Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-more of the new house

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!



New baseboards, wainscotting, window trim, carpet, lighting, closet doors (and closet organizers). Oh, and new paint. I think Garrett is one lucky kid. This is one of my favorite rooms in the whole house. Possibly because it's actually done (we just have to move him in), but mostly because it just looks nice. And I SO love the brown. My husband is a woodworking genius. For real.


Muthering Heights said...

It looks nice!

You poor thing...you're surrounded by construction!

scrappysue said...

and his room matches your blog! love those warm browns! one room down - how many to go angie???

we're enjoying the ride along :)

~Sandy~ said...

I like the brown too! the chair is really cool. wish it was my room...lol!!! have a great week!


tiarastantrums said...

lovely - is the entire house under construction or just one room at a time?

the monkeys' mama said...

i love the look of that chair! Its coming along so nicely!

Buckeroomama said...

The "after" photos make you feel that all the construction you had to put up with was well worth it!

Momisodes said...

I was just blogging about home reno.

Looks like you've done some amazing work! It's really coming along.

And I LOVE that chair.

Unknown said...

Wow, he is one lucky kid! What a beautiful room! And yes, you are MOST lucky to have a husband that can do work like that. : )

More Than Words said...

What a difference! Looks really good!

Michelle said...

It looks awesome Angie. Lucky you have a husband that can do such things with ease.

Happy said...

WoW!!! It looks so great! I would have the hardest time being patient with such a process, but the end result is beautiful!

LOVE the brown.

Erica said...

Wow your husband did that it looks great. Does he teach classes my hubby could use a few tips. :)

girlytwins said...

Love it! When we can we come down for a afternoon and swim with the wonderful Lee's? :)

Sera said...

Beee-uuu-tiful! I love before and after pics. These are just gorgeous!!!

Aunt Julie said...

Don't you just love the promise of everything brand new? I know I do!

debi9kids said...

It looks wonderful! I LOVE the chocolate brown color you chose. BEAUTIFUL!

Happy WW!

Michelle said...

That looks so lovely ;) You must be so happy with the after.

Jennifer said...

Absolutely amasing work. Feel free to come here to help out whenever.

Wayfaring Wanderer said...

Looking good!

Threeundertwo said...

What a great transformation!

Unknown said...

Simply amazing! You are lucky to have him!

Jen said...

It is really beautiful! A new house is so fun! Lucky you!

Milk and Honey Mommy said...


It's looking great. I have one of those husbands too (by profession) and he is doing the same in our house in which we just moved into. Living amongst the construction is tough, but when you get results like that, it's well worth it.

Tara said...

Wow what a difference... It looks like you worked hard!

Anonymous said...

It turned out very lovely.

Sweet Serendipity said...

Love the wainscotting! Looks great. Love your new bloggy look too. Nice colors, ahhhh.

Happy WW!

Marla said...

you worked your ass off! congrats on the outcome... I also love the new look her at the blog...

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

That can't be the same place!! :) You've been so busy, it looks amazing so far.

KarieK said...

Awesome!! I love the colors, very soothing!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

OMG, it's gorgeous! Yay for pictures!! More more more! lol :)

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Wow...looks beautiful! He did a wonderful job!

Tim said...

Love the new look by the way!

Love and Prayers,


Becky said...

I LOVE IT. That brown is gorgeous. I think I could live in that room. He is a lucky boy indeed.

I forgot about WW until I came to visit but I did a post that sorts fits. Is sorta OK? :-)

Sara Elizabeth said...

WOW. It's coming along. I love the panelling. So pretty.

Jennifer said...

Oh, I looove the wainscotting and your paint color choices!

Night Owl Mama said...

Looks like your making progress WTG

Laura said...

Love seeing what you are doing! I hope you will send me even more pictures with more details on everything. I like details. Wink.

Elyse said...

Construction zone...I take it! Glad the progress is moving along though!

Kelly said...

It looks great. Can you come decorate my house?

Joan said...

Looks smashing! Lovin' that brown!

Hootin Anni said...

My husband so loves wainscoting. He'd be right at home with you on this.

My Wordful is posted now. It's a tour of the South Texas Walk of Fame. Come see...it's a slideshow, so it may take a while to load. I'd love your company

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

This is your son's room? What a fantastic pad!

Mariposa said...

I love the palettes!!!

Tina said...

wow thats a massive difference. it doesent even look like the same room!

Sandra said...

Where's Mr. Linky!!! I don't see him!!! help!

cat said...

Looks really great! You guys are really moving along with the renovations.

Dumb Mom said...

My husband is a PS3 controller working genius. Not quite as handy. Actually, still trying to determine the monetary value of such a skill. Any ideas? Anyone? No? That's kinda what I thought:(

Erin @ Closing Time said...

What a beautiful room! Your husband did a great job!!

Staci said...

It looks great! I LOVE the wainscoting!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love it! Nice job :)

Dee said...

Lookin good and I think you're blog is lookin good too! :)

Alicia W. said...

I love the new look!!

Kristen Andrews said...

looks so nice!

Kate P. said...

Lookin good girlie!! Keep it up!!

Ms. Latina said...

I love it, esp. the colors (almost matches teh theme in your blog)! I know you must feel better seeing that done =) Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

WOW, looks great! That's a lot of work...

Unknown said...

Don't you feel proud about accomplishments like that? Nice room. I love the earthy colors. :D

Jill from Killeny Glen said...

I love looking at all the fun photos!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

It looks great! A magical WW to you!

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

I'm in the process of moving and it is very exciting!!!

Valencia Jones-Edwards said...

I'm in the process of moving and it is very exciting!!!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

That turned out fabulous!

Susan Holt Simpson said...

