Thursday, April 30, 2009

This and That

Just a quick FYI that I thought you might be interested in. If you have any other blogging tidbits you think might be of interest to my readers, let me know and I'll add them today!

Tim at Fort Thompson has started a new meme appropriately called Vlogemotions. If you are ready to jump into vlogging, here's your opportunity to get linky with it. Head on over for more details.

Debi of Who Says 8 is Enough has put together an auction/Blog Party in honor of Tuesday, who passed away recently from neuroblastoma. All proceeds will go towards cancer research and awareness via the Tuesday Fiona Whitt Foundation.



April said...

Thanks for the info., Angie! Yes, I knew about Tim's Vlog Carnival and I took on the challenge, begrudginly! :) I DO NOT like to see myself in front of a camera...especially a video camera! I will try to figure out how to post my Vlog a little later, so stay tuned!

Anonymous said...

TFS -- I checked them out last night.

Maude Lynn said...

Thanks for the tips, Angie!

Scary Mommy said...

Someday we'll vlog!

And, I am taking a stab at a meme tomorrow with my first Flashback Friday- so if you have an old post to feature, link up! :)

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I am a bit tentative to hop on the vlogging wagon, but I'll have to check it out. Maybe I'll be motivated to join in. ;)

Nicole said...

I'm just a studdering idiot when it comes to the camera! Maybe someday. For now I need parenting advice, stop by. You are an experienced momma and I need ya!