What is it?
Well, we'll tell you what it is NOT... It's Not About YOU. It's about SOMEONE ELSE. It's our chance, each of us, to shine our light on someone else.
Huh? Whaddya mean?
We each spend a lot of time talking about ourselves and our lives, but we are also fairly GIVING people too...Tuesday's Tribute is a chance to talk about OTHER people, OTHER blogs, OTHER lives.
Now's your chance to shine your light on someone else.

Nicole O'Dell (mom to 6, including triplets!) has become a published author, and I couldn't be happier for her. I was thrilled to be able to "pick her brain" and pass along her thoughts.
Have you always wanted to be a writer?
Yes and no. Yes, I always did "want" to be a writer and I have always written for myself, but I didn't ever really pursue the possibility of publication until about two years ago. It was something that I always daydreamed about and thought that I "could" do, but I thought I needed more experience, better contacts, a better education, more credibility, etc. etc. etc. I was wrong. :)
How do you find the time and concentration to write with your children, especially triplets?
I've just had to learn how to compartmentalize. I'm a very driven person and when I have something on my mind as being an important task, or something creative that I want to do, it's really, really hard for me to tear myself away and set it aside until later. I'm also very hard on myself. If I don't accomplish massive amounts of tasks in a day, I don't feel that it was a successful day. Trust me, I'm NOT saying these are good qualities; they're just the truth about me.
So, in order to keep sanity and also to be a good mom with time for my kids, I've HAD to learn how to let things go until later and how to say "no" or "not now" to some things. Recently, I actually had to back out of some very cool writing groups and opportunities in order to keep my priorities straight. As difficult as that was for me, I am happy and proud to have done it.
By compartmentalize, I mean that I save the big, creative tasks for when I have large chunks of uninterrupted time rather than trying to do them while bouncing a baby on my lap. When the kids are all around, I answer emails, post to blogs, upload pictures--things that I can easily walk away from when necessary. For me, it's a matter of knowing what I can do and when, and not trying to go outside of those boundaries.
Has writing been rewarding for you?
Is it crazy to admit that I got teary-eyed when thinking about that question? This past year has been the single most exciting and rewarding year of my life. My triplets were born (totalling six kids) and I submitted the completed manuscripts for Truth or Dare and All that Glitters, the first two books in my YA, Christian-fiction series, Scenarios. Now, I'm awaiting their release on August 1st. I can't possibly adequately express how fulfilled I feel at this moment.
What advice would you give others that aspire to do what you've done?
Find a way to turn off the voices in your head that tell you not to bother. You know, the ones that say you're no better than the 50,000 other people who want to write a book. The ones that tell you to stick with what you already know you do well--diapers and laundry. You know those voices? Don't listen to them! They're wrong.
This is a serious carnival you have here, Angie. I love the theme. It really motivates bloggers to think outside the realm of typical topics. Very intriguing...and inspired on your part.
Loved learning about Nicole tonight. Thanks for sharing!
Nicole is one of my bloggy buddies and I think the world of her. She is such a wonderful and loving mom to her kids! I stand in amazement at all she's able to accomplish. So glad you shared her today!
I love this lady so much! I have blogged with her for quite some time now and even made her her first button. Carey has one of her books from a christian womens series called the busy woman. At least thats what I think its called. I believe its like a daily devotional type book and she LOVES it!
Nice tribute here to a great friend and super lady Ang!
Love and Prayers,
What a great interview!!
Wow! I wasn't expecting this to be up today! What a way to start a Monday!
Thank you all sooo much for your wonderful comments and thanks, Angie, for the tribute. I'm bowled over.
Blessings, everyone!
glad you posted this. This is so me. Daydreaming but letting the fear overtake me and being ADHD lately.
Hope you had a beautiful, wonderful and perfect Mother's Day girl.
I have just met your wonderful blogger you had on today. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day.
What a great tribute! I love this idea, it gives me a break from me! ;p
What a great tribute!
I just wanted to be first for once. I loved your tribute. I will have mine up in the am. Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day
it would be so cool to be a published author. I hope that you reach your goal.
OK, I feel quilty for not writing my book...and I only have 2 kids! Amazing...
And I love that she wrote YA Christian fiction...that's awesome.
p.s. I'd read any book written by you, Angie. So get to it!
What a great feature, Angie! Love Nicole and love you! Can hardly wait to read Nicole's books...and yours! ;)
I honestly believe that you will reach your goal of being a published author.
And I think it was Valerie that took that picture of you. I stole it from her photobucket since I was so LAME and managed to not get a single pic of you :)
Good interview ... thanks for posting it.
Awesome interview!
Great mini-interview! I love hearing other writers advise others to "just do it" and not listen to the voice in your head that says "you'll never get published." You'll never know unless you try!
VERY cool feature, Angie! I am going to check out her blog now!
Thanks for sharing! I would love to be able to write children books. I know she is very excited about her book.
Congratulations Nicole!! I'm printing this out and stapling it to my forehead.
Maybe that will quiet the voices :-)
Thanks Angie for this interview!!!
I'll be back in the morning to link.
Great tribute - makes me feel better about starting nurse practitioner school this summer as well has having a little one at home. It shows one can pursue a dream and still be a good parent too.
Thanks for sharing.
Oh, I also posted my Tuesday's Tribute on T Rex Mom and Dad Tales.
I love her attitude about the last year, and after having triplets. WOW! Congrats to Nicole on being published!
I just LOVE Nicole and so look forward to reading her newest books with my daughters!
She is so inspiring!
Happy Tuesday!
Thank you for letting us in on such a wonderful mom and writer! Love finding new bloggers/writers to follow!
What a wonderful and insightful interview. Makes me believe that anything is possible!
thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! and i greatly enjoyed your tuesday tribute today!
Thank you all so much for all of the sweet comments! This is soooo much fun!
I'm going to play along with Tuesday's Tribute starting next week. I think it's a fabulous idea!
so awesome. inspiring interview, angie! i guess she's right... there's no reason not to try!
Hi Angie, thanks for reading my tribute to Mr. Alex. I know it is not as profound as many of the other tributes but he certainly makes a difference in our lives. My blog partner Amy turned me on to this event you host and I really like it. Look forward to reading the other tributes when I get home from work. By the way, I had just been on Nicole's site the other day and was really in awe of the fact that she is a mom of 6 and a writer!! Very cool.
What an awesome tribute. I might have to copy her answer to the last question and post it on my computer. Maybe it will chase these voices out of my head. LOL
Great Tribute! What an inspiration to all of us moms! Well, to all of us, period! :) Well deserving of this week's spotlight! ;)
Never made it back to post or to link - my FIL decided to come through town today.
My Tuesday Tribute would have been to a bottle of wine though :-)
He's gone in the morning. WW already written in my head. Stay tuned...
i totally lost it today...forgot about the tuesday tribute...i blame it completely on the required fasting for my bloodwork...which produced a coma induced morning bc there was no coffee, no caffeine, and therefore, no brain.
I'm just back from vacation and catching up with your blog and just adored this post!! I think many bloggers have secret writing dreams and it was neat to get some real down-home advice from a real person (who has more kids than me) who has really done it!! Amazing and awesome. I need to print this out and remind myself that maybe, just maybe, I can do it too. : )
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