You see, Jeff hates having his picture taken. He especially hates candid ones. In crowded places. While he's walking.
And I know it. Yes, I know it. That's why I love this picture so much.
It's just so heartwarming. My hunk being a good daddy and looking at me so endearingly. What's NOT to love?

Love it! My husband is photo-phobic, too ... which makes it hard since I'm a total shutter-bug and always have a camera with me.
Gorgeous - kids yes - hubby - I won't say - I dont' want a punched nose (just kidding).
Great shot - why are hubbies this way? mine too!!!
What is it with them? Mine is the same way!
I love the cowboy boots with shorts!
Love the picture...priceless!
What effect did you do on the photo?
I love it!
He should not be camera shy in the least. What a wonderful Dad with two beautiful boys. I can see why you love this picture.
♥ I think it's a great picture!
That's too funny. Same goes for my hubby - however do you notice how there are always WAY more pics of hubby with kids than with mommy & kids?? a Sad truth..
stop by sometimes - you have something over at my place. :-)
You are so dead meat!!! The look he's giving you just slays me!
My icky body image is the whole reason I have chosen to be the family photographer! lol
So funny...he is very photogenic!! Luke hates to see ghis photo on my blog as well...if he would ork on his picture face he might not mind so much!!! Ha ha, had to say it...I did!!
I have the hardest time getting photos of my husband... or at least ones that look good! The candid ones are best because he doesn't know how to look relaxed if he knows the camera is there.
p.s. I am the winner of the Twisted Silver, right? :o)
Oh boy, does he look happy! ;)
Good for you for posting it anyway! The awwww factor makes it worth it.
I don't have this problem. I am always the one that never makes it into pictures.
HA! too day he will look back on that picture and love it:) My hubby hates pictures too..rarely smiles for me.
I have tried for several weeks to get a snapshot of my husband at varous outings. He does not like his picture taken either. I guess I will have to get one soon to post. You are a brave woman!
I love candid shots. He probably won't mind years from now when he has these pics to look back on.
aw that is just cute! Daddy and boys out for a stroll. But Ok, is that why you're hubby is glaring at you in that picture like you're in big trouble after this?! :)
This is a great photo. Sorry to hear you might get in trouble for posting it!
That's a great picture!! I absolutely love the candid shots too. Awesome!!
My Wordless Wednesday will be posted soon!!
Happy WW!!
Now that is just sweet as sweet. Jon doesn't mind me taking his picture. But when he sees them, he gets a little more sheepish about letting me keep them. Or post them for that matter. :)
i love this it!
i can't do wordless wednesday is totally wordful!
I can totally see why you'd love that pic (and yes, it's worth posting it even if hubby gets a little mad!) You know, there is nothing sweeter than a Daddy with his kids! Tonight, my husband was throwing Landon up in the air and the kid was laughing hysterically and my heart just melted. Something about that moment was just so sweet!
Yeah, he looks a little um...annoyed. But I'm sure he'll still love you anyway!!
I'll pray for your safety, and check back tomorrow to make sure you're all right.
I'm the photo-phobic one in our family, so I know how he feels.
My hubby is the same way, although I think he's slowly getting used to my photo-fettish.
First off... what a cute pic with great use of color!
Next... I love the Wordful Wednesday. Sooooo me!
Finally, last week I had a hard time getting the link. I'll see what I can do this time around. Just know I am trying :).
Happy Wednesday!
It's perfect!
And ya gotta love the cowboy boots and shorts! :)
That picture is darling! What a great daddy-this picture makes him seem like a very patient guy-especially with the little one wiping his eyes like that.
Cute picture! I love candid photos!
Well, it was nice knowing! Great picture.
and he doesn't look very happy either!!! your kids are cute tho lol
What a great picture...I love the cowboy boots!
Ooo cute picture! Something so endearing about a Daddy and his little ones!
I love seeing men being daddies...even when they are giving you "that look" as you take thier picture.
I adore that daddy holding hands photos. I am glad that you got the opportunity to steal one. So incredibly adorable...all 3 of them!
I cracked up when I saw your pic because mine today is like the flip-side girl version--okay, that makes no sense--well, you'll just have to see what I mean--there are twins, it's a candid, it's of a person rarely seen in photographs---
Love it!!!
Very nice picture!!! I just posted mine. I cannot believe you had 28 links for WW before I even got here this AM. Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's a great shot!!
I love this picture. Candids are the best! The cowboy boots are awesome, does he wear them everywhere! I love when little kids must wear their favorite shoes everywhere. has taken MANY YEARS to get my husband to "open up" to the camera more.
too cute;-)
You're right! This photo was totally worth it! It's awesome!
I hope he doesn't kill you...tell him we all loved it in bloggy world!
