Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek
A few months ago I had the chance to meet a long-time friend and her twins. She and I "met" in a forum for parents of monoamniotic twins. Momo twins are really rare, so having a connection with someone that had experienced what I had was really special......vital, really.We decide a few years ago that our twins would be PERFECT for each other. You know, long term. As in marriage. I was so excited for my boys to meet their future brides.Although I didn't see any signs of budding romances, they did play together. When we bribed them.

And I got to finally meet Jenny in real life, which was such a treat. It's a good thing I adore her. Since she'll be my sons mother-in-law and all.
You can read about monoamniotic twins here.

Photostory Friday-Momo Twin Meeting
What a great time! Glad you got to meet Jenny aka future son's MIL. :o)
What beautiful children...and Moms!
Wow, I just read a tiny bit about mono twins. What a miracle your sons are, eh? Especially because 75% of them are girls!
And I have to say, your friend's girls are just gorgeous and the perfect matches to your two beautiful boys.
Going to the chapel...
Justine :o )
I was gonna say, you little matchmaker you!
So cool! I have met Jenny too via blog only though. It is nice meeting other MoMo moms!
How cool! I know what you mean about those connections being so important. I love meeting blog friends (can't wait for October!)
I love choosing a future mate for my kids! How fun!
And those cute little girls and your handsome little boys would two seriously cute couples!
How great to meet such an important friend in real life!
and we're all going to show up at the double wedding! yaaaay!
How fun! I joke around with a friend of mine saying that he little girl will be my future daughter in law too! I need a good DinL since I don't have any little girls of my own!
Great looking group!!
What a fun story and great pictures. And I learned something new today. I followed the link and learned about monoamniotic twins. I got a little teary-eyed when I pictured your sweet little boys holding hands!
I don't know, my boys may be good suiters for Jenny's girls too! Good thing for your boys, we live across the country! LOL
What a great meeting! The kids are so cute!
You are the sweetest person ever! You like my voice?? Wow. :) Thank you.
PS I love love your hair in the last picture. Well, I love your hair anyway (I'm so jealous of the color).
That is amazing. What beautiful children both of you have.
That is awesome! And they are all so cute together!
Are you going to need help with planning the wedding(s)? Should they get married on the same day or two separate days or....oh, so much planning to do!
How fun for you all to have finally met in person. What cute girls she has, I'm sure they would look wonderful next to your handsome redheads! :) Good luck with that! hehehehe :)
How cute!!! It's like a little Doublemint Gum commercial!
Happy Friday! :)
Honestly, it would be a crime if those cuties don't marry each other.
I just read the twins' story on the link you provided. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. I knew nothing about Momo twins. I started crying as soon as you wrote that they were holding hands and I'm still crying. I can tell by looking at their pictures that they are beautiful, but I had no idea what little heroes they are. I'm so happy there was a happy ending to loving story and you were an excellent mother to them even before they saw the light of day. You are all beautiful inside and out. I'm sending you all a cyber-hug.
So cute. I am quite jealous because I love Jenny and would love to meet her. I think our kids will go to school the same year so if you decide your boys like older girls we could design a match there too... keep your options open. LOL!
that is totally cool!
Heeee heeeee! And they say arranged marriages don't really happen anymore.
How fun for you to meet a long time blogging pal! Now how can I arrange for the same with you??
oh if only . . . (concerning dreams for our children's future, they have a way of changing it)
I'm glad you had a nice time with your bloggy friend.
Here’s my photo story. happy Friday!
Twice -- quadruple! -- the cuteness! (Two brothers marrying two sisters means their children become "double cousins." Is there a different term when the brothers and sisters are twins?!) Glad you've got the future all figured out. ;)
How fun!! Now that would be quite the arrangement to have MoMo twins marry each other:)
Congrats on meeting the boys' future MIL! It's good to get those potentially awkward meetings out of the way quick & fast. LOL And I'm thinking you two get at A+ for yoru advance planning. ;D
I'm all for arranged marriages - makes it real simple! Great photos - so neat that you finally got to meet in person.
Everybody is so darn cute. Definitely keep that arranged marriage thing in the works.
How fun! So glad you two got to meet.
They will have beautiful twins together someday ; )
Wow -- you've really got it all figured out! Well, here's hoping it all works out -- they do look great together.
I'm so jealous!
Two of my Dad's brothers married two sisters. It is strange at family reunions!
boy, I'm away for a few weeks getting married and you change your layout! Looks good!
BTW, you'll have beautiful grandchildren!
Actually, they do look good together. They would make beautiful babes together but we won't even go there yet.
Yay! I love this. And I love you! It was more than awesome to meet you and your adorable boys. They are seriously even cuter in person.
To bad we are so squinty in our picture but hopefully we can meet again and take better pictures :)
Hope the house construction is going good. We still wold love to drive out one afternoon and play with you all :)
Why are you so gorgeous?
As is Jenny. With her red hair.
p.s. Loving the fam picture of y'all on your sidebar...y'all look like movie stars.
They are so cute!!! I love the one of them laying at the bottom of the slide.
I love the photos! Especially the one of the kids on the slide. And how nice that you were able to meet your friend in real life.
No Way!! How fun! Your boys and Jenny's girls look really cute together. I'll bet there's a good chance a romance will bloom when they're older!!
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