Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-growing up

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

It's hit me especially hard the past few weeks that my kids are getting big. I mean, big, big. Growing up big. They are sprouting like weeds, and ALL of them look so much older lately. So much older. NONE of them look like babies anymore. Not one. And then there are rites of passage like graduations that slap me upside the head and really make me take notice.

This sweet child is going begin kindergarten in a few short months. My twins are supposed to go in just over a year. How did that happen? Someone send me a time stopper, please.



Momisodes said...

What a sweetie! I love his cap and gown.
Time really does seem to fly by!

Unknown said...

Isn't it scary crazy how fast the time goes? Just crazy! What a sweet graduate!


Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness what an adorable picture!


Rhonda said...

Oh that is so cute!!

My hubby is a party pooper, so I only have a "picture this" where you have to use your imagination. But it's still a fun post anyway. lol


•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Too too sweet :)


Upstatemamma said...

So sweet!! They do grow up so fast don't they? My wordful is up: http://www.ourlifeupstate.com/2009/05/my-new-camera.html

MommaD said...

It truly flies by!

wordful is up:


Sara Elizabeth said...

So sweet! He is adorable. I bet it is hard to see the kiddos grow up. But, thank gosh there are many, many, more years to come :o)

Mine is @ http://www.ordinaryandawesome.com/search/label/WW

A Family Completed... said...

Oh I'm such a mush at preschool graduations! He looks so cute! My daughter is moving on to 1st grade in the fall and I'm still in shock and denial how big she is getting!
My WW is :

Angela @ Nine More Months said...

Aww, he looks so grown up in his cap and gown!

My WW post

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Oh gosh, it goes sooooo fast. Too fast. Look at that sweet face in a cap and gown. Don't blink, momma!

Here's my WW post, since Mr Linky seems to be drunk or something...


Cecily R said...

I am so not ready for any of this growing up stuff...not with ANY of my kids.

Tell that boy of yours to stop getting bigger. Growing up before our eyes is not allowed!

Unknown said...

I know what you mean! Where have my little kids gone?? My baby turned 4 this week!

Here's my post.

I'm Jamie said...

I love this photo! I never got a graduation like that... I feel a little bit left out :(


Denise said...

They do grow up way too fast! I'm glad I spread my 6 out over 20 years. Your little guy is adorable!!!


tiarastantrums said...

some sites have it up??


Anonymous said...

What a cutie!


Amy said...

It has been hitting me hard lately as well! They just grow too fast. Feels like yesterday that my Oldest was in my arms cooing and now we just finished 1st grade. Cute pictures.


Becky said...

So cute! Time does fly by... but I am a firm believer that there is a reason for that. ;-)

Erica said...

I have a daughter moving up to 1st grade I can't be she is going to be in school a full day schedule. How cute they have cap n gowns I bet he's excited about kindergarten.
happy WW

Lady Di said...

It is a little sad to see your babies grow up. I don't think it is really going to hit me until my youngest gets to kinder. Who, by the way is quite the character as evident in my Wordful Wednesday.


Robin said...

Awww, he looks so proud.

If you find that magical time-stopping button let me know, would ya?

Night Owl Mama said...

awww he is so handsome

More Than Words said...

Aww..he looks so grown up!!!

I agree..time goes by too quickly!


McClure Family said...

you blink and they are huge! i cant believe my little man is 2 this friday! UGG!!

my ww: http://mcclurefamilyspace.blogspot.com/2009/05/wordless-or-wordful-wednesday-bear.html

Kelly said...

I'm having a hard time with my baby turning one today. I can't imagine a graduation.


Sherry said...

very cute, LOVE the cap and gown, your post made me have a realization and so my post is alot like it. Thank you for posting it!


Tina said...

aww he looks so nice in his little outfit.

im guessing mr linky is playing up :(
here is my entry anyway :)


Diane said...

whoo hooo! congrats little man!!

here's my wordful wednesday:


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I LOVE it when the little ones get to wear a cap & gown! So cute.
My WW post is up!

scrappysue said...


i know how you feel angie! my first baby is 20 in a couple of months!

love the grad gown too - so cute!

K said...

Wow, time does fly! When my toddler and I are out and we run into a mom with a child who is one year older than my daughter, I think gosh, that will be my little girl before I know it!

My Wordful Wednesday is up today. I tried to describe a photo in words (what my personal business card would look like)!


Alicia W. said...

