Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-see what happens when I get a Flip?

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button (below and on the left) or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

Grab My Button


Last week we tried out having a prompt IF and only IF you would like to use it.

For Next WEEK, The prompt is:

Fall. Let's see what autumn looks like in your neck of the woods.

This week I tried something a little different. It's Wordful. While not being too wordy. And there's an image. I know. It doesn't exactly meet the Wordful Wednesday criteria. But. It's my first Vlog. And I really, really wanted to show off. I know that making and publishing a vlog is second nature for many of you, but for me, this is a huge accomplishment. Humor me, will you? :)

P.S. I didn't really steal it. I bought it. I was only kidding.


Muthering Heights said...

LOL, that's a great first vlog!! :D

Hoosier Homemade said...

How fun! Wish I had a camera! Thanks for hosting!

Genny said...

Too fun!

Trying to enter my link from my phone bc my Internet is down... Http://www.mycup2yours.com/2009/09/nice-little-lunch-date.HTML

It looked like I entered it on mcklinky, but then it didn't show up... :)

Michelle said...

Great job on the first Vblog. I love the look on Jeffs face when he realizes that you are filming him. :)

Genny said...

Oops! Looks like I entered it twice... Sorry Angie!

Kiki said...

Great first Vlog. You will enjoy taking them and posting them. I take a lot of videos of lil' D and post them. I will have to take some of myself to post as well. I am always behind the lens. Happy WW and take care.

Ms. Latina said...

Love the vlog and the flip ;) I should have listened to my teen and got one but shhhhh don't tell him! LOL

tiarastantrums said...

at least you have this figured out - I'm sitting her trying to download a photo from my dang camera for WW and IT IS NOT WORKING! got any hints for me

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I love my flip. keep it in my purse just for those great aha moments. Ur husband thinks Ur crazy.. :) I can't wait to meet him in VEGAS baby!

Unknown said...

He's not really into it, is he? hee hee!

This may sound weird, but I really like your hubby's shirt. I need to fine one like that for my man! Love the colors!

debi9kids said...

I really want to get a Flip badly... one of these days.
I wasn't able to get your Vlog to load, will have to try to view it tomorrow...

Happy WW!

Jennifer P. said...

You could do a lot of damage with that :)

Rob said...

That was funny. I would be the same way if my wife did a vlog of me.

Happy WW!

Sara Elizabeth said...

How funny. He looked so caught off guard. Maybe the next vlog will have you in it!?

Megan said...

He looks so uncomfortable. LOL

Christine said...

Great first Vlog. ;) You are going to have tons of fun with that camera!! You know we expect to see lots of videos now, right?


Colette S said...

This is so much more funnier than mine! You worked it well and the camera is so cool how it shows the quality.

Happy WW!

Liz Mays said...

What a good sport!

Run DMT said...

Well done. But what's a flip? I thought you meant your hair! LOL Is it your camera?

Happy WW!

Mom Knows Everything said...

I've always wanted to try to do a vlog, but then I would have to do my hair and makeup... LOL

Susie said...

Your hubby is so cute! He looks so embarassed!

Susie said...

Is your feed not working? It didn't come up in my reader?

carrhop said...

Angie's been unleashed with video technology! The vlogging world will never be the same!!! ;o)


Jen said...

you guys are too cute. This just makes me more excited for Vegas. I can't wait to meet you both and its coming up soon.

Stacy Uncorked said...

I totally forgot about the prompts...I'll remember for next week! ;)

LOVED your first vlog...you've inspired me so now I need to get a flip and join in the vlogging fun... ;)

Happy WW! :)

Dumb Mom said...

Cool! I did a video too! Great minds think alike:)

Jennifer said...

I liked your vlog, it was funny, interesting, and you kept it short, for which I thank you. Happy Wednesday.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

LOL, too funny!

I have a flip and love it. =D

Live.Love.Eat said...

ok, i'm at work so not able to hear it with sound but man, Jeff and my husband have some similarities. The hair, the smile. just that all around american boy look, ya know? i'll check this out more at lunch but what i learned from the comments is a flip is a camera. great, didn't know :)

Have fun with it!!!!!!!! oh, and i linked up with a recipe since you said it was cool. after all, it's a pic and it's wordy. and yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

You are so creative and fun. If I never do a vlog that is ok with me!

Lula! said...

1. We have that exact same guitar...as soon as I heard the music, I felt like I was at home...

2. Jeff is cute.

3. I knew you didn't steal it.

4. I got to hear YOUR voice. It's sexy.

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Awww, that was cute!! At least he laughed and smiled...mine wouldnt have been so happy. hhaha

Serendipity is Sweet said...

Good for you! I'm sure he loves you for it ;P I got a flip a couple of years ago and never seem to upload the videos on it because it takes forever! I have a ton I need to load!
Happy WW!

Shelly said...

I've never tried a Vlog before. Looks like fun. Don't think my hubby would do it though. lol

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

hahaha...what a good sport. My husband avoids the video camera at all costs, unless the kids are in the shot with him. :)

Momisodes said...

Congrats on your first Vlog! I love those Flip cameras. I haven't posted a vlog yet myself. Like you, it's a huge deal for me :)

KarieK said...

Awesome Vlog, though was it candid camera? HA HA He was a good sport!

Happy WW


Melissa said...

That is too funny... I wish I could figure out how to do that!!

Unknown said...

Angie, you crack me up. I'm sure he loved being your first Flip victim. :)

Nicole said...

That was funny. Nice Angie you made him blush! I'm guessing he doesnt like to be filmed! How fun, I look forward to more vlogs.

Stefany said...

haha! How funny! What a good sport he was.

I want a flip. :)

girlytwins said...

Haha. Jeff is so like Tony. Tony would just be laughing at me too. Because of what I was doing and also that again I was spending money :)

Love you guys.

Courtney said...

I love my flip! It is the best purchase i have made in a long time. We are planning to use it to film the birth of our 3rd son.

Salty Incisor said...

FUNNY...great back and forth. Uh oh Vlogging here you come??

Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said...

I would so love a flip!!

He was such a good sport, but looked so relived when the little person needed him! HA!

MommyBrain said...

Why is it that most (all) men have the same reaction to being on camera ... shyness, embarrassment, turn-it-off-please politeness? I'd be like, "Hey, ... what bit of funniness can I offer up?"

I love the Flip - used them with my 4th and 5th graders in the classroom - so much fun!

Mark and Kiss said...

Jeff is so easy going! Very fun to hear you guys.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

SO much braver than me! I really want a flip though!!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ That cracks me up!!! Poor guy he looked so uncomfortable!!! :)