having what happened to you happen to me. To have my life cut short without my consent in an awful way and I shudder. I think that if that happened to me, my last agony-filled thoughts would be about my children and what would happen to them. I think the pain of knowing I wouldn't be raising them would be more painful than the physical onslaught.

The first 8 years of my life were the best of my childhood. I'm thankful I got to share them with you.

I wish more than anything that my children could share their childhoods' with you, too. I'm thankful that I've always felt your love, even when you were gone, and that my children somehow do too.

(this is my moms sister, my sister, my grandma, me and my moms other sister)

But I still miss you and wish you were here, too.

Love Always and Forever,

Your Favorite Cry Baby


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wordful Wednesday-laying on my neck

Remember Garrett with the camera? He caught this one too. I was tired there like I'm tired now. I need more sleep.

It's the last time you'll see me (or hear of me) laying on my neck in the near future. Jeff and I made a decision that's going to have me scrambling for the next few weeks. I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it in, so wish me luck.

And for all those family members that are hearing this for the first time, and think they know what I'm talking about, I know. I know. It's that time thing. I don't have enough of it to call you all individually. I'm slightly freaking out though if that makes you feel any better.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Life through Garrett's eyes

I wish I had the ability to really experience life through my children's eyes, even if just for an hour.

I think this just may be the closest I'll ever come.

I gave #3 free rein with my camera and 200 shots later, I had an idea.

Life for my 4 year old contains mystery and interest in the every day.

Life is up close and personal.

Life contains objects, and people.

Life contains trash.

Life is alive.

Life has color.

Life moves as quickly as the click of the mouse.
How do you think a child's view of "life" is different from your own?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Blogs to check out this week.....

Have you discovered Debateur Debates yet? If you haven't, you must stop by. Each day she blogs about "serious topics for serious readers". I guarantee you'll find something interesting.

Debateur Debates

She's hosting a "brainstorming" giveaway that runs through the 22nd (tomorrow). Do you have a topic that you'd like discussed? If so, ask away and she'll tackle it. It's that simple. Plus, the winner of the contest gets a little treat for the "help".

Debateur Debates Contest

I don't know about you, but I *heart*, I mean absolutely *heart* homemade cards. The Pink Potpourri is hosting a giveaway of Casey's Stationary. You'll really want to check out the designs. I totally want to win this one.

New to blogging and want a few tips? Mannequin of Fractured Toy compiled a list that is sure to help you out or give you ideas.

Like photography that has not been edited or manipulated in any way (shot by an internationally published photographer)? Or links to a variety of excellent blog posts that the blog author has selected each week? Then head over to authorblog for a peek.

Angie of Bloom is having her first ever giveaway this weekend. It ends today though, so you'll have to hurry over to enter to win her handmade purse.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

One last Cancun story

I saved my funniest Cancun story for Melissa's blog. I think it's only fitting that I tell the story while she is there, and I'm well, here.

If you like stories of drunken ladies (not me. I don't drink), this one is for you. Head on over to Hope Floats and read all about it.


Friday, September 19, 2008

PSF-Birth Order

Before you read on, you must hop over and read what Octamom has to say about birth order here.
Now then. I'll continue.
I love hearing about birth order.
There are documented, "scientifically" based studies on birth order and they've published studies that articulate their findings.
I personally love the idea that traits can be assigned to the First, Second and Third born.
But wait.
What happens when there are more than 3?
Compartmentalizing individuals is a really great idea.
Takes the guessing right out of the game.
I mean, we no longer need to wait for our children's personalities to develop if they are the First, Second or Third born. We already know what characteristics will define them.
That's the real reason we had more.
We wanted a surprise.
Sure our kids fit right into a mold.
I've been wondering. If there are multiples, who is the true baby of the group? That's the real question.

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

Birth Order Prompt Hosted by Octamom


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wear 'em down until they say "yes"...

that's the best technique my kids have taught me. Want something really bad and it seems like they might budge? Wear 'em down. Ask and ask. They'll probably give in eventually.

Last night I found out "wear 'em down until they say yes" works on other adults, too. I'm secretly pleased I'm not the only one that gives in after so much harassment, and overtly thrilled that I got what I really wanted.

See, Mama Kat started a Writers Workshop on Wednesdays. She provides the prompt and Mr. Linky and we write away. Coincidentally though, she launched the same Wednesday I launched Wordful Wednesday. I was so bummed, because this is something I wanted to be involved with every week. So I emailed her. And I emailed her. And I told her that I really wanted to participate, but I couldn't until Thursday. And then I took it a step further. I asked for the prompts in advance so I could prepare earlier in the week (see, I am committed to participating) and, I told her how sad it made me that she couldn't participate in my Wordful Wednesday's. And I emailed her some more. And she finally had enough and said, "fine. leave me alone. I'll move to Thursday." But not in those exact words. She was nicer. She probably had other motivators, but I'm going to flatter myself and believe it was all me.

You now know what I'll be doing on Thursdays.

Dare I write one more post about John and how I almost lost him and possibly Jacob too? The prompt, "write about a heart that wouldn't quit" screams John to me. Loudly. But, I think if I tell that story again I'll lose half my readers. So, if you are new and really interested, go here.

