Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Wishing you a wonderful Easter Sunday, from my family to yours!



Elyse said...

Have a great Easter :)

Susie said...

Happy Easter!!

Amy said...

Wishing you a very Happy Easter to you and your family.

Jenni said...

Happy Easter, Angie!

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter to you too!

Amanda said...

Happy Easter to you all too!

Alicia W. said...

Happy Easter to you and your sweet family.

Jennifer said...

Wishing you and your family a Blessed Easter!

Aunt Julie said...

What a Sweet Easter Snap! Here's hoping You & Yours have the Happiest of Easter, and that the bunny is generous to those cute kids!

Halftime Lessons said...

That's an outstanding family you have over there, sweetie. Nice work.


Lori said...

What an adorable photo of your family ! Happy Easter !

Rhonda said...

Happy Easter Angie! I think someone is missing from your family photo! lol Might he be behind the camera?

sassy stephanie said...

Sweet pic.

Happy Easter Angie and fam!

Robin said...

Look at you and your gorgeous family!
Happy Easter!

Melissa said...

You too.

Betty said...

Happy Easter!

Ronda's Rants said...

Beautiful family! Happy Easter!

Kati said...

You have a beautiful family! Happy Easter!

scrappysue said...

cute, cute, cute! your eldest daughter is so like you angie! happy easter

Kacey said...

Happy Easter! I hope you had a wonderful day!

Grace said...

Happy Easter!

Christina - Rant Rave Roll said...

Happy Easter!

Scary Mommy said...

Hope your beautiful family had a wonderful Easter! :)

Heather said...

Just found your blog, Happy Easter to you and your family, which is beautiful by the way!!!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ Love the picture! Happy Easter! :)

T Rex Mom said...

Great photo - you all look so tan from your recent vacation!

Happy Easter to you too!

brunger bunch said...

What a cute little family! Hope you had a great Easter:)

Cecilia said...

Great picture! Happy Easter!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Right back atcha.. said in jealous tone of voice as I watch your summer already beginning!!

Melissa said...

Happy Easter to you, too!! This is a GREAT picture....of a beautiful family!!!

Mark and Kiss said...

Happy Easter Angie. I hope it was a beautiful one for you.

Stephan came home from nursery today and told us all about how Jethus's friends were thad when he died, but they put him in the tune, then 1, 2, 3, days an angel came and rolled the th-tone away and .... HE'th ALIVE!

It was very cute, he had a little tomb, stone and Jesus paper cut out that he used to tell us the story.

My name is Tammie said...

Happy Easter honey bunnies!

Becky said...

Happy Resurrection Day!

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

What a nice family photo!! :)

Elizabeth said...

Welcome back...look how tan you all are!

Quoizel Lighting said...

I hope everyone had a wonderful easter.

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter! It looks nice where you are!

Stephanie said...

Hope your day was a nice one! Seeing the two cute little red heads in front reminds me of a print ad I saw last night in Real Simple magazine. The commercial they auditioned for some time ago (where they had to drink something and was with a red head star)...was it for Motts with Marcia Cross? I saw it and thought of how much sweeter the ad would have been with YOUR boys in it :)

Unknown said...

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter - what a sweet, happy picture! : )

Emily said...

cute cute cute picture:)

Emily said...

cute cute cute picture:)

Tonya Staab said...

Hi Angie,

Hope you and the kids had a fabulous Easter. Sorry I've been seriously slacking as a blogger friend. I promise to up my game though.

tiarastantrums said...

I love your little crew!!

Anonymous said...

Hope it was a happy one and lots of chocolate was smeared.

Heather said...

Hope you had a great Easter! What a cute bunch :-)

Anonymous said...

Great family pic! Thanks for sharing. Just catching up on everyone's post from my family weekend! Off to read everything else! Bye :)

Heather said...

What a cute bunch. Hope you had a great day.

Tracy said...

we have yet to have a good Easter pic of our girls, much less Arturo or I in the photo! So - great pic!

Jennifer said...

Beautiful family photo! I hope your Easter was a blessed one.

Laura said...

Wonderful family!

Live.Love.Eat said...

You're all just SO beautiful!!!!

Shannon said...

So beautiful!