Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-Improvisation and Lake Arrowhead

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button (below and on the left) or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

Grab My Button

There is SO much to do and see in Southern California. Jeff and I have enjoyed showing our kids some of the wonders we were raised around.

Like Lake Arrowhead. At more than 5,000 feet above sea level, the drive up is amazing with views of the valley below. Lake Arrowhead is located high on the south slope of California’s San Bernardino Mountains. It really is a remarkable slice of the natural world. The makers of Arrowhead water must have thought so too because it's the site of their first cold-water spring.

When there's no one around to take a group photo, sometimes you just have to improvise.

So we did.

Happy Wordful Wednesday to you. I've enjoyed "seeing" what you've all been up to, even if I haven't taken the time to tell you so.


Jocasta said...

Woohoo! I'm first, I'm first, I'm first!!!

Momisodes said...

What a wonderful group shot! I never had the chance to visit Lake Arrowhead while living in California, but I've heard it's gorgeous!

scrappysue said...

ah - self portraits are the best anyway! ppl look at us weird when we turn them down to take a picture for us!

Leslee P said...

love the family photo... Lake Arrow head sounds so beautiful...

Muthering Heights said...

Not bad for an "improvised" group shot!

Ash said...

That picture is pure happiness - I LOVE it!!

What a gorgeous bunch.

Sara Elizabeth said...

Beautiful and fun family photo!

LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

love that group shot... much better than most I've seen posed and with a photographer! Looks like you all had a great time!

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

that is a great group shot - I love how close you all have to be to fit!

carrhop said...

Hey Girl! Looks like gorgeous fun! Maybe on my next road warrior trip I'll come check out your lake!


Natalie said...

okay, that is an amazing group shot!!!! way to go. i would probably pay good money to have a picture that good of every member of my family looking at the camera!

Casey's trio said...

What a CUTE family picture:)

Halftime Lessons said...

Oh WOW that is a SERIOUSLY cute fam picture!!


Skoots1moM said...

great pic...
mine's up...

Skoots1moM said...

couldn't find mr. linky...

T Rex Mom said...

I especially like the group photo at the end - it actually turned out pretty good! It looks like a lovely place to escape.

I've put up my Wordful Wednesday on T Rex Mom and Dad Tales.

Anonymous said...

Great photo. Love it. Happy WW! :O)

I'm Jamie said...

Great photos!!
And I must admit, I've lived in S. CA the majority of my life and have never gone to Lake Arrowhead... (runs to add that to list of things to do)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!! :) You and your family are so cute!

Ms. Latina said...

Darn! Thought I was going to be first LOL Anywho beautiful fam pic!

Kekibird said...

Great shot of you all. I love Lake Arrowhead. It's not far from us and we visit Big Bear near there from time to time.

~Sandy~ said...

i love love love CA! so beautiful and the weather is amazing :) looks like everyone enjoyed themselves on your vacation...the family pic is beautiful! Christmas Card material. happy ww!!!

Milk and Honey Mommy said...


I saw the trees and knew you were in California. You are making me miss home.

Jennifer said...

Wow, beautiful lake, beautiful family Angie!

Unknown said...

I always love your photos. Looks like a great place to visit.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

That last photo is just perfect!

McClure Family said...

you did great with the improvised shot!!

Kiki said...

Love the family shot. Have always wanted to go to Arrowhead. Have a wonderful day and take care. Happy WW!

tiarastantrums said...

looks awesome - the water is so blue!

Genny said...

Cute family picture, Angie. Hope you are doing well!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Great photos and I love the family shot! Looks like the improvisation worked!

Carolyn G said...

Sometimes, the improv photos are the best most real!!

Jennifer said...

Woah! How long is your husband's arm and how crammed in were you guys to fit in the picture? LOL! When it's just my hubs and baby and me, usually someone's head is cut off! ;-)

girlytwins said...

Love it! We love lake Arrowhead too. We took the girls up their this past winter and they had so much fun in the snow. I look forward to taking them up in the warm weather to play in the lake. Tony & I lived up there for 2 years during and after college. It really is so beautiful :)

Colette S said...

It looks beautiful there. I wish I lived there.

Love the improv!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

You're all SO cute!!! :)

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

I love Lake Arrowhead in the summer! Great pictures!

jenn said...

I'm impressed. I have a hard time just getting me and my daughter into a picture without someone else to take it.

Great photos.

Tena said...

the first picture is so peaceful!! Beautiful

Shop with Me Mama said...

Great pictures! You have a beautiful family :)

Kimber said...

Maybe My Christopher will take me there when we come to California in October. It looks beautiful. Actually, I will just be happy to see the redwoods.

Run DMT said...

Love the group shot! Some day I would love to visit Northern CA. Happy WW!

Tina said...

i think you got everybody in the picture really well!

Lianna Knight said...

I love the group pic...too cute!

MrsZeee said...

That shot is cuter than any professional photog could capture!

Scary Mommy said...

You two look like college sweethearts-- I just can't accept that you are the parents of all of those gorgeous creatures!

