If not, you are going to want to check the company out. Especially if you have little girls. All the products (nail polish and polish remover) for sale at Piggy Paint are non-toxic, odorless and kid-friendly.
Have I mentioned that they have really cute polish colors? Or that the Piggy nail polish wears just like regular polish? Plus, The Piggy Paint polish remover removes nail polish every bit as effectively as toxic polish removers, without the chemical smell and taste. Additionally, Piggy Paint uses 100% reused peanuts from their local community to ship their products!
You can find Piggy Paint featured on People.com's Celebrity Baby Blog, & Safbaby.com. They also just attended and worked Tori Spelling’s daughter's first birthday party and will be featured on their reality show.
If you'd like to win a $20 e-gift card to Piggy Paint, run on over and check out their site. Come back and tell me what is most appealing to you about the products offered by Piggy Paint. If you'd like an extra entry, Tweet this giveaway and be sure to let me know that you have done so. Follow me on Twitter for a third entry. Want more entries? Get creative and tell me about it. Piggy Paint ships worldwide, so the contest is open to all readers. Contest ends August 13th at 12:00 P.M. PST.
If giveaways are not your thing, then use coupon code CIRCUS15L (expires September 15, 2009) for 15% off on anything on their website, including sale items. Spend over $25 and domestic shipping is FREE!
I love that it's nontoxic! And no oder is even better :o) The names are so cute ... "Mac-n-Cheese Pplease" ! Adoable.
Seriously...are there people who don't like to win stuff? I hope not because if there are then I'm possibly a very sick person b/c I LOVE to win stuff! Anyway, I like that Piggy Paint dries hard. I hate it when the kids waste tons of time painting only to have their work of art flake off on my kitchen floor. Plus the non-toxic thing is awesome b/c I'd bet my pinky toe that #3 will try to eat it. Everything has to go thru a taste test with that kid!
tweeted http://twitter.com/willsmama09/status/3176395033
I follow you on twitter :o)
No odor or toxins is a major plus.
info [AT] bombaycreative.com
Nontoxic is a must! I've seen this on other blogs but never really looked into it. Now I will!
I follow you on twitter. :)
Love the bright colors. My girls would love these.
Love, love, LOVE this!!! I love that there is no odor, especially since my daughter is constantly wanting to paint her nails!
How fun!!
So I'm following you and I tweeted it! My baby girl will be so happy if I win! :)
So cute!! I love the little bottles. My daughter would love them! And it would make me feel better about the chance that my youngest daughter might get a hold of them and paint her entire body!!
How fun! What a great idea!
I love that the polish is odorless!
I don't mind the smell of polish so much...but odor free remover?? Sign me up! =)
I love that you don't have to worry about it's toxicity. Cuz I (oops! I mean my daughter) have a tendency to bite....
I follow on twitter: speech_hero
tweet: http://twitter.com/speech_hero/status/3188030715
Ooh girl, I just went over for a look. First of all, the site is adorable. I love pigs. Second, I LOVE the names of each nail polish color. Too cute! I want some!
Justine :o )
I have been wanting to win some of this great stuff since I have seen it. I have not yet. Maybe I can now. Have a great day.
What a cute idea! Fun, fun!
My daughter has a fit whenever I paint my nails, so I have to wait for naptime! Then she paints her with her markers, anyway!
I love the name: Piggy Paint! I love that it's nontoxic. And I love all the vibrant colors. What's not to love?
I've got 30 little piggies over here who would love to get painted with non-toxic polish! I like their Fight breast-cancer gift pack.
I've heard of Piggy Paint and my daughter absolutely loves it! What I really fell in love w/was the fact that it was non-toxic and odor-free. Until I discovered this polish, her desire for nail painting was met w/a no because I didn't want to introduce her to the toxins at such a young age. I am also happy that Melanie was able to create a safe polish remover.
I love that they are safer, the polish as well as the remover. I'm loving that Magenta shade.
And I already follow you on Twitter!
I love that they are safe to use, great for those children that suck on fingers!!
I love that its not toxic for kids, cant get any better then that!
sweetbabycakesnmore @ yahoo
tweeted - SweetBabyGifts7 clown circus - Piggy Paint Giveaway - http://bit.ly/tRjj6
sweetbabycakesnmore @ yahoo
asked permission to follow you on twitter - sweetbabygifts
sweetbabycakesnmore @ yahoo
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