Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute-She said Yes.

It's my pleasure to introduce Jay, my first-ever-in-the-history-of-my-blog, male feature. Thank you so much for your willingness to give me a love story when I asked for it. Happy Anniversary!

Eight years ago today you said you would.

Despite a terrible year prior, a selfish wedding party, and a caterer who didn't seem to own any knives...

you looked me in my deeply hung-over eyes,
and told me that I would be the only one.

And you will forever be mine.

In great times, and in the others, here we remain.

I hope I never need to say it, but I always will.

I love you.

Tuesday's Tribute
Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.

I'm Jay from HalftimeLessons.com, co-home of Tuesday's Tribute...I only started blogging last fall, and HalftimeLessons is only what it is due to my mediocre writing and some phenomenal friends like Angie. As you can tell from above, I married extremely well, and have two incredible children, so don't fall in love with me. I'm taken, and she is more than I can handle. By the time you read this, I will be bald, having shaved my head for St. Baldrick's children's cancer research this past Saturday...I hope you read about it, and find the beauty in this cause that I have. My greatest thanks to Angie for letting me guest post on Seven Clown Circus, one of my absolute favorite blogs...I'm one of your greatest fans, Red!


Jennifer P. said...

wonderful post, gorgeous pictures, and 3 cheers for a man willing to give up his hair for sick children!!!

Simply AnonyMom said...

Lovely post for your beautiful wife, thanks for sharing.

Upstatemamma said...

That is an absolutely beautiful post.

Misty Rice said...

Awe....what a sweet post and wow those wedding pictures look taken from a catalog. What a beautiful couple. I checked out the new hair (or not so much hair).. not bad. In fact I think that is really BEAUTIFUL.

Thanks for posting here today!

God Bless.

Elyse said...

Jay, you so touched my heart today. Thanks for guest posting :)

Ronda's Rants said...

Such a beautiful wedding...
I love weddings...my son and his future bride marry in November!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

jay is one of my favs...now that i see how much he loves deb, it makes me smile!

Unknown said...

Beautiful post, Jay! When you originally pledged to shave your head, I mentioned it in my own Tuesday Tribute to my dad who died of cancer, and my other dad who raised me. Someone thought I was shaving MY head. So because of that, I feel a little kinship to you. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

what a sweet post. the wedding pictures are incredible! thanks for sharing!

Stu Pidasso said...

How are us frogs ever gonna get kissed if we have to compete with princes who turn into princes when kissed??

Nice post, Jay. If that doesn't schmooz the missus, not much will.

And Happy Anniversary!

Natalie said...

Jay is one of my faves! He's so sweet & honest. I love reading his witty posts each day.

Alicia W. said...

Ok, that just totally gave me chills! So beautiful and makes me thing of my own special day. Great post Jay! Have a great day and happy anniversary!!!!!

April said...

That gave me goosebumps...what an awesome love story! I think I got even more goosebumps reading about what he's doing for the sake of sick children! INCREDIBLE!

Kathy B! said...

What an awesome hubby! You need to call MY hubby and give home a couple pointers in the rmance department :)

And kudos to you for you support for cancer. YOU ROCK!

Laura said...

What a wonderful post! I love reading your blog Jay. Wink.

Poetry Sue said...

AWWWWW... you guys are soo cute! now I want to get married! dang it

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

awwwwww so sweet! I must go check out your shaved head now. :)

Amy said...

What a great love story.

Emily said...

I LOVE this post... sooo cute!! Ur wife is beautiful and heck ya to you shaving ur head!!

Sarah said...

Very sweet post ~ thanks for asking for a love story Angie!

T Rex Mom said...

Great tribute!

Allison said...

great post, Jay! gorgeous pics!

Sharon said...

What a great post! And what a lucky woman your wife is...we always need to hear that we're loved. :-)


What a beautiful homage to your beautiful wife!

Grace said...

love it love it love it!

girlytwins said...

My teeth hurt after reading this uber sweet story. What a great TT.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

Hey Jay! You get AROUND!! Ha!

Glad to see you in several places..!

brunger bunch said...

What a great and sweet post. You should both feel very lucky to have each other..your a beautiful couple.

Casey's trio said...

What a beautiful post! I will definitely swing by your blog and check out the St. Baldrick's post. And I almost forgot, Happy Anniversary:)

koopermom said...

Awwwwwwhhhh!! Lovely tribute!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Just beautiful! All of it! And now I go to check out the bald head. What an awesome thing to do!!!!

Anonymous said...


Aunt Julie said...

Love the snaps...what a sweet post!

Skoots1moM said...

great post...
i have a sunday school friend who shaves her head yearly with her 2 sons for the same thing!
thx 4 sharing

Susie said...

What a great tribute:-)

Aubrey said...

Loved it! What a sweet post from what sounds like a sweet man! It was nice "meeting" you today!

Michelle said...

Jay Rocks!

Julie@My5monkeys said...

what a beautiful story of romance. Its nice to see a man blog. happy anniversary.

Rhonda said...

I tell you, as a part time wedding photographer, I have seen my share of horrible wedding parties. They totally suck!!

Great story though! You two are beautiful together!

Kathleen W. said...

Your photos are so great! The black and white is so elegant, and you and your wife look great together.

And I really admire your commitment to St. Baldricks.

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness, a beautifully moving story and fabulous photos!

Kimberly said...

Awww! So sweet! I love this.

Keri said...

This is beautiful Jay! And the photos... gorgeous! Will be checking out that bald head of yours. What a great cause!

Honey Mommy said...

Look at the two of you! How sweet is that?

debi9kids said...

So glad to see you over here too, Jay!

Swirl Girl said...

you are so sweet ...and not only for the lovely tribute to your wife, but also for what you're doing for cancer research.

Tim said...

Great job brother! Love reading your posts!

Love and Prayers,


Ash said...

He's such a great dude.

Jenners said...

Good job, Jay. And even thought I don't actually know you except via your blog, you really hit the jackpot in the marriage business. Your wife is gorgeous!

Carebear said...

Awwww.... lovely post! Perfect timing. You should link this up over at http://marcywrites.com/2009/03/23/proposal-20is-it-you/, where they're featuring love stories this week in honor of the first Blog-Proposal.

scrappysue said...

happy anniversary - she's a lucky lady

Rachael Schirano \\ Rachael Schirano Photography said...

what stunning pictures, happy anniversary {all be it a bit late}

Mark and Kiss said...

I love it! Very sweet. I also love that you are not vain and willing to shave your head for a good cause.

Anne said...

bald's not bad!

tiarastantrums said...

such a lovely tribute!