Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute-Easter Egg Hunts

Because Easter is just not Easter without a HUNT!

Tuesday's Tribute
Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.



Mozi Esme said...

What fun photos!

Melissa said...

Wow. I'm the very first to comment.
I might just relish in this for a while.........................
Anyway cute pic's of the kids.
I love the twins baskets.
Cool hair do's for the boys.

Melissa said...

Crap I got beaten to the punch.
Come on we've got the EXACT SAME TIMES.
Man I just put too much words on my comment.

April said...

Oh, Angie...those are such sweet pictures! Looks like they were having a ball!

Mandy said...

Fun times! They are all so cute!

Leigh and Anthony said...

I'm glad you had such a fun Easter. I'm jealous of your beautiful weather.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

what cute kids!!!!

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

it looks like they had a blast!

Cassie said...

Great photos! I love those Easter baskets!

Unknown said...

I was so looking forward to a colorful outdoor easter egg hunt this year, but my kids and husband all voted for an indoor hunt. Boring! ;)

Anonymous said...

how fun! we actually had one at our house this easter too. although all of us "kids" are over the age of 21 :) my husband totally cheated...he ate some candy from some of the eggs before the hunt even started, and then he took 15 eggs during teh hunt instead of the alotted 9. cheater. he's band next easter :)

Amy said...

Those are such cute baskets. Looks like everyone had a fun time.

Halftime Lessons said...

Amazing how calm your photos always look, though with that many kids it must be absolute chaos at times!!

Nice job painting the picture of control, though!!


Unknown said...

Love your blog. It is nice to see other large families. I get tired of people thinking we are freaks for having more than 2.2 children.

Deb said...

they're just so adorable. no hunt here this year. i guess this was the first year of no dying or hunting.

i see you're raising those beautiful girls right... to love a cute pair of jeans!

Jennifer said...

Oh my, it looks as though great fun was has by all!

Alisha said...

Great post! Glad you had a good Easter!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

awwwwwww they did great! And so did you!!!

Melissa said...

What cute baskets... I love, love, love those car baskets... where did you ever find such a cute thing??

Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

As you would know we did ours inside due to the lovely Easter weather here in your former town.

Laura said...

The kids are adorable! I love seeing them!

Casey's trio said...

Egg hunts never get old do they? I want to run out there and find some eggs too:)

Kristen Jensen said...

Yay! A call-back! I will be crossing my fingers for you!! I loved this post. It was so fun to get to see you in California. Ryan is genuinely looking for a job and we are planning to come out at the end of July to look around some more. xo

Unknown said...

So much fun! I love all the unique baskets.

Aubrey said...

I was a little sad when my daughter said she was going to sit this year out and just hide the eggs. *sob* AND, my toddler was napping!

Great pictures!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Cute pictures! Their baskets are cute too! :)

debi9kids said...

OH! I just LOVE their baskets! So so cute!

Beautiful pictures of beautiful kiddies!

Happy Tuesday!

Brooke said...

Cute pictures of the kids. I think that egg hunts are the best and every child should have a few each year. Especially when they can do it with cousins!

Brooke said...

Cute pictures of the kids. I think that egg hunts are the best and every child should have a few each year. Especially when they can do it with cousins!

Brooke said...

Cute pictures of the kids. I think that egg hunts are the best and every child should have a few each year. Especially when they can do it with cousins!

The Blonde Duck said...

I love the car and bunny baskets! That's fantastic!

Kristin said...

Cute kids, fun easter baskets.

Jen said...

This year, my kids got SO into the hunt. It was awesome.

Stephanie said...

Oh, to have a group photo :) I couldn't get mine to sit together long enough! The twins are at the stage of running towards me everytime I go to shoot a photo.... "I see!" they shout :)

The girls are just growing up so quickly! So stylish and beautiful.

Kathleen W. said...

I love the photo of the twins running out of the house with their car baskets. What a fun time you all had!

Unknown said...

what a lovely Tuesday Tribute in photo style!

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

What great pics of the kiddos! Who doesn't love a good hunt!

Susie said...

It looks like a GREAT Easter! Tha's awesome:-)

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

LOVE their baskets!

Katy said...

Fun times girl! Your chillin's are darling...looks like good times were had by all.

Heather said...

So adorable! It looks like fun was had by all!

Jaime said...

Looks so fun! Your kids are all so adorable!:)

Little Lovables said...

So cute! We had our egg hunt inside b/c it was damp out.

My boys would just LOVE those car baskets!

Aunt Julie said...

What a lot of fun! We don't do hunts any more, so I go next door and help the neighbors with theirs. I agree...Easter isn't Easter without a little hunt action!

Anonymous said...

Look at all those redheads!!! :)

Texasholly said...

Yeah. Add good weather to the Easter Egg hunt thing. It was raining here so bad we had to do ours inside...

Live.Love.Eat said...

Happy Easter to you and yours!!!! I love the boys' cars basket!

Maude Lynn said...

What adorable Easter baskets!

We had to hunt indoors. It rained all day on Easter!

Kimberly said...

Love this! Sooo cute! I loved Easter Egg hunts as a kid, and darn it, I still love 'em! :) Happy Spring!

T Rex Mom said...

Great photos - such cool Easter baskets. Your two little guys looked VERY excited to find some eggs! That photo just captures the glee in their eyes!

Carebear said...

Love your egg hunt pictures. The excitement on the boys faces in that second shot is priceless. And those Easter baskets rock. Looks like fun was had by all!

Mark and Kiss said...

I love all the pictures, the little boys running out the door is great, Garrets little pursed lips and the girls are adorable. Fun!

Shannon said...

Looks like fun! Great photos and I love the mohawks!

Mandy said...

Cool baskets!

Lisa @ Simply Things Family said...

Very nice site and photos. This is my first visit. I am new to blogging, so I thought I would check out some other sites. Stop by if you can. I will definitely check back.

Unknown said...

I need to post my Easter egg hunt photos. These are great.

Unknown said...

Those children of yours are just too adorable for words : ). I love their Easter loot. How delightful~

Jenners said...

Love this! You have such adorable kids ... and their joy is palpable!!!

Debra said...

FUN! Are you loving holidays with the fam close by? I cannot WAIT!

Themorrisbunch said...

Oh my goodness! What beautiful red hair!! My sons' hair is changing from red to auburn...so sad.
Fun photos!