Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-A WHOLE lot'a work goin' on

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

I would have liked to have shown you a house that's totally renovated and moved in and decorated.

Alas, I can't so this will have to do. There's been a WHOLE lot'a work goin' on, and I'm plum tuckered out. We're getting there. Slowly, but surely.


The twins room used to be a girls room.


That section in the middle is a toy box. All we need to do now is cover that "K" with a "J".

The kids bathroom was pretty darn white. Well, white covered in dirt. So not so very white. Jeff wanted a blue bathroom, so blue it is. Only took me FOUR laborious hours to do, too.


Since I have a love affair with brown (and all things beige or taupe), I threw some in. I couldn't resist.

The girls room was this terrible shade of blue, and I'm pretty sure the former owners housed a dog in the room. The first thing that had to go was the carpet. ... And everything else for that matter.


And lastly, the formal livingroom and dining room. The dining room was the darkest shade of forest green you can imagine, so it appeared black. Covering that up took a few coats of paint. And that, my friends, is an understatement.
The chandelier had to go, and in it's place we did recessed lighting.

Whew. Any takers on the rest of the house for next week? Or are you as tired of this whole process as I am?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute-My Peeps

Tuesday's Tribute

What is it?
Well, we'll tell you what it is NOT... It's Not About YOU. It's about SOMEONE ELSE. It's our chance, each of us, to shine our light on someone else.

Huh? Whaddya mean?
We each spend a lot of time talking about ourselves and our lives, but we are also fairly GIVING people too...Tuesday's Tribute is a chance to talk about OTHER people, OTHER blogs, OTHER lives.

Now's your chance to shine your light on someone else.

It's all about YOU today.

Yes, You.

My readers. My peeps. My commenters. My loyal friends.

I appreciate you all so much.

Even though I've disappeared into the remodeling abyss, you've stood by me.

I appreciate it so much.

Thank you.

I'll be around for a visit soon.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Photostory Friday-Momo Twin Meeting

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

A few months ago I had the chance to meet a long-time friend and her twins. She and I "met" in a forum for parents of monoamniotic twins. Momo twins are really rare, so having a connection with someone that had experienced what I had was really special......vital, really.
We decide a few years ago that our twins would be PERFECT for each other. You know, long term. As in marriage.
I was so excited for my boys to meet their future brides.
Although I didn't see any signs of budding romances, they did play together. When we bribed them.

And I got to finally meet Jenny in real life, which was such a treat. It's a good thing I adore her. Since she'll be my sons mother-in-law and all.
You can read about monoamniotic twins here.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Writer's Workshop-Interview with a child(ren)

It's never too soon to start thinking about the future. Or so I've been told.

With that in mind, I thought it would be prudent to interview the twins and find out what they are planning on doing long term. Just so I'm prepared.

It's quite fitting that John (pictured above), my ladies man, wants to be a daddy. He is still unclear about legal laws concerning marriage within the family, though. He doesn't believe me when I tell him he can't marry his cousin (even though she is beautiful and sweet) insisting it'll be OK when they are both big. Good thing I have a few years to get him to understand.

I wasn't sure what Jacob's (above) long term goals were, but a Power Ranger it is.

I asked him what he'll do as a Power Ranger and he said, "I don't know, mom". I guess his job description is yet to be determined in his mind. And, he has years to work on it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-more of the new house

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!



New baseboards, wainscotting, window trim, carpet, lighting, closet doors (and closet organizers). Oh, and new paint. I think Garrett is one lucky kid. This is one of my favorite rooms in the whole house. Possibly because it's actually done (we just have to move him in), but mostly because it just looks nice. And I SO love the brown. My husband is a woodworking genius. For real.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute-Musical Education

Tuesday's Tribute

What is it?
Well, we'll tell you what it is NOT... It's Not About YOU. It's about SOMEONE ELSE. It's our chance, each of us, to shine our light on someone else.

Huh? Whaddya mean?
We each spend a lot of time talking about ourselves and our lives, but we are also fairly GIVING people too...Tuesday's Tribute is a chance to talk about OTHER people, OTHER blogs, OTHER lives.

Now's your chance to shine your light on someone else.

Musical Education.

Since the inception of Munchkins and Music, I've have a fantastic education........on a subject that I didn't realize I was so lacking. Don't get me wrong. I knew I couldn't sing, and I knew I wasn't musically inclined, but I didn't realize JUST how much I wasn't even aware of.

I don't want my children to have a deficit in this area just because I lack the talent and/or inclination to teach them in ways I would never think of.

That's why Munchkins and Music is such a great site, and one that definitely deserves a tribute today.