How sweet! Congrats to your sweet little boy for his great accomplishment.


Ronda's Rants said...

So sweet!...Even grand children grow up...if you find a time stopper let me know...I would zap a certain little boy I know!

FranticMommy said...

CUTE! that's going to be us this week Thursday. Our oldest is graduating Kindergarten. I already know I will cry like a baby.

Kelly said...

Congrats!! I balled like a baby when mine graduated from pre-K!! :o)
Happy WW!

Buckeroomama said...

We 'feel' the passage of time more now that we have children. :)


Susan Holt Simpson said...

My time stopper is broken, too! Rats! He still looks adorable and tiny in that big ol' graduation gown, though!



Kim said...

So cute!! I am not ready for my little man in his preschool cap and gown...

Hootin Anni said...

Oh dang but this is cute!! My son graduated a couple of years ago...with his master's degree....just you wait.

Great photos!!!

My wordless is posted. There is a direct link at the top of my blog post that will take you to my wordless photo if you'd like to skip the test I provided above it. Happy Wednesday.


Jenni said...

Awwww! How sweet is that picture????


Unknown said...

They DO grow up too fast, don't they? Can't believe my little one will be 2 this weekend!

I've got some pics of my new niece today!


Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

Adorable pictures!!!!!! Time does go too fast!


LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

I feel ya on the kids growing up pains... seems I posted about it more than once in the last week myself. We too had preschool graduation last week! Where does the time go??


Live.Love.Eat said...

OMG!!!! MY post is about the same thing. It's amazing isn't it. I cried yesterday picking up my son's registration packet!!!! He looks so cute in his cap and gown. Our graduation is tomorrow!!!!

Live.Love.Eat said...


Anonymous said...

Aww he is so cute, I know they grow so fast. I still can't believe my twins are 18 months, it seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant.

here is my link:

Nina said...

I had the same post today. LOL...

My son just finished his first year of kindergarten and I just said someone needs to stop time. Seriously where does the time go.


Anonymous said...

What a cute little cap and gown!! My daughter is about to graduate from Kindergarten :O It seems like all of a sudden, there "Big Kids". Luckily I still have 2 more years until my son starts Preschool. He's my baby for a little longer.

Happy WW: http://sahmilitarywife.blogspot.com/2009/05/wordless-wednesday-cleandirty.html

carrhop said...

We've posted about similar things today--turning around twice and seeing your kiddos bigger and older!



Anonymous said...

Blenza is a pain lately, huh? He's is adorable. I'd have bawled like an infant!

4 Lettre Words said...

Congratulations...and, he is so handsome!

Here's mine: http://lettrefamily.blogspot.com/2009/05/wordless-wednesday_27.html

Staci said...

What a sweet pic!! They grow too fast!!!


Elyse said...

Sweet...it is amazing how time flies! My WW will be up soon :)

C.C. and Double T said...

So sweet! Time already flies for us! I can't imagine once we have children!!! :-)


Elyse said...

Ok...here is my link to my girls rule WW...



Sweet Serendipity said...

I know how you feel. I posted about the same sentiment on my WW this week. Your cute is too darn cute in that cap and gown. What great photos!


BTW, I think Mr. Linky is back up.

Happy WW!

Dee said...

OH look how cute!!!!

Pam said...

I am right here with you on all of this!! Didn't it seem like we would never be out of the baby stage!! Now look at them!! we just did the preschool graduation too, and will be doing kindergarten in the fall & my youngest will be the next year!

Looking for Mr. Linky, hope he returns soon!! I wrote a Wordful Wednesday this morning on my son's first t-ball game last night! HILARIOUS!!!!


Elle said...

How cute! My youngest just turned 7 last week. Where does the time go???

Our WW


Lorie said...

SOOOOO CUTE, or should I say handsome.....when you get that stopper, send it my way too.
Thanks Angie for hosting.


Stacy Uncorked said...

How ADORABLE is he in his cap and gown?! Princess Nagger's last day of Kindergarten is next week - she's all excited about a 'big program' they're putting on for us parents...seems like just yesterday she was a cute little blob of a baby - time flies by way too fast!! :)


Hoosier Homemade said...

Fun times! Savor the moment, they grow up way too fast! My oldest graduates High School next year! Yikes!
It seems Mr. Linky is MIA.
Thanks for hosting!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

I know the feeling all too well, my first baby is 11 years old!!My second will be 6 in two months, and my baby is going to 3 in Aug! Enjoy every day and love them to pieces!!

