Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Heads up

Just a quick heads up for all of my Wordful Wednesday and Tuesday's Tribute participants....Blenza is not working properly so chances of having Mr. Linky up today and tomorrow are probably slim. If that is the case, be sure to add your site link to your comment so that others can make the rounds.


Are you?


Mammatalk said...

I received an email from Mr.Linky ...something about Mr. Linky getting overloaded?? Sounds like a gigolo to me.

Jennifer P. said...

That overworked Mr. Linky....he's really throwing a wrench into things!

K said...

Thanks for the heads up!

Ronda's Rants said...


Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I see you are speaking at the sitscation! I'd like to think I had something to do with that...! :)


Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

I would love to go to the SITScation! I am going to see what my husband and I can do to get there...

Jen said...

I am so excited about this. I am totally there! I can't wait!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Here is my link:

Hope you are having a nice week Angie!

Aunt Julie said...

Oh, gracious! Is Mr. Linky in trouble again?

Unknown said...

Here is my link and this week is a good one too! My adventures on the Red Carpet at the Premier of Night at The Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian

Abby said...

Here is my link:

Jenners said...

Isn't Mr. Linky being a bee-atch?

And you lucky dog!! Going to Vegas with Blogger SITSas! I'm jealous!

MediMonsters said...

Boo Mr. Linky!!

Here's my WW for this week:

Anonymous said...

I just bought my Mr. Linky and I'm not happy with all the problems. Hope they fix it soon. Anyway here is my link

I know it says thousand word Thursday I had my days backwards__LOL

Muthering Heights said...

Uh oh...well, I'll check again later, but just in case, here is my WW:

S Club Mama said...

You are just precious! Thank you so much; you made my day. That family drama is draining on this girl, especially when I'm just trying to stop it! ha!

I love seeing your comments and your beautiful profile picture.

And I have to ask because you have a lot of kids! ha When did your boys potty train? I know you've told me that I'll know but I'm so afraid I'm missing signs that Moose is ready. I think he does a potty dance but I don't know if it's that or if it's just his diaper bunching up. :)

T Rex Mom said...

Here's my Tuesday's Tribute:

Lorie said...

I'm forging forward with WORDFUL's not Wednesday in Texas yet, but what the heck!

Joy said...

Oh Mr Linky is so Bipolar. One minute he likes you the next he hates you!

Anyways I am in this week

Unknown said...

Poor Mr. Linky...

Here's my WW

debi9kids said...

Grrrrr, Mr Linky is really causing some serious issues! He screwed up my Sunday as well. Grrrrrrr!

Here's my WW:

Jennifer said...

Thanks for the heads up Angie.


~Sandy~ said...

Hope it's fixed by next week! Have a great night :O)

Rhiann said...

Here is my link

Milk and Honey Mommy said...
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Milk and Honey Mommy said...
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Milk and Honey Mommy said...

What's the deal w/Mr Linky? I think he just needs a little attention. I guess that's the problem; he's been getting too much.

Here is my link .

McClure Family said...

here is my super cute ww:

Stacy said...

What a drama queen Mr. Linky is! I hate when things won't work right, I have that problem all the time with computers! Here's our site:

Mom Knows Everything said...

Mr.Linky is acting so weird lately isn't it. Oh well, happy Wednesday anyway! :o)


the monkeys' mama said...

i tried to make my link clickable...hope it works!

Click here to see a fun mosaic from Memorial Day!

C.C. and Double T said...

Here's my WW for today! :-)

ParentingPink said...

I agree about our kids growing up too fast - my eldest daughter just turned 6 and I can't believe it!

Here's my link:

Dee said...

Yeah Mr. Linky is killing me! I couldn't put my giveaway linky up yesterday. Maybe he'll start working again today and I can put it up!

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Your Daily Reminder is one click away!
Wayfaring Wanderer: Reminder {6}~WW

Emilie said...

Mr Linky is really starting to drive me nuts! Thanks for the adorable pics of your son!

You can see mine here:

Amy said...

I did what Mr.Linky said to do and it is still not working. Who knows why here is my link.
Great photo.

Kate P. said...

Awww...I remember when my son wore the same white cap and gown! So Sweet!

Mr, Linky must be in a foul mood! Here is my link!

Ash said...

I think I'm the only one not going on SITScation - between this and BlogHer, I haven't felt this dejected since skipping out on junior Prom.

A moment of silence for Mr. Linky...just like a man to quit when overloaded :-)

Danyele Easterhaus said...

big fat booooo for blenza!!!

i have ww up for your viewing and laughing pleasure...

rdehaus {dot} blogspot {dot} com

Anonymous said...

Don't have a time stopper for you but that's a cute little monster you got there.

Happy Wednesday!
I played too!

KatBouska said...

I'm worried about my linkies too...why can't everything just work properly at all times?

Lula! said...

Oh, I am SO there, too. And I'm so glad you are gonna be SO there. I mean, it's YOU, after all. I will totally ask for your autograph and for you to pose with me in a picture.

Dumb Mom said...

And, can not wait to see you all at the SITScation! I will try to remain sober so that I can remember you:)

Sheri said...

Am I too late to play??

I have awesome pics of my first ever sushi experiance!

Unknown said...

What is going on with Mr. Linky? His absense makes me sad. I'm disappointed in him.

Thanks! I love that bag! It's new(ish) and was on sale! :)

ChefDruck said...

Mr. Linky is making us all work a little harder!

Here is my wordful wednesday!

Congrats on Sitscation!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I don't have a link for you, but I'm doing the happy dance 'cuz I'm going to be there! Vegas baby! I'm so excited. I think that is going to be a blast!