You're very smart (and you know it), but you don't often showcase your brilliance.
Instead, you carefully construct your arguments, ideas, and theories รข€“ until they are bulletproof.
You see your words as an expression of yourself, and you are careful not to waste them.
You friends see you as enlightened, logical, and shrewd.
(But what you're saying often goes right over their heads.)
You excel in: The Arts
You get along best with: The ColonWhat Punctuation Mark Are You?
Hi Angie,
Its funny how they got this idea. I took the quiz myself and I also got semi-colon. I was looking at the result blankly but hey, that's the fun of taking online quiz. :)
Anyway, I was looking at your profile and it definitely caught my attention. I always want to have twins. Though my husband is really scared at the idea of having one.
Well once you read the description I think it describes you very nicely.
Opps thats me. Lindsey must have been signed in.
I'm the question mark. :)
You need to change your link around a bit. It should read (under the "edit html" tab):
<a href="http://www.blogthings.com/whatpunctuationmarkareyouquiz">What Punctuation Mark Are You?</a>
I'm still waiting for the post regarding the poll. I believe your readers are most interested in your alternate choice of religion? Studying up on Buddhism?
I'm with you, semi-colon. After reading the description though I don't think it sounds so bad.
well put!
I'm an explanation point. Seems fitting. I'm ok with it.
very fun one, i think i am the exclamation point.
email me your address, to collect your prize!
and i wonder how many wards there are in your area? i have a friend that lives in your same city.
I am a colon- how boring! Ah well, it says I get along best with the semi colon!
Well I guess that is why we get along. I am a colon. Although with their reasoning I think I missed the "mark" pardon the pun. However, they seemed to have pegged you.
I'm a dash. Chris is an exclamation point. Right on for him, not for me. Though we do get along best with each other.
I am a coma, but I must admit that it does not really sound like me.?
Who comes up with these crazy tests? I have a good time taking these tests. Thanks for sharing, I'll have to give this one a shot.
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