I *HEART* a good deal and any way to do things more cost effectively is a friend of mine. That's one of the reasons I was excited to be able to contribute, as lame as my contribution was. Plus they told me they like me (smile).
Head on over and see what my girls and I came up with......I can't guarantee it'll knock your socks off, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Ohhh I simply adore a good bargain. Anyone can pay full price but only a true shopper can consistently get a good deal!
Me too! I love bargains and will go over to Steals and Deals.
Loved your gift idea. I know who to come to a few years from now when my old brain needs a jumpstart and it's time to butter up the girl's teachers!
Great idea...we start with a new teacher next week...guess I'd better get working on it!
....on my way....
Ok. I BIG PUFFY HEART a good deal. I'm on my way over now!!
Great post and thanks for leading to another great blog.
Thanks so much for the plug on our blog Angie. We LOVE your idea and think it is fabulous way to start the year out for our kiddos!
By the way we both do think you have a great smile :)
Heading on over!
love it.... great post...
so cute - what a great idea!
I love a good bargain!
Thanks for sharing the link..
What a great idea! It definitely scores some points for mom too!
I am all over a good deal. SWEET.
That's a really great idea Angie !
Something I'll definately do next September.
You did such a great job! Love the guest post ad the treats you put together. What a thoughtful gift!
Who doesn't love a good bagain? Off to check it out!
Angie, thanks for sending so many over to check out our little baby steals and deals. We really do appreciate it!
Great teacher appreciation idea as well. I think I will be having to make many of these gifts for Nathan's teacher as she has had to put up with A LOT! So I really appreciate all the ideas I can get!
I will send you our little button through email as well.
You're awesome!
Loved your idea ... I'll be filing that one away for down the road!
Great post to inspire the creative juices. I am sure it still would not be late to give the teacher a fun gift within the first month of school to let them know that the kids are enjoying them.....or at back to school night.
Love that pic. My sister had way too much fun with the Photoshop for mine today.
So I am hooked on that site. What a great idea. And I LOVED your back to school gift idea. So fun. I bet the girls loved giving them to their teacher. I will have to keep this in mind in 3 years :)
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