Friday, April 17, 2009

Jumping in with JumpStart-week 2

We are still Jumping for JumpStart here.

I'm not surprised, really. All of my kids LOVE computer time. Up until now though (with the introduction of JumpStart), the twins were not allowed to so much as touch my computer. They really feel grown up when they play....and they like to interact together, which is really nice for me!

As I mentioned last week, this JumpStart campaign is fabulous because as my readers you get the chance to see what other smart moms are saying about JumpStart and their kids.

Last week Carissa at Good and Crazy published a video of her son playing JumpStart. If "words" really aren't your thing and you'd rather "see" and "hear" what Jumpstart is about, you won't want to miss this one if you haven't seen it already. The direct link is here.

Jenna at Stop, Drop and Review just plain has a way with words.
For example,
"I asked BigBrother what he thought of JumpStart. His answer, “It’s fun. I like letters and running with arrow buttons.” Nothing life-altering just yet. But he’s having fun and learning at the same time. I can get behind that. He has been pushing me for months now to help him learn to read. We sound out words together, play alphabet games on our own, work on writing letters and now we have added JumpStart to our learning process. Keeping things fresh helps keep him interested. I really enjoy it as well. The virtual world is one where I thrive (apparently) and seeing my son take an interest in all things computer and learning combined makes me feel excited (in a nerdy way, obviously).

See, she manages to write really detailed posts that give one important information without being didactic. You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't head on over to read in completion what she has to say about JumpStart both here, and here.

Do you remember that I told you that Erin from JumpStart would be available to YOU for questions? It's true. If you have any (questions, that is) or comments, be sure to take advantage of her willingness to discuss Jumpstart with you. You can find her on Twitter (JumpStart_Erin), on Facebook, via Jumpstart's blog, or, you can contact her directly. I would be happy to send you her email address, or pass along any questions you may have and she'll answer them directly if you'd like, or on my blog if that works better for you.

Have I told you how excited I am about the JumpStart BLog? It's JAM packed full of good stuff parents won't want to miss. Seriously. Ever wondered what learning style your child uses? The Jumpstart site has a great quiz to determine your childs learning style. With less than 20 questions, it doesn't take long, and it SO helpful. To try, go here.

Next week is a big one....up for grabs on my site, compliments of JumpStart will be (2) six month memberships to JumpStart as well as a CD game that is matchable to your child's age. I can't wait to see who wins!



April said...

Makes me wish my kids were younger...sounds like a fantastic program!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I am so excited for Delia to use this! I will have to go check out what age recommendations they have. :)

Amy said...

What age does this start at?

Anonymous said...

that's interesting. now that we are expecting, i'm really into reasearching these things, even though it will be awhile before i can use it :)

don't forget to swing by and enter the GIVEAWAY this weekend! It is super cute and we'll have TWO winners!

girlytwins said...

So awesome. I was really happy to read that your twins are learning with this too. I kinda figured when first read it my girls were too young and also that we do not let them touch my computer either :)

I am off to investigate!!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Your twins use it TOgether?? How cool is that.. I need to see VIDEO of THAT!!

Erin at JumpStart said...

Hi everyone! I noticed the questions about ages above and wanted to let you know is geared towards ages 3-8.

Depending on your child's age, there are different areas inside the world you might particularly enjoy. For 3-5 year olds, check out StoryLand. For 4-8 year olds, try AdventureLand. You can find an interactive map here that will help as you explore the world!

Please let me know if you have any other questions - I'd be happy to help.

Susie said...

My daughter is on Jump Star right now!! She loves it! I have never heard of the blog?? Thanks for the resource:-)

Maude Lynn said...

I'm definitely going to check out that quiz!

Unknown said...

You're up next, pretty lady! I already did yours :) Our love of designer jeans made yours a very easy one! Plus, I feel like I already know you because I keep up with your blog, so no digging was needed! Have a great weekend :)

Pam said...

I wish they had programs like this when my kids were younger. This would have been something that was fun and educational for them.

Anonymous said...

Ages 3-8 hm... That includes 3 of mine.

Angie - Yes, girl, I am all over those jeans :)

It's amazing that both of us with 5 children could wear those ;)

It's the chasing and running around, I know it is!

Blessings~~~ Danielle

Sweet Serendipity said...

This is a great post. Thanks for sharing! Keeping my fingers crossed for next week :D

Susie said...

Sophie loves this game and so do I! I find myself checking things out and playing when she's napping--just to make sure I can help her navigate through the site.
I love the blog too; so much info there--great homeschooling ideas until 'real' school starts.
We love jumpstart here.
So fun to know that one of my all-time fave bloggers uses it in her home too!