I was thrilled when the opportunity arose to work with OfficeMax and Mom It Forward in the "A Day Made Better" campaign. Join me as we support our teachers and show our appreciation for their hard work in the form of supplies for their classrooms. I realize that this pay-it-forward giveaway takes more thought, effort and time than most giveaways, but it's my supposition that it's worth it. Your time (please, please participate) could make a huge difference for your child's teacher, and by extension, your child, and I think that's a reward in itself. Don't you?
Did you know teachers spend an average of $1200 of their own money on classroom supplies each year? That’s $4 billion annually! That's why OfficeMax joined with Adopt-A-Classroom to create "A Day Made Better"—a national cause event founded to erase teacher-funded classrooms. This year, “A Day Made Better” will take place on October 6 where 1,000 teachers will be surprised in their classrooms each with $1,000 worth of essential supplies from OfficeMax. That’s more than one million dollars donated to help teachers! Principals at needy schools nominated the teachers for demonstrating dedication, innovation, and passion.
To pay-it-forward, OfficeMax and Mom It Forward have teamed up to create awareness about the issue of teacher-funded classrooms and to give you the opportunity to get involved and help a teacher in your community on behalf of the “A Day Made Better.” Here’s how…
Simply nominate a teacher of your choice to win this giveaway by following the entry requirements. Be sure to check out the prize and criteria!
One exceptional teacher will receive a ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR gift card to OfficeMax. This can go a long way when it comes to classroom supplies!

- Dedication: does everything in his/her power to deliver the best possible education for his/her students.
- Innovation: thinks outside the box and engages his/her students through creative learning activities & programs.
- Passion: expresses a genuine passion for education and shares this enthusiasm in the classroom.
- Need: demonstrates a need for essential classroom supplies.
Entry Requirements
To enter your teacher, you are required to do two things.
(Note: post a separate comment for each entry.)
1. Nominate them through a blog post or on Whrrl, OR leave a comment here with your nomination.
Write a post on your blog.- You can include photos, video, etc. but please stay under 400 words or 3 minutes.
- Please include these links: http://adaymadebetter.com/ or @adaymadebetter.
- Include a link to your post in the comments section.
Create a story on Whrrl.com.
- Go to our custom Whrrl page at http://whrrl.com/search?q=omx, click “Start A Story” and upload photos and text about why your teacher is most deserving.
- Be sure to include the #omx hashtag in the text of your story.
- Post a link to your Whrrl story in the comments section.
OR, leave a comment here with your nomination, keeping in mind this should be of the caliber you'd post on your own blog or through whrrl.
2. Post these messages on Facebook and/or Twitter.(Note: Be sure to leave comments here with links to your messages.)
- Teachers spend avg $1200 of own $$ on school supplies annually! Help erase teacher-funded classrooms. http://bit.ly/3VUNvC PLS RT #omx
- Nominate a teacher 2 win $100 in OfficeMax classroom supplies. Enter here: http://www.angiescircus.blogspot.com/ PLS RT #omx
- Join the “A Day Made Better” movement to end teacher-funded classrooms at http://bit.ly/UJ3LF #omx
Thanks so much for helping pay-it-forward to teachers in your community! Please join us on Tuesdays, September 22 and 29 from 9 to 11 pm ET for Girls Night Out (#gno) on Twitter if you’d like to meet the team behind the cause: @officemax, @adaymadebetter and @Adopt_Classroom. Hope to see you there!
Am I allowed to nominate myself? Because MAN do I spend and spend and spend...
I had to buy my own carpet this year because they threw mine away over the summer and then told me they had no money to replace it. Was I supposed to have the children sit on the cold floor to hear a story? No way!
What a great giveaway! Teachers really do need more support. Awesome!
I used to be a teacher in the inner city. I spent the majority of my paychecks on simple things like coats, hats, food for my students.
I would love to nominate my daughter's Pre-K teacher, who became her kindergarten teacher the next year (she moved up to kindergarten and stayed with the same group of kids). Working for years with children whose parents didn't have much money, she was always buying things for the kids. She had books, hats, mittens, etc that would end up going home with kids every once in a while. She had snack for them every day.
I volunteered a lot in her classroom the two years we had her as a teacher, and got to know her pretty well. Now, a year later, she sees me in the hall, hugs me, and asks how our business is progressing. She CARES about the individuals that she works with and it's so obvious how important her job is (and the children are) to her.
I tweeted!
What a beautiful idea!
I def. buy my fair share of supplies for my room!
My BF is a teacher so I understand and want to help. However, I know there are far more teachers in need that my friend but I don't know any personally to nominate. I'll read your post again but I'd love to know another way I can donate or help. Maybe even send a box of supplies to the teacher who wins even?
