Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-Bounty shoot

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

First order of business.....I want to thank all of you for playing along each week. I really do enjoy your Wordful's and look forward to many more visits. Last week we hit 125 participants! WOW!
Now, on to the photo. This was taken last week at a Bounty Commercial shoot that the twins did. It was their first commercial, and was so much fun for all of us. They got the royal treatment with their own trailer, a catered lunch and thier very own "teacher". All standard for this sort of thing, but new to us.
Children at this age are unpredictable, so they (production) usually have a "back up" child(ren). In this case, the "back up" twins were twins that work a lot. A lot, a lot. If you watch the show they have been regulars on since they were babies, you'd definitely recognize them. Anyway, it was nice to pick their moms brain, and also cool that my twins got the principle role without a call-back.
Now, before you go looking for the commercial, you should know that it is offically a "non-airing" commercial, meaning it was produced for a test audience. I'm crossing my fingers that it has positive feedback.



Unknown said...

Awww... look at your little "stars" in the making! So cute! Good luck, I hope the feedback is wonderful!

jenn said...

Very cool. They are adorable. Hope the test audience loves them.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

wow, angie, i cannot believe they are shooting a commercial. that is so cool!

Kacey said...

Can I be "famous by association"? Please? :D I'm so glad for the boys - it looks like they had so much fun!

Natalie said...

they are too cute. *fingers crossed* I know the test audience will love them!

Sarah said...

I'm sure the test audience will love them, after all, we do!

Anonymous said...

That's AMAZING! You'll have to keep us posted.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

They are so cute! It looks like they love each other so much. :)

Casey's trio said...

Awesome...I ber they steal the show!

Michelle said...

How cool......they are on their way to becoming stars. :)

Lorie said...

I'm glad the commercial making was more fun than the audition day you had written about a while back. I have such twin envy, so I love looking at your twins. They are precious!

Simply AnonyMom said...

What an adorable shot. At least you have this pic for memories (if the first of hopefully many more to come)

debi9kids said...

Oh how fun!
Of course it will have positive feedback! :)
Happy WW!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Oh, I hope they pass the test audience!! Can I be the "Tester?" Cuties!

Keri said...

Your kiddos are absolute cuties!! Very first commercial, that's very exciting! How cool would it be to see them in action for the quicker picker uppers. Fun, fun!!

BTW, I jacked up my link this week. What a goober I am! Oops!

Momstart said...

This is my first time to have a wordful Wednesday.

Very nice picture. ;-)

tiarastantrums said...

so fantastic!!!

Sera said...

Awwww, they are TOO, TOO cute. What a fun opportunity for all of you.

Jen said...

that is such an awesome opportunity and one great photo!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

How cool is that?! What a neat experience for your kids.
Thanks for hosting Wordful Wens. every week, I enjoy it. I'm not good at being WordLESS. lol

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Such cuties! I would definitely buy paper towels after watching them in a commercial!

Melissa said...

Hey congrats. Good luck man. I hope they do well.

scrappysue said...

that's so exciting! who are the other twins? their show isn't likely even on tv here!!!

Cecily R said...

Well I am completely and totally star struck by those boys, so it seems only natural that everyone else is too!!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Awesome! The picture is awesome - shows their star quality!

Tiffany said...

Oh, your kids are just so stinkin' adorable!!!!!

Becky said...

I have often thought about going to open casting calls but I don't take rejection well... even on behalf of my kids.

That is so cool that you have this opportunity with them. It sounds like fun with the trailer and teacher n'stuff.

God Bless!

More Than Words said...

Wow!!How awesome is that!!

Upstatemamma said...

Oh wow, Oh wow, Oh wow!!! A commercial - how cool is that. I hope it gets aired. I want to see it. Congrats!!!!!

Michael said...

I have such a blast taking pictures that now I have something else I can do with them...post to Wordful Wednesdays!

This week I told a story, but it was fun.


Young Momma said...

Super cute! I hope they get it!! :)

Hootin Anni said...

A commercial!?!!! How awesome is that. Way cool.

My W W is all about a good family movie. Come see if you can catch something I spotted in the movie that I haven't before.

Here's the permalink to today's W W Click Here

Anonymous said...

That is so cool, Angie! I hope it leads to even more interesting things for the boys!

Unknown said...

What an awesome opportunity for your twins! Hope all goes well with the test audience and that this is just the beginning of their acting careers!

Have a great day!

The Blonde Duck said...

I moved! Come see me at www.aduckinherpond.com!

Anonymous said...

It is adorable pictures like this that makes me wish I had twins! Come on, uterous!

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, how fun!! All your kids should be in television- they're just too damn cute!!

LaTonya Yvette said...

How Cool!..They are too cute...Good Luck!

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh! That is so cool. I can't wait to read more about you and your family. They are so cute. I hope the test audience LOVES them. How could they not?

Heather said...

That is too cool, Angie! How can a test audience not love your little cuties?

Anonymous said...

How fun for you. They are so darn cute they should definitely do commercials.

Ronda's Rants said...

They look adorable...and all boy!
I bet they did great!

Rebecca said...

So fun!

Sheri said...

I love the pics of your boys - sounds like it was a great adventure!

Indigo Children said...

i am sure the test audience will love them :)

Mandy said...

They are the cutest!! :)

Nina said...

How fun!!! I will cross my fingures for you.

Cathy said...

They looked like they had a lot of fun! Glad it was a positive experience.

Jennifer said...

I adore Twink Photos.

Deb said...

how fun. sounds like a good time was had by all (no stress!)... they look adorable and i am sure they will win the test audience's heart! they've got mine!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

So jealous!!
They are just too adorable!

