But FIRST........big giveaways here this week. HUGE. Details in my upper right side bar.
Better in Bulk
Mama’s Losin’ It
Mayhem & Moxie
Scary Mommy
& 7 Clown Circus
Starting Monday of next week something I deem totally exciting is happening in blogland and I am THRILLED to be a part of it. A few fellow mommy bloggers (see above) and I have
been working REALLY hard to put together a site called Moxie Media.

together quarterly and promote companies we believe in, while keeping
content on our sites fun and important to us.
To help draw attention to what being moxie is all about we enlisted
the help of the only person we knew who could find moxified women
across the United States and unite them through a week long event
filled with fun/interactive posts, giveaways, and blog hopping.
Meet Mona.

Moxie Mona is traveling the states via the blogosphere in an attempt
to unite women with moxie while teaching us a bit about what's
happening in their neck of the woods.
Starting Monday and continuing through to Friday, Mona will visit
eight to ten different states and introduce us to women with moxie
while making her way through all fifty (OK, not all. But MOST FIFTY states), in what can only be described
as the fastest traveling any doll has ever made in the history of
traveling dolls.

I will link to the people she is visiting and you will have a chance
to follow Mona on her journey and discover things going on outside of
your happy little home.
Like baseball games...
And the ocean...
And Crocodile hunting...
CRIKEY MONA!! There's just no telling WHAT
she'll be up to!!
For a few more sneak peaks, you can find Mona on Flickr.
When Around The Blogosphere is over you can tell your friends how well
traveled you are and how you have visited most of the fifty states in less
than a week...just don't tell them you visited the them by following a
plush doll on her blog hopping journey. Go ahead and leave that part
out. Or not.
In addition to coming here every day and following the list of
bloggers Mona is visiting in each state, you can also interact by
participating in daily carnivals (memes) hosted by myself and my co
founding Moxie partners. Linking your blog on these sites when you
participate will be a great opportunity to get your blog a little
extra traffic and it's also a fun way to interact in the blogging
community. You might discover a weekly meme you didn't even know
Here's how you can participate (and how I'll be participating
throughout the week with you):
Monday, September 21st: Mona will be showing you what
she did in the first ten states she visited, postcard style. You will meet at least
one blogger in each of those ten states. This is a great day for all
of us to start thinking about and preparing posts for the remaining
weeks carnivals.
Tuesday, September 22nd: You can participate and link
up to Tuesday Tribute hosted by Mayhem &
Moxie. Here are the prompts: Since summer has officially ended, let's take a moment to look back and pay tribute to one of the season's most beloved past-times, the summer vacation. Write a tribute to that special aspect from your summer vacation.
Options include: 1) the most outrageous person you met while traveling, 2) the best (or worst) hotel you ever stayed in, 3) someone on your trip who saved the day, 4) the weight you gained while on vacation, 5) the book that made your vacation endurable.
Wednesday, September 23rd: You can participate and
link up to Wordful Wednesday hosted by me at Seven Clown Circus by posting
pictures and writing about your favorite travel destination. You can even recycle one, like I'm doing.
Thursday, September 24th: You can participate and
link up to Writer's Workshop with Mama Kat. The writing prompts are as
1) Moxie is defined as having spirit and courage. Describe a time when
you showed moxie.
2) If you were a super hero, what would your super power be?
3) If you ruled the world, what are three things you would change?
4.) Write a poem about a loved one who has shown you moxie, what have
you learned from them?
5.) A superhero can save you from what ails you....what is your request?
Friday, September 25th: After visiting the remaining
seven states Mona will be returning, exhausted I'm sure, to the
Golden State (that would be California) for a little R and R. On this day you can participate
and link up to Give Me Your Best Shot hosted by Better In Bulk. You will be asked to
show your best shot using super hero photos from past holidays,
pictures of your kids dressing up, etc.
Whew! Sound like fun?
Or totally overwhelming?
Or just overwhelmigly fun?
To play along all you need to do is click on the links to the
different sites Mona is showcasing daily and link up to that days
coordinating carnival activity.
Simple Simon.
You in!?!
Of course you are. I'll see you around! :)
totally overwhelming!!! AND fun! what a shame i'll be away out of town at our work's annual conference! maybe i'll play on monday, but if i don't, have an awesome time!
Wow, I'm tired just reading about it... but I'm totally in, of course!
What is the matter you guys don't have enough to do LOL!! Looks like a blast and you all are bloggers I read anyway. I am game.
I am so excited about this :)
Go Mona!!
Sounds like it will be a ton of fun!
I can't wait! Mona has been a fabulous house guest this past month and I think Utah is her favorite state.
Yep, pretty sure Utah wins! After all, we have fry sauce!
You are one busy lady:-)
I can't begin to tell you HOW EXCITED I am tonight when I found this on your blog and Mama Kat's! I have already visited the website and I'm so impressed by all the leaders and members, and I submitted my inquiry already for help with my new business (a new literary magazine on motherhood and nature I'm launching soon). Your new Moxie Media is just what I'm looking for for help! I can't wait to hear more about it through the tour! What a wonderful thing you are all putting together. Thank you!
I got scared just reading all that! But somehow I've got to participate. Us super power gals must work together!
Whoa girl, this sounds like a LOT of work, but also a ton of fun! Woot woot!
Justine :o )
This sounds cool! Count me in!
stopping by from SITS
This sounds like fun. I am way out of the loop. I wish I wasn't so busy today. i will check in on Mona from here on out.
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