Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-Animal Incidents

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button (below and on the left) or simply hyperlink to my site, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

Grab My Button


You know how some weeks are just weird?

Last week was one of them.

It was abnormal in that we had some (plural) "animal" incidents.

First, we had a whole slew of baby lizards hatch. I think they hatch, anyway. However they come to be, we woke up one morning and there were a bunch of baby lizards outside. The weird part is that suddenly my kids wanted to hold-and-touch-and-keep-for-pets these baby lizards.

And then, I walked down my hallway and found a little bit of the outside, in. And, let me tell you....wild birds are not the easiest critters to politely ask to leave. That bird hung out for far too long before Jeff got home and got him/her out. My attempts were fruitless.

I'm done with wild critters. I don't want a lizard for a pet, and if a bird never flies into my house again, I won't complain.
So, here's to a new week. With no animal incidents involved.


Muthering Heights said...

Wow, those lizards are so tiny and cute!!!


LifeAtTheCircus.com said...

Wow! What a week! I bet you'll be talking about the time the wild bird flew in your house for years to come!

tammy said...

EW!!! I d/n do critters very well. Thankfully neither do my girls:)


Genny said...

We've had some bird adventures here too, but no wild ones in our house!

Too funny.

Momisodes said...

WOW! Baby lizards. At least they eat bugs :)

Sounds like you had quite a few unwelcome guests. Hope this week will be critter free.

Serendipity is Sweet said...

Wow, that's just craziness. My kids would love it! Cute lizards :D

Happy said...

A bird would definetely freak me out! Here's to a much calmer, animal free week!


Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

Haha we have orange lizards everywhere from all the rain these days


tiarastantrums said...

oh you poor thing- I hope the bird didn't make a mess in your house!!


Honey Mommy said...

Wow! It really is a circus at your house!

Anybody seen Mr. Linky?


Halftime Lessons said...

Happy WW Angie!! Yeah, birds are a bit tough to "ask" to leave!!

My WW Post

Christine said...

Boys = Critters. Plain and simple! LOL


~Sandy~ said...

it's like a real life zoo! the bird in the house just tops it all off...lol!!! have a great week


It Feels Like Chaos said...

I don't blame you one bit for not being excited about the bird visitor! That would freak me out!


Danielle said...

So cute! My WW goes right along with mine! Except mine is not in the house!

Unknown said...

Really? A bird in the house? Wow!

Here's my post! http://1momof5.blogspot.com/2009/08/what-little-boys-dreams-are-made-of.html

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

My post is here...


The birds in the house!?! Crazy stuff! I once had a bat in my room when I was growing up. I almost passed out, and spent much of the night hidden under the blankets to avoid it!

Melissa said...

Oh those baby lizards are so cute.
Maybe it's because I have a new born though and am all baby crazy at the moment.
I can't believe that bird flew into your house.
That's amazing.
Did it poop anywhere?
I hope not.

Jocasta said...

Mr Linky, Mr Linky - where are you Mr Linky!

Emilie said...

How fun! Great pictures! Happy ww!


McClure Family said...

wow! critter full week!!


Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Holy cow!! Craziness! But oh.. to have those floors, honey. Can I move in now?? :)


Rhonda said...

Hungry Carpenter Ants.
In My House.

I think I'd rather have birds.
Except that their poop is bigger. lol


Happy said...

I think your bird flew away with Mr. Linky!

More Than Words said...

Oh my gosh..my friend left her bathroom window open all day and when they went inside the bathroom, there was a squirrel in there.

My WW link is:


Lady Di said...

Those were cool pictures. Happy Wordful Wednesday. Mine WW is about a little girl and her daddy.


Krisha said...

we had a baby gecko in our house the other morning! Not sure how that happened.... Luckily, we didn't have a hard time catching it.

Krisha said...

Here's my link: Wordless Wednesday

Jennifer said...