K said...

well how fun is that!? what a cool experience!

Stacy Uncorked said...

How cool is that? The test audience is going to LOVE them! :)

United Studies said...

Everyone has already said what I would say....

I am just wondering how to sign up to be a test audience?

My Trendy Tykes said...

Looks like a couple of heartbreakers!
Good luck on the commercial!!!!


Julie said...

How cool! They are SO cute!!

Unknown said...

Look at those precious boys!! And look at you, getting 125 links!

Unknown said...

They are just adorable! I'm sure the commercial will be a hit!

Melissa said...

Oh, how cute!!! I bet they did great!! Good luck with getting future "gigs" out of this.

Ash said...

What an incredible experience!!

Their own trailer - I love it. Did you guys request all yellow M&Ms?

I'm sure the feedback will be great. With sweet faces like that, how can it not!


Leanna said...

OMG!! How cool is that? I bet they were excited! Darn, so sad we don't get to view it. Will they give you a disc of the final take? If they do you have to post it!!

carrhop said...

They are so stinkin' cute! Keeping my fingers crossed for you on the test audience!!


Elizabeth said...

They are adorable! I'm betting the test audience loves the commercial.

Salty Incisor said...

AWEESOME GOOD LUCK what a fun experience. My husband was in a movie when he was 5. It was the only thing he did but he always jokes about getting over being a "child actor".
Keep us posted!

Nicole said...

How exciting for you guys!!! I wish you all the luck with it and hope they get more work!

jo@blog-diggidy said...

good luck with that!! your boys are adorable!!

Allison said...

They are just precious! Hope you get positive feedback.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

How neat! Hope you get wonderful feedback,that's quite exciting :) They look so cute in that pic!!

Honey Mommy said...

Congrats on the commercial! That is awesome.

I hope it goes well.

Lula! said...

Wait, you're going public with this now? 'Cause I've been wanting to tell the world, MY FRIEND ANGIE'S TWINS DID A BOUNTY COMMERCIAL, BEATING OUT SO-CALLED PROS!!!!!!!

OK, now I can do this. Awesome.

Leslie said...

What a fun day. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Kristin said...

wait, is the from the audition that didn't go so well?

Threeundertwo said...

This seems so right. You absolutely have the cutest little guys on the planet. Time others knew.

Of course, in the boy/girl category, my twins would win.


iMother2.0 said...

how COOL!

Laura said...

Yea! So very exciting and they look adorable and bigger. Now that is what I can a College Fund!

Abby said...

They are so cute! How exciting about being in a commercial!

Bonnie the Boss said...

When do you find out?

Susie said...

They look great! I hope the audience likes them:-)

Becky said...

Your little monkeys must have had a blast! Break a leg!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Good luck, I am sending you all my positive energy to get it on the aire.

Alicia said...

They are too cute! I am sure the test audience will love the commercial. I have my fingers crossed as well for positive feedback!

ps. I became your 200th follower!

girlytwins said...

So very cool!! I will keep my fingers crossed for it to test well!!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

the twins are sooo cute...and i get to say, "i knew them when"...or at least here in blogland!

Bramblemoon Farm said...

That sounds like so much fun:) I love the twins. Their hair doesn't look as red in that photo though-- they always have that "Dennis the Menace" look!

Mozi Esme said...

I so want to see that commercial!

Lindsay said...

How awesome....and man - those guys do commercials the fancy way down there in Hollywood-ville! their own trailers and all. Pretty cool! I had to change my kids in the back of my mini-van here LOL!!

Unknown said...

Sheesh, they are cute!

Hootin Anni said...

Thanks Angie, for the sweet birthday wishes!!

Joyce said...

Congrats, Angie! Your guys are adorable! :D

Joyce said...

OK. Got my Wordful Wednesday up!

Jennifer P. said...

ooooh---famous twins! Love the picture :). Hope the commercial airs too. What a fun thing for them to look back on and tell all their friends about as they grow older (have I told you that HCMM use to be on Mama's Family? Did a few commercials too. You California people and your stardom :)!)

KatBouska said...

It's official. I want twins. Or can I just have yours?? So cute! Do you ever just sit and stare at them or are you over the whole twin thing!?! I love them.

Are You Serious! said...

♥ They're so cute! It sounds like this audition when much better than the one before! :)

Kally said...

How fun! Great pic of your two little shooting stars :)

Jenni said...

That is SO cool, Angie! I can't imagine their commercial won't test well...everyone is a sucker for adorable little red-heads!

Clark Captions said...

Look at those cute little boys!!

Patois42 said...

Oh, fingers crossed here, too!

stefanie said...

Aw, I wanted to see them. I got all excited...can I be in the test audience???

Becky said...

I bet it was so much fun!

April said...

your pictures are always SO DARN CUTE!!!

Anonymous said...

Cute! How fun for you guys! ;)

ChefDruck said...

Aha, so that was the secret thing keeping you busy last week. Congratulations! They look adorable posing before their trailer. What a great experience!

Krazy Armstrong K's! said...

thats awesome for the boys! I tried to get dd into that along time ago! how fun!

I did my post, late like always but its posted! lol

Jessica said...

Wowza look at all your WW friends! Okay that is so cool. What a fun experience for you and your boys. They are adorable.

latree said...


Jaime said...

I'm sure everyone will love them! How could they not?
So was this a result of the horrible audition you had? Or did you go to another one?

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Your boys are so cute! I hope things work out on that front...if you want them to ! :)

CC said...

Your little ones in a commercial! How cool! Even if it is for a test audience. :) :)

Anonymous said...

That is a very cute pic! ^_^

Anonymous said...

Great shot, movie stars in the making!