I would recommend bookmarking the blog, and browsing around when you have the time. QUALITY content, great ideas, expert information........your time will be well spent there.

For a recap of a post she wrote for me, go here.


I've been a Twitter member for some time.......but I still don't "get" it.

Explain it to me please!

I "get" that Twitter is a great way to interact and get whatever message you'd like out (if you know how to use it)......I've been told that having a million and one followers is a big deal (big deal to whom?). I just don't "get" why. I realize it can't all be about popularity.

I've been told that I have dismal Twitter stats. Sadly, it's true.

The question is: will increasing my Twitter Followers help me in any way besides making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

What do I need to do to make Twitter "work" for me?
What exactly do you Tweet about?
Is Twitter mostly about "I'll Follow you if you Follow me?" for you? Or is it more?
I really want to know.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Under Construction

Since remodeling my new house wasn't enough chaos in my life, I felt compelled to add another project. Of course, this didn't take much effort on my part (Blogilicious Designs created my make-over), and I'm LOVING the results. It's just the clean-up I needed......:)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-the new house

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

Just in case you didn't believe me when I told you that we had some work to do on our new house.......here's proof.

We've made some great progress........I can't wait to show you what we've done.........starting next week.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute-"beat the boredom" series

Tuesday's Tribute

What is it?
Well, we'll tell you what it is NOT... It's Not About YOU. It's about SOMEONE ELSE. It's our chance, each of us, to shine our light on someone else.

Huh? Whaddya mean?
We each spend a lot of time talking about ourselves and our lives, but we are also fairly GIVING people too...Tuesday's Tribute is a chance to talk about OTHER people, OTHER blogs, OTHER lives.

Now's your chance to shine your light on someone else.

This week, it's particularly apropos to spotlight Good and Crazy's summer "beat the boredom" series called Help! My kids are Driving me Crazy and Better in Bulk's "summer survival List". Weekly, all summer long, on Carissa's blog, expect to see ways in which we can keep our kids occupied during the summer. Lolli's list has great ideas to get us started NOW that summer has begun. I need all the help I can get. Here's a sneak peak at Good and Crazy's weekly line-up..........with thanks in advance.

*Kids in the kitchen

*Kid friendly crafts

*LOOOOONG road trips

*Lemonade Stands

* Kids raising money for a cause

*Summertime Reading with Kids

*Eat Your Veggies

Monday Must-Haves/Do

I just discovered the coolest handmade handbag's.

I've never owned a quality handbag, but I'm thinking I need to start saving my money for this one.

I love that every purse made by the company is totally unique........if I'm going to spend good money on a handbag, I don't want to see a million other people with the same purse.

I just need to be assured that if I DO spend the money on a good bag it's not going to become an obsession like my jeans.

Reasurrances welcomed. :)



Saturday, June 13, 2009

Boo Hoo.....

I hope you'll all humor me as a do a little boo hooing. Even if you don't feel sorry for me at all.

See, we are a week into summer break and the weather has been terrible.

Not my normal Southern California goodness at all.

For over a week now it's been chilly, overcast and dreary.....

There. I'm done.

I decided to play the glad game (I'm a big fan of Pollyanna) instead.

I'm glad I don't have a mullet.

I'm pretty sure that if I had Kristen Stewarts new do I'd be boo hooing from now until next month at which point I'd be all cried out.

I'm thinking she's shed some serious tears over her new cut. What do you think? Could she possible like it? Even if she IS getting paid a bunch of money for a movie?


Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-Baby Bird

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along! I found a surprise in my yard last week. This little guy must have fallen out of his nest. He looked like such a grouchy thing. I fell in love instantly.

P.S. Have I mentioned that the cosmetic work on my new house is NOT going well? I'll emerge on the blogging scene again soon, but for now, I'm up to my elbows in spackel and paint and about a million other details that need addressing. Wish me luck. Please.


Monday, June 08, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute-sleeping in

Tuesday's Tribute

What is it?
Well, we'll tell you what it is NOT... It's Not About YOU. It's about SOMEONE ELSE. It's our chance, each of us, to shine our light on someone else.

Huh? Whaddya mean?
We each spend a lot of time talking about ourselves and our lives, but we are also fairly GIVING people too...Tuesday's Tribute is a chance to talk about OTHER people, OTHER blogs, OTHER lives.

Now's your chance to shine your light on someone else.

I have some serious angels in my family.

A miracle occurred this morning.

I slept in until 8:45 am.

This has not happened in YEARS. YEARS. Many years.

All made possible by my sister who had half of my kids over for a sleep over and my mother-in-law who took the twins for the night.

Just to be nice.

Here's to you, my miracle workers.

I'm so grateful.