Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wordful Wednesday-Best Friends

*Wordful Wednesday is for those of us that like to showcase a photo(s) but that just can't seem keep our mouths shut about it(them). If you'd like to play along, post a photo on your blog, and let the words roll. Feel free to "capture" my 7 Clown Circus button on the left to link back to me, and be sure to add yourself to Mr. Linky. Thanks for playing along!

One of the hardest parts about leaving Oregon for all of us was leaving friends behind.

Emma, especially had a hard time saying goodbye, so when one of her best friends from the neighborhood came to California on vacation, we jumped at the chance to visit.

How sweet it was to witness their joyous reunion.

I think some friendships are meant to last forever.


Unknown said...

Aw, look at them, you can just see how very happy they are. What a wonderful friendship! : )

Julie said...

SO precious! Nothing like best friends!

scrappysue said...

well, that's a first (so to speak!!!) that photo is gorgeous. the joy is all over their faces.

Liz {Learning To Juggle} said...

So sweet!!

Kacey said...

Aaaah! I love it! So sweet!

Cristin said...

Awwww... so sweet... I hope it's a lifelong friendship!

Momisodes said...

Oh that is just precious. Their faces say it all :)

tiarastantrums said...

aww - that is super sweet - I want to move just to visit old friends!! (I am serious about moving - I so want to move to CA!!)

scrappysue said...

ok, so i wasn't first, but i swear my name was the only one there!!!

Live.Love.Eat said...

That is so cool they got to visit not long after having to say goodbye. I do hope they're friends for life, it sure is doable. I wonder at their age, do they write letters now that email is such a big thing. I used to love writing actual letters to all my friends!

Jennifer said...

Aaawww what a precious photo.

jenn said...

That is so sweet. We should all have a friendship like that.

debi9kids said...

What a beautiful photo and I so completely agree!
My bf and I have been friends since the second grade, when her family moved away from NJ to live in Utah!

Happy WW!

Are You Serious! said...

♥ What a cute picture! :)

Sera said...

That is so precious. You can just see the joy beaming from their sweet little faces. I love it. :)

Mammatalk said...

That picture really captures the joy!

Rhonda said...

It's so sad to leave your friends, but those reunions are so sweet!! I'm glad they got to visit!

Simply AnonyMom said...

I was 14 when we moved away from my childhood home. I still remember the first reunion with long lost friends after the move. Great pic and I hope your daughter carries that feeling with her for a long time.

Keri said...

This picture is just darling! I love their smiles! Beautiful moment.

Jamie said...

So sweet! They look so happy to see each other.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

OH! That's just so sweet. What good friends.

Jill @ Sneaky Momma said...

Precious! That's awesome that they got to see each other again. :)

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

How wonderful that they got to see each other! they are so sweet together.

MOMMY-MOMO said...

That is so sweet! Moving away from friends is no fun :(

Casey's trio said...

What a sweeet moment you captured! There certainly is nothing better than a girlfriend:)

Jocasta said...

That is so sweet - what a great moment.

It's hard leaving friends behind :(

Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

Oh how my children miss their friends, we hope to visit this summer! What great smiles! A magical WW to you.

Munchkins and Music said...

That is a really sweet picture. I still have a friend from when I was 9 years old, I agree with you when you say some friendships are meant to last forever. :)

Carla (Choosing His Joy) said...

Thanks for the sweet comment last week....I love participating in this because I dont think wordless is in my vocabulary : ) Have a great rest of your week!

Cecily R said...

Oh, I think you're right...they're adorable together!!!

Jessica said...

That is so sweet. They look like they could be sisters.

Sara Elizabeth said...

They are so cute. They look very happy together.

This is my first time participating in your WW meme. Thanks for offering this for us. I thought I was the only one who couldn't keep my WW posts Wordless. I made a title for my WW's that says, "Mostly Wordless Wednesday," for that reason. hehe

Melissa said...

Love it!!

Sara Elizabeth said...

OOps. For some reason my linky sign is to a book review I did. Feel free to edit my linky sign link to just my blog url, minus the blog review info. in the url. Sorry about that.

Scary Mommy said...

So very sweet!!! I'm still best friends with my childhood bff. :)

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

That is so sweet! My BFF has been my BFF for 20 years now. =)

More Than Words said...

Oh how cute! What a blessing they got to see each other again!!

More Than Words said...

Hi Angie! Would you mind adding my info to Mr. Linky? I'm not able to do it on my end. Thank you so much!! Alicia

Becky said...

Very cute! I can feel the joy.

Anonymous said...

There is some serious happiness in that photo. That's wonderful they had the chance to see each other!

cat said...

Oh that is so sweet! My hubby has a close friendship that's been running for 32 years! (Since they've been 3)

Anonymous said...

I think I've said this before, but it's true........love the hair color. And would you LOOK at those wonderful smiles? Awesome photo.

Mine is all about sisters today. Come by, won't you?

carrhop said...

So so glad they were able to see each other--and you're right--there are those friendships that outlast the miles...


Unknown said...

That is a really great photo. The girls clearly love and miss each other.

April said...

That picture speaks volumes about true and lasting friendship!

Jen said...

that is the sweetest picture. How cool to get to see a friend again.

Jenni said...

Very sweet!!!

Nina said...

That is so cute!!! I think you are right and some are ment to last forever. My son left a preschool and left behind a lot of friends but we still try really hard to make sure they get to play together.

