Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!
I scored Adobe Photoshop Elements 7 for Christmas but am just getting around to playing around with it. I'm already part-way in love. Just wait until I can navigate around the software quickly. I'm pretty sure it's going to be a full-blown-love-affair.
This photo was manipulated using the Cutout effects element. So cool.
Wordful Wednesday-Photoshop
Cool photo effects but it doesn't look like it needed much added elements! I cannot wait to see what else you do with APE 7.
very nice. I love playing with photoshop!! I got Adobe CS3 from a friend this past fall (with Photoshop) and am in love with it again - I have to start playing more (I have posted some of my experiments in my photo blog if you are curious).
Have fun with Elements!!
What a very cool effect!
This is my first time participating, and I also used a bit of photoshopping for....uh...er...well, not so pretty pictures :)
That kid is just beyond cute...totally RAD effect or not. Did you see? I actually participated this week...I know. Shocker!!!!
Oh, and I finally jumped on the following bandwagon...sorry it took me so long to join the cool kinds on your blog!
that is soooo cool!! happy wednesday!
Man, I have that software around here somewhere...gotta find it.
Just posted...thanks so much again Johnny Utah.
Whew, I am early tonight. Love your skills with photoshop, I need to purchase elements.
What a neat effect!
I'm having too much fun with Picnik these days. It makes it easy to edit photos and that's what I need - EASY! ; )
Love the effect!
I'm right there with ya....I love Photoshop! I could sit for hours, no days, and play with pictures and photoshop.
I love beach pictures too, but this week I didn't use photoshop on my entry....just plain beach.
Sorry my first URL entry didn't go through correctly, so I entered it again. Hence my name is on Mr. Linky twice. OOPS
once you learn, you will have to teach me :) this week's photo is lovely, beautiful + so much fun!
i was thinking about this the other day...do you remember, did i coin wordful wednesday in a comment to you? or did i just think it + never say it. lol.
Really neat effect! I may have to finally invest in something like that.
i should have added that i sincerely cannot remember... :)
what a gorgeous picture. but it would be hard to get a bad one of any of the members of your family. you're all beautiful!
I have an older version but just know some of the basics. i'm sure you will be dangerous when you know how to use it!
i'm pea green! i only have PSE 4 - but it's still GREAT! i hardly use any features, but wish i could use more!!! that's a great effect
very cool software
OH how cool! I love messing around with my photo editing programs.
What a neat effect!
Happy WW!
What a neat application. As always great picture.
Very cool. I just discovered digital scrapbooking and I haven't forked out the money for any software yet. Great photo too.
Oh that is very cool!!!
I need to get some fun programs to play with. I would love to have some artistic pictures to have on display :)
He is such a doll.
Isn't photoshop fantastic? It's addicting though, lol. Love the effects
What a cool effect!
To be honest photoshop scares me. I am so intimidated by it, but would love to learn how to use different effects. I guess I just need to find some time to play around with it :)
excited to join in the fun!
Very cool...can't wait to see all the other fun things you can do with the program.
I got it for my birthday and am still learning the ropes too, but it is sure fun to play with, huh??
That is AWESOME! I had it once and was semi-lost LOL I did ok with those tutorials you find, but I never grasped doing things on my own. Someday soon I hope to attain it again and learn. That and a new camera :)
That is very cool. I need to figure out how to use my photoshop. It is so time consuming for me and my pea computer brain..:)
that is cool--i'd love to try photoshop someday
what fun for you. Its always cool to be able to take an ordinary photo and jazz it up.
That turned out so cool! Lucky you for getting such a great Christmas present! One day....
I've heard so much about Photoshop, I may just have to invest in that myself! I really love what it did to your photo...very cool!
Very cool! I would love to play with photoshop but it seems a little complicated to me!
Oh my gosh, this is purely one super job! I so love the effect.
My Wordful is now posted....it's all about fantasies of fireflies and fairies today. Come join me? Have a super duper Wednesday!!!
Photoshop is sooo fun to play around with. I used to spend hours doing that at "work" :P
I totally agree! I am trying to learn mine after the initial quickie :) Picture looks great!
I wish I could learn how to use mine. I used to think I was kind of technologically cool but not anymore! : (. Love your picture.
That is really neat!
That looks so cool...I want it!
ok-i just got elements 7 and im LOST! i also have photoshop cs3...lost there too! lol
i need a lot of help.
good luck!!
maybe you can teach me, eh?
That is so neat. Great work. I hope you have a great day.
Happy Wordful Wednesday!
What a cool effect! I need to play more with Elements...I use CS3 all the time, but keep seeing that Elements has more wiggle room for special effects... LOVE how that turned out! :)
So cool!!
I adore Photoshop!! Before kiddos I was an art director. I miss my Mac so bad I could cry.
I love Photoshop too, and that image is great! I can see an entire wall of family portraits using that feature.