What's funny is, I like birds, really, I do. But the thought of having a bird in my house creeps me out. I can't think too long about it before I start to get the heebie jeebies. ;-)

jenn said...

The lizard is so tiny. Very cool in a picture, but it would creep me out if I saw it in person. I'm not a reptile person. (And lizards are always getting into our office building at work. Eek!)

Joy said...

Those lizards are kinda cute in a creepy cold blooded sort of way.

Happy WW!

Kristina P. said...

Even baby lizards creep me out.

Kim said...

Oh my goodness.. they are sooo cute.. but I am glad my four year old is sleeping so he doesn't get any ideas!! (I would be too afraid!) :)

Threeundertwo said...

Those lizards are cute! I have an animal-themed post this week too.

Jennifer said...

Cute and so tiny! I love it. Happy WW! http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/08/amish-can-bake-wordless-and-wordful.html

debi9kids said...

Those lizards are so cute! i can't believe how little they are! WOW!

And, as for the bird... we have had that too and I'll tell you what, I'll take that over the darn BATS that keep getting into my home. UGH!

Happy WW!

Sara Elizabeth said...

That is the cutest little frog/lizard I have ever seen. As for the bird . . . wow! Happy WW :o)

Colette S said...

I agree. no birds or lizards!

*shiver* @ lizards :)

Here's to a new week. lol (I'm reading the comments)

cat said...

Those lizards are really cute! I can see why they would like to keep them.

Run DMT said...

My oldest daughter loves to catch lizards. I discovered a baby lizard in her room the other day. Yuck. Happy WW!

When you visit for WW, be sure to check out my giveaways.

Anonymous said...

those are really little lizards. I had a squirrel in my fireplace once.

Liz Mays said...

Ewwwww....not inside!

Theta Mom said...

I would be done with wild critters, too!!! Happy WW!

Tina said...

that is so sweet. i would be scared of accidently squeezing them too hard!!

Lianna Knight said...

All of my lizards are HUGE around here in Florida....that one was so tiny tiny :)

Unknown said...

I agree with a previous comment: I don't do critters/creatures very well, at least not on purpose. They're always around, though.

Nina said...

I am so not a fan of critters especially in my house. The lizards did look pretty cool but that would be as far as that goes.

Nicole said...

What a teeny lizard! And as for the wild bird , I've had one in the house previously and it creeped the heck out of me!

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

My daughter loves little critters! She would have been thrilled!

Staci said...

Wow! That is the smallest lizard I have ever seen!!! Birds scare me!

Scary Mommy said...

I am always afraid of letting a bird into my house. I have horrible memories of a bat getting in my home when I was two and scaring us all to death!!

Jen said...

Oh wow, that is weird. I can't believe that you got a bird in your house. How did you get it out. I bet that is a great story.


That little lizard sort of melts my heart but a bird in the house? No thanks!

Susan Holt Simpson said...

The lizards are adorable! We keep a couple of 10 gallon tanks that the boys can "make a home" in for creatures they find.

The tanks have to stay outside, though!

If I Could Escape . . . said...

Oh my goodness . . . they're kinda cute! Happy WW to you!

Ms. Latina said...

The lizards were so cute but I def. would have freaked out with the bird!

Anonymous said...

Did you inadvertently move into a wildlife refuge or something honey?

We had a bird in our basement last week and the thing is, there is NO WAY he could have gotten in. But he did.

carrhop said...

We had a raccoon incident a few years back--as in, 4 little raccoons decided that my garage was the ultimate hideaway.


Hootin' Anni said...

I love it!!! I've seen 'wild' birds in stores a lot...but none in a home. LOL

So, that brings me to the inevitable question: "How much bird doo doo was there, really?"

My Wordful is all about a 'broken heart' this week. Something I found walking downtown in a construction sight that is....

Come join me.

Kiki said...

Wow! Those are the cutest little lizards I have ever seen. I think you should keep a few. We once had a bird trapped in the fireplace chute. It died. Not sure if I would want one as a pet either. Happy WW and take care.

