Yep. These are just a few of my photos "found". From the past 5 years. The one's I thought I'd lost.
My heart broke last week thinking that I had lost all of my pictures, especially the collection of pictures from the twins birth and NICU stay.
I've completed albums for my other children, but I haven't for the twins, so the thought that all pictorial reminders of their birth and first year were gone left me with a knot in my stomach.
The first picture was taken in the operating room directly after the twins birth at 33 weeks. I remember how light they were. They felt like a baby doll.
The second picture is one of the babies in the NICU a few days after birth. They were such little peanuts!
Thank goodness you were able to recover them!
Oh little babies - I just love little babies!!!
oh yeah!! Hope you get to recover all photos!!
Wow!! What an amazing find!! I hope you get all of your pictures back!!
Oh my gosh Angie. I know the focus is you recovering your photos which is awesome, by the way, I just can't help but stare at that 2nd pic with glassy eyes. Do the twins look at their pics and understand at all why they were small and what they had gone through?
Ok, going to bed now. That's why I HAD to stalk and be here right at 12am (my time).Or post 1st thing in the morning and be #89 :)
Thank goodness you were able to recover some photos! Hope you can get them all back!
Look at those precious babies!
I have too many pictures like this as well. The pictures never fail to make me smile and cry.
Oh my gosh! You must feel so much better now that you found them! I hate things hanging over your head like that!
I love how proud your hubby looks holding his new boys! Priceless!
I lost all the pics when KJ was 18 months old, I had NONE backed up and we could not recover any. I am so very very sad about that.
Our computer crashed again in Januarary, but luckily I had backed everything up on external harddrive just the day before.
Those are great itty bitty baby pics. I am so glad he was able to recover the pics!
SOOO glad to hear that you got your pictures back. That would leave me with a knot in my stomach FOR you!! And look at those sweet little ones! Thanks for sharing this Angie!
♥ I'm so glad you got them back! What a relief!
I'm surely happy for you to have not lost these pictures for they are treasures. Picture of the sweet baby in the NICU brings back a flood of memories for me. Thank you for sharing these!
Awww! So glad you found these photos. Such priceless memories.
Are you telling me, seriously, that you have not, in five years, put these precious photos on a disc at least? Printed them? Yikes!!! I'm so glad you were able to recover them!!
Oh my gosh! Good for you! It made me sick thinking about it for you, just while reading this post!!
Look how tini-tiny!! Agh, I can't imagine holding a baby so tiny!
I'm so glad that Jeff was able to recover your pictures!! I'm sure the first thing you do now will be to back them up:)
That is so awesome that you found them! Look at how little they were. I cant even imagine how small and fragile they must have felt holding them.
oh my goodness - they are precious! i accidentally deleted all the photos from my daughter's 13th birthday - it still bites some days. i know how you feel, so have them back - sweet relief!!! and those blue eye shades - they dwarf him!
CUTE, cute, cute! I am always surprised at how light newborns are after lugging my kids around. I could imagine how small the twins would have been. Great pic, Yay you found it, its a good one.
This is my first week playing and I'm excited to be part of the fun! These pictures are so moving Angie. Those sweet babies are so tiny! I'm glad you recovered them. I had a computer crash recently too and lost all pictures and videos of my son from age 1 to 2. Devastating. They are at a computer place trying to be freed from the nasty old hard-drive! Hope we have the same good luck as you!
SO glad those were recovered! So precious!
I hope you can get them all back.
What a find! Precious, precious photos...
FYI Angie - not sure if you already know this, but your blog button link appears to be broken. I want people to be able to find you from my wordful wednesday post so how can we fix this? Thanks.
I'm so glad he found them! Amazing pictures.
I am so glad that you got those pictures back! Way to go DH!
Love and Prayers,
Oh thank God you found them!!! I can't imagine! I've seriously got to get my pictures printed, ASAP! I think I've got like 3000 though and that's SO MUCH money! lol
Go, Jeff!!! I'm so happy that you have those back. And what little peanuts- wow!!!
Thank goodness you recovered them, what a loss that would have been!
I'll bet they're already backed up in triplicate by now.
Awwwwwwwwwww, these photos just melt my ol' heart!!!!! What glorious creations!!!
Happy Wordful to you dear lady.
I'm glad to know you found some of your 'lost' photos!
Hi Angie!
This is my first time to participate in Wordful Wednesday...I'm so excited!
Love the pictures of your precious babies! Hope you're able to recover the rest of your photos!
I'd be sick if I lost my photos--so glad you recovered them!
Wow, glad you were able to rescue some of the pictures. Thanks for reminding me how important it is to back up these kinds of things .. I'm putting it on my to-do list today!
