The best part of the story is that he keeps his wallet in his underwear drawer, and I've opened and closed that drawer about 120 times, passing my hand over the wallet at least twice a day since it happened, never bothering to look inside.
Garrett did not get in trouble. It was my fault completely. What did happen is that Emma found the money and when I saw it I grabbed both Emma and Garrett and did a happy dance. Twice.
That money burned a hole right through my pocket and is now gas fumes. It took us 1800 miles though, and the mini vacation was well worth it. Those details are to come. Right now I have mounds and mounds of laundry to finish.
I am so glad that Garrett did not get in trouble. It is a much happier story than thinking someone took money from mommy's purse and hid it for themself.
I hope you had a nice time on your mini vacation.
That is so cute...I figured it was one of the boys, and they are too young to realize what it was....that is AWESOME!!! And it got you somewhere fun!!
All I have to say what a responsible little guy! I think I should put my money in my underwear drawer. Maybe it would stay there for weeks too. So glad you found it and no one got in trouble.
Let's pretend we are having a laundry party since I am doing the same thing. Doing it together would make a wholelot more fun!
I can't wait to hear about your mini VaCa! Love that G put the money in spiderman. Ahh boys.
Sorry I meant Superman. Not sure where spiderman came from. Oh well. So yeah for Clark Kent!
Ack! Could you hand me $500 in cash soon? ;) I'm glad you found it. Good thing Garrett didn't go for a little shoppin spree, huh?
Glad you went on a mini vacation:)..I love moments where the happy dance is necessary. That was definitely one of them!
♡ At least he kept it nice and safe all this time! :) My kids probably would have colored on it and tore it up! :)
OMG Angie! That is great news! I am so glad its found. What a cutie sticking that cash in his little wallet so neatly. So cute!
Yay!!! Finding stuff is the best feeling EVER!! How long had it been missing. 500 DOLLARS!!!! I don't think I'd sleep at night if I knew 500 dollars was lost.
Our electricity would probably get turned off. Congratualtions!!
Oh, no, that makes me want to scream. Both the losing and the finding. Yikes! Talk about stressfull! Glad about the happy ending though!
Hooray! Nothing better than finding lost money! Sounds like you put it to good use!
That is adorable. Man if I were Garrett I would have definitely gone SHOPPING. But I am glad to hear he was more responsible than I am!
so, so funny! i love that it was sitting there the whole time. exactly something that would happen to me :)
glad to hear you put it to good use and took a mini-vaca!
you didn't miss anything, it was mostly off the blog. there were some people thinking i was going over the deep end because i posted about negative things. and then the fallout from that article...oh my!
I love that you found it.
I hate that that is how much the gas on your whirlwind trip cost you.
I hate that you have lots of laundry.
But I love that mine is done!
what a great story :)
and what a cool wallet!
can't wait to hear about the mini vaca!!
Yeah!! We love happy dances around here! Your find came at a perfect time - fuel for your getaway!
Gotta love mummy brain ha ha. I'm so glad it turned up and woohoo to a mini vaca. Can't wait to hear all about it.
That's great. Man a big phew going on there. Now I still don't understand what the money went on though.
that's how hard being a woman. they said women are good in multi-tasking (such as washing while gossiping)
but still some things slip away...
thank God garret kept it well!
I'd be doing the happy dance too! Can't wait to hear about how you spent the money.
Way to go Garrett! Can't wait to hear about your mini-trip:)
Doh! I looked in my underwear drawer and there wasn't even a single dollar! Some people have all the luck. I never believed in the underwear fairy though so I guess I got what was coming to me.
WHOOHOO happy dance for sure! love that it was a dollar bin wallet no less? safe in his drawer! AWESOME!
once i lost a 100 bill, it was discovered in my daughters moneybox, and quickly turned into clothes at Gymboree. back in the height of my addiction!
WHOOHOO for finding the money at just the right time!
I like happy dances!! I LOVE finding missing money!! I also love the fact that you are sensitive and sweet and saw the good and the humorous through all of it--AND you got to burn it to make new memories of something priceless.
You have one rockin' circus!!!whoohoo!
Yay, so glad you found it!
Whew, what a relief! That's a lot of money to go missing.
My six year old grabs up any money he sees lying around. I've lost more money that way.
I had a similar incident with keys today. I apparently handed them to my older son, didn't remember doing that, then he gave em back to me and I have no idea where I put them. Eventually found them. Moms, we loose our brains occasionally. Just so much going on in there. hehe
Holy cow! I would have been FREAKING! SO glad that it was found!
Oh I am so glad you found that money!!!! Yay for you!
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