Thursday, April 09, 2009

Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico

Is Pam L good, or what?

She hit the nail on the head.

And how.

Pam L. said...
De-lurking to make a vacation destination guess - Did you go to Puerto Vallarta/Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico?

Specifically, the Paradise Village Beach Resort?

We went to Paradise Village in 2007, an awesome beachfront resort, there was a crocodile slide at the pool & tunnels; a small zoo (my kids loved & were majorly entertained by the monkeys and parrots, and there were themed dinner nights. Oh, now I'm remembering the free Tequila at the Fiesta night....

It was lots and lots of fun and sounds very much like where you were. Thanks for taking me back to those memories.

We went to the Paradise Village Resort in Nuevo Vallarta. They did in fact have free tequila shots at the fiesta, too! Liquor always seems to flow freely when one doesn't drink, doesn't it? :)

I have so much more to tell you. But, I've been amazingly busy. I don't know where the hours in the day go. They've just seemingly disappeared lately.

Remember how I told you about my "injury"?

Injury was probably not the best word to describe what happened to my neck. It wasn't exactly "injured", it was just like my tense muscle finally snapped.

See, I was getting in the car on the way to the airport and suddenly I felt this pain in my shoulder/neck on my right side.

It hasn't stopped hurting since.


I've taken muscle relaxers. I've taken anti-inflammatories. I've gone to the chiropractor. I've even had a massage. And yes, I DO exercise.

It still hurts. The skin even feels sensitive to the touch.

It's taking it's toll on me. I'm not sleeping well. I'm short with my kids. It hurts to be on the computer. I even YELLED at my husband on the phone yesterday after the battery on my car died.

It's been one thing after another, and I'm SO over this.

So, that's why I've been MIA (next week, I promise to visit all of the Wordful Wednesday participants and those on my blogroll as well as those newbies that visit me) and not as forthcoming or social I usually am.

I will post the winners of MY giveaway on Monday. Guaranteed.

In the meantime, be sure to hop over to Misty's place (Wind Beneath My Wings) for the winners of the giveaway that she hosted while guest posting on my blog while I was away. Without giving too much away, 4 of my regular readers won!



scrappysue said...

oh dear angie! there is nothing worse than a pain in the neck! it must have really taken the edge off your holiday :(
i'm going to see if i won!!! likely = not!!! hugs for a swift recovery - i swear by my chiro

happy easter

@TiffanyRom said...

Oh girl!

I know what you have.. it's a long word that starts with a t.. it will go away... have you tried BioFreeze?

I LOVE that stuff.


Misty Rice said...

Good morning....

You know I have had that before after playing volleyball sometimes. Especially after a hard or long day of overhand serves. Something in the right side of my neck will pinch, and at first there will be a flush of heated sensation run down into my arm. Sometimes it feels pretty scary.

Then for days after that it will be sore, like a mix of sleeping on it wrong and it wont snap out of its cramp, to being tender and annoying.... and just putting anyone is a cranky mood.

Not a way to come home from such a beautiful vacation. So take a deep breath and go tell your family its not them its YOU CRANKY PANTS and give them big kisses.

Hope you feel better today.... I always wait it out, so I don't have any other suggestion or medications for you to try.

PS: I made the adjustment and correction for Lula and also left her a comment on her blog. Thanks for letting me know that.

And yea...I have gotten a couple of emails from readers that thought the spin was great also.

Thank you again for giving the opportunity to guest post. I really enjoyed it.

Ronda's Rants said...

I am sorry you are in pain...I have had a pain lately..but he is still a good guy!
I do hope you feel better very soon!

Diane said...

gah! i know you are in serious discomfort! take it easy and get to feeling better! that's an order!!

Robin said...

Oh, that sounds like it really, really hurts. Hope you are feeling better soon.

AutoSysGene said...

Wow, I hope you feel better soon! That's got to hurt.

I'm off to check out Paradise...maybe we'll follow you guys again this year! :)

Amy said...

Hope you feel better soon. Have a great day.

Melissa G said...

It sounds like you've had a wonderful vacation. I love tropical flowers as well.
I hope the pain in your neck gets better soon. It must be tough to have to be dealing with it for so long.

Cathy said...

i'm so sorry to hear about your injury, but totally understand. I hurt my lower back a few weeks ago and keep re-injuring it. I see a chiro every week which helps, but it's taking a while to heal. taking care of kids, doesn't make healing easy. Take it easy.

Laura said...

I love your pictures! It sounds like a place we need to go sometime.

I am so sorry you are hurting. Hopefully you will feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Oh hon, sorry to hear about your neck. I hope it gets better soon. I can see how that would make anyone cranky!!

That's pretty crazy about how Pam L guessed exactly where you were!

T Rex Mom said...

Goodness, feel better soon. Neck pain is the worst. Take care.

Mark and Kiss said...

Dear Angie, again, the photos are so BEAUTIFUL, I am so sorry that your neck still hurts so bad! Oh man! Sending lots of love your way, and I wish I was close enough to take the kids for a couple of days so that you could try and recoup.

