Friday, May 29, 2009

Pssst.........SITScation '09

I'm so beyond excited.

A weekend away with the hubs. Blogging. The SITS girls and friends. An incredible hotel and great food. SWAG bags. Parties and good times.

Now, what in THE WORLD am I going to talk about? And what should I wear?

Have you guys seen who else is speaking? Um yeh. Amazing bloggers. Go here to see,
and tell me how nervous you think I should be getting.



MamabearMills said...

YAHOO! Ill be able to meet you!! teehee! im so there! well, i live in vegas, so of course Im already registered and ready to show everyone a great time!!!

Dumb Mom said...

Your so-presenters are pretty awesome. But, you should not be worried cuz so are you! And, if all else fails many of us will probably be drunk so no matter what you say, or wear, or do, you will be our best friend who is funny, and skinny, and nice:) So, relax and pencil me in for an after conference shot. No, I don't do shots anymore, too scary. How bout an after conference glass of wine. See you there!

Erin said...

Trying to weasel my way into going!
If you hear of anyone looking to share a room w someone, email me!!

stefanie said...


United Studies said...

Sounds very exciting!! Maybe you can snag me a SWAG bag.

Ronda's Rants said...

I am so excited to see you! This sounds like it will be so much fun!

S Club Mama said...

YOU should NOT be nervous because YOU are one of those AMAZING BLOGGERS (and just amazing woman in general).

So wish I could go!

Unknown said...

I so agree with everyone else. You ARE one of those great bloggers we're all so excited to meet and hear! I can't wait!

Lula! said...


You are so famous...there will be a very long line of people waiting to meet you. And if I'm not at the front of the line, know for a fact that I will be shoving and pushing to get to there. Yep. I admit it.

p.s. I'm wearing polyester culottes. Just so you know.

Amy said...

I am going to see if I can do this.I so want to. I can't wait.

robin said...

Congrats! You'll be great!

Alicia W. said...

Your going to have such a great time and meet so many fellow bloggers. Can't wait to see pics and how it all went. Have fun and be careful.

Justine said...

Aw, you're gonna be just great, I know it. Ooh girl, take LOTS of pictures!

Justine :o )

Kristin said...

Is this like bloggher? I'm sure you'll do a great job, and after all your blogging about them, you'd better wear designer jeans...

Philigry said...

that is so awesome! have so much fun, you will be great.

Jenni said...

WOW! Good for you, Angie! You'll be GREAT!

Rhonda said...

OH, all my favorites are going to be speaking and I can't go!!!

I'm going to sit in a corner and cry now. But hey. At least I'm at work getting paid to do it!! lol

Anonymous said...

Congrats -- You will be great! I wish I could go but that is way to far away from my kids.

Jen said...

I was already stressing about the same thing. Not the what am I going to talk about part but the what am I going to wear part.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

It will be the weekend to end all blogging weekends. Perhaps we should coordinate our wardrobe selection? :)

In all seriousness, we definitely need to be doing some wining and dining on Saturday night together.

Viva, Las Vegas!


PS: Saw your e-mail today and would love to connect with you more given some of the plans that you have for your blog. Thinking it might be easiest to discuss over the phone, if you're up for it.

annies home said...

Man one day I would love to go somewhere to have as much fun as you will Have a great time

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I talked to Lula yesterday about your angst - and I am sure that you are worrying for nothing.

I'll be sitting there in the audience listening to all the stories. I am sure that it will be a ton of fun.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Congrats! How exciting...the speaking part, the meeting other bloggers but mostly the vacation!

debi9kids said...

So very cool that you are going! I bet you will have a blast!!!

Scary Mommy said...

I soooo want to be there!! Just not sure I can swing it after BlogHer in July. I'd so love to meet you!

Shannon said...

Oh my goodness, totally awesome! Congrats on the honor and this sounds like a weekend to remember. I hven't done any public speaking for years so I know that I would be terribly nervous but I know you will be amazing. Wish I could be there to cheer you on and hear your speech!

Mozi Esme said...

I'm so jealous!!!

Aubrey said...

I'll be registering soon! I can't wait to meet all you FABulous ladies. It is going to be one heck of a weekend!!

Kathleen W. said...

Wow, Angie, that's so great! Congrats on landing such an awesome gig. I wish Vegas was closer!

Aunt Julie said...

Hey, you KNOW you'll take Vegas by storm! I don't think you should be nervous at all...

@TiffanyRom said...

I am so excited about this I can hardly stand it!

We are going to have fabulous time!

I am expecting to see you in designer jeans of course.


Michelle said...

Don't be nervous. You are going to be a great panelist.

girlytwins said...

Insanely cool!!! And you have nothing to be nervous about. You are amazing my friend :)