Please visit me at:

Deb said...

-->They grow up so fast. I chronicle my child's every move in pictures, so it seems.


Susan Cook said...

Cute pictures. I know how you feel my oldest will be 13 in July.

Jennifer said...

Ah they do grow up WAY to fast!

Visit me at Maybe It Was Memphis:

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

What a cutie! I hear ya on the time stopper. I want one, too.


Jennifer Ortolano said...

Oh how cute!! This is my first blog game http://jenniferortolano32.blogspot.com/

Unknown said...

Adorable. Time flies doesn't it? I can't believe how quickly the two years since I've had my son have gone by. I know you feel it every time one of your children has a birthday. Amazing isn't it? Time stops for no one.

Muthering Heights said...

If I had one, I'd send it over...after using it myself! :)


Allison said...

Oh, how sweet...I went through that just a couple of weeks ago. My how time flies! Kindergarten, here they come!

Here is my WW http://scoopofreality.blogspot.com/2009/05/wordful-wednesday-twinkle-eyes.html

MOMMY-MOMO said...

Going to seaworld today for my boys 2nd bday!

check here


Kathleen W. said...

Oh, how sweet! I have fond memories of my own Kindergarten graduation, and it was wonderful. I wish time would just slow down a little.

Here's my link!

Lori of I'm no super Mom said...

So precious! My little man's last day of Kindergarten is today, and I am super sad! You are in for a fun year!

Cajoh said...

Got a picture from my trip to Yosemite:

http://cajoh.blogspot.com/2009/05/wordful-wednesday-top-of-world.htmlYou can also check out my slide show with other selected pics on my sidebar.


Scary Mommy said...

Oh, sooooo cute!!! Our graduations are this week. Sniff, sniff.

sassy stephanie said...

Urgh. I hear ya. I keep telling mine I'm going to be putting boulders on their heads so they will stop growing.

April said...

how sweet! love a cap & gown on a little kids :-)

here's my WW:


RamblingsOFaSAHM said...

Oh! So Cute!

Tammy said...

Yes before you know it they'll be heading out the door to college!

My WW post is when my daughter was 9 - she's 13 now, I remember taking the pictures as if it were yesterday. Time flies!


jenn said...

So sweet! They grow too fast.

Dana said...

What a cutie! Seriously though....it's heartbreaking, to me anyway, that they grow up SO fast. Have you ever seen CLICK with Adam Sandler? I'd love to have a remote like that just so I could rewind and watch over and over some precious life moments gone by...

Elisa said...

All too soon that will be a college gown he is wearing...

Here is my WW!

Anonymous said...

So sweet!!

Nicole said...

They grow up s fast. It makes you so sad!

koopermom said...

When you find one of those time stoppers, send it my way okay??

and I SO wish I could go to Vegas for the Sitscation. :( But I can't.

MamaJoss said...

Oh Seriously SWEET photos of your son...they do grow so quickly! I'm finding that out as well...


Pam said...

Awww! He's so sweet! Love the pics!
Here's my link:

Melissa said...

I feel the same way. And it'll be worse when my last kids are heading to your kids ages.
I dunno why, I can't do anything about it, I knew this was going to happen.
I'm not sure if it's cause I'll miss them once their at school. Or the loss of me being the one that spends most of the time with them is gone or what.
Masaru starts next year.

cat said...

Oh wow - congratulations to the graduant. Here's mine: http://juggelingactoflife.blogspot.com/2009/05/way-back-and-wordful-whensday_27.html

S Club Mama said...

Mine feels like that already and he's not even 2. But, boy, is he handsome!

Mozi Esme said...

What a cute graduate! Definitely not a baby anymore...


S Club Mama said...


Ang, your son is so stinking adorable! I'm not ready for that milestone yet though...

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

What a handsome young lad.

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

i wish i could figure out a way to stop time...i so wish i could. your son is such an adorable little guy!


Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

I'm right there with ya! I can't believe that I am going to have 2 kids in school in a few months.....

My baby better stay a baby for a LONG time!

Here is a picture of my own "soon to be kindergartener"! Happy Wednesday!


Kacey said...

Oh so precious!!!! When we first had Ryder we were told a million times over - enjoy it right now they grow up too fast. We were tired of hearing it - but now we realize what everyone was saying. It is so true. Then again, when the Twinkies can communicate better, that will be so delightful. lol


Anonymous said...

