*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button (below and on the left) or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along! Grab My Button

Last week we tried out having a prompt IF and only IF you would like to use it.
This week the prompt was: Fall. What does it look like in your neck of the woods?
For Next WEEK, The prompt is:
Fall Decorations: Let's see them.
I know. What does a kid swimming with two sets of floaties have to do with Fall? Well, let me tell you. Fall is still swimming season here. Last week it was in the high 90's all week. Doesn't feel much like Autumn during the day, but it is starting to cool off at night.
I'm guessing that the leaves on the trees around here (like this Japanese maple) haven't received the memo that it's Fall yet on account of the warm weather. Sadly, Fall just isn't Fall here like it is in other areas of the country. They don't say California has one season for no reason.
Oh, my kids would be so jealous if they saw the swimming pic. It's cooled down quickly here in Nebraska {possible snow this weekend!} and swimming sounds wonderful.
I hope you are enjoying the cooler nights! Your landscaping is lovely too.
Wow, are these shots from your yard? If so, it is looking wonderful!!
While I love the cool crisp air of autumn, I must say I could go for one or two more swims before summer. Great shot!
You're LUCKY! I wish our weather was still warm enough for swimming!
Fall is definitely in full swing here in Boston, but that sunny, warm weather looks awfully nice!!!
Cute swimming pic! Fall is a lot warmer for you than it is for us!
We went swimming this weekend too! Gotta love Southern California!
I am green with envy that swimming is a fall activity for you and your family :) we have been wearing jackets for weeks! happy ww, enjoy the rest of your week!!!
Personally, I miss CA Falls.
I envy you the warmth just a little bit. It has gotten a bit COLD here... and our leaves STILL haven't changed yet!
We're in the nice, cool stage, so I'm good so far!
We had tons of rain and hail so loud yesterday it freaked me out. I LOVE fall, but that's not fall weather...even I thought it was too cold (I never get cold).
Your weather makes me JEALOUS. But your amazing yard makes me MORE jealous. It looks wonderful!
It's JUST starting to get chilly in the morning, up here in NorCal!
OH how I wish we were swimming today! Maybe we need to move to Cali!
Even though our Fall is beautiful here in Indiana, I don't like the colder weather. I much rather have California sun! :)
Thanks for hosting!
Awesome that you all can swim still. It's starting to cool off in Texas, but as you will see from my Girlfriend picture....still warm enough for the lake.
great pictures. we have had a lovely few weeks of cooler weather here. i keep waiting for the heat to return. it feels great to wear jeans right now. happy WW and take care.
90's - for real? It is freezing here already - I have the heat on!
I'm in Florida, so Fall is when I can finally get outside also! I just got a Beach Cruiser and I've been taking the dog on bike rides now that it's FINALLY gotten cooler!
I'm crying my eyes out for you. wiping the salt water off my laptop.
Then clearing away the SNOW that fell Saturday. yes. Good thing we have that new 4WHEELDRIVE to deal.
Fall. My arse.
My DD is making some rockin' cute pumpkin thingies but I don't think we'll get to them so early... after SITS maybe?
(I SHOPPED today for the parties.. a tip? BRING FUN DRESSES!!!)
Its still swimming weather here in Hawaii too! There is only one season here too. I miss getting to see the changing of the leaves.
I wish fall was swimming season here!! We've already broken out the heavier coats and are preparing for possible snow by the weekend!!!!!!! The leaves aren't turning colors here either, they're just dropping straight off the tree. It's a strange season!
I do enjoy the colors and beauty of fall however I love that CA is known for it's one season. I love summer and am not ready for it to be over yet :)
I love the smile on his face, sweet little pumpkin pie!
What a cutie-patootie!!!
I do LOVE the idea of a photo prompt... I just never seem to have a pic ready for it! ;)
It's just so crazy! It's already dropping almost to freezing each night here in Pennsylvania! Brrrrrrrr...
Happy WW!
We finally had to pack up the pool and it's time for jackets! At least until Sat when we'll see 80 degree temps again!
What a cute little Fall Swimmer you have! lol
Happy not-so-Fall, from one Californian to another. ;)
I totally didn't remember the prompt! Hopefully I will next week.
Tis the same here with fall. Everything sitll green and flourishing! Of course leaves are coming down but just a bit.
I love your photos. I love the cute tree!
Happy WW
I didn't know anything about the prompt, but I got lucky because I just happen to post some fall-ish photos today. :)
Love your garden area! So beautiful. I love Japanese Maple trees.
That is cool you are still swimming in October. My wife and I were in Florida over the weekend and went swimming but at home which is Maryland it is about 65-70degrees which I enjoy. So fall is in the air here in the southeast.
Happy WW!
Ah, how I miss SoCal... Nov-Feb=no swimming, otherwise... it was GOOD! ;-) But my mexican neighbors still thought I was crazy for jumping in the pool in Feb. I was born and raised in WI though, it WAS swimming weather to me! :-)
Awesome autumn pic! :-D
It's still really gorgeous even though it doesn't look like my fall. :)
How nice!! I must say I could go for one or two more swims before summer. Great shot!
We off course are slap bang in Summer at present.
My son would be so jelous. Our swimming season is over. Let the cold weather begin.
