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A little sibling companionship and a few dominos go a long way in entertaining my kids.

I love it when they play together. Especially if during that "play time" they actually ARE playing. {You know, as opposed to fighting or getting into other sorts of mischief.}

Can you hear the peace and quiet I somehow earned? {I say earned because it had to be more than luck, right?}
What a great play time activity! Who would have thought? Hope you enjoyed your hard earned peace and quiet!
That's great they can play that long together without the domino's being thrown all over the place :) it's nice when siblings come together like that. happy ww!
Wow, that's impressive!
What a great kid activity! I think I need to wait a couple years on this one though, right now my 6 year old would be the only one able to line up the dominos and would freak out when his 2 younger sibs. knocked them over before he was ready!
Ahhh Dominos are very fun. My son loves to play with his. Great photos of the kids playing! Happy WW!
Ahh! Maybe THAT is the answer to my problems. My post tonight was all about how I hope that my kids can move beyond the fighting 24/7 stage. ;)
Apparently I need to get some dominoes! Some older kids to help amuse my two would probably be useful too!
We have those dominos too and we all love to play with them.
It is great when they all play together isn't it?
Actually playing...yes, it is SO sweet. I had to laugh because before school started, we had our share of sibling rivalry around here. I love when I can cath my kids playing, having fun, and just being kids together. So cute, Angie.
What is it with dominos? My mom has a few sets at her house and there are times when they can entertain ALL of the grandkids and their various ages...who knew?
Isn't it just blissful when they play and get along? I always feel sort of proud of myself and my awesome parenting when that happens...and then someone pokes someone and the other one draws on someone's face and my pride goes away. But for those few minutes....
What fun! I loved doing this with my brother when we were kids. Something about that chain reaction is so amazing!
It is SO nice when they play without fighting. I think we'll be breakin' out the dominoes soon! Thanks for the idea!! : )
I need to invest in a Domino set! I have a feeling it would turn into a fight in my house. One would end up doing all the work while the other would know them over early :/
I am SURE you earned it girlfriend! Good for you & for them. I need some dominos! :D
I'm sure this kept them occupied for hours!
You def earned that quiet time... good for you! Hope you enjoyed it!
That looks like quite the intricate domino set up they've got going there. I don't think mine would ever be patient enough with each other for that kind of activity. You can rest assured that at my house, it wouldn't be quiet!
That looks like quite a few dominos. Such a simple and easy entertainer.
How fun! It looks like they did a great job making nice, neat trails. I can hear the *ting* they make on hard wood floor from there.
Oh how fun :) lol
and you got 4 out of 5 playing together at the same time - peaceably!!! awesome - i still have my black dominoes from when i was a young girl!!!
I only have one kiddo and get no peace and quiet, well, excpet when he is in bed. Maybe I need to invest in some dominoes. Great pictures and thanks for sharing. Happy WW and take care.
How fun!
Happy Wednesday!
So all I need is a box of dominoes and I will get peace and quiet? The more dominoes, the longer it lasts? I'm going to Target tomorrow. I need a little peace and quiet!
It looks like great fun was had by all. Very impressive domino skills.
ahhhhhh! Mommy Bliss!!!
happy WW!
Oh yeah, you gotta love it when it's a group activity like that! :)
Wow! Totally impressive - probably really fun to see it in action.
WOW! That looks really fun! It's great when they get along and play well together.
I think you DEFINITELY deserved some peace and quiet, and a lack of fighting and mischief, after the weekend you endured, lady! These pictures capture such sweet moments!
I used to love those when I was little! Definitely one of my favorite things to do with kids : ) I love how enthralled they are with it! Fabulous!
Mine would have hidden the domino's in various locations in an attempt to have me hunt later. My earned silence would be their sneaking around. LOL
So awesome to see them all playing together. Very heartwarming!!
Wait. This is even POSSIBLE?!?! LOL! I think I hear crickets...
Wow, how many sets of dominoes do you have there?
Yes, it is awesome when the siblings play well together. It just melts your heart. :)
My son just LOVES creating "streets" with dominos!! How fun!
Holy moly, Garrett looks sooooo grown up! Dang! Let's set up a time to chat SOON!
Isn't it nice when they play instead of fight?!?!?!
Dude. The underwear.
And I'm all over getting a set of dominoes.. I can hardly believe how much my kids luv luv lurve legos lately.. kinda sorta the same play huh?
