Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Wordful Wednesday- From The *HEART* Baking

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

For Valentine's Day the kids and I did some baking. For the first time ever we made a heart shaped Red Velvet Cake, which I'm pretty sure had about 2000 calories per slice. Translation: SUPER yummy, but if you're watching your waist line, I'd beware. The frosting is to die for. Marshmallow. Cream cheese. Coconut. Pecans. Butter. Heaven.

*For the recipe, click here. Thanks, Stephanie at Live.Love.Eat for sending me the link!

We also made heart shaped pretzels. They were OK. Fun to make, but a little too hard, crunch wise. Next time I'll decrease the bake time for sure. We just made regular pretzel dough in the bread maker and then added red food coloring to the egg white to brush over the top before baking for color.

I hope your Valentine's day was as nice as mine, spent with my hubby and kids at home!



Jocasta said...

Looks like a lovely Valentine Day. That cake looks sooooooo good!

And I'm first!!!

Casey's trio said...

Yummy red velvet cake:) Looks good!

Lorina said...

Looks like fun! I love that pretzel idea..

Simply AnonyMom said...

looks like a yummy time was had by all.

Jennifer said...

Awesome ideas! Fantastic photos.

Natalie said...

looks like lots of fun! and yum...red velvet cake!

we spent valentines at home with our kids and let them be a part of a 'romantic' candle light dinner. they were so excited and behaved really well at the table. we may start eating by candle light around here more often!

Sarah said...

Sounds WONDERFUL!!!!

We made Snickerdoodles for Daddy, and Brownies for Mommy. :-)

Rhonda said...

I so love watching you be such a good mom! One of us has to be.... lol

Are You Serious! said...

♥ That cake sounds great! Anything with cream cheese and coconut sounds great to me! :)

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

LOL super yummy sounds about right! I love red velvet cake. Mmmm hmm! Looks like a wonderfully spent Valentines :)

Unknown said...

That cake (well the frosting for sure!) sounds to die for! You got any left? I'm gonna guess no...

Glad you and the kids enjoyed your day together. : )

Caitlin said...

Great idea to paint the pretzels red! That cake looks delicious too! Red velvet is my weakness...

debi9kids said...

Looks lovely! It seems we did the same sort of thing for Valentines... spent it surrounds by all of our little lovelies :)

Happy Wednesday!

Keri said...

What a super fun Valentine's Day! I'd love to be gorging myself on some of those yummy snacks right about now! Cake looks delicious!

Oh, and how bout them kiddos! So very cute!!

Kimberly said...

Sounds divine! I am already in love with that frosting! did you boil your pretzels? That helps mine get nice and soft/chewy. Anyway, love the red!

Sera said...

Mmmm, mmm, MMMMM. That cake sounds so darn good - I think I could probably eat the frosting by the spoonful the way you described it. I've got quite the sweet tooth. And your kids are just darling, as usual. :)

scrappysue said...

i just love baking with the kids, altho the older they get, they tend to want to do it all themselves - bigger kids, bigger mess! that velvet cake looks TO DIE FOR ang!!!

Diane said...

red velvet cake is my fav!!

Coachdad said...

Looks great! Wish I was invited! I made a extra large heartshaped cookie. Don't tell my football team.

Cecilia said...

Sounds and looks like a great Valentine's Day! I love red velvet cake!

Ronda's Rants said...

It looks like everyone had a great time!

Leanna said...

Yummy! Looks fun! I had a wedding to go to first but then enjoyed a nice evening at home with my boys (including hubs of course). It was also our 22nd anniv.

Anonymous said...

Yum, the cake sounds wonderful. I so love baking with my kiddo.

More Than Words said...

Yum..that recipe sounds delish!! I'll have to try that one day!

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea .. that frosting sounds SO yummy!

Hootin Anni said...

Okay, I can't help myself....the words 'sweet treat' come to my mind. It is a sweet treat y'all made, and for us to view...it too is so sweet!!!

Mine is the fascination of toilet water with 'kids'!!!! Happy Wordful!!

Sheri said...

Looks like a great project!!!

mommytoalot said...

Playing along today.
Love the cake..my goodness..sure wish I could bake like that

Ash said...

Mmmmmmmmm - anything with cream cheese.

You're such a good mama to brave the kitchen with the whole crew. I imagine you burn off those calories pretty darn quick!!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Sounds like a great day!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Oh that looks yummy!
I love baking with kids...always a laugh and so much fun!

Cristin said...

We didn't bake any Valentine's treats...those are adorable!

Cupcake Dessert said...

that cake looks yummy!! i love the pretzel idea but I could never do it lol..

Abby said...

Looks like a fun Valentine's Day! Happy Wednesday!

Aunt Julie said...

I ADORE Red Velvet Cake! Hope you and yours had a Happy Valentine's Day!

Jen said...

We had a similar valentines day. I think I am going to try that cake. I have always wanted to east red velvet cake, YUM!

Anonymous said...

Wow look at all the fun you guys had!! :)

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Yummy! We made chocolates this year! A magical WW to you!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

The pictures are so cute, and that cake sounds heavenly! My mouth is watering - ha! Happy WW! :)

Halftime Lessons said...

Hey! We did the same thing on Valentines Day!

Are we in some club i dont know about?

Allison said...

I just love baking with my kids!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

I loooooove Red Velvet cake!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

rock it sister...love all the heart goodies! i didn't even get cupcakes done this year. ooops.

carrhop said...

