Thursday, February 12, 2009

Writer's Workshop-5 Favorite things

Here are the prompts:
1.) What was the first CD (or record or cassette) you ever purchased? Write about the way that particular album made you feel then. Write about how it makes you feel now.
2.) You were recently laid off. Instead of moping around, you've viewed it as a chance to start fresh. Pick a new career and write about your first day on the
3.) List your five most recent favorite things.
4.) I'm hungry. Share your very favorite recipe!!

And I chose:

What else? My five most recent favorite things.
I've had a cell phone for years. But for the past few, it hasn't done me a whole lot of good. Where we lived in Oregon I didn't get reception at home, and most areas I frequented had patchy service as well. Then we moved here, and I just couldn't be bothered worrying about keeping it on my person, or even charged for that matter.

When Jeff bought me this phone for Christmas I was a bit skeptical. Did I really need a phone with a full keypad? Internet access and a pretty large display screen?

That would be heck yes. I use it constantly. I can check my email from my phone. I can text. I had never texted before. Ever. I can check the traffic. And movie times. I can find the cheapest gas prices and make restaurant reservations. I can *gasp*....go on-line.

Let's just say it's my new best friend. I think I need to name him/her. Any suggestions?

My Oreck vacuum has been my pal for a long time. But, since we've moved here it's really been good to me. See, I'm a little OCD about stuff on my carpet. The carpet in this house is a dark, solid color. Every little fleck shows up. I vacuum a lot. Like more than once a day.
You know about my designer jean obsession. May I present to you Rock and Republics? I LOVE these jeans. They are the perfect date jeans. This is why: They have a lower rise so they aren't the best for daytime kid wrangling. But, the low rise looks really great on, and they are perfect for a night on the town. So, if you are looking for a pair of jeans to make you look and feel sexy, go check Rock and Republics out.

Moving along. Mineral powder for the face. Somehow, I was late jumping on this bandwagon, but I'm Oh. SO. Glad. I finally did. No more foundation. Super easy application and it really does make one's face look fresh!

Lastly, linen spray. I love this one from Bath and Body Works because it's really subtle. It has just enough fragrance to smell great but not to give me a headache.
What are your favorite things? Wanna play?
Head on over to Mama Kat's place.



Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

what a fun selection of your favorite things!

Halftime Lessons said...

Love the list, but what the hell is linen spray??!!

Maybe I really am male...


Danyele Easterhaus said...

i thought the last bottle was liquor named sleep and i was like, wow...great name for momma's! ha!

Deb said...

you really had me going with all that silliness about not needing a phone with a full keyboard... what planet were you living on???

love linen spray. i have some by my bed but i don't use it often. thanks for the reminder.

Ronda's Rants said...

Love them all...although I don't know about the jeans...I have a big girl butt...those don't look like big girl butt jeans!

Anonymous said...

I think I might try that stuff from Bath and Body Works...I like subtle. May become my new favorite.

mommytoalot said...

Love your selection. I have never tried linen spray..does it work?

Are You Serious! said...

♥ That is a great list! I really want a Blackberry! My sister has one and loves it too! :)

Unknown said...

I love your jeans, and I am SO jealous of your phone!!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I'm glad to see a vacuum made your list! I love mine too. hehe.

Coachdad said...

There is an award for you on my site if you want it.

Cupcake Dessert said...

okay crackberries (crackberri? lol) confuse the crap out of me. I have to on occasion do something to my bosses and it seems like so much trouble compared to mine!! but they all love them... maybe they just aren't for me! that pillow mist looks so pretty :) I have been wanting to try some of that so I might just have to pick some up :)

Jenners said...

Hmmmmm...maybe I need a phone like that. Hints shall be dropped.

And you may love your vacuum, but I love my steam mop. If you have hard wood floors, there is nothing better.

And I think those jeans are awesome but I sincerely doubt they would make me look sexy. Maybe when I lose 30 pounds or so we'll talk again!

Great list!

Michelle said...

Ok, first...Jay is just pretending to not know what Linen spray is!

Secondly, I think you should name your phone Roxy.

Laura said...

Fun stuff. Love all of it. I just got a new phone with a texting keyboard. Email me your cell and we can text when we need to :) wink. I love texting. Alan has a "crackberry" and while he loves it sometimes I think its needs to be put down (lol).

I want you to email me more about your face stuff. I need a change from my Mac stuff.

Cecily R said...

I laughed at my full keyboard too when I first got it and never thought I'd use the internet...HA! I use it as much as my laptop if not more!!

Great list!

Anonymous said...

I bought that very linen spray for my daughter and she absolutely loves it!

Do let us know what you decide to name your phone!

Kristin said...

You totally picked the easy prompt. Slacker.

Deni said...

Like the list...but I am not a fan of linen spray! But hey...thats ok - more for you right?

jenn said...

Great list. I'm late to the mineral makeup too, but I'm loving it now!