Anonymous said...

Awww. Some friends are like family. No matter how many miles or how much time separates, you will always be close at heart.

Unknown said...

A good friend is hard to beat! I love it! Very sweet picture and wonderful reminder for all of us!

Ronda's Rants said...

That is precious! Such pretty girls.

Cupcake Dessert said...

so cute!! they are precious!!

Abby said...

That is so sweet!

Lori said...

What a sweet picture!

Kathleen W. said...

That's so sweet! And I still have some friendships from girlhood, despite the distance. Hope they keep in touch!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love the friends...friends can make the world a much easier and more fun place!

Sarah J. said...

I moved a lot when I was little. It was REALLY hard for me to leave my friends. Friends are everything at that young age! But you always cherish the memories.

Stacy Uncorked said...

What a wonderful photo! So glad they got to visit...you're right some friendships are meant to last forever. :)

Anonymous said...

what a sweet photo!

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

That's sweet! Love it!

Ash said...

I love childhood friendships. So pure. Fantastic shot!!

lmt1073 said...

What cuties!

annies home said...

my daughter and her best friend were like this and even though they are miles apart they are still connected

Lindsay said...

Nothing beats a wonderful bestest friend!

Joy said...

Look how excited they look. Isn't it great to see your child with a great friend and how much enjoyment they get out of being together?

Tim said...

AWWWWW Ang, that is toooo sweet.

Love and Prayers,


Amy said...

What a sweet picture. We sure love our friends.

Anonymous said...

Aww, they are too cute together .. how nice that they got to see each other again!

Patois42 said...

How lucky they are to see each other!

Simply Sara said...

Their faces just say it all: Complete JOY!

So sweet :)

Nicole said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shala said...

Both of the girls are adorable. It's great that they have such a wonderful friendship, ever girl young and old needs a good friend that they can count on!

T Rex Mom said...

Great photo - I recently connected with by childhood friend - it had only been 20 years! But it still feels like yesterday. Looks like the girls had a wonderful reunion. Thanks for sharing.

Missy said...

Everyone needs a friendship that can pick up right where it left off no matter the distance.

Very sweet.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

That is the sweetest picture ever!! awwwwww.

Allison said...

How sweet! A friend of mine moved away when we were in the 2nd grade and we have stayed in touch ever since!

Alicia W. said...

Those are moments they will remember forever! Great pic!

Shannon said...

Thanks for creating the wordful Wednesday! I am new to blog-land and love participating! The girls are beautiful!

Gunnisac Sandersons said...

oh, I hope so. That is so sweet.

Honey Mommy said...

What a cute photo! There is nothing like your best childhood friend.

Kim said...

That is the most sweetest thing ever! I hope they stay friends forever!!!

Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

Late, but present!!
Happy WW!

Just a bit of the beauty I see when I drive around.

CC said...

that is so amazing:) Where in OR did you live?

Mrsbear said...

Aw, they look so genuinely delighted to see eachother. And they're color coordinated. ;) Happy Wednesday.

Brenda said...

I agree, friendship is forever. I sure have a lot of great friends helping me right now!

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture! What a blessing!

sassy stephanie said...

Aw. Sniff. This has been a hard thing for us, as well. Luckily, kids make fast friends.

Susie said...

They are so cute:-)

Kathy B! said...

I thought I better cuise on over here and find the original Wordful Wednesday host. What a great idea :) I can't post a picture without sharing why I thought it was special either.

And you daughters are so cute this could almost be wordless, as in too cute for words :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. Their smiles say it all.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture!

Natalie said...

oh i agree...some friendships are meant for forever! great picture.

girlytwins said...

That picture is precious. What a sweet reunion. I had a friend that I remained pen pals with for 15 years after we moved away :) I still hold her dear to my heart.

Susie said...

How sweet for you to capture such a touching reunion. Those smiles are priceless!

Cheffie-Mom said...

So sweet! Friends forever! (:

Jaime said...

Gorgeous pic! Love friendships like that!:)

AutoSysGene said...

Awe! How sweet are they!!

Maude Lynn said...

That is so, so cute!

Laurie said...

I love best friends! Great photo and awesome they got to reconnect.

Sorry I didn't play this week. Hopefully next week I will get back to blogging.

Sam_I_am said...

Awwwww, so exciting!

Nadia said...

Love that pic!

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Ahh so sweet, so glad she got to see her bud! :)

Kally said...

You are so right. Some people are just meant to stay friends forever. One of my dearest friends (we have been pals since we were 10) and I still keep in touch even though she is in OH & I am in OR.

Momma@Live. Laugh. Pull your hair out said...

What a fabulous picture!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

I hope their friendship does last the test of time:)

Tracy said...

almost didn't participate b/c I put a video on - but wanted to try to get ya a step closer to 150.
GREAT pic by the way -

Kristen Andrews said...

look how cute they are:) I sent you an email re: being featured.

Jaysi said...

That is so sweet. I think there are going to be a few difficult goodbyes around here as well!

Jean Stockdale said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I really love your carnival. Thanks for investing the time to host it. Blessings.

ParentingPink said...

What beautiful girls! Love the pic! Happy WW!

Mark and Kiss said...

Oh,my Angie! That is beautiful....reminds me, I need to call a childhood friend today! miss you.

Michelle said...

Ah, what a great picture. That would be tough leaving best friends.

Carebear said...

Awww... they look so happy to be together again! What a great moment!