Love the photo collage! Too cute!--I've also been perusing your book list in the post below--I'll have to go hunt these down!


Unknown said...

Um, yeah, that icing sounds SO good it's ridiculous... Your pictures are adorable : ). I am so glad you do this. It is lots of fun!

Maude Lynn said...

I want that cake!

tiarastantrums said...

looks like you had a delicious VDay with the kiddies!!

Jenni said...

Looks delish, Angie! Did you save me a piece?

Unknown said...

Great way to spend VD with the kids! ;)

Brenda said...

Looks like a fun time with the family.

It looks like I accidently hit Mr. Linky twice. Just wanted you to know that was an accident

Live.Love.Eat said...

How sweet looking! And everyone looks so happy! I love the pretzel idea but I'm really glad the cake worked out for you, I will have to try it sometime!!!!!!

Lorie said...

How fun!!!

Kathleen W. said...

What a fun time, and a great idea to spend Valentine's Day as a family.

sassy stephanie said...

Fun! I love kids in the kitchen.

Kacey said...

Looks like a blast - and super yummy! Red velvet is my fave!

Unknown said...

The cake looks delicious! I cannot wait until my son is old enough to really help me with cooking.

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun. And such happy faces. What a great day.

Nina said...

Sounds like a fun valentines day. I bet the cake was really good.

Lindsay said...

Ohhhh - nummy! I've tried making a red velvet cake before but it didn't taste too good - now I have NO excuse!

Melissa said...

Looks like fun.
You should put that recipe up on the blog.

Michelle said...

Looks like you all had a fun foodie valentine's day! :)

Lula! said...

You can make this for me when I come to visit. Soon.

Yes, I just invited myself. Thankyouverymuch.

jenn said...

Shiloh decorated cookies for Valentine's Day. Can you believe that I forgot to take a picture? Oh well.

Looks like your kids had fun.

Megan said...

Looks like a fun and YUMMY Valentine's day! =D

(and I had no idea that there was actually a "starter" blog for Wordful Wednesday. LOL I saw a link to you on Mommy Matters - KarinKatherine's blog. Funny!)

Joy said...

UM yea that cake looks good

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I love the pretzel idea. I am watching my waist line, but that cake looks so yummy and sounds yummy.

Sarah said...

That cake sounds AMAZING! I must make one.

Mrsbear said...

We made a heart shaped cake too on Sunday (oops) but it was just a box cake with pink frosting, yours sounds fabulous-er...;) Playing along for the first time, have a great Wednesday.

Bramblemoon Farm said...

I think there is some kind of universal law that calories don't count on Valentine's Day. Yep, pretty sure about that!

We went to the mall and ate out:)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like it was a wonderful day! I've never made red velvet cake but I'd like to try it. Of course, if it's 2000 calories, maybe not.

*Just Jen* said...

Yummy! How fun!

Andrea said...

Sounds like you had lots of fun! We made a heart shaped cake for Daddy this year. :)

Susie said...

It looks like a great time!

Heath'e' said...

I didn't realize you were a SERIOUS blogger! I'm in AWE. Your blog is awesome. You'll have to teach us all some tricks! Do you do your own designs? Have a great day!

Aubrey said...

The cake sounds devine and the frosting...even better!
What a fun time!

Nicole said...

I looooove all cake. That is my new bad habit!

Mark and Kiss said...

Sounds like a wonderful family holiday! (you know how much I love baking...too much) Your kids are soooo lucky Angie! The cake sounds like it was to die for, mmmm-mmmm.

CC said...

I'm not going to click on the recipe link, I'm not going to click on the recipe link.... ;)

girlytwins said...

That cake looks delicious! I bet you had a beautiful mess afterwards. I love family baking :)

Happy sweets days!!

Melissa said...

Cute pictures...looks like fun!!! Oh and I love crunchy pretzels much better than soft!!! Especially when they are warm...yummy!!

Anonymous said...

What a fun Valentine's Day!! Man, that cake has me drooling all over my desk ...

April said...

that looks spectacular!!!

ChefDruck said...

Marshmallows? Coconut? Say no more. Sounds awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a fun day you all had! Love the idea of the pretzels.

Jessica said...

MMMmmm.Makes me hungry. Looks like you had a great time baking!!

bichonpawz said...

I love doing stuff like this for the holidays! Makes them special. And your kids will remember them forever!! It as one of the things I just loved doing with my own mom. My daughter and I still do it and she's 22!! Everything looks fabulous!!

Kristin said...

I've been making RV cake for Luke's bday (since he was almost my Valentine baby) for 10 years now. This year, he wanted a Lego cake. Sigh. Oh well. Too bad he wasn't a girl. I'm KIDDING! OMH. What would I do with FOUR girls! Kill myself.
Love the pretzel idea though. Not that I'll ever do it. I'm a tad on the lazy side I've decided. But such a good idea...

Anonymous said...

that looks like so much fun!!! i love the cake!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i adore red velvet cake! those red dyed heart shaped pretzels are a great idea...i am saving it for next year.

The Blonde Duck said...

That looks like so much fun! I love those ideas!

brunger bunch said...

The cake sounds so yummy! What a fun Valentines! I am sure your kids will remember it:)

Anonymous said...

first time here...love your blog!

Mozi Esme said...

Looks like a sweet day!