Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-toilet edition

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

Some people absolutely-under-no-circumstances allow their children "play" that is not "appropriate" to their gender. Like girls playing with matchbox cars, or boys playing dress up.

I'm not one of them. I allow my boys to play with their sisters dolls. When an extra princess is needed for their fairy tale castle, I don't hesitate to call in help if the "help" is willing. Sometimes the help isn't. And that's OK, too.

My girls play in the dirt with their brothers..and you know what? Everyone is happy. I LOVE to see my children all play together.

The other day I almost died. Seriously haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

I present to you, proof that dresses are cumbersome.

I would tell you who this is, but I'm thinking that when he's older, if he doesn't appreciate this picture going public (which I know he won't), he will at least appreciate that I didn't rat out exactly who it is. :)

*Apologies in advance for not making it around to see your Wordful's in a timely manner. Exciting stuff going on around here that will keep me away from the computer for a few days.


Jocasta said...

Oh my!

I just about fell off my seat!!!!

Funniest thing I've seen in a long time - they might be cross at you for publishing this but at least from my end so so worth it!

Unknown said...

OMG, I am SO glad I wasn't drinking anything when I saw that picture. It surely would've come out my nose!

But you know, shimmery blue is kinda his color.

Thanks for hosting as usual Angie! Can't wait to hear about the exciting stuff!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

Oh that's fantastic...at least its a pretty dress...

Anonymous said...

What a cutie pie! That is the best photo ever! I love it when you catch one of these moments on film!

Please come check out my 14 Day Challenge... I am very excited about it!

Happy WW!


Kate said...

What in the world?! This is my first Wordful Wednesday!

Simply AnonyMom said...

WONDERFUL pic! I have pics like that of my boy too. At least you have many sons so it is a mystery. i have only one, so if I posted it everyone would know!

jenn said...

Oh that is hilarious! I love it. My sister and I used to play GI Joes and we also used to dress our brother up as a princess.

Interestingly, my picture this week is of Shiloh playing with cars. Of course, I don't find it that weird, but my friend freaks out if her son picks up my daughter's doll. Seriously. Freaks out!

tiarastantrums said...

LOVE this!! My son used to want to dress up in my daughter's princess shoes and wands and tiaras - I was so for it - whatever - I could have cared less. MY hubs freaked out!!! He made my son so terrified to even go near that stuff - I was so ticked off at hubs for awhile after that.

N Godown said...

I have yet to find any of my boys wearing girly clothing! Thank goodness!
That is SO cute!

Maybe one day...they'll have a little sister and they won't be able to resist!

Hey, atleast it was BLUE..right??

Live.Love.Eat said...

I wish I was the owner of a picture so priceless. I think it's cool that you're not uptight on the gender/play thing. Hope you let us in on the exciting stuff sometime!!!!

ChefDruck said...

That is too funny. The look of pure bliss on his face. The blue of the dress against the yellow of the pee. Hilarious.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ That cracks me up!!! Lane plays with dolls too. He was carring around a purse today but I wouldn't let him take it into the dr's office! :)

Bonnie the Boss said...

Now I am dying to know what is up! You know you just said that to torment us.
BTW love the pic. My kids playtime is gender neutral.

Susan said...

That is hilarious!!! At least he knows how to choose a dress that looks great with his red hair and fair skin.

Keri said...

This is good stuff here! I'm lovin' the dress. He's cracking me up! I like your way of thinking. Definitely my kind of gal.

Casey's trio said...

So funny...neither one of them will calim that picture when they are older!

Anonymous said...

That is so stinking funny.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

That is too cute! I'm with you, let them wear dresses. What's the harm?

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

LOL that's hysterical!

KatBouska said...

Leave it to you to grab your camera when the little guy needs a private moment with his dress.

Oh my gosh SO cute!!

Jessica said...

Okay that gave me a much needed laugh..Hilarious, and so kind for you not to reveal his identity.

mommytoalot said...

oh my, that is hillarious.
great picture

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least he was conscientious enough to lift the poncho!

scrappysue said...

that is adorable!!! save it for his 21st!!!

Robin said...

ROFL. Priceless. Just priceless...

PS I can't wait to hear what kind of exciting developments you've got cooking! (Have I mentioned that I don't do suspense well? You should probably tell me right away for the sake of my mental well-being.)