Jennifer said...

I LOVE THOSE JEANS!!!! They are the cutest!!!! I am going to have to go check those out!

Jen said...

I am so with you on the phone with the full key board and the mineral make-up. Love Them!

Anonymous said...

I have a pair of Rock and Republics that uh... unfortunately do not fit at the moment. (Pesky five pounds!) They are a little low in the back but they're comfy. Hopefully I'll be back in them, at some point! :)
Love your picks!

Deni said...

Thanks, he is a preemie miracle baby! It was a hard start, but he is good today (well except for his cold.) Feel free to follow me! I love making new friends. I have followed you for a while, but I hadn't commented!

Cheryl Lage said...

Way behind on the minerals powder...I actually don't do foundation, but sure should, so maybe this is a good alternative! ;)

Those jeans ROCK!

Tiffany said...

Great list! I may have to try the mineral make up myself, one of these days.

Aubrey said...

Fun, fun, fun!
As soon as I reach my goal weight, I am going all out and buying me some great R&R jeans!

Heather said...

This is such a great list of your fav 5. I love my mineral powder too. It's amazing how much it actually covers and corrects. :)

Stu Pidasso said...

I like our blog, but today is just too girly for me,. I AM OUTTA HERE!

Cheers, sunshine hoarder!

Melissa said...

I wanna know about this minierals foundation that's a powder you just brush on.
Where do you get it from?
I love my vacume as well. It's one of my best friends. However mine is a dyson.
Is that spray for YOU or for your house?

Julie said...

Great list! I can only agree with you on linen spray & mineral foundation. Don't get to enjoy any new jeans or a cool phone (flat broke). I know I have a where did I put it???

Bree said...

you've never had text messaged? that's insane.

you should name the phone Wocket. From dr. suess. There's a wocket in my pocket....

Anyways! lol Have fun

Lorina said...

Good list. And I may have to get me an Oreck! I hate my vacuum.. and it's a Dyson. Grr..

Jennifer said...

Excellent choices. :)

You have an award:

Maude Lynn said...

I absolutely can't live without my lavender linen spray!

Sera said...

I love your list! I may have to check out that linen spray. And there's nothing like a good pair of jeans that fit just right.

Jaime said...

K...I have none of these things!

But my new touch is pretty cool. You like the mineral makeup? I have yet to try that. And I am really wanting a new vacuum. Mine is a bagless and loses suction once or twice per room I vacuum. I am constantly cleaning it out!! So annoying! Probably more info than you needed to know, eh?

Lula! said...

I love allllll these things. Except my cell is not that fancy. But hey--I text all the dang time. So text me, text me! Seriously.

p.s. The rental we lived in while our house was being built had shag carpeting--blood red, orange, and olive green. Kid you not. The Oreck peeps told us not to use the high setting on shag. But I did. The thing still works. I love Oreck. Amen.

p.p.s. An Oreck would be a good defense tool should we ever need it...or there's always the fountain. Bwahahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

I love my Blackberry!

Hi! Dropping by from sits. A friendly welcome from a fellow blogger. I'm sponsoring a Valentine's Day giveaway at my blog, in case you're interested.

Zen Cupcake Blog

Kacey said...

Love, love, love all of your fave things! I love my mineral make-up too and I'm going to have to try the linen spray. Nice!

And girl, you know I'm jealous of those sassy jeans! FABULOUS!

Rhonda said...

Mineral powder instead of foundation? Really???

Great list!!!

Tara Bennett said...

You had me at Rockin' Republics. Oh how I miss the days when my butt fit in my size 6 RRs!

Becky said...

I'll take the phone and the vacuum please. ;-)

United Studies said...

I love a good-fitting pair of jeans, too!

Anonymous said...

oh i have so many favorite cell phone, fresh sheets, my blanket from restoration hardware and my honey vanilla shower gel :)

ps...don't forget its free giveaway friday! i'm giving away a cute purse today :)

Live.Love.Eat said...

Holy cow. I have to go vacuum. I feel terribly inadequate right now.

Happy V Day :)

Carrie and Jim said...

I find your obession with jeans really funny. I'm obsessed with peanut butter. I love the mineral make is the best!

CC said...

I think I've texted 3x ever in my life. But if I had one of those little beauties, I bet I'd do it all the time!

Aunt Julie said...

My cellie plan is about to expire. Seriously considering a Blackberry. Any suggestions?

Shauna said...

Hope you have a very Happy Valentines Day! ♥ Hugs :)

Clark Captions said...

My two favorite things are: My running shoes...Are you surprised? And my jacuzzi tub.
I'll have to think some more and see I can come up with anything else!

KatBouska said...

Those jeans are super cute! You're slowly sucking me in to the designer jean thing...slowly but surely.

Cristin said...

Great jeans... and I couldn't live without my mineral makeup...ok, I could live, but I'd look ghastly.