I really need to get in on the fun with PhotoShop!
Cool effect Angie. I have a pic of Tristan in a similar effect but it's from Picnik which is about all I can handle.
Wow! Super awesome (and I'm jealous)!
I got PS7 for my birthday in January & still haven't even had a chance to install it! I hope it's easy to learn!
P.S. I have to bow out of WW this week since I am still playing catch up from yesterday and the days before. Gosh, I am not supposed to be busier now than when I was working.
So cool! I just got Photoshop Elements 6 and I SO NEED some help! LOL Right now its all trial and error but still so much fun!
Digitally editing photos is waaayyyyy addictive! Be careful out there! ;o)
Makes me want to go play with Photoshop!
Nice enhancement. Love the colours
those programs are addictive.
love it
That's a cool picture! I wish I could be good with Photoshop, too!
Cool effects... I've never been good at photoshop!!
And I like your new font...looks neat!!
That turned out really cool!
oh, i LOVE photoshop!!!
He really is adorable. And cool program!
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
That is a great picture! I love how the different effects make a whole new picture!
that looks like a lot of fun. Just don't let Jeff know and I won't tell him!
awesome pic!
Wow! This is too cool! I have an old version of Photoshop but find it so hard to use. Maybe Elements is a little bit more user-friendly. This is such a cool way to enhance your photos! I love it!
What a great effect! I am in the market for a good photo editing software, but I'm so indecisive!
Wow! That's awesome! I have photoshop too and have had some good results. But I have to admit that they were accidents. I have NO CLUE what I'm doing!
Happy WW!
what the heck??? that is SO cool! will it print out like that? it looks like actual art (and it helps that your subject is absolutely adorable)!!
I love that. It would look awesome blown up real big for a wall in your house. I'm still intimidated by Photoshop. I need a Photoshop for Dummies book. :)
I use Photoshop CS2 at work and I love it. It can do so many amazing things!!!
That is so cool! I have no skills when it comes to photos.
Looks awesome and I'm learning I need to be better prepared for your wordful wednesdays - I'm always so late in the game!! Well, I AM on the west coast after all.
If you have a moment, stop by my photographic experiment today....
I love what you have done with that picture! Awesome effect:-)
Love the photo effect! I wish I had Photoshop!
What a cutie pie! Nice effects, too. I'm figuring out how to use Elements, too, and it's pretty darn cool!
That's precisely why I've avoided Photoshop to this point, another addiction is just what I don't need. But it looks like so much fun! Love the photo.
oh yes, i have a full blown love for photoshop elements! yeah. enjoy. looks like you are getting along with it really well already!
My kids want photoshop but I may never get to use the computer again if we got it!
I need to get on the ball earlier in the day, don't I? Lots o' Pop'rs Action is keeping me busy!
Hey Angie, that pic is really cool! I really want to get photo shop. Looks like your wordful wednesdays are getting pretty popular! I'm sure glad to be back. :) Hope all is well.
Ooooh I love it! I want photoshop.
I so need to get around to playing with PhotoShop...so many cool things to do. Love the photo, almost looks like an oil on canvas.
I have PE6 myself and have had NO time to learn it yet. It is VERY cool....however it makes me SO irritated that nothing (software-wise) comes with an instruction manual anymore! Grrr.
Enjoy, can't wait to see what you create.
Thanks for Wordful Wednesday! This is the first time I've participated, and while I didn't do anything Photoshopped or fancy, I said what I wanted to say about my pic. Awesome idea!
that is really cool. I would love to have that soft ware some day.
Those effects are so much fun! Enjoy...don't forget about your blog...
Really amazing what you can do with photoshop. Just wish I could figure out those layers! Really neat picture.
Okay, so I'm totally jealous! I only wish I had photoshop. Or maybe it's a good thing I don't. I probably would get addicted and not get anything else done. Yup.
Glad to see you're experimenting. Very nice!!
I love the effect you used! cool pic!
I love it! I got creative with effects this week too, but I'm just a poor,lowly photobucket user.
Would love to win, Your blog is great by the way!
ashlomb at yahoo dot com
OK, we need to get you new pictures. LOL. Lens is back, when do you want to schedule? :D
I just found your blog through C.C, at His Heart--and I am glad I did! : )
I've got PSE7 too and LOVE it - there's no end to the fun you can have :).
If I had Photoshop it would be hard to tear me away from the computer... that picture came out great!!
I've always thought I'd like to have photoshop, but don't know if I'd ever find time to figure it out! Can't wait to see what all you come up with :)
♥ I love the way that looks! Photoshop is my all time favorite program! :)
That pictures looks so NEAT
I have been so distracted lately that I put up my link without leaving a comment (how rude of me).
I love photo editing. I don't think I have posted a single shot without doing something to it.
I have a friend who has an unused copy of the real photoshop that she doesn't need and is going to give to me. I can't wait.
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