I don't usually do things like this but after this morning I'm determined not to let this opportunity pass.
My son is in his first year of middle school and he had the greatest experience with his 6th grade teacher last year. He is quiet and rarely initiates conversations with adults. This morning as I was dropping off my daughter at elementary school, my son saw Mr. Knox outside. My son rolled down his window and yelled "Hi Mr. Knox!" They had a quick conversation and my son was able to tell him he made the school flag football team. Mr. Knox had encouraged him to play last year. Needless to say Mr. Knox was excited for him.
Mr. Knox has a very healthy atmosphere in his classroom to encourage learning. His students feel comfortable participating and expressing their thoughts and feelings. He fought to the end to get my son on a special program to ensure a positive experience in middle school. He takes his class to science camp every year. He is the teacher that my son will remember throughout his life as the teacher that made a difference. Mr. Knox encouraged him in areas where my son had difficulties. He was approachable and positive. He had high expectations of his students and his students stepped up.
My son is not the only one in the class that felt this way. I was the room parent for Mr. Knox, I asked a student to represent the class at the end of the year to make a tribute to Mr. Knox while I presented the gift. It amazed me as the students in the class wanted to make their comments. For the next hour, many of the students stood and thanked, complimented and appreciated Mr. Knox. He was obviously the favorite teacher. He was not easy, but it was easy for each child to feel his dedication and passion for teaching. Of course, $100.00 would be greatly appreciated and put to good use but I am nominated Mr. knox because he does what money cannot by. He knows his students and finds ways to encourage them individually and uses resources to give them the best education he can. I will be forever grateful to Mr. Knox for his roll in helping me raise my son in ways I cannot. He is flexible and innovative in the classroom to ensure the best learning environment
Thank you for your consideration
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LDSShannon Join the “A Day Made Better” movement to end teacher-funded classrooms at http://bit.ly/UJ3LF #omx
less than 10 seconds ago from web
LDSShannon Nominate a teacher 2 win $100 in OfficeMax classroom supplies. Enter here: http://www.7clowncircus.com PLS RT #omx
half a minute ago from web
LDSShannon Teachers spend avg $1200 of own $$ on school supplies annually! Help erase teacher-funded classrooms. http://bit.ly/3VUNvC PLS RT #omx
This is great! I'm going to think about this and write about my son's teacher. I'll be back with the link before the deadline.
I would be gladly participate if I lived there...
My parents are teachers and I know exactly what they do for their students. Good luck!
I'm with Jenni on this one. Can I nominate me? Or a co-worker???
I’d like to nominate my husband Professor C. He teaches high school Chemistry in rural South Carolina. Our school district is featured in the Corridor of Shame video.
He has been teaching for 26 years. He teaches all levels of Chemistry. He leaves home at 7am even tho he doesn’t have to be there til &:45 to help kids before school. He often doesn’t get home til 4:30 for the very same reason. His students often call at home when they need help with problems.
The money could be used to buy a graphing calculator to be used by a student who cannot afford one.
Although Miss B is only in her 4th year of teaching, she has the wisdom and compassion of a much older teacher. While it takes a great teacher to effectively communicate new ideas and concepts to pre-teens. It takes a superb teacher to do this for young people whose home lives are in shambles. When her students are hungry, she organizes drives amongst her family members to feed them. When they do not own a coat, she buys them one from her own paycheck.
And this year, for the 3rd year in a row, she is leading the holiday basket drive for 20 of the most needy families in our school community. Families in severe need with little clothes and often less food. Families that are recent immigrants and do not know how to receive things like food stamps or other government programs intended to help them from these circumstances.
Year after year, we (the special ed team) chooses her to teach the hardest of our 5th grade students. Because we know if any teacher can made a difference in their school year, it is her. Her job is not easy and she receives little thanks. But her attitude is unwavering. Her skills are award-worthy.
Kristel Hansen works as a science teacher at a jr high in West Valley City, Utah. This year she isn't getting any help with science supplies, and not always lab supplies either. She buys those out of pocket.
In order to inspire her students, she presents one with a "Student of the Week" award...out of her own pocket also.
The school doesn't have air conditioning, and it's pretty hot in her classroom - upstairs with no windows. She buys them bottled water and Otter pops to help cool it down, and brings in her own swamp coolers and fans to make it cooler.
She also coaches soccer there, and spent $60 of her own money to repaint the soccer field since the school ran out.
She stays on her own time, unpaid, after school to help students with her homework and do soccer coaching.
I know this card would help her out so much - even if just for ink for the printers. They only get so many copies a year, and have to pay for anything over their allowance.
Tweets posted on http://twitter.com/treesandshrubs/
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