More Than Words said...

LOL...wait till he gets a little older!

I have pictures of my two younger boys playing "dress up" with my youngest daughter. I totally want to post them, but I don't think my husband would want me too because you could see their underwear. I think it's so funny though!

Becky said...

With three sisters my son has no choice but to go pink once in a while.

Great pic... too funny!

Upstatemamma said...

Oh too funny!!! Big Brother has never worn a princess dress but he has two dolls and a kitchen of his very own.

Hootin Anni said...

I think this is great you being one who allows their children to do in life what they feel comfortable with and not make them 'genderized'!!! That's great,

Giggling at the photo.

My wordful is all about THE NIÑA, THE PIÑA, & THE SANTA MARIA....All three in Corpus Christi. Happy Wednesday.

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Love this picture!!!! So much fun. A magical WW to you!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! He looks so happy too! I'm with you....just let them play!

Anonymous said...

That is SO funny! I let my DS play dress-up and wear necklaces. Who cares, right? People are HORRIFIED when they see him in a skirt wearing beads though.

The Blonde Duck said...

That's so funny! I love it!

Heather said...

That is too funny! I'm the same way with toys. My little girl loves cars and dirt so we just roll with it.

Sheri said...

That is AWESOME! And, future blackmail, too. Love it!

Jenni said...

LOL! Tooooooo much!

LaTonya Yvette said...

Too funny! He looks so cute.

Doublebanker said...

Gotta love the toilet pictures...need to have some smut to show when he gets older!

My WondWed post

Threeundertwo said...

You know, I'm jealous. That would have been handy to be able to do when I had my big ol' wedding dress.

Rhonda said...

Don't you love those moments??? lol

Unknown said...

This is seriously adorable!
I think you are the best kind of mom! Play away children! Play away!

Mandy said...

SOOO cute!!

Unknown said...

Love it!!

Ronda's Rants said...

That is priceless...if he wouldn't kill you...you should enter it in a contest!
Sorry I did linky twice...I am a confused old woman! :)

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

LOVE IT!!! I say hold on to that and show it at his wedding!

Aunt Julie said...

This is my first time doing Wordful Wednesday. Please go over to BATW and say "adieu" to Debbie!

Nina said...

That picture was so funny!!!

I am with you, if my kids are happy I really don't care what they are playing with. LOL...

Cathy said...

that's awesome--what a hilarious photo!

Lula! said...


You win!

Best post of the day. I defy anyone to come close to the perfection you've achieved with this picture today.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...




Deb said...

can't wait to hear what you are up to!

he'll make a great hubby one day, since he understands what we women have to go through! and, not to out-do you, or anything, but i have a photo of my youngest in pearls, pink sunglasses AND high heels. i know you're jealous!

Anonymous said...

Love it!
This is SUCH the blackmail photo. Too stinkin' cute!

sassy stephanie said...

I think it is harmless. My son has two older sisters and more girl things than he knows what to do with. He often wears heels or a tiara while pushing a dump truck!

Abby said...

HAHAHA! That is so cute!

Quirky said...

I love it!!

carrhop said...

So hysterical!!! I always wondered how 'Cinderella' took care of the necessities while in that big ol' ballgown!!! ;o)


Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Now THAT is priceless!!

Jess said...

That is GREAT!!!
Kudos to you for letting them play like that!!! :)

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

haha That is awesome!!!

I think I might get into your themed wednesday next week! I like it ;)

Tim said...

Now that one of those pics that should make it onto the video to be shown at his wedding reception!

Too funny Ang!

Love and Prayers,


Kate P. said...


I am CRYING...I am laughing so hard!!

Somebody please pass the tissues!!

That is a great Kodak Moment!!

Happy WW Angie!!

Missy said...

That is hillarious. If that isn't a future blackmail picture nothing is LOL.

Melissa said...

Uh..yea... I am crying from laughing so hard!!! Thanks for the giggle!!

Sera said...

That is nothing short of absolutely hysterical - I LOVE it!

koopermom said...

I just snort laughed out loud in my office. Thanks!!

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

This WW I need you to come by my site, seriously. By doing so , YOU can make a difference. Thanks Angie for this forum to help this cause.