Instead I'm going to tell you about the recurring nightmare that haunted my childhood. Literally. My sister can attest to the fact that it terrified me on a regular basis and caused some uncomfortable nights because I would climb into bed with her. And yes, it was a twin sized bed.

I know the nightmare was short, because I can recall every detail, yet when I was sleeping it seemed like it lasted an eternity. It was always the same. Always.

The man that chased me from window to window and door to door always had the same expression on his face and always arrived at the window or door the same time that I did.

He liked to toy with me, and allowed me to shut and lock the window or door before racing to the next one.

I was inside. He was out, and I was feverish in my desire to lock him out permanently. I knew that he could only bring harm.

I ran and ran. My heart worked overtime. Fear alternately paralyzed me and pushed me on.

And then, after I had shut and locked every window (seeing his face in the pane every time) and was at the last door, right before what I knew was going to be my ultimate death, I woke up.

Even knowing the ending in advance never made it less scary.

I haven't had the dream in years. Thank goodness.

I'm pretty sure that I can pinpoint exactly what caused this recurring dream.

Like puzzles? Go here (number 6) and here and here and see if the pieces paint a picture for you, too.

Wanna read more? Go to the hub (as in the site of origination for the Writers Workshops, Mama Kat) and branch out from there.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wordful Wednesday

For once I think I finally have a picture that could be Wordless, but you know me. I can't let it be. I feel an obligation to tell you about the photo. Because I want to. If I left it Wordless, then you wouldn't know that this is one of my favorite shots of the summer. Or that it reminds me to slow down and enjoy my children, their childhood and the little things that make them happy. Things like an ice cream cone on a hot day, or wearing a cowboy hat just because one wants to. It reminds me that these moments only happen once, and to cherish them.

Is it me, or has Mr. Linky disappeared? I'm assuming they are having technical difficulties. Please check back so that you can add your link. I don't want to miss out on any Wordful Wednesdays!

Guest blogging today.....on Steals and Deals.

I'm guest blogging at Steals and Deals today. This newly launched site is run by two totally adorable AND likeable real life SISTERS (Abby and Mandy) and focuses on great bargains and ideas that are inexpensive.

I *HEART* a good deal and any way to do things more cost effectively is a friend of mine. That's one of the reasons I was excited to be able to contribute, as lame as my contribution was. Plus they told me they like me (smile).

Head on over and see what my girls and I came up with......I can't guarantee it'll knock your socks off, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Monday, September 15, 2008

He's Killing Me

I need a lock for my laundry room.

Is it normal to have a 2 year old that does his own laundry? Because mine does, and it's freaking me out.

Every few days for a couple of weeks I'd notice that my washing machine was running. And I didn't start it. I figured that one of the twins had started it, but I thought it was just one of them messing with the buttons.

Then I started noticing that someone was taking the clothes out of the dryer, throwing them on the floor and transferring the clean clothes from the washer into the dryer. I know I should have been thrilled, but I don't like anyone mixing things up.

Yesterday I had dirty clothes in the washer but it hadn't been started. I came in later and all of the dirty clothes were in the dryer. Ugh.

And then the light went on. My selective little laundry someone is Spiderman. Yes, Spiderman. And he's so concerned with the laundry because he only has 2 sets of Spiderman pajamas and slippers and since that's all he'll wear, it's important that one set is clean at all times.

Today Spiderman spilled water on his Spiderman top and promptly put it into the dryer and started it.

I'm alarmed. I'm pretty sure this isn't normal. I have a 2 year old child that calls himself Spiderman, refuses to wear anything except his Spiderman clothing, cuts his food with a saw, AND does his own laundry. It just doesn't seem right.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

"What?" and Flying Alone

The kids are a little perplexed (the evidence is in his expression). Something monumental is happening. I'm going somewhere on a plane all alone. I haven't done this in 10 years. I should qualify. The twins are perplexed. The other kids......over the moon. It's party time with dad. As for me? Nuptial time Harley Davidson Style. My brother is getting married. Not sure if they'll actually be on thier "hogs" but I'll soon see.

As for blogging? I'm behind. So behind. But I'll catch up. Eventually. Bear with me, please.


Friday, September 12, 2008

PSF-Blackberry Picking

Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE blackberries? I mean love them? My big project this summer was to make a whole slew of blackberry jam. I just have one thing to say about my jam and then I'll move on berry picking. Scrumdiddlyumptious. That's the word for my jam, not berry picking.

And now onto blackberry picking. Have you ever done it? If not, it's quite an experience. Especially when the sun is shining and all the fruit is warm and oozing with juice. We have a walking trail close to our home with wild blackberry bushes everywhere. We like to take advantage of the fruit, although it never quite comes "free".

Blackberry picking isn't the safest past time, but you know you're in the right place if it looks like this:

If you want to get blackberry thorns in your hands, pick like this:
Paying attention is a must.

You know you've been successful if your hands look this this,

Your legs look like this,

And you and your sweaty kids look like this:

The real success though, is if your basket has anything in it.......like this:

Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