Oh I love it. What a great dad. I also love everyday pictures of Michael and our kids. Those are the memories that they will cherish. I especially LOVE the twin on the right... boots and shorts. Oh yes, I have been there!
ok, i'm totally a dork...or maybe i just didn't take the time to investigate...i just entered my link (#36) for the Pink Potpourri, but i have no idea what is for... what did i just sign up for? do i need to do anything else? sorry...i'm a total blonde...
I love that picture! I really like pictures that look like real life. I'm sure that look on his face is one you see frequently.
I love the boots too!
P.S. No problem getting here today...maybe because it is earlier?
YOU are so busted! I'll check in with you later to be sure...
And I'm tryin' to play along today I really am...
I sent someone over your way to play along so if nothing else...
My husband also hates having his picture taken, and especially posted on my blog, so I don't do it too much. You're husband is hot, so I don't know why he wouldn't want to flaunt it!
And I love your son's cowboy boots. Reminds me of my younger brother's. He'd drive my parents nuts stomping around the house in his clodhoppers, which is what we called them.
Next time I'll follow your lead and post a Wordful Wednesday rather than wordless. I can't ever not say something about my photos.
I love that you know that about Jeff and took the picture and posted it for us all to see anyway. He will get over it when he reads how much we all love it. I think it is a really nice picture. Love seeing father and sons walking hand in hand.
That photo is so cute it was worth risking life and limb for...
I think YES your hubby is a hunk and YES this photo is great! Love dads being dads.
Hubby...don't be mad!!! She is just proud at how GORGEOUS you are! :)
What a heartwarming picture though! Brought a smile to my face!
Oh and P.S...Angie, I left you something on my blog! :)
Take care and thanks for sharing that amazing picture!
What a cute post.
Why doesn't your husband like having his picture taken?
Your blog is fun.
Oh this was worth risking! Great photo.
My hubbie doesn't like his pic taken either. If I get one, he's usually not smiling. It's like some tough guy, but not really, pose!
BTW, I couldn't get your button within my post. It's on my sidebar, but I had trouble within the post itself.
I didn't get a picture up in time but I loved yours!
I always love pic's of kids with their fathers!!
Why is his face black and white?
Adorable! How could he not like it?
I like candid shots too.
Unfortunatley, I live with a bunch of posers (even the hubby) so it is hard to get any candid shots around here. I like the effect. Did you edit through picasa?
I can totally see why you have a million kids- he's a hottie!!
Ok...I am new to this! I posted my Tuesday post....hope that is ok! I was on "my soapbox" and had a lot to say yesterday!
Very cool picture. What program do you use to edit/enhance that???
My sister in law told me about this! "Monkey See...Monkey Do!"
Thought I would give it a whirl!
Can't type much more...way too sore!
Sooo cute! You live near me I'm near Seattle...Whoo hoo!
Lee :)
I especially love the cowboy boots with the shorts! What a great shot.
So cute! I love it.
That's a beautiful picture. I hope you didn't get into trouble because it really is fantastic.
So your hubby is a hunk, for sure. And it's so endearing when you get a candid shot of your man with the kids (at least that's how I feel about my man!).
Thank you so much for choosing Tiffany to win your contest earlier this week. She deserves it so much! I'm very excited to see the piece she chose.
And your blog just gets cuter every time I visit. So much fun stuff to read. Have you made a decision on the number of clowns to add to your family? I don't know where the S Club is going to stop. I'm thinking we'll be like the singing group...7's a good number (it's worked for you right?).
Sorry for the post in the comments.
Awww....that is a great picture. The boys will love to look back on pics of themselves with their dad too! Hope you didn't get into any trouble.... ;)
I love this picture.
What a great picture. Well worth the grief you'll catch for it.
You can't even see what he looks like!! lol Although I can tell he is hot ;)
love candid dad moments.
ps Tiffany sent me
Now who wouldn't love a beautiful picture like that. So sweet...
Your hubby may hate his picture being taken, but this one is a classic, I love candid shots!
My hubby is photo-phobic, too, which means we don't have many family photos. It irritates me!
i also dont have much pics of Dan. why are men so shy to be taken?
Ya. He's a hottie. Next week I'll join the wordful fun, promise... I keep forgetting!!
OMG that is SO sweet. Love the B&W!
I love that picture too. Even better after you explained it. Your WordFUL Wednesday is a fun idea :)
Ummmm hello? 80 comments? WOW!
This was a great post! I have to say when I see this many comments I start saying... she doesn't need mine at all anymore. You are too big time these days :) Wink.
That's is a sweet and sentimental picture. I am now going to go to bed with my husband. Dads with their kids are just sexy...
Oh my husband HATES his picture taken. It drives me insane! And he told my daughter the other day to hide from the camera, to cover her face, and picture were bad.
I was so livid! Them was fighten' words. I love my camera, and I scrapbook too. So he was SO in the dog house for that one!
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