I could live without summer. Winter too. But spring and fall? No way!!
We don't have much color here yet, but we are enjoying the cooler temps!
That sounds like heaven to me right now! Fall is definitely here and present in Wisconsin. It's pretty but the weather outside is frightful!!
I am absolutely in love with your landscaping!! And the grin on your little one is just too precious!
Apparently I'm working a week ahead on the prompts...last week I posted fall pictures, this week fall decorations. Maybe week-after-next I'll be caught up with the rest of the class! (grin!!!)
Aww the cutest pics ever. I so wish we were still swimming here.
Beautiful shots.
Japanese maples are so gorgeous when they do turn. It will be worth the wait!
Happy WW :D
Wow - the temperatures here have taken a definite dive the past week - I wish we could get just a bit more swimming in!
I forgot about the fall prompt today! We are on our way to the pumpkin patch for pictures this afternoon :)
Fall is my favorite time of the year - the leaves turn their pretty autumn hues. I don't know what I would do if we didn't have fall.
But, as fast as it has gotten cold here this year, I wouldn't mind just a few more days with temperatures like yours!
Happy Wednesday!
Oh, girl! Don't know that I could do weather like that all the time (although my kids probably wouldn't mind LOL) I love the changing of the seasons. Happy WW
No more swimming season here.. :(
But your yard is beautiful!!!
90 degrees here too!
Fall here is not really "fall" either --not in the way I always picture fall to be, anyway. :)
(Yay, your blog is back - it was down when I tried to comment earlier.)
You and I were on the same wavelength today. And after my griping yesterday it's slightly overcast today but still close on to 90. Yeah, I'll take it.
send some of that weather our way, it has been cold
I'm with you, I am not feeling Fall yet here in FL. For a few days last week but only in the morning. Then it was time to swim again.
We are the same way, minus the cool nights. Just muggy. Ick. Pretty surprising after we had a "mild for SE Texas" summer.
We were having an Indian summer until the weekend but now it's definitely autumn. I do envy you being able to swim outdoors in early October. But apart from that, the colours of this time of the year make up for a lot! Enjoy your 90 degree days!
Swimming outdoors right now would be GREAT! It was 34 degrees this morning-----ugh, winter is creeping in before fall even arrives. Snow maybe Saturday-----p.s. got room in that pool of yours???
That looks just like fall here in Florida. Incredibly hot, and no sign of change. I love still wearing flip flops, but miss seeing the leaves change.
it is interesting to me how each part of California seems to have different weather. Enjoy the nice warm weather because boy do I miss it already!
I'm a little jealous of the warm weather, but I'd hate missing the leaves change colors.
it's CRAZY hot here too! uhg.
We're still quite balmy and warm in my neck of the woods as well! Maybe if I just eat a little more candy corn...
Looks like the kind of weather we have around here. It's 90 today. Fun shots you've posted.
Love the googles! haha! I could definitely get used to the one season thing. I love the warm weather. :)
I love the garden. Beautiful!
Cute swimmies! But definitely not fall to me :)
I'm in Oklahoma and it feels like winter here already...I'd LOVE to be swimming now! :)
I complain about the seasons here but I think I do prefer that over no change.
Beautiful tree... I love Japanese maples!
We are FINALLY feeling the Fall weather here and I couldn't be happier!! I bet it is nice to swim in October when you have a pool in your backyard though :)
I am so jealous about the swimming pics. It is already so cold here in Ohio - it's really bumming me out. I'm cleaning out the garage to make room for the car because we've already had iced windows twice!
What a beautiful garden. The summer has raced past so fast that here it is October! It's 68 degrees today in Long Island. Beautiful sunny day but windy:)
Following your lovely blog now:)
Have a great day!
I love that is still warm and wonderful there : ) Fantastic Angie!
We never get fall here in FL either.
I love that your fall looks like that.
LOL! I love that he has two sets of floaties on! I think I wear the same - although, I add another two on my legs! ;-)
Awe little wet one reminds me of what it was like to have fall back home in Cali.. though I TOTALLY love my Maryland leaves.. the colors are just breath taking.
I would love to live where we can swim in the fall. Here the leaves are starting to change and we already have on sweatshirts. Enjoy your 90 degrees
No One is swimming around here right now! Your boy looks like he's having a wonderful time with his double floaties!
Loved your post involving blackened waffles!
How fun to have a theme. I will play when I get back into town.
It is swimming weather here too. I wish I had a pool it was so hot today.
Ooh girl, I hear ya about the non-fall weather. Same here. it was still 95 degrees tonight at 6:30!
Justine :o )
It snowed in the foothills last week. We've had the furnace on for a week. While I'm glad to be out of the 90* weather, a few days in the 70's* would have been nice.
2 sets of floaties huh? does that help? LOL.
It snowed in the foothills last week. We've had the furnace on for a week. While I'm glad to be out of the 90* weather, a few days in the 70's* would have been nice.
2 sets of floaties huh? does that help? LOL.
I personally would love to have your kind of Fall.
Awww.. that sucks you don't have fall. I"ll go outside right now... take an empty bottle... woosh it in the air and capture some for you right now.
Just send me your mailing addy k.
This high this weekend in Charleston, SC is 92 degrees. So, no fall for us yet!
Love your blog, I look forward to following you!
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