Aww..the first years of school do seem to jump up on you, and then fly by so quickly. I have more than one going to kindergarten in August, and it is taking forever to get here, but I know it is going to go by very fast once it starts..and before you know it, you will be complaining about them driving :)


Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Oh what a sweetie! Time just seems to be gaining momentum and passing more quickly each day - if you ever come across a time stopper you will have an endless market with the mom crowd! ;)


Kalisha said...

Congratulations to your little graduate! Those are such sweet photos--I can't imagine what it will be like when my girl's reach that age.

Time goes by so fast. I always tell my 2 and 3 year old that I don't want them to grow up--I want them to be this age forever! It is the sweetest time.

Sara said...

Awe! SOOOOOO cute all grown up!

Courtney said...

It is so bittersweet to watch them grow. Congrats on the graduation!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ He's so cute! I totally understand ya! My twins are going to start kindergarten this fall and then Liv the next it's crazy how fast it goes by!

Susie said...

Mine too! It goes so fast:-)

Jen said...

I couldn't agree with you more. Time flies. I got one that will start kindergarten too this fall and my babies are going to be 2. Who said that could happen?

Rachel Berry said...

Oh that boy of your is the cutest EVER! Hope he has a fabulous time in the big K!!!

Leslie said...

Sooo cute! Yes... time keeps marching on!

Debra said...

Angie, NO WAY that the boys will be starting Kindergarten that soon!!!!!!!! They are only a yr older than my boys. Oh yeah. They will be starting Kindergarten in 2 yrs. YIKES!

I am feeling the same way. Not liking it at all. Though i will be able to get the entire house cleaned while they are at school so we can play more. I still miss them so much when they are gone all day!

Mel Fraase said...

Aww, he looks so happy! I know what you mean about the time! I will now have TWO kids in full time school next year! Flying by.
Enjoy it all!!


brunger bunch said...

He looks so cute!! When you find the stopper could you please send it my way. My baby is growing up way to fast, and I am not sure what I will do when she starts kindergarten. The other 2 are growing faster than I would like too. Now I know what my mother meant when she told me that time flies, and before you know it, your kids will be grown up and gone...I can really see that ahead now, and it scares me!!

Justine said...

Aw, your kids are still tiny things. Imagine what it's like for me. i've got one going into 3rd grade and another 7th!

Justine :o )

Cassie said...

Aw congrats to him! He looks great in his little cap and gown!

Run DMT said...

Congratulations to your little one! They grow up way too fast, don't they?

Mandy said...

I agree. Time is flying. I always feel like there is so much I want to do with the kiddo's...can't fit it all in!

Julie Ball said...

Cute, cute, cute! We have preschool graduation tomorrow night - I'd better bring a box of tissues! :O

girlytwins said...

OMGoodness Garrett looks SO adorable in his cap & gown. I know the feeling. We just signed the girls up for preschool two hours a day two days a week next fall. Mommy is not ready for that 'sniff 'sniff.

Laura said...

Cute! scary how fast they grow up, isn't it?!?!?!?

Banteringblonde said...

how fun that he gets to wear a cap and gown! cute!

Casey's trio said...

I totally know how you feel! Garrett looks so proud of himself in those pictures:)

Michelle said...

My oldest is going to be in High School next year. I swear it was just yesterday when she was done with preschool!!

Totally cute pic of your big boy!

Kristin said...

wow. A real cap and gown. Your preschool is posh. He's one handsome devil.

Brooke said...

I can't believe that the twins are going to start school in just a year! Where has the time gone?!

jo@blog-diggidy said...

too cute!! they grow up so fast, dont they?? ;)

annies home said...

know exactly what you are talking about I posted a graduation picture of my own

ChefDruck said...

I feel the same way and it makes me so sad. I've started wishing for a 4th, just to get that sweet baby smell fix again, but I see from your post that the baby craving never stops, even after the 4th! And shopping for shoes today with my 3 totally put me over the edge, hard to imagine throwing another person in the mix!

debi9kids said...

Oh wow! How adorable!!!!
Kids growing up = heartbreaking

Lindsay said...

I'm with you. I have NO idea how time flies SO fast once you have kids.

Shannon said...

You know I am right there with you. We had preschool graduation today. ITs all too much to take in. Life goes way too fast...way too fast.

Kimberly Kihega said...

Time goes by way too fast! My son graduated kindergarten this year. Enjoy the moments while they last!