So thrilled Hubs found these! Yeah!!
Thank goodness! What a blessing!
look at them now...
wow, so thankful.
How wonderful to have found these photos!
Yeah!!! Those are priceless...You are very blessed!
Such a painful loss, losing old photos. Glad to see you were able to recover some.
Precious! What a relief. :)
ahhhh...that just makes me happy!!! yeah for still having precious memories!
and those pics just take me right back to last year in the NICU with sofie. ahhhhh. how blessed we are.
Oh, I just LOVE your pictures of your babies. I am glad they were recovered!
Nothing like thinking you've lost your pics!!! Glad he was able to recover them - they're GREAT pictures!
Those are so cute!!! I lost photo's from the time my oldest was a baby until age 2. Our computer got a bug and everything was lost. Luckily I had most of them printed already and I had some saved on Kodak's web site but I had to pay to get them on a disk. I was mad about that!!!
awww they were so tiny! Good thing he found these pics, I know they probably mean a lot to you!
Oh how PRECIOUS! I'm so glad you were able to recovered some of your pictures!
I would have been sick to my stomach too! We have our daughter's baby pics backed up on an external hard drive, but we need to do the same with the last year's worth of pics. I would hate to lose those memories!
Happy WW!
oh, i'm so glad that you have these pictures!!! thanks for sharing them with us.
Just precious babies!
I am so glad that your hubby was able to recover the photos. I know how that feels. My Mac (yes, my Mac) crashed about 4 months after I purchased it. Sadly the hard drive took all of my pictures. Luckily for me I had most of them saved on a zip drive - well, hubby did. Thank God for hubby!
Yeah - I love a story with a happy ending!!!
(the recovered photos and the thriving twins :-)
What great pictures...and what cute babies!! I bet you feel such a relief after finding them!!
I am so glad you found your "lost" pictures. What a sweet memory and to know that they have grown up to be such cute, healthy boys!
I remember when our little man was born, and he had to spend his first night in a small oxygen tent. I could hardly stand it!
Glad you recovered these photographs. These are memories you could never duplicate.
Eat Well. Live Well.
How wonderful that you still have those pictures! I can't imagine the panic! What precious memories!
Huge sigh of relief. Those are the same pics we recovered on disk....but I still have to find the way to get them back on the new computer!
I love the OR pic! Ya know....we never got to hold BOTH boys until they were in the PTCU room. I guess b/c Angus had the operations and was hooked up to so much stuff. I get to hold both now! HEE HEE! all 53lbs!
WOW! I'm so happy he found these for you! What great pics! Thanks for sharing!
What a blessing he found those!!!!
That is priceless that he found those amazing pictures of your babies! YAY!
so glad you were able to retrieve those pictures!! my goodness!
What marvelous photos and how wonderful you were able to recover them ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Phew....hope more can come... of those sweet "peanuts!"
OH! I am so happy for you! What beautiful memories!
I know that horrible sinking feeling all too well when you lose pictures.
I lost nearly all of the pictures from months 4-6 for my twins when my computer crashed :(
Happy happy Wednesday!
I am SO glad you were able to get those wonderful pictures back!
Wow... 33 weeks! I bet you were worried for a while when they were born. Looks like that NICU took awesome care of them because they are so healthy! What a blessing. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family!
oh my.. i just love babies.. and yours are adorable!! i am so happy that you were able to recover them!!! hope you can find many more!!!
And look at them now all healthy and adorable!!!
What precious pics! So glad that hubby found them!
Oh I am so happy so happy you were able to find your pictures!!! I have mine saved everywhere because we have had the same scare.
The pictures of your peanuts bring back so many memories from our time in the NICU. How lucky we are to have happy, healthy babies. I'm so grateful!
so precious!! so glad you found them!!
I'm so glad you were able to recover those pictures, Angie! They were sooo teeny tiny *hugs*
Wow, I can't imagine what it must have felt like to think that the pictures were gone forever. Those are amazing pictures. Thanks for sharing them with us. :)
I am so glad they were recovered! Those were some tiny babies!
Oh Angie...
I am so glad you got those pictures back! they are priceless. I know the feeling. We had a flood in our basement that ruined all 3 of my kids tapes of their ultrasound. I'll never get those back. I have had to just sit back and be grateful we have pictures, but it still made me cry!
Oh man! So glad you were able to get those pictures!
I had a heartstopping moment a couple months ago when I thought I didn't have any pictures of my girls first Christmas. Thank goodness for my Mom who had a ton!
