Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
Did you know that Lady bugs are actually called Lady Bird Beetles?
Have you noticed an influx of them in your yard too?
I've actually never seen so many in one place before.
I asked my resident Lady bug experts (my girls) why these Lady Bird Beetles are orange. They both told me seperately that they thought they were adolescents. I thought it sounded plausible, but I decided to look it up just in case. As much as I wanted to believe adolescents are just orange and adults turn red, I found out that this particular species is a Asian Lady Bird Beetle. They were introduced to The States by the Department of Agriculture to help control Aphids. Since they don't have natural predators here, they've flourished. And, they bite. Ours must be tame though (chuckle) because not one has dared to take a bite out of my little loves.

They ARE pretty little bugs - I love them, too! Now if only Esme would give me some of those instead of the grasshoppers she loves.
This is a very controversial post.
I like ladybugs but because I am unable to find precise information as to how they got their name, I've put them on my "avoid" list.
I don't like controversial bugs.
On the other hand, a friend had an occasion; a summer of no ladybugs, when she ordered some from a nursery for her garden. It was the most beautiful sight! Swarms of color in her garden.
I love Ladybugs and so do my girls! I can remember catching them at school when I was in elementary school. I've never heard or known a ladybug to bit though!
I love ladybugs as well...If they do bite, they are ladies so it is more like a kiss..now guybugs, watch out (silly te-he)! Great picture of the handful..they are my favorite. For rose bush lovers having them in your garden is heaven..!!
Thank you Japan, for the ladybugs. Now could you kindly take back your beetles? My landscaping would truly thank you!!
Cute pics!
my girlies think lady bugs are magicical.
maybe they are...fun post with the kiddos! u are a fun mommy angie!
There's just something special about ladybugs... And those pictures. Boys and their bugs...
Ahh, lady bugs! This reminds me of college..we always had a ton of lady bugs in the dorms. I had no idea they could bite.
Love the ladybugs. I have never had a bite from one though.
They bite?!
My girls L.O.V.E. ladybugs. My first had a ladybug party when she turned three. Ladybug cake, napkins, plates, stickers, balloons, you name it. She is 7.5 now and still loves 'em. Funny thing too, she can find them ANYWHERE! She even used to find them under the pew in church!
My girls love lady bugs. We don't have as many as you do. They bite? Wow we never had that happen. Cute cute pictures!
Did you get my email?
Love ladybugs!!
We have not had too many this year - strange! I think all the Japanese beetles in our trees ate them!
We were at the park the other day and there were tons of them just hanging around.
This lady told us they bite and me and my mate had never heard of that or ever been bitten by one.
Where did you hear they bite?
And do they release anything? Or is it just a little nip?
Lady bugs are the ONLY bug I will willingly touch. There is just something so sweet and innocent about them! Last night, a friend texted me a pic of her recent pedi where she had a lady bug painted on each big toe and right before her text...a lady bug flew down onto my couch!!! And now your post!! What is it with lady bugs lately?
Me loves some lady buggies! Me also loves Asia. Perfect mix, in my opinion.
So cute! I love ladybugs!
And, hey, is that Spiderman back over at your house? I told you he lived here....;o)
Cool. I came across those lovely Japanese beetles as my sister called them up in Wisconsin during October. they covered the whole back side of her house. And they would get inside the house something awful. she just vacuumed them up. which I thought was weird? But. Not my house.
ladybugs bite??
I've never heard that they bite! I've literally walked with one on me for hours....er....that sounds weird, but I've never felt threatened and I always thought they were good luck. I still think I'll stick with thinking that :)
Cute shots!
♥ I've noticed them too and I've heard that you can buy them at green houses for you roses too! :)
No way, they bite?! How weird. I like them. One of my favorite (and those are VERY few) bugs.
I've never seen that many all together before either. Lady bugs are so beautiful. Good to know that the orange ones can bite.
Great pictures Angie!
Mannequin's comment had me laughing--controversial bugs! Too funny!