I am Harriet said...

I've had birds fly into my house. I think they are as freaked out as I am.
Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Kristin said...

That is too funny because I had animal pictures I was going to post myself, I have a bunch! But, I went with something my daughter did and will save the animal pix for next week. There will probably be more by then!

Erin @ Furry Murray said...

Awww, the lizards are too cute!! And birds are such a pain in the house/garage. I'm always afraid they're going to mess on my head! :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

Princess Nagger wants to get a pet lizard...but I say 'no thanks'. ;) I would have been a tad freaked out having a wild bird fly into the house - they are tough to get out again! :) Happy WW!

Kristen Andrews said...

cool outside but not in, lizards are cool though.

Maude Lynn said...

I've had a couple of bird incidents. They are hard to get out of the house!

Amy said...

Wow, I thought I was up early this morning. . .there are a lot of Wordful Wednesday links today. I love these pictures. . .as long as the lizards and birds aren't at my house. LOL.

confused homemaker said...

my kids are all about toads and frogs, they just love them (so they say). we have also had birds in the house before, fun times.

Frugal Fritzie said...

Aww, what a itty bitty lizard! And we had a bird in our house when I was a kid, it was big drama getting that poor little feller back outdoors lol

Lula! said...

You know what Heather says about birds..."They'll poke your eyes out!"


Lizards would probably poke 'em out, too.

I've missed you...

Aunt Julie said...

Those baby lizards are darn cute! Don't know about the outside bird inside, though...

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Oh my kids would have been laughing their butt off about the bird inside the house.
Too funny.

TheAtticGirl said...

Wow, those lizards are too cute! And the bird running through the house, too funny!

Justine said...

Aw, the lizards are too damn cute, Angie! Did you see the one I posted on my blog days ago? he was on Madison's arm and actually crawled into her hair. Too cute!

How the hell did the bird get in the house in the first place?

Justine :o )

April said...

ick! my 2yo loves to bring random critters in the house. why why whyyyyyy? LOL


Casey's trio said...

The baby lizards are kinda cute...I could do without the bird in the house though! You probably got some good kid entertainment out of those incidents though!

Lori said...

A friend of a friend discovered that what they thought were squirrels in their attic were about 300 bats. I would have moved out immediately!

They had some specialists come out and now their home is bat free. But still...creeeeeeppppyyy!

I am pretty sure I would still have moved!

Cheeky Monkey said...

The only bird that ever came in my house met it's maker due to a dog that was a tad faster than I am! Yikes! We had a baby owl in our back yard yesterday, but because I don't have a grovy camera the pics didn't come out that great. Happy WW!

robin said...

oh my goodness... so tiny! those are probably the only kinds of lizards that don't freak me out! they're really cute!

supahmommy- somethin's wrong with that girl said...

ewwww and double ewww..

do they not have TAILS?





Michelle said...

I have a cat and dogs.....they love bringing in friends to visit!!!!

Suzy said...

Wow! It's like Wild Kingdom over there!

Here's to a new critter-free week!

Susie said...

Yeah, I am not a big fan of wild animals as pets. I like to view them where they belong...in the wild. Great pictures:-)

Nicole said...


My cat brought a mouse into the house last night. I yelled at him to take it back outside and to my surprise he did!!! He wasone lucky cat. Although I did have to pick the poor dead thing up off of the patio this morning. Eeeewww.

Better luck with the critters this week!

Leslie said...

That little lizzy "almost" looks kinda cute!

BookLady said...

Awwww, I think baby lizards are cute! :)

Unknown said...

I love the photos but the critter in the house? Not so much.

T Rex Mom said...

It makes me laugh that you are getting so many wild critters living in the city. I would have thought the opposite. At least the kids thought the lizard babies were great!

Molly said...

The tiny lizards are adorable!
I would totally go crazy if a bird got in my house. We had one on our porch last weekend that kept flying frantically around us, and I was freaked out!