Dominoes are the best!! We used to play that all the time when I was little!!
Yeah, it's awesome when they play "nice". Happy WW !
Awww, how nice! I know what you mean, I love it when my kids play nice together.
I swear if my kids didn't fight, I'd be the happiest person alive. So yeah, I know what you mean!
Great post. Thanks for hosting! By the way, my 2 boys are grown up and married and have babies of their own. They eventually became great friends but it takes a while!! Take heart. Blessings.
That is awesome. My kids would never spend the time to set all of those dominos up.
Awesome! Both the peace and quiet AND the domino project!
Ahhhh....that's so sweet:-)
Love it! I love when mine play together, too!
Sam would love that. What fun!
That is most impressive! :)
They look like they had so much fun and best of all gave you a few free minutes =)
Happy WW!
Mine have fun with the same set! Lost a few, though, down radiator vents, under furniture, etc.
He he, savor those moments Angie! Have a wonderful day.
He he, savor those moments Angie! Have a wonderful day.
Looks like fun.
We have those dominoes! They are so much fun! Love all that team work and playing nice! Happy WW!
I do love when they stop fighting long enough to have one of these adorably sweet sibling moments!
I love it when they play so well together... perfect captures!
that has to be nice and man that looks fun
Peace and quiet? What's that?
I've picture a pacifier today!
That's awesome Angie!! There's nothing quite like that, is there? But I do notice that one is missing...
How fun! Great pictures too :)
That looks like a lot of fun. Wow...
Loving that Domino Highway!
That looks like awesome fun!
Yeah...I don't ever remember NOT fighting when I was a kid, playing domino's with my siblings and my kids are the same way.
Lucky you!! I'm sure it was enjoyed!
Oh how I loved me some dominoes as kids.
I'm totally bustin them out for my kids in hopes that they leave me be for about 56 hours. ;)
sweet pics.
I can't see the linky doo. i'll refresh
I'm surprised that kept them so occupied and quiet. My son tends to get bored easily after a few minutes or he'd be knocking those dominoes down and driving me nuts with them. lol
Dominoes are so much fun! =D
Happy WW!
What I wouldn't give for all my kids to get along at the same time. ahhh
You definitely earned it! It's moments like that when you look over at the kids and take a deep breath and think life is good.
Now that's some serious Dominoes players! :)
You just gave me a great idea for another fun family indoor activity. thanks! (Btw, those little angels get into mischief, I don't believe it).
This week I'm showing off photos from the Texas Renaissance Festival!
That's so cute!! =)
Dominos rock! My daughters love them too. And I was giggling at your comment about "when they actually play" as opposed to argue. I know that scenerio all too well over here in the land of pink! LOL
Nice work, there!
It is a small piece of heaven on earth when the kids actually 'play' together.
wow, what patience!
Looks like good times to me! Happy WW!
How fun! I think I might break out the dominoes today and see if I can get some quiet time. LOL!
Great idea! I need to break out our set and give those to the boys. Happy WW
Wow, I love dominoes.. so much fun! Looks like the kiddies had great fun!
Dominoes are so much fun! Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Ahhhh...makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it!?! So cute!
Great idea..I just might have to bust out the dominos. Very cute..glad you got a few moments of peace:)
Harmonious playing with all 4 kids - now that's something worth blogging about and bragging about to whomever will listen. I'm inspired to share the picture with my kids and ask them "why, why won't you play like Angie's kids!!!!"
Maybe I'll earn my moment of peace and serenity too.
That looks like so much fun! I used to do that!
I hope you enjoyed that time to yourself. You'll have to come up with something for tomorrow now, maybe marbles or some other vintage game?
Not only earned but well deserved if you set up that whole string of dominoes, that takes patience.
and you have the perfect house for long domino chains!
At my son's 14 year birthday party, I was all worried because it was his first "teenaged" party and I was afraid the kids would be bored.
Yeah, they spent the entire party - and half the night, playing with my husband's 30 year old Hot Wheels set, finding new and inventive ways to send the cars hurtling down the stairs. Sheeesh!
☼¨`*•.♥FUN FUN FUN♥.•*¨`☼
Have a Lovely♥Day!!!
to view my WW go to http://www.365daysofourlife.com
see ya!
i can hear it :D
and STILL no mr. linky.
where . did. you. hide. it?
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