I love that you were teaching your kids about these bugs...I really need to work on that one. I have a tendency to either stomp on them or tell them to go ask their dad. :-)
I love the ladybirds in my garden! And how fascinating about the different types.
I've heard there are yellow ones too. I can't imagine they would bite, interesting!
I had no idea that's what they were really called. Our house is always infested with them... I have some pictures of Graham playing with and then dismembering one...
Ladybugs are our friends. They're sweet. And if they bite, they're just love nibbles. (Thanks for your sweet comment on Chronicles of Mommy - made my day!)
I am not a bug person, but for some reason I don't mind ladybugs. My son thinks they are the greatest of God's creations.
I like all bugs when they stay outside!
I too love lady bugs. Unfortunately my cat eats them.
I had not idea that ladybugs bite. Hmmm you learn something new everyday. :) My boys are collecting crickets right now. They are everywhere.
I have to show my kids these pictures! I'm off to check out the giveaway site. I'll be back...
We've definitely been bitten before! And I do remember reading somewhere that juveniles are more yellow or orange.
I sometimes buy a swarm from the garden center to help control the aphids on my roses. Fun, but they fly away pretty quickly.
Award for you at my place!
So that's what they are! I have seen those in my yard too. Thanks for the info.
I don't like Lady Bugs at all, but they always seem to find me. My wedding day was oozing with them. I literally had to pluck them off all day. I took it as a good sign, bit was secretly grossed out!
Good one...they do seem sweet, and not at all like they would bite!!!
I never realized teh history of them. I remember gathering them when I was younger and getting bitten, but my mominsisted that they do not bite! I should forward her your blog so she knows I was right.
I am glad you kids loved them too.
Ahh Ladybugs - how fun. There's a few Sesame Street things with ladybugs - so my girls love them. I think they all bite - but rarely do - yeah.
I like to watch the kids faces as they let them crawl all over. Something so gentle that is smaller than them! Plus they have dots!!!
I love ladybugs too...just about as much as I love your boys red hair! i just want to squeeze them, they are just too cute!
Hayden loves lady bugs and they are the only bug that I can tolerate if one lands on me. In other words, I don't run screaming in the opposite direction if one comes near me.
I'm with april. I HATE bugs. I'd rather touch a worm, really.
I do not like these Asian beetles! We've had them around here for several years, and every fall they come in swarms. All of a sudden they're in the house all gathered on the windows. They DO bite, and it always makes me itch! They also put off some horrible smell if you touch them. Take a sniff of the kids' hands next time! Red ladybugs - fine by me :) Orange, Asian beetles, you can stay with Angie's family :) ;)
I love Lady bugs. They are so pretty, and I always think of that movie "A Bugs Life." Your kids are so cute, noone can bite those cute little fingers.
You taught me something new..biting lady birds!
I think they are cute bugs as far as bugs go.
My boys just try to eat them or squish them still.
I just love those little critters...
J/ (goteeman.blogspot.com)
Great Article! & photo and taste.Two years of research reveals great misconception, of which species is which? I believe that miss identification on both the aphids and Predatory/Pray relationship in “Asian Lady-bugs” The facts expressed below: http://hubpages.com/_082908invasion/hub/Invading-insects
We love ladybugs! They've never bitten us, either.
On behalf of my mother country, your welcome. But how do you know they are not from China? that's Asia too.
Luke.......I read they are from Japan. You should be happy to know that I didn't just pull that country out of a hat.
I knew they were called Lady Birds in Europe, but had no idea that the orange ones were imported. They are fun bugs for kids to catch. Em loves to catch them and name them and plan to bring them in the house....
Wow! Imported bugs just for us-now that is something. We have bunches of them too and in the fall they used to come inside to live-in my old house-up in the attic (batcave) so my fondness for the little creatures has diminished. Great pics!
First of all, I don't know how I missed your PSF this week. So sorry.
Secondly, I LOVE little hands holding lady bugs. Its pure and honest kidness captured.
I love em too!
The orange, Asian beetles are the biters, not the red lady bugs.
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