For once I think I finally have a picture that could be Wordless, but you know me. I can't let it be. I feel an obligation to tell you about the photo. Because I want to. If I left it Wordless, then you wouldn't know that this is one of my favorite shots of the summer. Or that it reminds me to slow down and enjoy my children, their childhood and the little things that make them happy. Things like an ice cream cone on a hot day, or wearing a cowboy hat just because one wants to. It reminds me that these moments only happen once, and to cherish them.
Is it me, or has Mr. Linky disappeared? I'm assuming they are having technical difficulties. Please check back so that you can add your link. I don't want to miss out on any Wordful Wednesdays!
What a gorgeous photo!
Love the cowboy hat and flips!!
Great photo!
captures summer!
Love it!!
Truly timeless. That pitures is great!! I'm excited to participate this week...I'll be back in a little bit.
Great picture! I can see why you love it so much:)
Great picture & reminder!
I can never be truly "wordless" either so I've linked up here for the first time. Thanks for hosting those of us who just can't hush! ; )
Beautiful photo! You are an artist!
Okay that picture is just C.O.O.L.!
Awwww..sweet post! Great picture!
Great photo. All Boy!!
That is a great photo.
I think we all need a little reminder about those important things!
Thanks for visiting me on my special day!
You can SO say you knew me before!!!
What is it about pics of kids with ice cream? There's one as a background on the computer beside me and it's SO cute. And one of my fave pics of my kids, was taken this summer while they were eating ice cream at the springs.
Great picture!
Loved your words! Thanks for reminding me to charish the moments. :)
there really is something magical about a little boy in a cowboy hat...adorable!
I'm with you on the wordless. FORGET it!
Missed you last night...next week??
No bunco excuses?
I love the cowboy hat, the flip flops, the ice cream and your beautiful words!
Great shot! Glad you were wordful.
What a great shot!
Checkin' in. Posted mine. I sure am glad you weren't wordless because you were right on about slowng down and enjoying the little things. It's an awesome picture!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful picture! Great reminders too. I love that little tiny foot sticking out at the bottom of the picture. Something about little baby feet......precious!
Oh I love that shot! It really is a great summer picture.
Sorry about the double link. I guess someone had kindly already linked me and I didn't know it.
Cute! And your words make it even cuter!
That is a great shot and a great story. :)
Great photo...I love black and white shots.
Wonderful photo! Loved it before it all loaded!
I'm SO far behind on my reading that I don't think I'll be joining this week :( { never got things read from Fridays posting..... gotta catch up!}
i love this picture! it so brings back memories of childhood summers. i don't think i had one ice cream cone this summer. bad, allie!
hope you're having a great week!
Awesome photo and great advise!
I sooo want to participate in WW, let me go see if I can come up with something...
Such a sweet picture! LOVE the cowboy hat!
Sweet pic!
Adorable picture and wonderful caption. Thank you for posting this. I have been so stressed out lately with Mason and this just reminded me that I need to slow down and enjoy.
Always, always wear a cowboy hat when eating ice cream!
great photo! i think i am going to have to start playing along... especially since i helped with the new name :)
I put one up.
Isn't it fantastic how easily amused they are?!
Although, I must say... ice cream keeps me pretty amused too :)
This is a great shot. Love the hat. Found you at Mama Kat's.
It also takes a great Mom to let the kids wear the hat in public and to buy the icecream that will be down the elbows and chin and front of the shirt. I don't do either often enough. Thanks for the reminder.
I finally get it together for a wordful wednesday & mr. linky isn't cooperating - figures.
GREAT photo!! this is one that will be a classic - timeless.
Yep, Mr. Linky went to lunch!!!
Love it Angie. Besides the fact that your kids are always just so dang cute, You definitely capture the moment so beautifully.
I love the photo! You are awesome Angie! I've enjoyed getting caught up with your posts.
Such a cute and frame worthy photo!
I HEART this picture. Your thoughts go along with it perfectly! I love it.
Sorry I can't play along today...my husband stripped my computer and took away all my precious pics!! I will be back for next week though.
Sweet innocence. I love this picture, too!
what a lovely photo. YOu really have some mad photo skills!
We LOVE Wordful Wednesdays & we LOVE this photo! You rock Miss Angie!
love the hat!!! and now, i want ice cream. :)
I actually like the words with the pictures on Wordful Wednesday. This is a great photo and the words that go with it are so true!
Great picture. Captured summer.
Great job on the ice cream pic. i love ice cream and mason does too. definately a great summer time pic. can't wait to see what is around the corner for fall.
you are a photographer! how precious
very sweet. that looks like a framer!!
very cute
Love this photo! Sorry I missed joining in this week. i'll be back next week for sure.
Such a sweet photo. Love those little cowboys!!!
Nice shot!
So true. I miss summer already!
The cowboy hat with the flip flops. Classic!
That is perfection! Love imagining his happy li'l face beneath that classic Opie Taylor cowboy hat.
(PS adding you to my blog stalks!)
Well this is my first time to jump in, but Mama Kat brought me here so I thought I would join in on the fun.
uh. I totally forgot AGAIN. Next week. Next week for sure.
Your kids are sugar.
thank you sweetie! I love your comments; always sugar & spice!
Me again! : )
I've left you some "love" over at my blog. Come check it out when you get a chance!
Hats are HUGE in our house. They'll do anything to wear a hat with their outfit!
Great photo!
Not only am I not wordless, I can't post just one pic--glad you are full of grace and mercy!
Love, love the cowboy ice cream photo--and I love that it's in black and white--beautiful!
Such a cute picture! It definitely deserves a frame!
i like the angle you took.
so cute.
Oh, I'm sad I miss this WW.
I'll keep my photo posting for PSF than.
Love the photo!!!
Awesome photo and awesome words. So true.
My little one loves his little cowboy hat.
Also, I forgot to do this week. Will be back next week!
What an awesome pic. I love it. So true. Simple pleasures. Simple pleasures.
That. Picture. Is. Awesome. A framer if I EVER saw one!!!!!
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