Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute-Dr. Reivich and Fishful Thinking

I think I've told most of you that I've had the opportunity to be a part of the Fishful Thinking Campaign hosted by Pepperidge Farms?

It's been a wonderful experience for me, because as a mother, I'm being educated on how to raise more emotionally successful children.

This past weekend we were prompted by Dr. Reivich to "Pause for the Positives".

Dr. Reivich said, "Take time to talk to your children about the good things happening in their lives. Keep your questions open-ended (rather than yes/no questions) so that you create space for your child to explore the situation and discover as much as she/he can about what happened, what it felt like, and what she/he learned. "

Who would have known that I needed help both phrasing questions for my children so that I get the maximum disclosure and making the time to do so?

With some helpful prompts, I asked the following questions about our vacation. {See, I am getting around to telling you about my vacation!}

What was the best part?

Garrett: "Going on the boat, going snorkeling, and sliding down the crocodile slide. AND, swimming all day. Oh yeh, seeing the tigers. And going to the beach. And going to the fiesta."

Grace: "Swimming all day long and going on the crocodile slide (which goes really, really fast). I also liked the underwater tunnels".

Emma: "Um. Uh. Getting to drink pina coladas and strawberry margaritas". {virgin, of course}.

Jacob: "Um. Going fwimming (swimming), getting a bracelet (wrist band)".

John: "Going in the spa, told ya".

What surprised you about the vacation?

Garrett: "The beach....finding sea shells and going in the water".

Grace: "That salt water burns your face".

Emma: "I didn't know it would be that hot".

Jacob: "Going fwimming and picking my nose".

John: "Going swimming with my life jacket".

How did you feel during the vacation?

Garrett: "Good."

Grace: "Happy".

Emma: "Glad that we got to go".

Jacob: "Happy."

John: "Good".

I thank you, Dr. Reivich for reminding me to talk to my children about positives: to have real conversations with my children wherein they can expand on experiences that make them happy.

{More vacation TOMORROW!}

Any guesses where we went? Hint: Passports required.

Tuesday's Tribute
Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.



Tiffany said...

Awesome!!!! I love being part of the initiative!

Anyone interested in being an ambassador- go Here

Love this story.

And, love you!


Anonymous said...

How nice that you could take the kids on a wonderful vacation like that!

Heather said...

Your kids are too cute. Who cares where you went if you can pick your nose and go swimming at the same time...it's got to be a great place!!! lol

This is a great little exercise.

Ronda's Rants said...

That sounds like they had a great time!
Did Stanley have anything to say?

Kimberly said...

Hmmm...beaches, Anyway it sounds fantastic!

Anonymous said...

that was GREAT!!! i loved reading about your vacation from that perspective. kids tell it how it is ;)

Jen said...

what a great way to talk to our kids. I so need to look into this.

T Rex Mom said...

I'm not sure where you went but that crocodile slide sure made an impression! I want to try it out!

Thanks for the talking reminders. My little one doesn't talk too much yet but I'll file that technique for when he does start.

Sounds like a wonderful vacation and I cannot wait to hear about it more.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

What great responses!!! :) Love it!

BTW, you have an award on my blog!

Amy said...

Sounds like your family had a wonderful. Did I tell you about my Round Robin on Friday April 10th. If so sorry for the two timing I am just so happy to host an event on my page. It is my first one. Have a great day.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Hmmmmm, did you go to Australia? Regardless, sounds like a great time. I love pausing for the positives. I will have to try that this afternoon when I pick the little guy up from school. Mornings have been tough!

It's wonderful you are part of the Fishful Thinking!!!!!

Laurie said...

cancun? if that isn't right I reserve the right to say Mexico:)
I am sleep deprived at the moment.;)glad you are back.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I love their answers! :)

Sera said...

This sounds like SUCH an awesome campaign. This was my favorite comment from your kids:

"Going fwimming and picking my nose".

So stinkin' cute. :)

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

Angie that is awesome. I wish I knew more about this before hand. I love the concepts for the kids and we are truckload customers when it comes to buying fish. Passports required?? The Atlantis in the Bahamas?Glad you all had so much fun.

Melissa said...

I was wondering where you went to. I was all confused.
I can't wait to hear about the trip and to see pic's.
I would love it if you all went to Australia for your trip.
You know with that crocodile slide and all.

Misty Rice said...

Welcome back..... and what a great post. I try to practice this daily, but as anything it can easily be forgotten. Thanks for the reminder.

Also, I have been so bad with placing the ***giveaway winners*** from my post on your blog. They will be there on my blog tomorrow PROMISE. So if you had any way of giving that a shout out tomorrow so if they only follow your blog, they will know to check mine to see who won..

Ill email you later....

Beautiful sunset photos..... you sound very refreshed. Thats a great feeling isnt' it?

Welcome back.

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Swimming & picking noses! Thats funny... I'm sure he remembers a lot more than just that. Sound like fun.

jo@blog-diggidy said...

cancun, aruba, hawaii, one of those has to be right!! doesn't it?? lol ;)

jo@blog-diggidy said...

oh wait, duh, you don't need a passport for hawaii...do you?? lol ;)

Kristin said...

cute kids. sounds like you had a ton of fun. coming home is always such a downer. hope you're readjusting...