Kim said...

That is such a fun family shot!!!!

koreen (aka: winn) said...

Love Arrowhead. Miss California. :(

Great pictures.

Suzy said...

Love the family pic! It's one of the best I've seen ~~~ everyone looks sooooo happy! And Lake Arrowhead sounds wonderful!

4 Lettre Words said...

Wow...look at that blue water! What fun!

Jen said...

That looks like a beautiful place and what a great impromptu photo.

Anonymous said...

Love the group shot -- we have ones like those too! Happy WW!

Kristen Andrews said...

look at that great family shot

Staci said...

I love the family shot!!! Those are so special!!

Unknown said...

The lake is beautiful!

We also love taking photos in our family and believe me, we're getting pretty good at improvising. ;)

Happy Wednesday!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

What a great family photo! I updated your new button!

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Where is Mr Linky???

Danyele Easterhaus said...

your family is soooooo cute! i love it! and i think there's a little eagle's song about how it never rains in southern california...yeah, well in indiana, it's stinking raining now! booo! trade me please!

Kati said...

I love your blog. You have a beautiful family!

Hootin Anni said...

Wonderful, summertime fun.

My Wordful is all about a huge industry with a video...all about TEXAS OIL.

Unknown said...

California really is a wonderfully beautiful state. I was born in San Jose but we left when I was a baby. But, we visited quite a bit when I was a child b/c my parents LOVED it SO much! I'm glad you can share it with your children.

Love the group shot! : )

ParentingPink said...

Love the photo of your whole family! How you got everyone to look at the camera I'll never know - but you must share your secret! LOL

Stacy Uncorked said...

LOVE the family pic! You have a beautiful family. :)

Happy WW! :)

Frugal Fritzie said...

That is one of the cutest group family pictures I've seen!

Hoosier Homemade said...

Great group shot! Thanks for hosting!

Amy said...

Great picture. Love how you fit everyone in the picture. Way to go.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Looks like a beautiful place. Great group shot.

Erin @ Furry Murray said...

I love the last photo! Happy WW!!!

Jenni said...

I love the improvised picture Angie!!!

Nicole said...

How beautiful, I wish our weather would start acting like summer so we could go do some fun stuff!

Great family picture!

Stefany said...

That looks beautiful. I would love to visit there sometime!

Great pics!

Stefany said...

That looks beautiful. I would love to visit there sometime!

Great pics!

CC said...

I want to be there. Right NOW.

Susan Holt Simpson said...

We'll be going to a lake for a couple of days off with our boys soon! Looks like you had a great time - love the last photo,

Allison said...

That's a great family photo! Sometimes the improvised ones are the best!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

Absolutely amazing that you managed to fit everyone in the frame! Seven really must be a magic number.



Amy said...

Loved the group pic. It turned out cute! Happy WW!

Kacey said...

Looks like everyone is having fun!!!

Susie said...

What a good looking group:-)

Megan said...


And I love the family pic! Too cute!

Mom Knows Everything said...

What a cute family shot! :o)

Kristin said...

Nice job on the photo, I tried that the other day- came out terrible! Looks like a beautiful place, we went to Southern Cali in 1007 and loved it!!

Danielle said...

We were just at Lake Gregory two weeks ago! We had so much fun there!

Theta Mom said...

This makes me want to travel and see the beautiful parts of this country that I've never been...Those views are breath-taking!!!

Mariah said...

I love arrowhead and I love living in So. Cal! The beach,the mountains, the desert.

April said...

that's a fantastic family shot! i love it!!!

Anonymous said...

How nice to be able to share with your kids the places you used to hang out when you were kids. :) Beautiful family!

Laura said...

You seem happier back in California. I am soo glad :)

ChefDruck said...

What a gorgeous lake. And I can't believe you got everyone to smile, and managed to take the picture yourself. We can't get smiles even when we have photographers!

The Blonde Duck said...

I never keep my mouth shut!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness I love your group picture. I am so glad you thought to do that. What a spectacularly beautiful family!

Joyce said...

Hi, Angie!
Looks like your family is having a wonderful time! :D

Michelle said...

I haven't been to Lake Arrowhead in years (and never when it wasn't covered in snow).

Love the group shot. :)

Tina said...

I'm following you now and playing along!

Thanks for sharing...Great pic

Justine said...

Angie, that is one of the best family shots ever! I LOVE IT!

Justine :o )

Lori said...

I heart Wordful Wednesday!!


What lovely family photos!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I love that family picture! It's perfect! :)

Salty Incisor said...

whoa lots o comments/ LUCKY you have a pool. That was my sister in laws for which i am jealous.
Fun family vacations! Everyone is growing older!

Molly said...

I love your family shot!

Unknown said...

such happy hearts are captured in your family photographs
Happy Twirls

Aubrey said...

Look at all those beautiful SMILES!

Love it!

Unknown said...

What a fun improvised shot! It works. :)

Jenners said...

I'm impressed ... we only have 3 in our family and we barely all get in there! I counted 7 so you did a great job! What a lovely family.