Friday, May 22, 2009


Don't forget to enter my hip-T giveaway, here.

I keep changing my mind. Should I bother?
What's the point?
Does it change anything?
But does it make me feel better for saying it out loud?
I guess I'll find out.
So, here I am.
Without an original thought in my brain.
With absolutely NO blogging mojo.
What I do have are daily minutiae that I can't talk about because it would reveal too much of my schedule.
And lists and more lists.
All of these things to do.
Recitals, open houses, graduations, awards ceremonies, volunteer opportunites, end-of-school-year craziness, plus, something I'm not willing to talk about. Yet.
I've been feeling unproductive and uninspired.
Just so you know.
Do I feel better having said that?
I think so.
So thanks for listening.
I appreciate it.



Becky said...

I hope the coming of summer will slow things down enough for you to catch your breath.

Deb said...

i find this blogging stuff, as in real life, is cyclical. and there's no point in forcing it, if it's just not happening for you. plus, this time of year is CRAZY here, too. so much going on with the kids and preparing for summer. i feel ya.

Justine said...

Well, I'm glad YOU feel better now. I am just confused!

You can't mention something you're not ready to talk about and not talk about it! EEKS!

Justine :o )

Unknown said...

What is it about the end of the school year? Everything comes to a head and everything happens all at once! I am interested in this thing you can't talk about yet. I hope everything is ok. Hang in there, my friend!

Ronda's Rants said...

Well, I am sorry do however inspire me!
I hope you feel better soon...
I go to a quiet place sometimes...when my children were little sometimes that was the laundry room! :)

Anonymous said...

you need a vacation :) i just entered your hip-t giveaway! its awesome!

United Studies said...

No problem! :-)

sassy stephanie said...

Sounds like you are overwhelmed with busy-ness. I tell ya, moving to the country has really really helped me slow down. I no longer think each kid in at least one activity is a way of life. I truly believe we are much happier. We spend more time together and go to the park more. I don't feel as overwhelmed as I did when I was running everyone everywhere, with everything I needed to be doing at home in the back of my mind. I challenge you to just BE! It does wonders!!

Susie said...

Great purge! I am glad you feel better:-)

Dana said...

Angie, I'm so right there with ya! I totally understand the feeling. The end of the school year always feels like it's fast forwarding with SO many things to do. It can be very overwhelming. Take it easy....we all understand!

Amy said...

What crazy times the end of school brings on. I hope you do find some time for a quick hot bath, or just to read or do something fun. It will be over soon.

Amy said...

I hope you feel better soon. We all feel unproductive and uninspired at times. Especially when everything around us is chaotic- Hang in there.

Grace said...

welcome to my life. :)...well kind of, I don't have kids in school but I can relate to some degree.

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

I can totally relate.. hang in there.. hope it gets better for you!!

Jenni said...

It does tend to get pretty hectic this time of year!

Hurry up, lazy days of summer!

Jennifer P. said...

I think it's a virus called "life" that has hit the whole blog world! We'll all come back when it's too hot to play outside and everyone's graduated :)!

We'll keep reading no matter what!

Jen said...

I totally understand how you feel. I have been feeling the same way. Its like life is just swallowing me whole.

GodseySix said...

Just don't quit blogging! :) I like reading your stuff...

Unknown said...

I'm glad you feel better. And we're always here to listen! : ) Have a good weekend Angie!

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

I hear you Angie. My mindless madness that usually fuels my posts has been in seclusion or something. I can't seem to find my Mojo either. I am thinking of a walk about for inspiration. Enjoy your long weekend..

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i just remembered we have 643,581 open houses in the next 3 weeks...and no plans for gifts. well, i'll be going mindless soon. ha....have a good weekend, dear.

T Rex Mom said...

That sounds a lot how my brain works!

Have a great busy weekend!

Marrdy said...

Happens to all of us! Your blogging brain just went on an early summer vacation!

Heath'e' said...

I love it, honest and to the point. I admire that you still blog daily even when not completely up to it!

I'm Jamie said...

M eyes/ears are always open ;)

Jenners said...

Whenever I lose my blogging mojo, I just take some days off. We all understand. Do what you need to do. Be easy with yourself. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm lost without my lists!! LOL I haven't had much blogging insight lately either. I want to and I click "creat new post" and then it's gone. What's up with that?? LOL

I'm just glad that we're done with school and our first year of homeschooling was awesome!!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I hear ya. I've been contemplating a similar post on my job. I'm so frustrated and fed up with all the BS going on there, but I'm never sure if someone from work might read my blog someday, so I'm hesitant to post anything like that.

It's hard to stick with it, but in this economy I guess we're just lucky to have jobs.

A.West said...

It can be a real...circus, sometimes, huh? (Sorry, that's the best word I could come up with!). The frenzied pace is a lot to keep up with.

I'm sure there's not much I can do to help, but I'll offer this - I'd happily guest-post for you if you'd like a bloggy break. One thing off your plate, just for a minute, but I thought it might help. =)

brunger bunch said...

I feel your pain with the business of life...I keep thinking next week will be better...but it is next week, and no relief in sight yet!! Hope all is well!

Cecily R said...

I know exactly how you are feeling...that probably doesn't make you feel better (you know, that Cecily the Dork relates to you), but I do. :)

Hope things smoothe (is that how you spell that word? It looks funny) out for you soon.

Cecilia said...

I hear ya sis! How can we find more time to do everything we have to do???? Whenever you find the answer PLEASE elt me know!!!

I hope things slows down for you soon :)

Lady Di said...

This must be going around because I was seriously just contemplating writing a very similar post. In fact I am so uninspired right now, I am procrastinating by reading other people's blogs and commenting, rather than deal with my own. My mind is in a million places right now and I just can't seem to focus. So, don't worry. It's a funk we all go through.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

It's called May-itis. I'd recognize a case of it anywhere... It first started when I had two children in elem. school... and dance, and piano, and band, church primary parties and what am I missing??

THEY ALL THINK THEY NEED TO BE IN MAY??? What the heck? Wouldn't April be just fine for a band concert, June would be lovely for dance recitals! WHY does everything happen in MAY?? (And don't get me started about the events saved for December!!)

Good luck, it doesn't get better the older they get and the more activities your kids are in.. let me know when you come up with a plan to cut those activities back huh??

Jessica said...

Love your always:).

scrappysue said...

oh i hear you!!!

Salty Incisor said...

I am with you on th eno blogging mojo. Good luck with the mind changing or unchanging thing. And the thing. Ciao for now.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Ooooh, something you're not willing to speak of yet? Hmmmm, could it be what I think it is. Keyword: panel. That's just part of it of course but hmmmmm.......

Shannon said...

I always find it feels better to put it out there, the good, the bad and the uninspired. Its amazing what inpiration it brings. Just know you are not alone. SOmetimes life gets in the way...and that is not necessarily a bad thing:)