Amy said...

I am a new follower and just became a Fishful Thinking Ambassador after reading yours and Tiffany's blogs, I am so excited. We have had a series of unfortunate events the past 6 months so keeping the kids positive and optimistic is important to me. I don't want them to lose hope. We try to focus on something positive everyday, At dinner we say the three things that made us happy that day. Last night I prompted them to tell me why each thing made them happy and how did it make them feel. I love the initiative! Glad you are back from vacation and sounds like you had a great time.

Unknown said...

Happy children are the best : ). I am so glad it was wonderful and it made the whole family feel happy : )!

Kelly said...

Jacob - picking his nose!! LOL

Stephanie said...

As a former teacher I prided in my open ended questioning....in my most recent career I always received rave reviews on my questioning skills and ability to get docs to open up and share prescribing habits/choices....as a parent, however, I believe I'm failing miserably at this. Thanks so much for the reminder to slow down....and talk :)

Don't ya love the thinking of a 3 yr old?!

Susie said...

Swimming and passports??? Ummmm...Mexico?

Michelle said...

This is a great reminder of how to get our kids to talk and express what they are thinking and feeling.

I'm pretty good and getting my girls to open up and chat about real things, but it is always good to be reminded of ways to do that.

I love seeing the trip through your families eyes.

If I were to guess where you went I'd say Cancun!

Oh and Happy Birthday and welcome home. We missed you!

Pam L. said...

De-lurking to make a vacation destination guess - Did you go to Puerto Vallarta/Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico?

Specifically, the Paradise Village Beach Resort?

We went to Paradise Village in 2007, an awesome beachfront resort, there was a crocodile slide at the pool & tunnels; a small zoo (my kids loved & were majorly entertained by the monkeys and parrots, and there were themed dinner nights. Oh, now I'm remembering the free Tequila at the Fiesta night....

It was lots and lots of fun and sounds very much like where you were. Thanks for taking me back to those memories.

My SIL/BIL had a timeshare there, but have sold it, so we'll not be able to return again. :(

Glad you all had a good time, except maybe your mystery injury!? Did you get hurt body-surfing in the ocean, stung by a jellyfish?

Love your blog!!

Emily said...

yeah for having a great birthday and great vacation.. I wont guess where you wnt.. because you told me:)

Jenni said...

Ooooh....passports, eh? I don;t know where you went, but I wish I was there right now!

The Blonde Duck said...

That's a great reminder for all of us!

Rhonda said...

I'm covering my mouth so I don't spill the beans on where you went!!! lol But I suppose that wouldn't stop my fingers from telling!! lol I'm glad the kids had a good time and that they learned you can pick your nose WHEREVER you are!! lol That's too funny!

I can't wait to see pictures!

Shannon said...

Love this! I especially love fwimming and nose picking. Sounds like a blissful vaca. I won't venture a guess since I know where you went:)

Mark and Kiss said...

I ADORE your children Angie, they are so precious. I love how Emma mentioned food. Who wouldn't love an icy fruit drink on a hot day! I also laughed at John's "told ya". All of the comments were very cute.

Unknown said...

Were you in Mexico?! Mmm Margaritas, lucky Emma!

Laura said...

I know where you went so I won't spoil it. Great ideas for talking and listening to your kids. Loved their answers!

Cecily R said...

Ohhhhhhh, Angie! You have most certainly done Fishful PROUD. :)

I'm so glad you had such a grand time!!

Jenners said...

Hmmmmm...underwater tunnels. I'm going to guess that you wouldn't go TOO far with that many kids (unless you are nuts) and the underwater tunnels sounds like it might be Xcatret Park in Mexico near Cozumel. (not sure of the spelling). : )

Sounds like everyone had a great and fun and happy and warm and swimmingly good time!

brunger bunch said...

What a great reminder on talking with your kids..I think I will use it!! Looking forward to hearing all about your fun vacation:)

tiarastantrums said...

lovely - some island somewhere gorgeous I am sure

Jocasta said...

Well I know you didn't come to NZ as it's freezing here!

Elyse said...

Great answers...thinking about where you went. Here are my guesses, Turks and Caicos or Mexico or Cancun? Have no idea but am curious!

Kathleen W. said...

Your kids must have had a great time! Fwimming and the beach is my idea of a perfect vacation, regardless of my age.

Kathleen W. said...

Oh, and my guess Aruba...or Baja California in Mexico.

Lula! said...

I love to read about kids who are thankful and appreciative...and happy...and that have red hair.

Halftime Lessons said...

Great one, sweetie!

Thanks so much for these reminders...it really is important to have your kids thinking beyond answers like yes and no.

We sure missed you! Ok, I cant speak for everyone...its me that missed you.


Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Sounds like everyone enjoyed the trip. Love the nose picking answer! :) hehehe
Somewhere tropical and near the water......... Some south American coastal country?