Mom Knows Everything said...

Awwww...the baby lizard is so cute!!!

Megan said...

That's hilarious! I can definitely say that I've never had that {either thing} happen. Haha!

Heather said...

We have an affinity for baby lizards as well. We tried keeping one once and he did live for quite some time. The bird would have sent me packing.

ParentingPink said...

Love the critters! Reminds me of my house! LOL

girlytwins said...

I think I would have been ok with the baby lizards but definitely not with the bird in my house :)

Sarah J. said...

Come see some cute tutus!!! Not to mention the cute girls in them. :)

Melissa said...

Oh my.... my boys (and girl) do the same thing... they want to catch and keep everything!!!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Oh no. I do not do critters either.

Steph at Problem Solvin' Mom said...

Oh wow, those lizards are adorable but I'm sure that bird was not a happy camper (or you either, so glad you managed to get it out eventually!)

Anonymous said...

Cute lizards, but still...ewww...no thanks!

Salty Incisor said...

I loved this post. Kids do get fascinated with stuff. I currently have a bucket of grasshopers and jars everywhere with alive or half dead or dead insects. And of course the mice outside we poisoned in our windowells they just loved watching them die. Uh oh! Glad you got the bird out. Birds do freak me out!

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I'm late... (technical difficulties today...) but my first post of what will probably need to be 17 total.. of the MEGA family road trip.. :)

Would you like a bat in your house? Or Squirrels roosting in your attic? Or a giant bigger than I ever want to see again in my life beetle called a STAG beetle?? I think your teeny tiny birdy is NOT a big deal.. could soooo be worse! :)

Live.Love.Eat said...

I get SUCH a kick out of things like this. l love seeing all the lizards around and saving them from inside the patio and saving the little tiny frogs from chlorine overload in the pool. But the bird, now that's not something I have ever encountered in the house.

Kathleen W. said...

Aahhgh! We had a bat in our bedroom one New Years Eve (messed up our plans, trying to get that thing out) and I was freaked out for a few night that it was going to get back in (it didn't). I love animals, but just not in my house (save for cats and dogs).

Sera said...

We actually had a couple lizards as pets, and my husband had one for a class pet in his classroom last year (he loves reptiles). I think the baby lizards are super cute, but I definitely prefer to look at them OUTside. And as for the wild bird - I think I would have left the house for the day! Freaky!

Marian said...

My parents once had a pigeon fly into their house. What a mess

Unknown said...

All creatures great and small feel welcome in your home.
Happy Twirls

Kathy B! said...

I hope the little bird-friend didn't poop anywhere! Bird poop is very acidic and etches wood and makes terrible stains on upholstery... Please don't ask how I know of such things!

Mama Fish said...

LOL! That was funny! I know I am way down on the comment list... but your wild bird reminded me of one that flew into our house. My husband was home, but I was still freaking out.

You wrote about that so calmly... I was shrieking because we had no way to keep him contained. He was in the kitchen, and I just hoped he didn't find his way upstairs! :-) Dh eventually directed him with a tennis racket, out the side door... (kind of like directing an airplane pulling in and out of a gate).

He didn't hit him I promise, though visions of badminton and a "birdy" did enter my mind. :-)

Sam_I_am said...

my mom had a hummingbird fly into her house. It took her an hour to get it back out. Those lizards are really cute though.

I'm Jamie said...

UGH! Lizards and birds! 2 of my least favorite creatures! Especially birds in the house... they are IMPOSSIBLE to get out! I'm hoping this week is less eventful in the animal sense for you :)

CC said...

No thanks to all of the above animals!

We just went camping and had a "screened" gazebo. The problem was that it kept all the bugs (and birds!) trapped INSIDE!! Never again.

Jenners said...

Oh...I don't DO lizards. And birds are really really hard to get out of the house. I had a hummingbird fly into my garage and he couldn't figure out how to fly out. He was totally panicked. I felt terrible.