The before and afters are AMAZING! Great job! Do you have Carter Oosterhouse wandering around there doing carpenter work?


carrhop said...

So thrilled the new house is coming along so nicely! It looks great! I love the brown too!


Hoosier Homemade said...

You did an awesome job! I like the new look of your blog too!
Thanks for hosting!

Stacy Uncorked said...

That turned out AWESOME!! Your hubby truly is a woodworking genius!!

ParentingPink said...

First - love your new blog design! Very nice! Second - you did a GREAT job fixing up your house! I love the wainscoting! Happy WW!

S Club Mama said...

So beautiful. I wish I had the drive to even paint a room. haha!

Miranda @ Keeper of the Cheerios said...

You did great! I love the color choices! :)

Kacey said...

OOOOOOOOH! AHHHHHHHHHHH! I LOVE beadboard - and the brown looks terrific! Great job! Love the new bloggy design too. Woohoo!

Mom Knows Everything said...

It looks gorgeous!

Kim said...

The colors are wonderful!! I can't wait to see the rest..

Kiki said...

my first time participating in Wordful Wednesday. i look forward to checking out other W/W posts. take care.

Unknown said...

Oh, I just love it. I hope he enjoys his fabulous room : ).

Amy said...

Looks great so far! Can't wait to see more later :)

Janet said...

Very nice. :)

My WW - http://gahome2mom.blogspot.com/2009/06/wordless-wednesday_24.html

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

Whoo-hoo! Looking good. Bet you'll be glad when it is all over!

Leslie said...

B E A U T I F U L !!

House and the new blog layout!

Mel Fraase said...

Wow, it's really looking nice. Love the colors! AND loving your new blog look, too!!

MyLinda said...

What a great room! Wish my hubby was so handy (or that he would just do the projects)!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh, I really like that brown. Did you have to paint lots of coats to get it that rich??

Susie said...

It looks GREAT!!

MamaJoss said...

See now, I LOVE the colors here in your new layout -- fabulous job! And the chocolate in the room make-over looks awesome. Nice job Angie :)

Honey Mommy said...

Love your house and blog remodels! When are you coming over to work on mine?

Kiki said...

What a wonderful makeover. I wish my hubby was more skilled in the remodel department. He mows the lawn, that's about it. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a wonderful day. Take care.

Marrdy said...

What a great looking room! And one lucky boy.

Eleana said...

It looks beautiful! I love the colour!

April said...

great job! it looks fantastic :-)


Mamí♥Picture said...

Angie That is great!
Looking Good!
Also I love your new layout!!

Colette S said...

He has done very well. That room looks good.

Now can he pass the secret on how to get mine to begin the project :)

Chrissy said...

Looks great!! I love the brown. SITS sent me your way:)

Lindy said...

He is a lucky guy! Nice job on the remodel!

Happy WW!

Indigo Children said...

Wow. He is one lucky kid :)

I love the little leather chair w/ ottoman!

Lindsay said...

Oh - I love those colors, too! You'll have to take a pic once it's all decorated!

Sheila said...

Wow the room looks great now!

T Rex Mom said...

Wow! Awesome work! It will be exciting to move in now!

Bonnie the Boss said...

Holy crap, Ang I can't keep up with your popularity!
I miss seeing you! (in the blogging sense!) the room looks amazing! I can't wait to move and do some decorating of my own. i will use you as an inspiration! I can't spell and I refuse to look it up at the moment!

Stacie said...

Wow you did a fantastic job!

KatBouska said...

Ooh I'm comment 100!! Are you getting tired of reading comments about your before and after?? DO you ever find that you post something and then get tired of reading about it? I do that all the time. :)

BUT! Wow!!! It IS really nice!! Will ya'll come re do a few of our rooms now??

and ps LOVE the makeover!!!!! So cute!

Stu Pidasso said...

Your house looks great!! TMYL does good work. And yes, you are the "Angie" mentioned in my post, becasue your blog does rock!

Cheers and lots of sunshine!

Jenny said...

That looks so great! Very envious over here!!

Sara said...

Oh, it's looking good!

Justine said...

Wow, this looks fantastic! Wanna see more! Like the kitchen!

Justine :o )

Are You Serious! said...

♥ I love wainscotting! Everything looks great!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

HEY! just realized I forgot to leave a comment :)

it was late last night so I linked in and turned off :)

Wow to the house.. can't tell ya how jealous I am.. I just 'won' a wall mural.. or so I thought, turns out it's a Wall mural template (You paint it) so um.. NOT for me.. not on these rented walls :)

Hey poor Francesca.. I don't think she knew what she was getting herself into when someone ? told her to contact me... :)

ChefDruck said...

Can he come and do my new house?

Unknown said...

Inviting and soothing colors. Looks great! Who would have thought five years ago that people you will never meet, have seen your before and after photos!
Happy Twirls

Kimberly said...

Lovin' the brown and blue! You've got good taste woman! :) The room looks great too!

Anonymous said...

Love the wainscotting!

I'm Jamie said...

The room looks GREAT!!!
I can't wait to see more!

p.s. It's apparently been way too long since I've stopped by, because this new template?! I LOVE!!

Grand Pooba said...

I love the colors! Awesome job!

StacieinAtlanta said...

Nice job. It looks great!

Unknown said...

You all did a beautiful job with the redesigning of this room! The addition of the wainscotting, baseboards, window trim etc. really does a lot. It all gives the room such a unique and complete look unlike any other addition. The color scheme too is great! Great work! Thanks for sharing!

Amy said...

I like the after much better. :)

Live.Love.Eat said...

I love the before and after. I am not sure what wainscotting is but it looks awesome! Is it the brown beadboard type thing? Love it!!!