I did love your picture today.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Okay. THAT is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time! bwahahaha!!!!

Kelly said...


Allison said...

That is priceless!!!

Angela said...

Oh my goodness that is freaking HI-LAR-I-OUS!!! LOLOLOL That is one of the best "blackmail" photos I believe I have ever seen! He sure won't be getting away with much as a teenager thanks to that photo. I feel the same way about the whole "gender" playing idea. Both my boys had dolls they played with but more so with our second child....he loved this gold sequined purse to carry his cars in and I think it just about killed my hubs to see that! Cracked me up though, especially when he would break out my heels! lol

Elyse said...

OH MY GOODNESS...I just needed a great laugh :)

Anonymous said...

that was too cute! thanks for the laugh today!

Erin said...

There are no words to describe how funny that is!

hippos toes said...

That is so cute!!! I guess that is what I will have to look forward to. My 2 yr old loves to walk around in my heels and carry my purse. It's only a matter of time....... :)

jo@blog-diggidy said...

hahahaha....deep breath.....hahahaha that is too funny, i smell blackmail in this kids future!! lol

I am Arizona; a person, not a place. said...

That's SO funny! Luke won't wear a dress, but he sometimes carries one of my girls' dolls around and tries to nurse it. Too funny.

Kristin said...

ROFL. So funny. I'm with you on the transgender play too.

*Just Jen* said...

That is the BEST one I have seen today! LMAO!!! My son would DIE DIE DIE if I had a pic of him like that! LOVE IT!

Melissa said...

There's enough for your kids to get upset at you about. I think letting them play whatever they want isn't a place to pick fights.
I love this pick. It's awesome.
It's why the Scottish loved their kilts.

Tracy said...

nothing to do but laugh & grab a pic.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you posted the picture...that was hilarious when he did that! I had to tell a couple people about it because it was the funniest thing I've seen in awhile!
-your sis

Stephanie said...

I just about spit out my coffee! That is great!

My boys got dolls for Christmas - their very own, so sister doesn't have to share :) And they love to play dress up! I just saw Angus holding "twins" in the rocking chair!

I'll be on vacation, but will have to find a moment to check up on you....exciting stuff???hmmmmm Sounds like fun!

Leslie said...

Yeah, I'm thinking when he's about 10 or 11 he's not going to be thinking that's too funny. HILARIOUS!

Sandra said...

Girl... your how is a circus!!!


Mozi Esme said...

That is too funny!

Aubrey said...

That is SUH-WEET! OMGosh! I can't stop smiling.

I am just like you. If my toddler wants to run around with his sister's headband all day, go for it. If I'm painting my toes and nice shade of pink and he wants some, go for it! LOL

Elizabeth said...

That's hilarious! Can't wait to hear what you guys are up to now.

Laurie said...

So funny!! Not what I was exepecting. Love it!!!!

Laurie said...

So funny!! Not what I was exepecting. Love it!!!!

Kally said...

OMG!!! I love it!

I am all about keeping the kiddo well rounded. B plays in the mud with micro machines but also loves a mani/pedi like any other girly girl :)

Leanna said...


Growing up I was the only girl on our whole block and too young to go anywhere else...so, I always played just like the boys!! And, I 'think' I turned out ok. ;)

Pamela said...

What an awesome picture and thank goodness you captured it for posterity! :D Love it!

Jen said...

This is just so awesome and totally made me Laugh out Loud.

Brandy said...

TOO STINKIN CUTE!! Pretty sure they are going to be mortified even if you dont say who it is.

Salty Incisor said...

YOUR BeST YET. I needed to get distracted a post something but I am too busy...next week.
I love how awesomely big your wordful wed is congrats

Amy said...

He's so happy to be figuring out the dress! Great blackmail for his wedding!

AutoSysGene said...

OMG, he is so going to hate that picture in the future!!

Leanna said...

He will be SO mad at you later!! LOL

Cristin said...

Graham likes girlie stuff and it drives his Dad nuts!!!

This is a total classic! And I love that you don't give away exactly who it is... nice touch...

Rachel said...

that is BY FAR one of the best photos i have EVER seen. You need to submit it to a parenting magazine!

Mandy said...


Elisabeth said...