Susie said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better!!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ That sucks about your neck! did that once and couldn't even turn my head. sucked so bad! heating pack worked pretty good but it still took a week to fix. I hope it starts feeling better very soon!

Michelle said...

{{{HUGS}}} Oh, neck pain is the worst. I hope it goes away sooner rather than later.

Live.Love.Eat said...

So sorry you're not up to par because of your neck. I have been there and it just takes everything out of you and is exhausting. I do hope it's getting better.

Your vacation looks awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Ahhhhh. Mexico and the resort sounds divine!

I had something similar happened to my neck...even went to the ER. I think they called it rye (sp?) neck. It was so terrible. I feel for you!

Amy said...

Your vacation sounds like a dream minus the neck pain. Hope you feel better soon. Grab a heating bag some ibuprofen. Take care of yourself and forget the rest. i know how coming home from vacation is hectic so much stuff to do but it will still be there when you feel well enough to do it all and then you won't be so irritable. I should take my own advice. :)

tiarastantrums said...

that happens to me after every pregnancy - keep going to the Chrio - it will eventually work itself out - with help!!

Jen said...

Oh having a pain in the neck totally sucks I hope that it gets better soon.

brunger bunch said...

So, sorry about your neck. I have had that happen before, it takes forever to go away. I would sleep on heating pads, massage, name it, and time was the only thing. I am sure mexico was fun! Your kids must have loved it:)

Kristin said...

sorry to hear about your neck... is it stress? gotta love muscle relaxants though... well, I do anyways.

Pam L. said...

Hi! I’m totally cracking up that I guessed exactly where you went on vacation. Of all the places in the world you could’ve gone, I happened to have visited there and then read about it here. They say there are no coincidences...

As you and the kids described it and their favorite parts of the trip, I started thinking that sounds just like Paradise Village! I liked walking to the indoor mall (is it still there?) and the browsing/shopping right from the beach vendors. I bought a silver sun/moon pendant from a beach vendor and bartered with him on the price for $20.00. I think he wanted $30 – 40 for it, but I only had a twenty on me and was willing to just walk away, so I scored. I do love my souvenir!

I don’t have a blog, but one day was blog surfing and found you by way of Heather at Mindless Junque and then Tiffany at R Family. Your Seven Clown Circus name caught my eye, so now I check in frequently.

Hope your neck feels better soon!

Ash said...

Oh ouch!! The neck - there's a reason why the term "a pain in" means something horrible.

Take care of yourself - Em

Jaysi said...

We went to Nuevo Vallarta a couple of years ago! Super fun!

Sorry to hear about your neck. When you were describing it, I cringed because that same thing did happen to me. It was not only painful, but exhausting. I was SOOO short with the kids. The Chiro finally did it for me though. Good luck. I know how painful it is.

Great to have you back!

My name is Tammie said...

Ouch Momma! Feel better soon!

Becky said...

Sorry about yer neck. Have you tried pounding your toe with a hammer? lol... sorry, couldn't resist.

Get well soon.

Jennifer said...

I am so sorry about your neck. Take care. The blogging world will still be here.

Anonymous said...

Oh geez, Angie, I'm sorry you're in pain. I know how long it takes to get over that type of pain. You just rest and heal!

CC said...

Lucky you guys!!!!

Feel better now!

Philigry said...

oh, i hope you are feeling better soon. that is not fun! Hopefully it will work itself out and go away!

Anonymous said...

Oh I absolutely hate neck pain! It's like tooth just can't think with it! Oh and yeah for vacation...isn't getting away glorious????

Unknown said...

Your trip sounds SO nice! Oh my goodness. I would love to take Kaish to a place like that. Gary is afraid to fly!

I just prayed for your neck! I hope you feel much better soon! I will be praying! A pain in the neck is NO joke!

Happy Easter to you and your sweet family!

Clark Captions said...

Oh Angie! I am so sorry to hear about your neck....Being in pain as a mom is one of the worst things! I hope you get to feeling better soon. I am so glad you got away and had such a nice vacation! Yay!!!!!

Casey's trio said...

Yikes....hope your neck feels better soon. Nothing like pain in a place that gives you constant reminders all day long that it hurts.

Unknown said...

Oh, the vacation sounds like it was fun. I actually have never been to Mexico maybe I need to go.

melissa said...

i love mexico. it's one of my favorite vacation destinations. i stayed at the regina westin...many years nuevo vallerta. it was gorgeous.
i hope your neck feels better. i have a pinched nerve problem that keeps me up at my neck AND hip. so i can feel your pain!!

Deb said...

can't wait until you're feeling better... i want to hear all about everything!

i had a similar neck "injury" a couple of years ago and it took forever (or it seemed so) to get better. try to just rest and keep a heating pad on it. and have your family wait on you!

Jenni said...

Ouuuuch! Neck pain is the worst because it truly makes every movement miserable! I hope it is better soon...

Jenners said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your neck. That must really be awful. I hope you feel better soon ... something like that can really ruin you all day long.

And I think you sold me ... that place looks and sounds gorgeous! I'm going to show it to my husband ... or just casually leave this post open on the computer.

And take care of yourself!

P.S. Love those tropical flower photos! So gorgeous and colorful.