I just realized that I've never exclusively paid tribute to another blogger via Tuesday's Tribute. Today that's all going to change. If you don't know her already, I'd like to introduce you to Kathleen at Katydid and Kid. She does a Tuesday feature that I never miss. Tech Tuesday......oh how I love Tech Tuesday. So. much. wonderful. technical information.

If you are interested in tutorials about any of the following:
Hiding the Navigation bar in blogger, Domain Names, Labels, Hit Counters, Google blog search, adding an image to your blog background, The Favicon, Screen shots, or Sharing your button code, {which is the single most popular question bloggers ask me about.}
Interesting stuff there! Sounds like a lady I should check out!!
Thanks for the link!
Wow! I know a lot of new bloggers who could really use her site.
I can't believe I am the first to sign in! AWESOME! I hope I get lots of people visiting my blogs about the Tuesday Blog party! Just one week....
I'll be checking out that blog. Thanks for sharing.
I will have a Tuesday Tribute - it is scheduled for tomorrow morning. At that point I will link up.
Thanks for hosting!
Hi Angie, thanks for hosting this great meme and for the link!
Thanks for letting us know about this. I can't wait to check it out!
I follow her on Twitter...at least I think I do. Its late and I am kind of fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure. :)
Thanks for sharing this blog with us!
I'll agree...she's a keeper!
Yea!! I will check her out! Thanks!!
Kathleen has a GREAT blog and she is a super sweet person! Great tribute, Angie!
i lost her link, so i haven't read her blog in a while. im iss the tech tuesdays!
I love Katydid and Kid! Today's tribute was easy--it's my 14th anniversary today!
I was just over there...Kathleen's got a great tip about comments. Although I don't get zillions on a daily basis, when I run a giveaway, they sometimes overwhelm me! BTW, wanted to remind you that today is Uncle Lynn's birthday, and I'm running a one-day POPrs giveaway to celebrate. Please come by!
Hope I did this right! I will have to go check out some techie posts at your link!
i went on over and there are some super fun tips there!!! great site! thanks!
thanks for picking up the Tuesday Tribute :-)
Thanks so much for the shout out Angie! I'm so flattered reading all of the nice comments and your post.
I hope everyone stops by today to learn about numbering comments in Blogger! Thanks again!
Thanks for the link - I'm going to check her out shortly.
Thanks for the link. I need the help!
I need to check it out. Thanks so much for the link - I am on my over.
Thanks I will have to go read that other site.
I need tutorials in all of them!
who doesn't need a little tech support, right?
how do you do all of this - & with 5 kids - does it get easier as they get older - right now Stella is still 2 - so I have 3 2year olds - yikes.
Thank you so much for sharing that link with us!
I'll have to check out that Tech Tuesdays! I've been doing a series on Saturdays along the same lines, but I'd rather link to another post & give linky love rather than explain the whole thing all over again. I just did a piece on SEO for beginners this past week - check it out!
What a wonderful tribute and a great resource:-)
Thanks for the reference - I'll be checking her out!
Cool beaners. I am so technologically challenged I could stand to make a few visits!!!!!
I will probably be a late bloomer for tonight's WW. Will probably post tomorrow at lunchtime when I come home from work :)
All I have to do now is design a button. Yaay!
Oooh! Can't wait to go check out her site. I love tutorials on how to make stuff easier.
I'm always on the lookout for stuff like this ... thanks!
I NEED to head over there! I am technologically challenged. Thanks!
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