Monday, April 06, 2009


I have so much to tell you.

About my vacation.

About my injury.

The story of the sparkling gold tooth.

About how I'm a year older and none-the-wiser.

But first, I have to take a deep breath, come up for air, and then THANK YOU for making my wonderful guest posters feel welcome.

Which reminds me, I have about 900 comments to print out, cut up and prepare for a drawing.

I'd better take 2 deep breaths.

I almost forgot. Remember Tiffany's tag line contest?

My tag line from here on out is:

Angie is a word loving, book devouring, designer jean obsessed mama to 5. With red hair.

I didn't win, but two of you did with the following tag lines:

Mimi, proving that motherhood & a case of the crazies can have a positive outcome and that Pepsi & Xanax do not cancel each other out.

Rhea is a Texas cowgirl who ropes words and rides reality on the ranch in her head.

Congrats Rhea and Mimi!

Now for those cleansing breaths...



Tim said...

So great to have you back Ang! We missed you so much! Much has happened since you were gone. Make sure you stop by to read of the latest drama in our world.

Cant wait to see the pics and read the stories of you vacation.. I hope and pray that your injury wasnt serious.

Love and Prayers,


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I love Rhea's tag line! Can't wait to read all about the vacation.

Unknown said...

Yay! I was so excited when I saw you commented on my blog earlier b/c I knew that meant you were home & therefore we would hear some lovely vacation stories!

Eek, an injury? I hope you're okay! & who doesn't love a good gold tooth story?

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Welcome back!!!
As fun and wonderful as all of your guest posters were, it is lovely to see you here among us again. I can't wait to hear of your adventures (and I hope the injury isn't too bad!!)

Unknown said...

It's great to have you back, Angie! Now I'm off on Spring Break and taking a blog vacation. :)

Jen said...

Oh I can't wait to hear your tales. I really did enjoy your guest posters but I am glad to have you back.

Kimberly said...

Yay! You're back! It was fun to read all the guest posters, but it'll be nice to read you again! :) Hope you had a nice getaway!

Allison said...

Welcome Back! We missed you, but loved all the guest posters!

Alicia W. said...

Welcome back Angie! Can't wait to hear all about your trip and see tons of pics! Your guest posters were fabulous by the way!

Sam_I_am said...

Welcome back!

Unknown said...

Welcome home! Hope you aren't too injured and can't wait to hear all about your trip, etc.

Dumb Mom said...

Welcome back! I only discovered your blog the day you left, so it'll be nice to get to know the real you:)

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Welcome back!!! :)

Such creative taglines!

Anonymous said...

welcome back! can't wait to hear all about it!

Casey's trio said...

Welcome back...900 comments to print out and cut up? Sounds like a job for Emma and Grace:)

Erin said...

Can't wait for pics!!

Leslee P said...

so glad to have you back... I missed you so... cannot wait to hear all about your trip!

Susie said...

Welcome back and congratulations to the winners:-)

T Rex Mom said...

Welcome back - all the guest posters were awesome but it is great to have you back. I cannot wait to hear more about your adventures...

Cathy said...

welcome back!

Laura said...

Glad you back! I missed you so much on your blog. I think I would be using the number thing on the internet. 900 comments wowsers!

Angela Nazworth said...

So nice to have you back. You were missed

Clark Captions said...

I can't wait to hear about your vacation! Let's hear all about it!

jo@blog-diggidy said...

yay!! so glad you are back!! can't wait to hear all the stories!! see you soon!! ;)

Rhonda said...

Welcome home!!

Kacey said...

Welcome back!!!! Cna't wait to hear all about your adventure!

Laurie said...

Glad your back! Look at my blog I left you an award.

Swirl Girl said...

It looks like you were in a beautiful place! I am SO jealous!

Kathleen W. said...

Glad you're back, and can't wait to read about all the fun and craziness!

tiarastantrums said...

welcome back - loved all your guest posts!!

Heather said...

Welcome back. Glad you had a nice vacation. Hope your injury isn't serious and that you are recovering quickly!

Amy said...

Welcome back. You left your blog in great hands. It was so fun to read what others had to say. I am happy to hear you had a great vacation. But an injury... Oh my. On Friday April 10th I am having a Round Robin. If you want to join in please come by. You can even show pictures from your trip.

Happy to have you back.

Always a Southern Girl said...

Glad your back!

Scary Mommy said...

We've missed you!!!!!

Lani said...

Glad to see you back:)

Brenda said...

Glad you are back and I can't wait to hear all the stories!

scrappysue said...

what injury? you can't just leave us hanging like that!!!!!

welcome back BTW - we all really missed you.

i think i commented on every guest post but one. nothing personal - i have a life y'know lol :)

send more pics too!!!

Jocasta said...

Welcome back!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Can't wait to hear all about it. Happy Belated Birthday and hope you are healing fast!!!!!

Laurie said...

What a great picture! Can't wait for the reveal.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

have you seen my new tag line? On my new header.. what do you think?

Salty Incisor said...

oooh I am excited for more! P.S. YOu askedme which pgrm I use for photoediting...Photoshop Adobe Camera Raw that is included in the suite. I am an Elements hater...sorry! But I have used it and would if it was my only option I just prefer the good stuff.

Jenners said...

Welcome back! If that is a photo from your vacation, I totally want to see more! And Happy Birthday (late). And I hope your injury wasn't too bad. sounds like you have lots of blogging material ... and cutting of comments to do!

Mimi said...

OMG, yeah for me!

Rhea said...

Wow, I can't believe I won!! THANK YOU!