Oh my! I had to laugh! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Good comedy!!

Ash said...

I've got a similar shot of my 6-year-old in his cousin's Belle dress.

LOVE it!!

Susie said...

That is toooooooo funny!!

Anonymous said...

That is FUNNY!!!

Oh, my hubs would kill me if I took advantage of a photo op like that...yeah, but I'd do it anyway. ;)

Lorie said...

Fabulous! I agree with not limiting children to "gender" toys and clothes for that matter when playing. My 9 year old son plays with his sisters dolls, he likes to put them in his trucks and stuff as the passengers.

I'm posted. I have a wonderful surprise!

Jennifer P. said...

ooooh! Keep that one to pull out and show to any and all potential girlfriends :)! He'll appreciate it ever so much!

Loved this!

Nicole said...

That is tooooo funnnny! LOL

How cute and he will try to burn and destroy that picture for years to come! LOL

Maude Lynn said...

That is a hilarious picture!

MomItForward Jyl and Carissa said...

Exciting things keeping you away??

Holy. The boy. The dress. The toilet.



Sarah said...

Thanks for a great laugh! As others have mentioned, that is the ultimate blackmail/save for the future girlfriend photo.

Anonymous said...

LMBO!!!!!!!! Awesome picture! (and what a cutie, too!) His future wife will ADORE this pic, ha ha!
P.s.- embarrassing our children IS a full time job!!!!!

Indigo Children said...

that is the funniest thing I have seen in a LONG time. Thanks :)

Tim said...

Hey theres an award over at my blog for ya! Go pick it up when you get the chance!

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

{{giggles}} too funny! I think it's great to allow kids to follow their curiosity and play with whatever interests them, especially when they're young! I saw a mom telling a little boy he couldn't buy something purple the other day at Target, he couldn't have been 4, I'm sure he didn't understand!

Clark Captions said...

Laughing my head off over here! What a great shot! I mean picture! Hee hee!

Pam said...

That is so hysterical! I would've thought that was my friend's little boy were it not for the red hair. Too cute.

I've just posted my 1st WW but took a different approach this time. I just felt led to do it this way. Hope you understand and don't mind.

Thanks for hosting,

Anonymous said...

Oh this is so unkind Angela. So unkind.

This is that photo that you are going to rush to give to his fiance and he will never forgive you.
He will never forgive you for this and it is too late.

I think it's pretty funny.
Beings that I've done the same and all.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is just too funny! So glad you captured it, even if it is serious blackmail material. These are the moments that make motherhood divine!

Michelle said...

Oh my goodness Angie, that picture seriously rocks!

debi9kids said...

What a great and funny post. Definitely a pic to share with his wife one day. LOL

ps Sorry i didn't play along this week.... I have been "out of sorts" with tuesday's passing and will be heading off to her funeral on Friday...

Mark and Kiss said...

That's hilarious Angie! I love it!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

oh my gosh that is awesome!!! What a priceless picture.

Anonymous said...

The backwards shoes make it even funnier!!!

Bree said...

That's the best. seriously. I'm with you, let them dress up! What harm could it cause? by not allowing them to do it, you could actually force them to repress it until they get older.....and then that could cause some heartache!


Laurie said...

Haha! That is so funny! I agree, dresses are cumbersome!

Julie said...

Too funny!

April said...

love it! what a cutie :-D

Heather said...

This is too funny. I wish we could break the diaper habit here.

Jenners said...

This has got to be one of the funniest and cutest photos I've seen in a long time! Total classic! And you'll have this to blackmail him with for his whole life! You've got an ace up the sleeve to fight off bad behavior once he realizes just how funny this is! And best of all, you can use it for either one!!! : )

Patois42 said...

Something more exciting than that gorgeous lad in a dress? Wow!

latree said...

hahaha... funny!!

Stu Pidasso said...

great shot. Definitely blackmail fodder!!

CC said...

I have the PRETTIEST picture of my son in a Cinderella dress. I don't show pics publicly, but if you email me I'll try to remember to show it to you. You'll love it.

and he STILL loves wearing dresses!

brunger bunch said...

K-that is the cutest thing ever!!

My name is Tammie said...

OMG That is hilarious!! I love it!!! Henry would approve and then put his purple dress on to join him. :D