That is so cool that you didn't lose them! I have to tell you I just found out my last couple weeks of WW your button wasn't working (my fault), so I'm using a text link in the post and I put you in my blog roll and your button in the sidebar. I feel so bad-- but I checked and they work now. I'm SO lame:) Thanks for doing WW!
Thank goodness he was able to recover them!!!!!
Thank Goodness! Isn't it awful to lose pictures! Those are great pictures too!
I'm so glad you didn't lose all your photo's!
Great picture.
How funny.....I used an old photo today too! :)
Oh my goodness, what precious photos. So glad you were able to recover them!
Happy WW! Look how many participants! Good for you, Angie!!!!
I'm so glad you were able to recover your pics and even more glad you are sharing them with everyone. I just love the tiny baby pics! They are sooooo darn cute!
Ok...how come I am only seeing one photo?!?! Bummer...
I'm SO glad your pictures were recovered. I'd be in knots too!
That is a really great photo!
what fantastic pictures! i'm so glad they've been found!!!
Had to change my link b/c I typed it incorrectly. Nice. Sorry for the double link! :)
Oh, I'm so glad you were able to save those! How prescious!
I just breathed a sigh of relief and they aren't even my pictures!!!
I am so glad that you were able to recoup those memories!!
Glad you found the pictures!
Hi! My first time to your super fab blog...and NOT my last :)
I added my wordy post to the list
I'm so glad you recovered those shots!!!!
what incredibly wonderful news angie!
When I read that you had lost your photos my heart broke for you. I would be crushed if all ours were gone. I am so glad that you got them back!!!! Go kiss that wonderful hubby of yours.
Sorry I didn't play today, possibly next week. ;)
Hooray! I know you must be so relieved to have your precious pics. They would be the first thing I would grab in a natural disaster (well, after the actual kids of course!)
Your babies are such gorgeous miracles!
Sorry I'm signing in so late...the Snot Monster's got me down! Such precious pixes of your babies, Angie!
I'm so happy you were able to recover them! I can't even imagine the panic I would feel if I lost my pictures. I hope you are able to recover them all!
What beautiful pictures! I thought I had lost about 6 mos. of photos recently...I know your devestation, so glad you got yours back!
Beautiful babies!
I thought I lost about a years worth of pictures from my son's first year a little while ago. PANIC!
My husband was able to recover all of them and now I'm crazy OCD about backing up all my pictures. Hope you were able to recover them all!
Thanks for hosting this fun linky!
Yay for recovered pictures!! for what it's worth - you can always store then online (I used photoworks.com) and you are able to download back to your computer anytime you want. VERY handy when switching computers :-)
Such awesome pictures - and isn't amazing how fast they grow up?
Yay for recovered pictures!! for what it's worth - you can always store then online (I used photoworks.com) and you are able to download back to your computer anytime you want. VERY handy when switching computers :-)
Such awesome pictures - and isn't amazing how fast they grow up?
Not peanuts anymore huh?
Ohmygoodness! I would just feel horrible if I lost the pics of my babies! I am so glad he found those precious memories!!!
Sometimes memories don't seem enough - pictures are so nice - these are beautiful. pray you recover ALL of your pics.
Those pictures are so sweet and beautiful!
I'm so glad he recovered some of your pictures!!!! So sweet. :)
I never tire of seeing photos like these. I am so glad that you got them back! You've inspired me to backup regularly.
So glad you got some pics back. That one is a keeper for sure!!
I am so glad you got those pics back. Nothing is worse then that sick to the stomach feeling when something like that seems lost. This is a happy thing that made me smile and I am sure you were smiling too.
Thank goodness you were able to recover them! I can't imagine losing something like that. Are you getting a back-up and archiving everything I hope! My husband is a freak about that but now I understand why -- that stuff just can't be gotten back!
And oh my --- how teeny teeny tiny!
and well done on #132 - is that a record???
Did you get them all back?!! Get yourself an external hard drive! STAT!
I haven't been around very often these last few months. You have quite a following for your wordful wednesday, congrats!!
I'm glad that he was able to recover some of those precious memories.
I'm so happy for you that you recovered these photos! Hooray for the twins! WOW, they were little peanuts--how precious is that?
Angie! That's a wonderful gift from your husband, recovering those photos of your dear little guys' first days. <3
UGH!!! That same thing happened to me...I actually cried myself to sleep for three days because I felt like I had lost my baby...EVERYTHING from the first moments, to the first three months...GONE!!!! It was also the FIRST time that my mom was able to be there for the birth of her grandchildren. Needless to say, $162 later, we got SOME pictures back, but I have only a select few...It still saddens me...!!! So I am GLAD GLAD GLAD that you were able to recover yours!!
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