Oh, yes. For a mere 10 bucks, or smackers if you will, you or your college hopeful can own Defining Twilight.
What is Defining Twilight, you say? It's only THE bloody coolest SAT, ACT, GED, and SSAT study guide I've ever seen. No pun intended.
"Defining Twilight: Vocabulary Workbook for Unlocking the SAT, ACT, GED, and SSAT by Brian Leaf turns Stephenie Meyer's vampire tome into a bloody good vocabulary tool, teaching you the meaning of 600 words (think: chiseled, alabaster, ochre, etc.) culled from the pages of the novel. In addition to straight vocabulary, the workbook also covers synonyms, Latin word parts and memorization tools", quotes Amy Wilkinson of the Hollywood Crush.
I can't think of a more concise description of the study guide than that quote above, or one that is more apropos. My review would have sounded droned compared to hers, and I love how hers is saturated with vampire references.
Without a deluge of unnecessary words and myopic conclusions, let me ask you a question? Are you or anyone you know industrially indulging yourself in obstreperous pursuits rather than studying for your college entrance exams?
If so, then you MUST check out Defining Twilight. It's the most enjoyable way to study for your SAT or ACT that I can think of.
Anyone want a Twilight Vocabulary Challenge? I'm ready. Are you?
For more Defining Twilight information visit the author's website, MTV, Teen Vogue or go directly to Amazon to purchase.
I'm not a Twilight fan, but this sounds cool!
That's pretty funny. Wonder if it would have helped with my GRE exam?!?
Have a great weekend!
I should get one for my sister to study for her ACT.
Hey, want to send it my way? I have a Twilight fan who happens to be in the midst of the infamous junior year. I'll have to look for the book. She'd feel so loved. Or maybe she would think I was trying to sneak education into her reading enjoyment.
Why weren't there such cool Robert Pattinson inspired study guides around when I was in school? Oh, maybe because he was a toddler. I'm old:(
Not a Twilighht fan either, but you had me at obstreperous! ;)
Have a great weekend, Angie!
What a way to market an study aide...I tell ya, everyone is jumping on the Twilight wagon. It's a little overkill if you ask me. Have you heard of this new book - "Touched by a Vampire - Discovering the Hidden Messages in the Twilight series"? I saw an ad for on the 5minutesformom website. I bet Stehanie Meyer didn't see that one coming...although she probably didn't think her books wouldn't be reference in an SAT/ACT study guide either. :P
OMG, are you kidding me? how friggin' cool is this???
Justine :o )
Pure genius. Now if Edward would just come over and teach me to play the piano...
That's great! I just finished the last Twilight book. Way to make something educational out of it :)
That's sounds interesting...
I hope you enjoy there,Have a great weekend.
Interesting post...
Thanks for posting this.
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