Monday, October 19, 2009

This Mommy...

...could certainly be described as the anti-perfect mommy. This mommy probably takes far too many short cuts when it comes to parenting. This mommy probably yells too much. This mommy probably allows her children to eat far too much candy and stay up far too late during the summer. This mommy might possibly be too laid back because it's easier that way. But who is to say really?

This mother's mothering has done a form of evolution in my survival-of-the-fittest-as-a-mother quest. I've changed certain things.......and not always in a good way, I might add. I don't make my children bathe/shower every day anymore if they are not dirty. I haven't made them scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast on a regular basis for years. I don't even make them write thank you notes every time it's appropriate because it takes so much effort on my part. Sometimes I do their chores for them because watching them do it at a snail pace or with a complaint makes me crazy. And sometimes, (gasp) I let them watch far too much TV. I don't don't dote on them the way I see many mother do, and I'm pretty sure I'm not one of those delusional moms that think their children are perfect.

However, this mother adores her little children with a love that feels like it could burst right out of her chest at any moment. I'd like to think that even though I am far from a perfect mom, I am loving mom; one that does everything in her power to teach her children the things they need to learn to be good people. I hope that I am the one whose children know how much she loves them.........the one who tries to keep them safe, always.........the one who didn't know what fulfillment children bring to a person until she had some of her own.


I am having a contest this Wednesday in conjunction with Wordful Wednesday. If you follow the prompt and get Wordful with a picture what motherhood is to you, PLEASE let me know (with an asterik by your name or blog title in Mr. Linky) if your post is about motherhood. If it is, and you are the winning Wordful Wednesday entry, you'll recieve TWO things. First, a feature on Eliza's blog with your winning entry, AND secondly, a set of Aden & Anais Zoo Muslin swaddling blankets (pictured below).

To see what other mom's are saying, head on over to my good friend Scary Mommy's blog.


Kristin said...

At this stage in my life I am lucky when I even remember to get them dressed. LOL!

Susie said...

Perfection is over-rated:-)

Patois42 said...

This Mommy is my kind of mommy.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh good, I am not the only one who doesn't bathe my son regularly. I just get the extra dirty spots with baby wipes!

S Club Mama said...

good prompt. I'll have to think about it. :)

Kiki said...

great post. very honest. so happy to know there is another mama like me out there. even though i am not outnumbered by kiddos, my son can sometimes be eight kids at once. thanks for sharing and take care.

S Club Mama said...

And I think you sound like a great mommy!

Shell said...

That makes me feel so much better! I think too many mommies pretend to be perfect and hide that they do all these things, making the rest of us feel bad.

Summer said...


Can I just tell you that you were absolutely one of the sweetest, most authentic people I met this weekend!

I. Just. Love. You!


Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Wait, I'm supposed to give my child a bath daily? Oops! lol.

See, I don't think you take too many short-cuts. You have just made your mommying process more "lean." Here in the corporate world, you would get a bonus. ;) ha!

T Rex Mom said...

I love reading Scary Mommy! And we'll be participating on Wednesday. Those are my favorite blankets and the new baby could certainly enjoy them!

By the way, you seem far too put together to be a "scary mommy". Although, you have had a few postings recently that certainly do qualify. Something about smoke in the kitchen and the twins...

Jen said...

this was a great post.

And I LOVED meeting you. You are so adorable!

Cristin said...

Well, I guess I'm the only perfect Mommy out there.

I kid.


Swirl Girl said...

I am crafting my own version of may take a few days, because I am so Scary, that I am afraid of myself!!

(it was great to meet you!)

Insomniac Mummy said...

Being an alphamummy is overrated. I'm a betamummy any day of the week.

Great post.


Liz Mays said...

Your kind of mommyin' sounds just fine to me!

Justine said...

I loved this post, but where's Mr. Linky if I decide to do a mommy post???

Justine :o )

Erin said...

I just love being among several not so perfect mommy's!

Scary Mommy said...

I love the kind of mommy you are. Your kids are so lucky and not just because you gave them the best hair ever! :)

And, Justine, link up at my place! :)

Debra said...

Angie, i am so with you. though I thought I was the only mommy who lets their kids skip showers. I am just happy that everyone is fed, dressed (though mis-matched at times) and not lost.